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The economics of the University of the Air of Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
According to the present plan, the enrollment of the University of the Air of Japan will be approximately 30,000 students when it reaches its steady state. Its current expenditure is estimated to be Yen4.1 billion at 1979 prices; adding the annual cost of facilities and equipment and the service that the National Center for Development of Broadcast Education performs for the university, the total amounts to Yen 5.0–7.1 billion. Adding this to the students' study expenses, Yen 6.7–8.7 billion will be required to operate the university. About 50–60% of the cost will be borne by the national treasury. The current expenditure of the university is estimated to be Yen 171,000–237,000 per equivalent undergraduate.As compared with the current expenditure in the humanities and social sciences programs of conventional universities, the academic structures of which are similar to that of the University of the Air of Japan, the current expenditure per equivalent undergraduate is estimated to be 1/4, 1/3, and 2/3 of that at national universities, public universities and day programs of private universities, respectively, and equal to that of evening programs of private universities.From the viewpoint of cost per graduate, it is equal to that of evening programs of private universities, their day programs, public universities, and national universities, when the graduation rate is 60%, 50%, 25%, and 20%, respectively.  相似文献   

和世界其他大学一样,德国大学经历了多次变革,但洪堡主张大学应当秉承教学与科研紧密联合的理念却始终享有崇高的声誉。反观之,重研究、轻教学在中国各级各类大学中已经是一个普遍现象,这种一哄而上的局面所带来的负面效应是显而易见的。反省自身,洞悉他者,通过深层解析不同层次、不同办学模式的各类德国高等教育机构中教授的工作特点,揭示德国大学教授在教学与科研中如何秉承"以研究促教学,以教学带研究"的动态平衡范式,以期能给我们启示。  相似文献   

The University of the Air of Japan (UAJ) was established to provide all people access to university level education. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate from several different perspectives the cost-effectiveness of UAJ and its nationwide expansion.Even when considering only direct cost, the per student cost of UAJ is lower than that of any conventional campus-based university program. When indirect cost such as opportunity cost and study expenses are also considered, the economic advantage of UAJ is especially apparent. Much of UAJ's economic advantage is the result of the very low opportunity cost to UAJ students.The economic advantage of UAJ as indicated by cost per graduate and cost per credit is smaller than that indicated by cost per student. When both direct and indirect cost are considered, the cost per credit of UAJ is 0.51 and 0.53 of that at national and public universities; 0.65, 0.86 and 2.8 of that of day programs, evening programs and correspondence programs respectively at private universities.Simulations of a nationwide expansion demonstrate that UAJ will be more economical if a satellite broadcasting system is used. Although it will require high initial and fixed costs, the cost per credit will decrease with an increase in the number of students. The most economical method of expansion may be to send video tapes to study centers and students until the number of students reaches economical levels, and to increase cooperation with conventional universities in the cooperative use of classrooms for study centers and credit transfer.  相似文献   

研究型大学是20世纪世界教育与科技迅猛发展的结果,是以科研和培养高级创新性人才为目标的高水平大学的集合体,因此研究型大学的人才概念包括优秀的科研教学骨干和一流的研究生两个方面。研究型大学依靠自身强大的师资、一流的科研设施和雄厚的经济基础在人才培养方面发挥着不可替代的作用。以清华大学、北京大学、南京大学等15所国内研究型大学为例进行实证研究和分析,并从学校的教学、管理、科研和经费投入四个方面提出了四点政策建议。  相似文献   

《College Teaching》2013,61(4):113-115
Ph.D. programs train students to perform quality research but not necessarily to deliver quality undergraduate instruction. For students who want to develop such skills, and for universities interested in creating programs to combine broad disciplinary instruction with specialization in effective pedagogical practices, there is a Ph.D. alternative—the Doctor of Arts (D.A.). The D.A. is regarded as a Ph.D. equivalent and aims to better train students to be effective educators since the majority of academic positions are located at primarily undergraduate institutions, with substantially more faculty time consumed by teaching duties than research. A significant difference between traditional Ph.D. and D.A. students is the latter engage in scholarship of teaching and learning, through both topical seminars and participation in supervised teaching internships. Thirty years of job placement statistics gathered from Idaho State University D.A. programs indicate that graduates are well qualified to enter into faculty positions at a wide range of higher education institutions.  相似文献   

对2004年54所高校本科教学工作水平评估进行调研,对评估指标、办学特色、评估程序的影响度进行统计和分析,提出6条迎评建议,为高校迎评策略的选择提供必要的参考.  相似文献   

