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张琦 《初中生》2008,(5):124-125
1.An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. 早上一小时胜过晚上两小时.(一日之计在于晨.) 2.Footprints on the sand of time are not made by sitting down. 青史留名不是坐等来的.(光荣历史要用行动来书写.)  相似文献   

1、介词prep.在……里;在……中There is no cloud in the sky.晴空万里无云。2、介词prep.进;入Ray put his hand in the water.雷把手放进水中。3、介词prep.在;于(时间)Margaret started school in 1993.玛格丽特一九九三年开始上学。4、介词prep.在……(时间)以内I’ll be ready in an hour.我一小时以内准备好。  相似文献   

in,at和on是时间名词前常用的介词。下面就它们在时间名词前如何使用进行详细讲解: 一、固定搭配。例:in the morning/afternoon/evening,in the day=in the daytime,in the middle of the day,in time,in no time,in the night,in a minute,in the 21st century,in the past/last two years,in half an hour(在半小时之内/后),in the end,in one’s seven-  相似文献   

have lunch half an hour earlier today?今天中餐提前半小时吃有什么不方便的吗?B:Not in the least.完全可以(没有一点不方便的)。三、弄清not in the least在句中的位置not in the least不一定总是要单独用作答语,有时也可用于句子中间。如:She did not mind working late i  相似文献   

The giraffe is the tallest land animal.It is 5.5 metres tall.长颈鹿是最高的陆地动物。它有5.5米高。The tallest man in China is 2.36 metres tall.在中国最高的男人女人有2.36米高。The fastest plane is in the USA.It travels at 3,530km per hour.最快的飞机是在美国。它每小时行驶3,530千米。The biggest animals is the blue whale.It is 30 metres long and 150 tons.  相似文献   

一、一般将来时.如: We shall be back in an hour. 我们一个小时后回来. The afternoon the students of Class Five will go to visit the Science Museum. 今天下行五班学生将去参观自然科学博物馆.  相似文献   

wound, cover(the)这一习语的意思为“谈了(多少)内容”,“论及”,“提到”。1. I'll try to cover all the ground in the short speech of half an hour.我会尽量在半小时的短短演讲中,把有关的各方面都谈一谈。2. He talked for two hours without covering any new ground.他谈了两个多小时却没有任何新的见解。  相似文献   

It was 2:00 am. All the guests(旅客)in the Garde Hotel were asleep(睡着的)。夜班服务员John见离下班还有5个小时,就先把账结算好。  相似文献   

我们知道,arrive在指到达某一城市、国家等较大的地方时,后多接介词in,在指到达某一较小的地方时,后多接介词at。例如: When did they arrive in Beijing?他们什么时候到北京的? The delegation arrived in Shanghai on Wednesday.代表团星期三抵达上海。He arrived at the airport two hours late.他到达机场晚了两小时。They arrived at the village toward evening.天快黑时他们到了那村子。  相似文献   

1 in the end,at the end of,by the end ofin the end是“最后,终于”,后面不接宾语,相当于at last.例:We spent two hours doing our homework,inthe end we finished them.我们花了两个小时做家庭作业,最后全完成了.at the end of是“到……的尽头”,“到……的底”.例:Go along this way and at the end of the roadyou’ll find the nark.  相似文献   

1. He was the first to ____ the danger. A. spot B. recognize C. notice D. watch 2. The monument ____ a bird was built ____ the heroes who lost their lives in the war. A. in the shape of, in memory of B. in shape of, in memory of C. in the shape of, in the memory of D. in shape of, in the memory of 3. Every weekend, Mrs. Green asked her daughter to visit museum in order to ____ her interest in science. A. develop B. grow C. build D. make 4. A judge has the ____ to send a person into priso…  相似文献   

I play ball in the morning. I take a nap in the afternoon. I read storybooks in the evening. I read storybooks in the morning. I ride a bike in the afternoon. Then I watch TV in the evening. Story: Everyone is sitting on the floor with Miss Grant. They are talking about what they usually do on holidays. Phoebe raises her hand and says, "I read storybooks in the morning. I ride a  相似文献   

A:Do you notice the days changing length over the course of the year?B:Sure,it stays light later in the summer and gets dark earlier in the winter.A:No,that’s not it.I mean the whole day feels longer.B:I’m not sure that’s possible.Aren’t days always 24 hours long?A:你注意到了一年中每一天的长度都在改变吗?B:当然了,夏季白天更长,冬季天黑得更早。A:不,我不是说的这个。我的意思是整个一天的时间感觉变长了。B:我不太确定这是否可能。难道一天不是一直都是24个小时吗?  相似文献   

