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Administering special collections within an academic branch library presents challenges in the areas of public services, collection management, facilities planning, and staffing. In art and architecture libraries, special collections can include a variety of materials such as rare books, trade catalogs, builder's guides, graphic and visual materials, artists' books, archival records in many formats, and files of ephemera. Public service issues relating to the administration of special collections housed in an architecture branch library (and its off-site repositories) will be addressed. Collection care and access services will be examined in light of recent technologies.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(3):418-432
One of the longest-running ethical debates in visual journalism is the extent to which graphic and/or violent photographs should be present in our news media. The current research is designed to elicit further understanding about this complex topic from a framing effects perspective. The research uses a 2 (level of graphicness) × 3 (story topic) experimental design to test for media effects of graphic photos in regard to such variables as attitude toward the situation and attitude toward continued US involvement in the situation. The three story topics are the 2011 Somalia famine, the 2010 Haiti earthquake, and the 2003 war in Iraq. In addition, the research integrates eye-tracking data—a unique approach to understanding the effects of graphic photographs on participants. The research did not find across the board significant effects in regard to level of graphicness; however, a key finding emerged: the nature of the news story did lead to significant effects. In addition, the inclusion of eye-tracking data showed that the highly graphic photos more quickly attracted participants' attention and that participants' fixated on highly graphic photos for a longer amount of time.  相似文献   

As mass communication scholars and educators, we should be greatly concerned about how we teach ethics to our students. This research posits improving the quality of mass communication education with the intention of producing top-notch journalists who are dedicated to raising the credibility of the profession. Specifically, the research assesses the effects of integrating ethical content within a visual communication course, focusing on two critical and timely issues in visual journalism: the acceptability of graphic photographs and image manipulation. Findings showed significant differences in how participants viewed selected ethical issues in visual journalism from time 1 to time 2.  相似文献   

Librarians often become de facto graphic designers for their libraries, taking responsibility for designing signage, handouts, brochures, web pages, and many other promotional, instructional, and wayfinding documents. However, the majority of librarians with graphic design responsibilities are not trained as graphic designers. This exploratory research study surveyed librarians to determine their graphic design training and preparation for their assumed design duties as well as the support and training they desire. Results from this study can be used by library administrators when providing support for librarians with graphic design duties.  相似文献   

Libraries and information centres use often multiple classification schemes for organizing their collections. In Canadian full depository libraries government publications can be organized in collections using a government publishing office's own notation, knowledge organization notation, or other notational scheme designed especially for government publications. Provenance-based schemes such as CODOC are attractive for their universality and for work-related purposes that may be influenced by financial challenges. However, libraries that use multiple notations for government publications may open the potential for intellectual disruption to information retrieval practices in either physical or virtual browsing.  相似文献   

The primary objectives of this research article are to explore the concept of communication tools using Facebook, and to evaluate the performance of the East West University (EWU) Library Facebook page as a communication tool. The EWU Library Facebook page uses a variety of strategies and techniques to engage with its patrons. The author's intention is to examine this library Facebook page, which is explored using a case study method. This article also focuses on how Facebook facilitates collaborations between the library and the patron's community, as well as the implications for academic libraries in the future. This case study reviews the literature on the use of social networking while focusing on Facebook as a communication tool and engaging libraries in social networking. The article emphasizes the author's experience of working in an academic library to identify the main trends in providing services based on posting various topics through the Facebook page of the EWU Library, Bangladesh. The numerous issues in adapting Facebook as a communication tool and an exploration of the opportunity and drawbacks of the use of the Facebook application in academic libraries are also discussed.  相似文献   

This survey examines how viewers of Al-Jazeera perceive the network's presentation of graphic and war-related visuals and whether the viewers perceive that the TV channel provides visual information they cannot find in national Arab media, CNN, and other Western media. Nearly 9 in 10 respondents supported the use of graphic imagery saying watching those visuals was a good decision for them and that the network provides a unique source of visual information. Further, attitudes toward press freedom and media reliance correlated with support for graphic visuals after controlling for demographic variables.  相似文献   

