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文章运用人才学理论,从人才的内涵和本质入手分析足球后备人才的质的规定,认为足球后备人才属于社会发展的"潜人才",我国足球后备人才培养应该明确实施以学校为依托培养足球后备人才、"多元化"培养、注重人才成长与内外环境的统一、建立足球特区、注重足球后备人才整体开发的策略。  相似文献   

武术国际传播者作为中华武术跨文化传播过程中的最核心要素,担负着提升国家文化软实力、促进公共外交、塑造国家文化形象的时代重任。通过对武术国际传播者培养现状的问题分析,遵循科学性、先进性、实用性原则,以成人学习理论、PCK理论、扎根理论和CIPP评估模型为理论依据,建构了科学、合理的武术国际传播者培养体系,包括培养目标定位、方案规划实施、评价反馈调节三大基本元素,力图为中华武术更快、更好地走向世界提供有力的人才保障基础。  相似文献   

为备战奥运,在我国基础较差、底子较弱的情况下实现竞技攀岩的跨越式发展,国家体育总局开展跨界跨项选材项目和国家攀岩集训队试点工作。在此背景下,本研究以国家攀岩集训队为研究对象,综合运用文献资料法、问卷调查法等研究国家攀岩集训队训练保障情况。研究表明,国家攀岩集训队人员配备情况差别较大,教练员团队基本能满足运动训练的需要,但相关辅助团队人员配备不足;大多数集训队的经费和场馆器材等能保障集训队基本运营,但存在一定的地域差距,经费支出配置不尽合理。  相似文献   

根据实际情况,阐述了我国攀岩运动后备人才培养的新模式,旨在为攀岩运动在我国更好的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

文章运用辩证的思维法认识向美国学习先进训练理论,引进先进训练训练器材,引发我们重新认识运动的概念、性质,不同训练手段对人体运动机能的作用。  相似文献   

The relative age effect (RAE) has been highlighted extensively within literature as influencing selection and identification within sports. However, this initial bias appears to not be systemic in some talent development systems. Accordingly, we report an investigation into the initial identification, selection and conversion of academy players from professional Rugby Union and Cricket at national level. Reflecting previous studies, data again demonstrated a reversal of RAE advantage whereby relatively young players from both sports were less likely to be selected into their respective national academy systems but were more likely to transition into senior national squads. On the basis of our observations, we further propose a psychological explanation for the mechanism of such a reversal, based on the influence of additional challenge experienced throughout the development journey. As such, we also highlight the need for further qualitative investigation to explore this phenomenon in greater depth.  相似文献   

在田径运动后备人才的培养过程中,必须根据少儿的解剖、生理、心理特点,科学的安排训练,才能收到理想的效果。本文根据实践经验,列举了3种教学训练课所采用的手段和方法,对此进行了总结和探讨。  相似文献   

人才培养方案是高校人才培养的整体设计,在整个人才培养过程中发挥着重要的引领和指导作用。以百色学院为例,对地方应用型本科高校制订体育专业(本科)人才培养方案的培养目标、课程设置、教学方法、考核方式等相关问题进行了探讨,强调依照“应用型高素质体育人才”的要求构建新的人才培养模式,通过模块化课程改革进一步优化课程设置,突出应用能力培养,构建“能力为本位”的体育专业(本科)人才培养方案。  相似文献   

新世纪我国体育面临的发展机遇与体育人才培养   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
全面建设小康社会,北京成功申办2008年奥运会,中国加入世界贸易组织为我国体育事业发展提供了难得的历史发展机逼。未来社会对体育人才的需求在数量上呈增长趋势,对体育人才的层次要求更高,体育人才的专业门类将扩大。体育人才的服务领域将突破传统体育范畴。分析了目前我国体育人才培养中存在的主要问题,并提出相应对策。  相似文献   

以世界乒坛诸强为参照系,从训练学角度进行比较,认为中国队对本项目的制胜因素、技术风格、训练特点、创新价值、技术方向等方面的认识和实践,在1959~1989年间,走在前列。  相似文献   

"三从一大"训练原则是我国竞技体育运动实践经验的科学总结,应进一步研究、拓展和贯彻,使"从难从严从实战出发、大运动量训练"的原则更加科学化.运动竞赛的核心是负荷强度,而不是负荷量.只有平时高强度的训练积累,才能适应比赛对机体的强烈刺激,使机体所能承受的负荷强度不断提高.多课次、小周期、短节奏、高强度的训练方法,注重以强度为核心的运动负荷,辩证地处理量与强度间的关系,是对现代运动训练理论的拓展和创新.  相似文献   