Many industrialized countries show considerable interest in distance learning and invest large sums in it beyond the high school level, with very encouraging results. The evidence from these countries to date is that distance learning, at relatively low cost, can reach millions of students who otherwise would not have much opportunity for studying. The Third, or Majority, World's interest in and use of distance learning appears to make a great deal of sense. This seems particularly so in college and university education, where the cost per student in conventional campusesis very high. At this level, Majority World countries spend as much as one-third of their education budgets. Even the conservative World Bank, after many years of more or less ignoring it, recently endorsed distance learning as a cost-effective solution for the Majority World to consider. Distance learning is not a universal panacea, however. There are failures to report as well as successes. Despite the powerful international forces that drive globalization, electronification, and commodification, each country must generate its own model to suit its own needs and conditions. Each country should decide, for example, whether to set up one or more distance teaching universities like the Open University in the UK or to promote distance teaching as an additional function of conventional campus-based institutions. Each country needs a policy on how it will exploit distance learning and for which groups of students. Each country should decide whether and how it wishes to collaborate with other countries to get the most out of distance learning.  相似文献   

西安科技大学围绕努力务实建设知名大学的基础这一主题,通过对本科教学评估工作的认识,制定学校本科教学评估的做法,经过为时一年多的自评自建,于2004年12月11-17日接受了教育部本科教学水平评估专家组的实地考察,后经评议,获得了教育部普通高等学校本科教学工作评估“优秀”的评价,使学校在办学规模和办学层次等方面实现了新的历史性跨越,为学校的全面协调发展奠定了坚实基础。  相似文献   

以加州州立大学这一教研型高校与加州大学这一研究型高校的教师代表为样本,通过质性访谈、编码分析发现美国不同类型高校的教师对本科教学地位、目标、认可与回报的认知存在明显差异。加州州立大学的教师视教学为“首要使命”,认为本科教育旨在促进学生的“个体发展”,教学为他们带来了多元成就;加州大学的教师则认为教学是基本职责之一,致力于训练“未来的研究者”,教学上的认可主要来自学生和同行。这种认知差异的直接原因在于各校在教师晋升中导向明确,组织使命得以内化为教师的个人目标。美国研究型大学同样注重在教学管理和人事制度上对教师的教学行为予以规范,保障本科教育质量。我国大学要重视本科教育,更应当提升教学在教师评价中的地位。  相似文献   

深化改革 科学发展 全面提高本科教学质量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本科教学工作是我国高等学校的中心工作,本科教学质量则是高校的生命线。随着高校招生规模的扩大,全社会对本科教学质量愈加关心。本文以长安大学为例,介绍了学校本科教学工作的现状以及为提高教学质量所做的努力。  相似文献   

国家开放大学建设中几个亟待解决的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,国家开放大学建设中有几个亟待解决的问题:关于开放大学的性质、任务和发展目标;关于发挥电大系统的整体优势;关于国家开放大学与区域开放大学的关系;关于创新新型大学管理体制与运行机制。我国开放大学是利用信息技术,主要面向从业人员开展远程继续教育的新型高等学校。办学是开放大学的主业,办好高等学历继续教育是完成“社会化服务”任务的重要基础;电大天、地、人网结合的系统在10多年的开放教育实践中,显示了较强的整体办学实力,而每一所电大办学实力仍然较弱,需要汇集电大系统的力量和社会有关教育机构合作共同建设开放大学;国家开放大学和区域性开放大学是各自独立举办远程开放教育的高等学校,两者在办学层次、服务范围等方面应有适当的分工,努力做到互相支持、分工合作、资源共享和共同发展;组建开放大学必须创新学校的管理体制和运行机制,建立现代学校制度,建立政府主办、平等合作、责任共担和利益共享的运行机制。  相似文献   

结合云计算、移动学习等新技术的发展和应用,根据开放大学的实际需求,界定了开放大学教学信息化的内涵,分析了当前学校教学信息化的现状和不足,提出建设基于“云·端”服务的开放大学综合网络学习平台,并以福建开放大学为例,从创新管理理念、创新管理手段(包括系统建设、教务工作、学习、考试等教学全过程的管理)、创新资源共建共享等方面阐述如何应用此平台促进开放大学教学信息化的管理创新。  相似文献   

