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Increasingly, customer satisfaction and business success depends as much on speed and timing as it does on the cost and quality of the goods we produce or the sendees we render. As such, doing things faster is becoming just as important as doing them better and cheaper. Increased efficiency, however, will not be attained simply by imploring employees to work harder or by increasing employee workloads. Increased efficiency can only be accomplished through the systematic analysis and reengineering of our work processes, including the elimination or minimization of all associated non-value adding process steps. DO•CA•TIM, a seven-step methodology for systematically identifying and eliminating or minimizing non-value adding process steps, is presented. The methodology is appropriate for analyzing and improving the execution of any human task; it is equally applicable to the rendering of services and the production of products.  相似文献   

任务型语言教学模式下任务的分析和设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
任务型教学是20世纪80年代兴起的一种强调“做中学”的语言教学模式。而其中的“做”指的就是“完成任务的过程”。那么到底什么是任务呢?是“传统教学法”中的语言练习吗?“任务”又和哪些因素息息相关呢?教师又应该怎样来设计这个所谓的“任务”呢?其实“任务”就是“做事情”,而这些事情可以说就是日常生活中所做事情的翻版。但是值得强调的是:这种任务指的是用“目的语”来做事情,在做事情当中习得语言,所以“任务”强调的是语言的意义,而不是语言的形式。  相似文献   

我省是否具备实施实验操作考查的条件?各地组织实施情况如何?实践中存在哪些问题?有何对策?本文试图通过调查研究,掌握情况,总结经验,寻求解决问题的对策,推动初中实验操作考查工作顺利开展。  相似文献   

Environmental education research (EER) rarely includes women’s perspectives. This means that in environmental education research, an entire knowledge source is largely ignored. This study employed a methodology called Participatory Rural Appraisal, a methodology new to the field of EER, of Kenyan teachers from the Maasai Mara region to understand the tensions around environmental views. The purpose of this work was to examine, through the use of a participatory methodology, the conceptions of the environmental of these teachers and to uncover gendered tensions. The analysis included a continuous, thematic review that included the participants during the analysis. The findings included the following themes: Why are people doing what they are doing? Who is or is not acting? How do we move forward? This research documented gendered tensions such as the burdens of responsibility, the power imbalance disadvantaged women feel regarding solving environmental issues, and the blame that is directed at both men and women as a result of these burdens and power imbalances. This methodology provided a way for participants to understand each other’s viewpoints in layered ways, and pointed to gender issues throughout that sometimes caused blame. However, it also helped the participants think about how to work together.  相似文献   

In this article, we tell the story of a changing urban landscape through the eyes of the youth we work with in an ongoing after-school program and community-based research project rooted in Photovoice methodology. In particular, we focus on the work that, over the 6 years of our time with youth, has “ended up on the cutting room floor” (Paris and Winn (eds) Humanizing research: decolonizing qualitative inquiry with youth and communities. SAGE Publications, Thousand Oaks, 2014, p. xix). This attention to the work that has fallen through the cracks is a move to engage the central tenets of Humanizing Research, but it’s also a call to think critically with and through the failures that emerge in work with youth. We attend specifically to an ongoing failure in our work as a way to think about the kinds of promises that are often made and broken in participatory action research. In doing so, we tease out the implications of our work with youth and the steps community-based researchers can take to navigate the challenges that can impede the goals of fostering meaningful change.  相似文献   

Experiments are essential for both doing science and learning science. The aim of the German youth science fair, Jugend forscht, is to encourage scientific thinking and inquiry methods such as experimentation. Based on 57 interviews with participants of the competition, this study summarises students’ conceptions and steps of learning about experimentation, taking into account age disparities. Five distinct subdomains of learning were identified in which learning processes may occur. These subdomains are procedure, purpose, material, control, and time. The three separate age groups used slightly different concepts but all the participants took the same or very similar steps of learning independent of their age. Two main reasons for conceptual developments could be detected: Firstly, the participating students had the opportunity to work using methodology similar to the commonly accepted scientific path of knowledge. Secondly, due to communication processes during the competition, a purposive reflection of their own project was promoted. With respect to different educational levels, experimentation proves to be a complex scientific framework that will be learnt step by step throughout students’ education. We therefore argue for a stronger anchoring of research experiments embedded in open or authentic inquiry to be included in science lessons at school.  相似文献   