The metabolic and hormonal consequences of high-intensity functional training regimens such as CrossFit® (CF) are unclear. Little is known about the triggers and clinical and biochemical features of CF-related overtraining syndrome (OTS). The EROS study compared endocrine and metabolic responses, and eating, social, psychological and body characteristics of OTS-affected (OTS) and healthy athletes (ATL), and non-physically active controls (NPAC). The current study is a post-hoc analysis of the CF subgroups of the EROS study, to evaluate specific characteristics of CF in ATL and OTS. Parameters were overall and pairwise compared among OTS-affected (CF-OTS) and healthy (CF-ATL) athletes that exclusively practiced CF, and NPAC. CF-ATL yielded earlier and enhanced cortisol, GH, and prolactin responses to an insulin tolerance test (ITT), increased neutrophils, lower lactate, increased testosterone, improved sleep quality, better psychological performance, increased measured-to-predicted basal metabolic rate (BMR) ratio and fat oxidation, and better hydration, when compared to NPAC. Conversely, more than 90% of the adaptive changes in CF were lost under OTS, including an attenuation of the hormonal responses to an ITT, increased estradiol, decreased testosterone, and decreased BMR and fat oxidation; the most remarkable trigger of OTS among “HIFT athletes” was the long-term low carbohydrate and calorie intake.  相似文献   

对具有一定水平的运动员,要进一步提高专项成绩,改进训练效果,除了在体能和技能上强化训练以外,训练悟性也起着十分重要的作用。本文从六个方面介绍训练悟性在上海田径队女子短跑组队员提高专项成绩过程中的作用。  相似文献   

单项体育协会由于物质激励、职业发展激励不足,长期存在着专职人员短缺、年轻化和高层次人才匮乏等问题.政社脱钩关于人事分离的相关规定更加剧了单项体育协会人力资源困境.资源依赖理论视角下,破解单项体育协会的人力资源困境有两种思路,一是通过主动承接政府转移职能、承接政府购买公共体育服务、开展有偿经营性服务活动等方式增加单项体育...  相似文献   

调解作为一种替代性纠纷解决机制,所具有的特点和优势契合了国际体育纠纷解决的方向,逐渐受到世界各国的青睐.美国、英国国内的体育仲裁机构以及国际体育仲裁院在调解机制的规则和运用上各具特点,相互借鉴、相互竞争,整体代表了体育调解机制的未来发展趋势,但在调解模式、纠纷范围、调解员的中立和保密要求方面仍存在不断完善的空间.  相似文献   

This study examined the utility of Ajzen's () theory of planned behaviour and Maddux's () revised theory of planned behaviour to predict endurance training intentions and adherence of elite junior netball athletes. One hundred and fifteen athletes from the England Netball World Class Start Programme were assessed on constructs central to the predictions of the two theories. Adherence to a recommended endurance training programme was recorded in self-report diaries across a 9-week period. Validity for the diaries was supported by significant correlations (P <?0.001) with recalls across 7 days and 9 weeks. Adherence was moderate and variable between athletes (mean = 66.05, s = 25.75%). Two separate path analyses were conducted to examine the predictions of the theories. Goodness-of-fit indices suggested acceptable fit of the data to the models. Analyses showed that attitude towards the new behaviour, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control predicted training intentions. The relationship between intention and adherence was weak. The present results suggest that the constructs of the theory of planned behaviour offer some insight into the explanation of intentions to follow an endurance training programme. Constructs unique to the revised theory of planned behaviour did not significantly predict training intentions or behaviour. Implications for practitioners working with team sport performers are provided.  相似文献   

The referee is an essential part of the codified form of Association Football that we know today. Nevertheless, this has not always been the case; whilst a referee, in some form, has been a requirement since codification in order for football matches to occur, referees have not always been central in the thought process of rule makers and those developing the game. This essay explores the evolution of the referee within Association Football and, more specifically, the training, support and assessment practices that referees have received since the codification of Association Football in 1863. Therefore, this essay focuses on debates and input from governing bodies, such as the Football Association, FIFA and the Referees Associations specifically related to referees and their training, support and assessment as the association code of football continued to evolve.  相似文献   

对国内外近20年来关于篮球比赛负荷特征的文献研究后发现:(1)篮球是在大约持续90 min的时间内完成的以高强度爆发性的跳跃、冲刺、对抗、拼抢等运动形态及中低强度的走、慢跑、专项化移动交替进行的不规则间歇性运动项目。平均不到3 s就有一次移动方式的变化,每30 s左右就有一次高强度的移动方式。(2)不同位置球员在比赛中所承受的负荷是不同的,以后卫最大。因此,篮球专项体能训练应突出位置特征、个体化特点。(3)不同性别的球员在比赛中所承受的负荷并无显著性差异,其训练方法和强度控制可以互相借鉴。(4)水平级别越高的球员,其所承受的比赛负荷也越高。  相似文献   

普通高校的运动员训练普遍存在设施较差、训练时间较短及学习压力较大等因素。实施运动训练与思想转化相结合的二元制方法,对运动员各项身体素质的加强、运动技术水平的提高和稳定的心理素质形成等,均取得了良好的成效。  相似文献   

根据对我国优秀短跑运动员杨耀祖、倪震杰的培养 ,对短跑运动训练、比赛的规律及安排进行总结、探讨。研究认为 ,如何合理安排全年训练和比赛 ,尤其是赛前训练的安排、对运动员心理状态的调节 ,直接影响到运动员的竞技能力。只有在赛前对各种因素进行有效地调节 ,合理调控运动员最佳竞技状态 ,才能在重大比赛中创造优异的成绩。  相似文献   

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