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首次对物理学体系进行潜科学分析,探讨了物理学体系的进化过程,分析了物理学在发展过程中两次大潜变的产生原因、主要阻力、潜变标志、潜变的作用和意义以及物理学各个发展时期的潜科学特征.  相似文献   

“潜科学”这一概念是1979年11月由中国学者首次提出的。潜科学是指处于研究过程中的科学,它具有不确定性和潜在性,与发展成熟、为社会公认的科学即“显科学”相对。潜科学包括理论潜科学与应用潜科学两个方面.但长期以来学者们偏重于理论潜科学的研究,忽略了应用潜科学的研究。1992年。作者在潜科学界首次提出了开展应用潜科学研究的问题,并且对应用潜科学的内涵、研究方法等学术问题都做了比较详细的阐述。  相似文献   

首次将潜科学引入编辑学的研究领域,提出了“潜科学与编辑学”交叉学科研究的新方向,着重探讨了编辑与学术期刊在科技成果由“潜”到“显”转化过程中的重大作用,以及编辑应具备的潜科学意识.  相似文献   

在电磁学教学中,渗透潜科学意识、潜科学精神、潜科学方法论和潜科学人才观的教育,是创新电磁学教学模式、教学内容和教学方法的一个窗口,对提高学生的科学素质具有潜移默化的功效  相似文献   

首次把潜科学用于物理教育,并作为“系统工程”来研究,构造了潜科学在物理教育中应用研究的理论体系框架.首次系统、全面的探讨了潜科学的科学教育功能;对物理学体系、学派、重大实验,进行潜科学分析,拓宽潜科学研究领域;对科学发现、技术发明、科学论争、科学失误的潜科学分析方法进行了系统的理论总结与升华.将潜科学引入编辑学研究领域,提出潜科学与编辑学的交叉学科研究新方向.开设“物理学的潜科学与分析”课程,创立了理论框架,出版了专著,把潜科学用于基础物理学各门课程的教学,更新了教学内容,改革了教学方法,在教改实践中独创性地给出一整套把潜科学融入课堂教学的理论与方法,并在数学、化学、生物学的教学中推广应用.在研究与实践中,通过对物理学体系、学派、发现、发明、蒙难、论争、实验、成败、伯乐、前沿的潜科学分析,集科学学、科学方法论、科学史、自然辩证法、人才学、逻辑学、社会学等为一体,有机地融于物理教学,开辟了全面培养学生的能力、提高学生整体素质的新途径.  相似文献   

徐明忠 《商丘师范学院学报》2007,23(6):128-128,F0003
简述了学术期刊的固有特性以及潜科学的基本含义,详细论述了学术期刊对“潜”、“显”科学的相互转化,科学新人才的培养,科学新思想的培育以及科学论争的倡导的潜科学功能.  相似文献   

郭玲 《物理教学探讨》2003,21(12):42-43,41
1 问题的提出重视科学探究的方法和精神贯穿于物理教材与教学过程之中,是课程改革与发展的重要内容之一,而科学探究的方法和精神是离不开科学探究的过程的。用什么样的理念来分析科学探究的过程呢?笔者以基本物理常数光速c为例,说明解决的办法之一就是应当注重运用“潜——渐显——显——渐潜……”的潜科学分析的理念。  相似文献   

潜科学作为一门新兴学科,对于科学的发展具有重要意义。把潜科学引入编辑学研究领域,对编辑活动进行潜科学分析,可以看出编辑活动的主体、编辑活动的过程、编辑活动的结果,都具有明显的潜科学性质。这一研究活动开辟了编辑学研究的新领域。  相似文献   

从潜科学分析理念出发,探讨了普朗克常数h的物理内涵和测量实验的系统进化过程及其创造性潜科学特征。  相似文献   

为讨论潜科学分析教学思想与大学物理教学的结合,以“卡诺循环”教学设计为例,阐述了潜科学分析思想在大学物理课件制作中的指导作用,为推进潜科学分析理念与大学物理教学的结合做出了努力。  相似文献   

Attention on P-20 science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education has increased tremendously in recent years. Many efforts are underway to promote STEM major and career selection across the nation; specifically, in engineering and computer science. The authors' purpose was to examine an underlying profile combinations of latent traits that influence student STEM career selection while designing serious educational games (SEGs). The authors combine a number of quantitative analysis methods in an effort to develop a rich understanding of how a profile combination of traits interact with one another to effect selection of STEM careers and majors. Study participants were 585 students enrolled in a full-time traditional high school. The addition of SEG design experiences into the student profile increases the probability of STEM career selection by 5.1 times.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to show how latent variable growth modeling can be utilized to examine change in students' attitudes toward science over the middle and high school years using data from the Longitudinal Study of American Youth (Miller, Hoffer, Suchner, Brown, & Nelson, 1992).The results of the present study show that students' attitudes toward science generally decline over the middle and high school years. Science self-concept was found to be the strongest predictor of attitudes toward science. Teacher encouragement of science and peer attitudes are also significant predictors of students' attitudes. The effect of the parent variable was found to be quite small and statistically nonsignificant, with the exception of the seventh grade. Boys were found to have higher initial status on attitudes toward science and their attitudes dropped faster than girls. Also it was found that students in metropolitan and rural schools have less positive attitudes toward science in the seventh grade compared to students in suburban schools. Latent variable growth modeling allows one to examine change in attitudes and also examine the effects of time-varying and time-invariant predictors. Substantive and methodological implications of this technique are also discussed.  相似文献   