创新抛锚式教学法是以抛锚式教学模式为基础加以创新的一种教学方法,其创新之处在于增加了一个“回锚”的过程.其实施路径包含四个环节:创设情境、确定问题(抛锚阶段)、学生间的协作学习、学生提问及师生讨论环节(回锚阶段).创新抛锚式教学法的实施旨在有效实现教学目的,综合提升教师个人的教学水平与效果.  相似文献   

审视知识学习和人的精神生命生长的关系,有利于我们勇于改革繁杂课程,实行“小立课程、大作功夫”,从而保证学生的自主学习活动,实现课程的真正变革。“小立课程、大作功夫”的可能性来源于儿童拥有学习的天性,潜能和先天的学习框架,以及所谓悟感。只要依靠了儿童的悟感机制,就可以借助不完善的信息,去把握事物本体。这不仅仅可以节省教育者的行为能量,更给了学生自己发展自己的空间,使教育省力高效。课程的庞大,其实是没有把课程同人的本体——一个无限丰富、不断生长和跃动的生命联系起来,没有把知识的获得和人格的完善视为人的精神生命的拓展。  相似文献   

In educational research, it is well-known that collaborative work on core conceptual issues in physics leads to significant improvements in students’ conceptual understanding. In this paper, we explore collaborative learning in action, adding to previous research in engineering education with a specific focus on the students’ use of free body diagrams in interaction. By looking at details in interaction among a group of three engineering students, we illustrate how they collectively construct a free body diagram together when learning introductory mechanics. In doing so, we have focused on both learning possibilities and the dynamic processes that take place in the learning activity. These findings have a number of implications for educational practice.  相似文献   

Critical educators have leveled a methodological critique against traditional forms of classroom research because they both objectify teachers and students and lead to results that do not enhance praxis. Over the past decade, we have developed coteaching as a context for learning to teach and supervising teaching, on the one hand and, on the other, as a method for doing research on and evaluating teaching. Coteaching involves an equitable inquiry into teaching and learning processes in which all members (or representatives thereof) of a classroom community participate – including students, teachers, student teachers, researchers, and supervisors. In this article, we articulate coteaching in terms of activity theory and the associated first-person methodology for doing research on learning environments that is relevant to praxis because it constitutes an integral part of praxis. A detailed case study exemplifies coteaching and the associated research on learning environments.  相似文献   

学术质量是期刊的基石。因此编辑要把好初审关,充分发挥审稿专家的学术把关作用,并严把期刊编辑工作质量。只有各个环节都严谨认真,才能真正提高期刊的学术质量。  相似文献   

论高校学生工作中的改革创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校学生工作必须紧紧围绕培养社会主义事业合格建设者和可靠接班人这一根本目标来开展。不断开拓进取、改革创新,以适应新时期学生工作的现实需要是其应有之意。创新应当包括思想观念、体制机制、内容方式、队伍建设、理论研究等诸多方面。近年来,西南大学大力开展"六个好一"工程,对创新学生工作进行了一些有益的探索和尝试,有利于开创学生工作的新局面。  相似文献   

陶行知在杜威“从做中学”实用主义教育理论的基础上,经过两次认识上的飞跃,创造性地提出并充分论证了著名的“教学做合一”思想。“教学做合一”是陶行知生活教育理论的方法论,也是职业教育的根本方法。当前,在职业教育贯彻“教学做合一”的思想,一要在课程设置上遵循“按事施教”的原则,二要积极探索“工学结合”的教学模式。  相似文献   

评改作文是写作教学的关键,英语作文评改方法是否得当以及评改内容是否妥当,都直接影响学生英语写作能力的提高。为了提高作文评改的效果,必须改变由教师全评的传统模式,让学生参与作文评改;必须改变只关注拼写、标点、语法错误这一类表层错误的传统做法,应特别注重文章内容、组织结构等方面的问题;要巧于点拨,给学生以启发;采取灵活标准,写出恰当评语;肯定优点,给学生以激励。  相似文献   

