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当今信息化时代,网络使大学生群体的生活和学习方式发生了巨大变化。鉴于此,教师既要在教学实践中积极有效地运用网络提高实体课堂质量,也要充分发挥好博客、微博、微信、QQ群等网络论坛的形式开展师生互动。打造好虚拟课堂,从而使历史学科更好地发挥其素质教育的功能。  相似文献   

建设创新课堂 提高教学质量   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
建设创新课堂,提高教学质量,必须转变课堂教学观念,革新课堂教学方法,大力推广讨论式教学法、情景式教学法、探究式教学法、案例式教学法;改进课堂教学手段,推广多媒体教学,提高课堂教学的效率、效益、质量和水平;提高课堂教学效益,抓好课堂教学督导,完善创新课程,落实听课制度,建立奖惩机制,推进考试制度改革;深化课堂教学研究,教与学相结合、教与思相结合、教与研相结合、教与行相结合,并以教学促进科研,以科研深化教学;凸显课堂教学特色,强化师生之间的教学交往,构建课堂教学文化。  相似文献   

许芳 《凯里学院学报》2011,29(5):138-141
双语教学是大学教育国际化的一个重要举措。本文在问卷调查分析的基础上分析了目前高校世界史双语教学中存在的定位不够明确、改革步子过大、教学方法单一、教学评价和激励机制改革滞后等问题,已严重制约双语教学质量的提高。解决上述问题的对策,一是明确世界史双语教学的定位,二是合理设置世界史双语课程,三是探索适宜的教学模式,四是采用灵活多样的教学方法和手段,五是完善双语教学评价和激励机制。  相似文献   

This paper considers the quality movement in English higher education through an examination of four quality techniques, those of Total Quality Management, assurance of systems, assessment and audit. A heuristic device is used to further understanding through examination of judgements concerning association of the four techniques with a range of purposes, criteria and methods of evaluation. An emphasis throughout is the connections between improvement and evaluation; teaching and learning are the focus of the discussion. Some of the conclusions are linked to possible ways forward for the next phase of assessment, including the need to reduce emphasis on external evaluation and measurement and facilitate the development of a culture more aligned to improvement.  相似文献   

就如何开展生动活泼的课堂讨论进行了全面论述,目的是激发学生们的学习兴趣,进一步提高化学工艺学课程的教学质量。  相似文献   

The Board of Directors of the International Society for Performance Improvement has identified top managers and executives as one of the population groups that are or should be represented in ISPI membership. In an effort to research these professionals, Performance Improvement is introducing a new feature — Executive Summaries. These are synopses of the feature articles in each issue. They will appear together on pages that can be copied and distributed to members of your organization who might not have time to read PI, but may benefit from the content of its articles. We encourage you to share summaries with managers and executives, as well as clients, team members, students, and other performance improvement professionals. Also — look for the summaries to appear on ISPI's Web Site soon.  相似文献   

The `Vinson Report' on Public Education in NSW has become received wisdom. The report's recommendation on class sizes has attracted more attention than any other. This is unfortunate because it is on this issue that the Report is weakest. A thorough appraisal of the research on class sizes reveals that many studies have methodological problems that make their application in a real world context doubtful; many studies have introduced other reforms such as curriculum changes at the same time as class size reduction, making their individual effects impossible to determine; the large majority of studies have found no significant effects of class size on student achievement, while the remainder have shown small benefits, usually only when classes have less than 20 students; class size has less effect when teachers are competent; and the single most important influence on student achievement is teacher quality. Research shows unequivocally that it is far more valuable, both in educational and fiscal terms, to have good teachers than lots of teachers. It must be ensured that the current and incoming teaching force is the best it can be, before seeking to expand it.Key Words: child development, class size, public education, student achievement, teacher quality, teaching methods  相似文献   

世界历史蕴藏着丰富的爱国主义教育素材,加强世界史教学中的爱国主义教育,就要求教师刻苦钻研教材,充分挖掘教材中的爱国主义教育因素,运用比较法讲述世界各国的政治、经济、科学文化发展的历史,通过对各国人民在反抗侵略斗争、维护国家统一的讲述及介绍世界各国优秀历史人物的高尚品德与献身精神,激发学生爱国主义热情,增强民族的自豪感和历史使命感。同时,在进行爱国主义教育的时候要尊重历史,切勿美化、篡改历史。  相似文献   

I argue in this article that the foundation of performance improvement consists of a number of principles of reasoning as opposed to a number of models. I show, along with some prominent models, what these principles are and that none of the models incorporates them completely. Finally, I consolidate these principles into one list and show how they lead to a simple performance improvement process that includes the development of new models and the adaptation of existing models.  相似文献   

An understanding of the uses of meta-cognition provides a powerful tool toward developing quality and efficiency in task learning and performance. Metacognition is the executive controller of cognitive processes responsible both for self regulated learning and work performance outcomes. Comprehension monitoring and motivation are two prime components of metacognition which are responsible for commitment to, and definition of, goals, monitoring progress toward goals, and activating the appropriate thinking skills to achieve goals. Specific thinking skill categories of attention, organization, and elaboration are described with examples of how specific techniques in each category can optimize learning and job performance. Research on training of metacognitive skills through both detached and embedded skill-development programs is reviewed. In addition, ways to compensate for metacognitive skills when training is not cost-effective are described. The relationship between metacognitive skills and effective management of work performance is stressed.  相似文献   

G2000's HR Execution Excellence—Retail Attendance System was one of the innovative projects to receive the ISPI Award of Excellence in 2016. It is a continuous improvement project that applies the concept of holistic human performance improvement using an ISPI human performance technology (HPT) model (ISPI, 2012) to streamline the front‐end and back‐end processes of our Retail Attendance System. As a result, it leads us to achieve one of our business goals: employment regulatory compliance. In our case, the project team was tasked with seeking solutions to ensure that the payroll process for retail staff could be performed accurately and in a timely manner. After applying the HPT model to conduct the gap analysis and identify the causes or factors that were limiting our performance, we integrated the concept of human‐centered design approach at the solution‐design phase of the project, to lead us to innovative solutions.  相似文献   

作为迄今为止全球最大规模的2010上海世博会,吸引了全世界的目光。然而,远离上海的地区,大部分学生没有机会亲临上海世博会,无法真正体会当今世界的尖端科技以及古老的文化气息。提出"让世博走进地理课"这一教学策略,旨在让学生们真真切切地触摸到人类文明进步的脉搏,让世博精神与理念得到提升与延续。  相似文献   

同济大学SIMBA项目全面引进法国国立桥路大学的MBA课程,在课程设置、师资聘请、招生录取、授课形式和教学管理等各个方面坚持质量为本、培养精英的国际化办学理念,面对众多中外合作培养MBA项目的竞争,通过4年来的艰苦探索和实践,不仅赢得了外方学校、全体学员和用人单位的高度认可,同时也取得了积极的社会效益.  相似文献   

章对作为一种研究范式的质的研究,从观念、思维方法、研究的角色与地位,以及研究中的困惑与问题作了细致的梳理,并从生活世界的重建的角度论述了质的研究对社会科学的贡献。  相似文献   

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