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This study explored whether over-the-counter continuous voice recognition software could be used to support the delivery of a standardized reading curriculum to adults with low-level literacy skills. Three primary questions were addressed in the study. First, how readily could mass-market continuous voice recognition software programs be adapted for use in adult literacy training? Second, what role(s) might the voice recognition technology play in facilitating the computer-based delivery of a standard text-based reading curriculum? And third, does the use of the voice recognition software positively affect the technological skills and computing comfort levels of adults with low-level literacy skills? Five adults with low-level literacy skills completed the computer-based curriculum, using the voice recognition software to practice and check their reading and writing efforts. A literacy tutor guided the participants through the curriculum, recorded and saved the participants' responses and videotaped the sessions for subsequent analysis. The findings reported here suggest that currently available over-the-counter continuous voice recognition technology, while essentially effective and accurate with fluent readers, is not yet ready, as a stand-alone system, to meet the needs of these adults with low-level literacy skills. The voice recognition software was most effective when it was used in the presence of a tutor. Having tutors provide on-going and immediate support to learners was a vital component of literacy training in this computer-based environment. In general the computer-based programs seemed to provide participants with a `motivational boost'. Specifically, the computer-based lessons helped develop participants' technological skills and confidence levels and promoted sustained focus on instructional tasks. Implications associated with these findings for future research with voice recognition software and adult literacy training are discussed.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Since the call for professional accountability in the early 1970s, counselors and counselor educators have attempted to assess counseling effectiveness, to upgrade programs as a result of assessments, and to communicate results of program assessment and change to their publics. Until recently, their efforts have been impeded by the interpersonal nature of counseling, insufficient training in research and evaluation, and available low-cost computer technology. This article addresses each of the impediments with the focus on how present computer technology, specifically computer-assisted systems, can be used to help counselors and counselor educators ethically input, store, and retrieve pertinent client and program data—data that can be used to achieve program evaluation and lead to accountable program development. The Counselor Accountability System is presented as an example of an easy-to-use computer program designed to facilitate counselor accountability.  相似文献   

语音识别技术是21世纪初信息技术领域十大重要科学技术之一。语音识别技术的日臻完善为无障碍教学提供了有效的方法和便利的空间,其自身的特性日益受到聋生教育工作者的关注。通过运用语音识别技术创设无障碍教学环境,对聋生语文教学进行新的探索,对实际应用有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

随着计算机处理能力的迅速提高,语音识别技术得到了飞速发展,其技术的应用正在日益改变着人类的生产和生活方式。本文介绍了语音识别的基本原理、方法,综述了语音识别系统的分类及语音识别技术的应用,分析了语音识别所面临的问题。  相似文献   

基于计算机的测评逐渐成为PISA数学素养测评的主要方式,并在测评框架、测评题目设计、作答环境和模式、评分过程及测评结果等方面都呈现出较为明显的计算机化特点。PISA2021数学测评将与计算机技术进行更深层次的融合,通过更具交互性、智能化和适应性的方式达到更好的数学素养测评效果。  相似文献   

本文主要采用调查和统计的方法,归纳总结了中古前期汉语被动句在结构和使用方面的特点。其中,“为”字式和“被”字式结构最为复杂,“为”字式、“见”字式、“为…所…”式和“被”字式被动句谓语动词后都出现了宾语和补语,“为…之所…”式谓语动词几乎全部是双音节的,“为…所…”式和“被”字式使用数量最多。  相似文献   

A set of guidelines is proposed, based on the author's experience of video developments in libraries in many parts of the world, as an attempt to assist educational technologists and librarians to exploit and communicate video information effectively in public and academic libraries. The article also examines the reasons for using video in libraries, current international developments in video use in libraries, formats and hardware, and the relationship between educational technology units and libraries in academic institutions.  相似文献   

This article examines the use of computers to deliver instructional text. The focus is on procedures for the creation of computer-based instruction (CBI) lessons. The development of CBI lessons is separated into two aspects: the design of the lesson and the authoring of the lesson. Three primary techniques for authoring CBI lessons are the use of general-purpose computer programming languages, CBI authoring languages, and CBI authoring systems. These authoring techniques are described, including the advantages and limitations of each. Authoring systems are divided into three categories according to the type of CBI lesson they will support. Considerations are given for selecting from among the authoring techniques. Emerging trends in authoring techniques are discussed.  相似文献   

Are there important aspects of human ability that we have not been measuring? What are the purposes and types of audio that are possible in computerized tests? Will the use of audio in computer‐based tests lead to more valid and reliable measurement?  相似文献   

科学的混声唱法能让所有的声区统一起来,消除换声,从而得到更加轻松自如、优美流畅,并富于质感和穿透力的声音。  相似文献   

当前,高校意识形态话语表征主要体现为认知语境凸显工具理性色彩、话语表达方式蕴含符号隐喻逻辑、话语意义生成侧重凝聚思想共识、话语分析视角包含内外话语博弈。增强高校意识形态话语权,需处理好历史传统话语范式和时代全新动向、主流话语导向和话语受众特点、规范化理论传播和通俗化话语表达、中国特色话语体系和世界话语体系的矛盾关系。可以在加强顶层设计、厘清文化源流、紧扣时代脉搏、回归人本话语中探索增强高校意识形态话语权的行进路径。  相似文献   

图像分割技术就是把图像中具有特殊涵义(如医学图像中的病变部位)的不同区域分开来,使每一个区域都满足特定区域的一致性的图像处理技术。基于当前医学图像分割方法研究,分割的速度和稳定性无法同时提高的问题,引入一种被称为“live-wire”的半自动的交互式范例,并对其在三雏空间上的实现建立了理论模型;同时自定义了与本文模型相关的MATLAB实现函数。  相似文献   

Mediation models are commonly used to identify the mechanisms through which one variable influences another. Among longitudinal mediation methods, latent difference score mediation stands out due to its unique ability to capture nonlinear change over time. However, there is limited information regarding sample size demands to achieve adequate power with this method, resulting in few applications of latent difference score mediation. To address this limitation, the current study presents empirically supported sample size guidelines for 10 common latent difference score mediation structural models and 9 unique population models. The results of this study offer researchers with a set of representative sample estimates that may be used when designing studies or seeking funding.  相似文献   

随着信息技术的不断发展 ,利用电脑处理文字信息的人越来越感到键盘输入技术费事、费时 ,那么 ,能否有更方便的办法代替键盘输入信息呢 ?答案是肯定的 ,不但有 ,而且还有许多种 ,象语音识别输入、手写板输入和扫描仪输入等。本文笔者结合自己的实践 ,较为详尽地介绍语音识别软件ViaVoice4 .0 / 5 .0的使用方法与技巧。  相似文献   

介绍了数学形态学的四种基本运算(腐蚀、膨胀、开与闭运算)在二值、灰度和彩色形态学中的描述,验证了相关运算的功能,分析了结构元素的提取原则与产生方法,探讨了形态运算在人脸识别预处理中的主要应用。  相似文献   

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