This article discusses ‘minor key research’ and doing this kind of research as ‘response-ability’. We explore the possibilities that education policy enactment research might hold for theorising and doing research, not just for work on ‘how schools do policy’, but also for how researchers do policy research with schools. A methodological question is raised here by us with respect to what researchers might ‘do’ in schools and other policy locations (such as when working with bureaucrats or politicians). We also discuss our researcher responsibility with respect to such work, and we have attempted to respond to the questions: ‘Is there an alternative for the current regime of accountability? Are there ways to resist and intervene in the current culture of accountability?’ In the first section, we focus on minor key research, and in the second section we discuss doing minor key research as ‘response-ability’.  相似文献   

This paper draws on data from a project undertaken with children (N?=?72) in Mongolia and Zambia. The research is distinctive in bringing together diverse children, ranging from those living on the street to those in mainstream education and involving them in discussions about educational research. Being conscious of critiques of adult-initiated research as well as being influenced by work on participatory action research and research on understanding children's perspectives, we were keen to hear the views of children about research and how research should be carried out. This included enabling children's participation in discussions about potential research areas that could be focused upon as well as discussions about ethical issues and methodology. In this paper we report on our experiences of involving children in discussions about research and explore the numerous insights that the children provided. We conclude that while understanding children's perspectives on research and including children in the research process is important there are many issues which arise from doing so and which need to be reflected upon. These include issues around power and identity, the importance of the context, including local expectations of children as well as children's prior experiences, including how ‘vulnerable’ children are represented.  相似文献   

This paper builds on sociological assumptions that teachers, schools and schooling may play an important role in the recognition and psychopathologization of particular boys as ‘difficult, disordered and disturbed’. The data draw on ethnographic work combined with video recordings of everyday classroom practices in a special educational needs unit with boys diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). Drawing on ethnomethodological work on members’ understanding of social categories (MCA) combined with the related methodology of ‘doing difference’, the focus is on the local social process through which boys’ unruly behaviors are made sense of and treated as the grounds for shifting categorization practices. It is found that both teachers and boys orient to the institutional categories Teacher and Student in teacher–student interactions for the ordering of the classroom . The boys’ conduct is in these instances far from pathological but is meaningful in the sense that it provides local resources to resist teacher authorithy and display agency. Overall, the analysis highlights the complexity of locally accomplished identity practices – in terms of how institutional-, gender- and age-appropriate conduct meshes with diagnostic criteria – in the social identification of boys diagnosed with ADHD.  相似文献   

移动终端缴费入账在系统实现上涉及多个复杂环节,在业务高峰期容易引起欠费用户充值后开机时间异常延迟。文章对缴费开机流程进行研究,剖析各个节点的故障可能及影响范围,以此为切入点提出利用流程片段恢复开机异常延迟的解决方案。为了支持方案的实施,开发指令转换与传输系统,实现将批量号码转换为协议指令集,并自动接入客服中继、HLR中继解析执行,有效缩短用户缴费开机时间,降低投诉隐患。  相似文献   


The aim of this paper is not to bury practical work in school science but to (once again) reconsider it. We draw on three main areas of discussion: accounts of science and ‘school science work'; teachers and others’ views of the nature of science; and our own data on teachers’ reactions to ‘critical incidents’ and practicals which go wrong. We use this as a basis for re‐thinking the role of practicals. An account of practical work is suggested which has as its main feature diversity rather than a single model or template. Within this diversity we believe that teachers should be open and honest with pupils about which type of practical work they are doing and why. We advocate that students should be made aware of the different kinds of practical work they do and the purposes of this practical work. In short, teachers should explain to students what type of practical work they are doing and why. Our second message is that teachers’ views about the nature of science both inform and are informed by their classroom practices and experiences‐‐especially during lab‐work. To encourage, promote and support critical reflection of these classroom practices and experiences is therefore a vital part of teacher professional development; this in time will promote science curriculum development.  相似文献   

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