An experimental investigation is performed on side wall deformation at the pendant convective pass (PCP) in a 300 MW and a 600 MW utility boiler. The temperature distributions are measured on the side wall areas of the water-cooled wall, the PCP and the horizontal convective pass (HCP) in the two utility boilers. These experiments show that there are great temperature differences in the side wall areas during the startup process in both utility boilers. These temperature differences can reach 80-150 ~C with the side wall temperature in the PCP area higher than those in the water-cooled wall and the HCP. The highest temperature in the PCP is close to the flue gas side temperature at the same position in the horizontal flue gas pass. Thermal stress analyses are conducted in the side wall areas in the water-cooled wall, the PCP and the HCP with the software ANSYS. The results show that, at great temperature differences, the PCP side wall undergoes negative thermal stresses that exceed the yield strength causing deformation in the PCP side wall.  相似文献   

赵振宇 《海外英语》2013,(23):182-185
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is a world-famous masterpiece in children’s literature.The adventure stories in the novel deeply attract the child readers in different countries in the world.The use of puns in the work adds to its aesthetic value.In China,many scholars have translated it.The research topic is the application of Nida’s theory of functional equivalence in the pun translation in children’s literature work Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and the degree of equivalence in Wu Juntao’s translation.The person who does the research has read the original work and the translator Wu Juntao’s translation of this book,analyzed the translation of puns in the book,read the relevant journal articles on the theory of functional equivalence and thought about the academic views in them.On the basis of text reading,translation analysis and reference analysis,the following conclusion has been made:According to the basic points in the theory,in the work,Wu Juntao’s translation of the puns has basically achieved the equivalence between the original text and the target text in readers’responses,language style and language meaning.  相似文献   

Although postgraduate design education has existed in western countries for several centuries, it is still new in China, including Hong Kong and Macao. In the past, although postgraduate design education has been claimed available in some universities in China, nearly all of them are fine-art or engineering oriented. Only in the past few years, postgraduate design education with significant design research elements has been incorporated in the curricula. This paper briefly reviews the trends and development of design research in postgraduate design education in the western world. It then identifies the limitations and constraints of the postgraduate design education in China. Based on case studies in several universities in China, the paper attempts to identify the opportunities and then new trends of design research in postgraduate design education in China.  相似文献   

Not going to bed until you are tired. 直到感到累时再上床睡觉。 Setting a regular schedule (时刻表) to get up in the morn- ing, even on weekends. 早晨要按正常时间起床, 即 使周末也是如此。 Not napping( 打 盹) during the day.白天不要小睡。 Not watching TV, eating, or reading in bed. 不要在床上看电 视、吃东西或阅读书报。 Following the same bedtime rituals3 each night. 每晚睡前的老习惯不要随意更改。 Avoiding rigorous (剧烈的) exercise three hours before bedtime. 避免在就寝前 3 小时内做剧烈运动。 …  相似文献   

out cold口语中表示“失去知觉的,昏迷不醒的”。例如:Joe was hit in the headby the stone and was out cold for a few minutes.乔被石头击中了头,昏过去几分钟。I was out cold for a few hours so I didn't know whathappened later.我昏迷了几小时,所以我不知道后来发生了什么事情。  相似文献   

The family is changing in the United Statesas in many other countries in the world. Aboutfifty years ago,in the traditional(传统的)family,the father was boss.Now in modern family,boththe father and the mother are equal partners.  相似文献   

OCLC Online Computer Library Center, the largest library automation network in the world, links nearly 20,000 libraries in the Uaited States and 60 other countries and territories. Introducing a library automatian network of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean(CJK) characters in 1986, OCLC operates the largest CJK library network in the world in terms of the member of online CAK institutional asers. As of January 1, 1995, OCLC had 40 CJK users in the United States, Aastralia, Hong Kang and Taiwan. As of October 1, 1994, there were nearly 850, 000 unique CJK bibliographic records in the OCLC database. OCLC is interested in sharing the CJK bibliographic records, especially in loading CJK records created in Asia into the OCLC database. To this end, OCLC has entered into an agreement with the National Central Library, Taiwan; the National Library of China, and Waseda University, Japan, and is in negotiation to load the Japan-MARC records. Sharing of CJK bibliographic records between libraries in Asia and those in the United States is a complex task as the CJK records created in Asia and those created in the United States are not compatible. This paper explains the specifieatioas of the OCLC CJK records, and lists eight areas where the incompatibility exists. The following five areas of incompatibility are due to different cataloging practices: 1. AACR2; 2. name and subject authorities;3.romantzation; 4.subject headings; and 5.ctassification schemes. Three additional areas of incompatibility are technical in nature; 6.MARC format; 7.character set; and 8.internal code.  相似文献   

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