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普通高校体育特长生与体育院校运动系学生训练意愿比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
夏文  王斌  王松 《体育学刊》2002,9(6):121-124
通过问卷时影响普通高校运动系学生训练意愿的因素做了调查与比较,用多因素分析法找出4个主成分(学校、个人、社会和家庭)因子;并在此基础上时高校体育特长生和运动系学生训练意愿的得分进行了t检验。结果表明运动系学生进校后运动成绩提高优于高校体育特长生,在影响训练意愿的4个主因中,个人主因时运动系学生的影响高于体育特长生;而在社会主因方面,体育特长生则明显高于运动系学生。  相似文献   

以甘孜藏族自治州、阿坝藏族羌族自治州、凉山彝族自治州(后文简称四川三州)等民族地区的17个县城开展民族传统体育的现状为切入点,对四川三州城填民族传统体育的消费现状、活动的形式、制约因素以及该地区人们对本民族传统体育发展现状的态度等进行广泛社会调查与分析,在此基础上提出发展该地区群众体育的建议。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the associations between lower limb biomechanics and ball release speed in 15 high-performance (HP) and 15 amateur fast bowlers. Kinematic and kinetic variables of the lower limbs collected in the laboratory environment with a 3D Vicon motion analysis system were compared between groups, as well as their associations with ball release speed. HP bowlers had a significantly higher run-up velocity at back foot impact but this difference became non-significant at ball release. Front knee kinematics were not statistically different, however effect sizes revealed medium-large differences with the HP group displaying a more extended knee joint at maximum flexion (d = 0.72) and ball release (d = 0.76). Only front hip positive power was significantly higher in the HP group and it was suggested that the probable cause was the HP bowlers having less knee flexion after front foot impact. From a joint power analysis, the extensor muscle groups of the hip and knee were shown to be important in developing ball release speed. This highlights the need for lower limb/core strength programmes to be multifaceted and focus on the muscles associated with both power and stability.  相似文献   

对足球比赛中胜负关系的辩证分析,可以指导教练员及队员正确对待比赛的胜利与失败。对足球比赛中战术运用的辩证分析表明:在训练和比赛中正确把握进攻与防守、数量与质量、快与慢的关系,有利于全面提高足球的技战术水平。  相似文献   

罗时铭 《体育学刊》2011,18(6):48-52
就建国初期中国体育对外关系的战略思考与路径选择进行讨论。结果认为:建国初期的体育对外关系,在坚持独立自主外交政策的原则下,注意围绕"一边倒"的国家外交战略,通过不同的具体路径选择,在服从和服务于国家外交大政方针的同时,较好地打开了新中国体育对外发展的新局面,并为后来新中国体育事业的全面发展奠定了较好的基础。  相似文献   

探讨青春发育期男性青少年在生长发育过程中骨密度(bone mineral density,BMD)值与下肢跳跃能力的关系及运动训练对其影响。对10~20岁男性青少年63名,依据年龄分为10~15岁和16~20岁组;依据是否从事规律的运动训练,再分为运动员组和非运动员组。超声法测量跟骨BMD,下肢跳跃能力指标使用日产Rebound Jumping测跳仪测量。结果:男性青少年的BMD在整个青春期呈上升趋势,且10~15岁和16~20岁组BMD有显著性差异;运动组和非运动组的BMD也呈显著性差异,提示早期运动训练可以改变骨密度;男性青少年的BMD与反映下肢跳跃能力的指标具有明显相关性,且此相关度受运动训练的影响,运动训练具有正向促进作用。  相似文献   

采用文献资料、问卷调查和专家访谈法等,对浙江省高校体育院系的体育资源现状及社区体育健身服务现状等进行调查分析,提出高校体育院系要充分发挥体育资源优势,积极参与社区体育健身服务,更好地为社区体育发展做出贡献。  相似文献   

通过对广州市天河区居民的随机抽样调查,对其月健身消费支出、是否参与过健身消费与相关影响因素关系进行研究。结果发现,主体因素、客体因素和环境因素对天河区居民参与健身消费的影响度有依次增大的趋势,但无显著性差异(P>0.05)。健身场所环境好、器材好、享受健身消费、朋友的支持等因素对月健身消费支出影响度较大;而健身服务、健身意外、健身效果以及专业人员的指导是影响受调查者是否参与健身消费的重要因素。其它消费方式更具吸引力和专业人员指导不够两个因素既是影响健身消费的主要因素,同时也是敏感因素。  相似文献   

采用文献资料、问卷调查、数理统计等方法,对苏南高校学生参与课外体育锻炼的目的、项目、场地、时段、频度、时间等方面进行调查与分析,针对实际情况提出合理性建议,旨在为高校开展大学生课外体育活动提供参考依据。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to identify the optimal body shape and composition associated with physical fitness levels of children living in urban and rural areas of Italy. A total of 7102 children (11–14 years) were assessed for weight, height, percentage body fat (FM%), sit-and-reach flexibility (SAR), standing broad jump (SBJ) and sit-ups (SUP). A multiplicative allometric model, Y = a · massk1 · heightk2 ·ε, was used to predict the physical outcome variables Y = SBJ and SUP. The model was expanded to incorporate FM% and SAR as follows Y = a · massk1 · heightk2 · FM%k3 · exp(b· FM% + c· SAR) ·ε. Note that FM% was incorporated as a “gamma function” that allows an initial growth, and subsequent decline in Y as FM% increases in size. Although having an ectomorph body shape appears advantageous, being too thin appears detrimental to the strength outcomes. Being flexible would also benefit physical fitness levels. Finally, our results indicate that ursban children aged 11–14 have superior strength outcomes compared with rural children, having controlled for differences in body shape and composition, a finding that may be associated with rural environments having fewer exercise facilities compared with urban conurbations.  相似文献   

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