试论设计性实验的潜科学特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合设计性实验的特点 ,阐述设计性实验的模糊性、创新性、待定性、高难性、反常性和趋显性等潜科学特征 ,给出设计性实验的个例 ,揭示潜科学对设计性实验的指导意义  相似文献   

There is a need to identify students' early attitudes toward mathematics and science to better support their long-term persistence in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers. Seventh graders from a nationally representative sample (N = 2,861) were classified based on their responses to questions about their attitudes toward mathematics and science using latent class analysis. Four distinct groups of students that differed in terms of their attitudes were identified. There were relationships between attitudinal group membership, demographic characteristics, mathematics and science achievement, and STEM career attainment. Females and underrepresented minorities were more likely to be in the positive attitude group. However, despite these early positive attitudes, females and underrepresented minorities were less likely to be employed in a STEM career some 20 years later. Information about student interests organized in this manner can be used to better target specific interventions to support and encourage persistence in STEM careers.  相似文献   

Although new teachers clearly need resources and support, little is known about the types of resources new science teachers' access during their early years of teaching. To increase knowledge of their needs, the study described in this article focused on the primary resources (i.e., human, material, and social) and secondary resources (i.e., strategic and symbolic) new science teachers' access and how those resources interact in new teachers' instructional contexts. The participants for this qualitative study were 15 new secondary science teachers in the United States, and data sources included a contextual interview, teaching observations, and a follow-up interview. Findings revealed that these teachers had a variety of resources available to them, of which social resources were particularly important. Some resources were not accessed and remained latent resources. In addition, some interactions of resources in the new teachers' context led to the development of the network of resources model to represent how resources can interact in contexts to support a new teacher. This model highlights the importance of considering the interaction of multiple resources in a teaching context.  相似文献   

乌兰夫重视发展民族教育事业的思想和实践,分三个时期,即民族教育的初步普及和发展时期,空前发展和提高时期,恢复和快速发展时期。乌兰夫促进民族科技事业发展的思想年口实践,可归结为三方面:按照民族地区的实际情况,科学技术与群众相结合,广泛吸取、推广群众的先进生产经验,促进生产的发展;科学技术与生产实践相结合。为社会主义建设服务;适应现代化建设需要,大力培养科学技术人才。  相似文献   

Teachers play a critical role in successfully implementing science education reforms in the United States to provide high-quality science learning opportunities to all students. However, the differentiated ways in which teachers make decisions about their science teaching are not well understood. This study takes a person-centered approach by applying latent profile analysis to examine how cognitive (pedagogical content knowledge) and motivational (instructional goal orientations, self-efficacy beliefs, and reform values) characteristics combine to form science teacher profiles in middle school. Predictors of profile membership (bachelor's degree, school %FRL) and both teacher (science instructional practices) and student (science achievement, engagement, and self-efficacy) outcomes related to the teacher profiles were also examined. Five science teacher profiles were identified (severely discouraged but reform oriented, discouraged but reform oriented, conventional, confident and mastery oriented, and confident with multiple goal approaches) that represented unique configurations of cognitive and motivation characteristics. Additionally, findings showed that the teacher profiles were significantly related to three dimensions of science instructional practice including communication, discourse, and reasoning. Finally, the teacher profiles were significantly related to student science achievement and motivational outcomes. Implications for differentiated approaches to teacher professional learning and supports for science instruction are discussed.  相似文献   

数理统计学源流及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
系统论述了数理统计学的产生原因、发展过程及其应用,并指出数理统计学在数学教育中应有的地位。  相似文献   

信息与计算科学专业是教育部于1998年将原来的计算数学及其应用软件专业加以更名而成立的一个新的数学类专业,主要以信息为依托,数学、信息科学与计算机科学相交叉,培养大学生经过数学、信息论和计算机科学的训练与熏陶,能在信息科学与计算科学领域从事科学研究、软件开发、项目管理和教育教学等工作。本文结合信息与计算科学的专业认识,探索在专业数学基础课程教学、计算机科学课程教学、信息与大数据课程教学、校企合作培养课程教学中的教学法,为推动信息与计算科学专业的发展和完善提供参考,以便提高人才培养的质量。  相似文献   

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