The learning/teaching systems through which distance teaching universities (DTU) operate open up new avenues and possibilities of actions not available in conventional universities. Distance education has the potential to widen and expand the significance of higher education in many ways. This article analyzes the potential contribution of DTU to improving learning/teaching practices in traditional universities. It focuses mainly on the experience of Everyman's University, the Open University of Israel. More specifically it discusses seven potential areas of contribution: (1) improving the quality of university level textbooks; (2) enhancing independent study skills; (3) improving the pedagogy of university teaching; (4) promoting inter-disciplinary courses; (5) contributing to inter-university collaboration; (6) advancing the integration of multi-media into the learning/teaching systems of the universities; (7) promoting research on adult learning.  相似文献   


With the growing demand for tertiary education, especially in Africa, the transformation of contact universities to dual-mode institutions is critical. However, conventional universities have had limited success establishing the dual-mode delivery stream. This paper assesses barriers to adoption and implementation of open and distance learning (ODL) in conventional higher education institutions in Cameroon, Kenya and Rwanda by applying a framework on innovation adoption to case studies of ODL in higher education in these countries. This qualitative meta-study shows that the transition to dual-mode is not systematic and that there are various barriers, ranging from national policy and funding; infrastructure, organisational structure and capacity; complexity and cost of ODL; as well as student and staff skills and perceptions, which have impeded adoption. Based on the findings, this paper makes recommendations for implementing ODL in existing conventional universities. Cases of successful transition to dual-mode are provided.  相似文献   

开放大学是在以现代信息技术为支撑,以实体综合性大学为依托,在开放的公共教育环境下以满足学习者各种类型及层次的教育需求为目标,既坚持高等教育学历提升,又积极推进非学历继续教育及公共教育服务支持的开放性高等教育机构。作为一种新型的高等教育机构,开放大学促进了世界高等教育的民主化和公平化,也将终身教育的理念推行至实处。开放大学的质量保障涉及多个因素,要在学生、教师、课程和良好的师生互动等方面进行严格把关。开放大学不仅仅应该充当一种新型的教育机构,更应该成为一种无形的教育理念贯穿于有形的教育机构中。鼓励开放大学与传统大学走向融合,这将会为高等教育全民化的到来作出更大的贡献。  相似文献   

对贵州民族师范学院2000级本科学生的身体素质进行抽样调查,分析黔南少数民族地区大学生身体素质的发展状况,为改革高等院校体育、健康教学以及增进大学生身心健康探究途径和方法.  相似文献   

知识生产是高等教育机构的一项基本职能,然而广播电视大学无论在学术知识的生产上还是在教学知识生产上都存在一定问题。分析信息时代的知识生产特征,可以明确广播电视大学知识生产的方向,在从广播电视大学向开放大学的转型中,开放大学应在继承传统优势的基础上加强内外合作,关注知识生产的特色。  相似文献   

Laidlaw  Bruce  Layard  Richard 《Higher Education》1974,3(4):439-468

The paper attempts to throw light on the direct (instructional) cost of OU teaching methods as against conventional “live” instruction. The variable cost per student-course is with one exception lower in the OU than elsewhere. This constitutes a strong case for the use of existing OU packages in campus universities, especially as campus universities might feel able to dispense with the costs of the summer schools. It also constitutes a case for expansion of existing courses at the OU. As regards the development of new OU packages, the paper shows the Foundation courses to be much cheaper than equivalent provision de novo at the same scale in campus universities. Measured by the breakeven number of students, second-level courses in a given faculty are cheaper than foundation level courses. But they also have fewer students and some are operating at levels which, if there were no interdependence between courses, might be considered expensive. If however they were used by more students either at the OU or at campus universities they could be economic, even when taken on their own. The paper does not cost student time but, if this is cheaper when OU teaching methods are used, this is a further argument in their favour.


开展研究性教学是新建地方本科院校培养具有创新意识和创新能力的应用型人才的重要举措。结合社会保障研究性教学改革的主要做法和具体实践,阐述和总结了研究性教学实施的主要途径和方法以及研究性教学取得的成效;分析了目前研究性教学存在的主要问题及进一步完善的对策建议。  相似文献   

《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》明确提出“办好开放大学”的战略目标。天津开放大学建设正在顶层设计框架下进入实质建设阶段,其核心是学科和专业建设。天津开放大学开设化学工程与工艺专业顺应了天津经济发展和人才市场的需求;天津雄厚的师资力量、功能齐全的实训基地、完善的远程教育设施和丰富的化工专业办学经验使化学工程与工艺专业的开设成为可能;专业培养目标有别于普通高校凸显了天津开放大学建设特色。  相似文献   

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