This case study shares the experience of building an in-house faculty publications database that was spearheaded by the Touro College and University System library in 2010. The project began with the intention of contributing to the college by collecting the research accomplishments of our faculty and staff, thereby also increasing library visibility and faculty interaction. Since then the project has grown immensely and has gained momentum throughout the college. With the endorsement of the Office of the President, the library has started publishing an annual book with the bibliography of its faculty publications. The authors relate their experience so that other libraries can duplicate the success and avoid the problems of their library's venture.  相似文献   

Some 1,000 surveys were conducted on Amazon's MTurk, asking respondents to rate a high- and low-quality visual design, in this case a billboard ad. While most respondents preferred the high-quality ad, over a third opted for the low-quality design. Respondents who showed a preference for the low-quality design liked it for its “static” qualities, in that it was common, typical, average, and standard. Those who preferred the high-quality design liked it for its “dynamic” qualities, such that it was innovative, fascinating, novel, creative, and rich in elements. Older participants show a significant preference for the low-quality design. Implications of these findings for different types of visual communication are discussed.  相似文献   

With the rising costs of tuition and textbooks, Open Educational Resources (OERs) are becoming increasingly important. The university library, in collaboration with faculty, is a natural leader of OER initiatives at institutions of higher education. Cleveland State University's Michael Schwartz Library embraced this leadership role by assisting a faculty member with developing an OER, which involved balancing the workload between librarians and the faculty member, determining successful modes of communication, taking advantage of graphic design skills, and more. The success of this initial collaboration has led the Library to expand its support of OER initiatives on campus.  相似文献   

Communication quality between public service units in academic libraries can make the difference between mediocre and exceptional service. If units do not communicate well, patrons may receive inaccurate information and experience short-term frustration, leading to long-term damage to the library's reputation. Poor communication creates adverse effects on employees through decreased productivity, negative work culture, and low morale. This article explores the importance of quality communication through a review of the literature and a case study at one academic library. The authors share practical communication improvement strategies for libraries of every size and fiscal ability.  相似文献   

Ten years ago, this journal published an article comparing the collection rates of Japanese manga in English translation and American graphic novels (“American” defined as graphic novels published in North America and originally written in English) in 44 American academic libraries in 2007 and 2008 (Masuchika & Boldt, 2010). The results showed that American graphic novels were being added to American academic libraries at a faster pace than translated Japanese manga. With the growing popularity of both manga and graphic novels, it was time to revisit this phenomenon and see if any changes had occurred in collection rates within the last ten years. This study revealed that while graphic novels were being added at a significantly faster pace, manga showed no increase in the rates they were being added ten years ago.  相似文献   

Citation analysis provides valuable information on researchers' information use behavior, and helps librarians make evidence-based collection development decisions. However, no citation analysis of faculty publications in the field of communication has been performed to study communication researchers' information use behavior. This study examined communication faculty publication from 2006 to 2014, analyzing format, age, most frequently cited journals, and their subject areas. Analysis of local holdings provides evidence for the library's role in support of faculty research, and helps librarians articulate the value of libraries.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(20):205-221
A library's success depends in large part on communication it shares with its users. Formal theory of communication information can be useful in examining the process, which is central to library use. Communication models are presented which display graphically elements of the process. The places of the library and the librarian in the models are discussed. Also presented are the concept of information (particularly as it relates to libraries)and data on information output. The key to all discussion is the library-user exchange and the importance of effective communication to public service in libraries.  相似文献   

Public libraries that practice effective dialogic communication are more likely to build trust with their communities. Applying principles of dialogic communication as a theoretical framework, this study examines how public libraries in Canada and the USA use Twitter to build long-term positive relationships with their publics. Content analysis of 28,788 Twitter messages sent to and from thirteen library @names revealed that libraries tend to employ the ‘dialogic cluster’ principles more often than the ‘technical and design cluster’ ones. However, ‘technical and design cluster’ messages were more likely to be retweeted. The number of followers was found to be positively related to the frequency of trust messages that the Twitter users send to a library @name. The authors discuss communication practices to actively engage publics in dialogic communication on Twitter.  相似文献   

信息编码与解码是开展信息搜寻与检索的必要前提,图书馆一般采用《中国图书馆分类法》对图书进行信息编码。然而信息编码与解码的专业性导致儿童在图书馆检索图书时非常困难,用户体验问题突出。文章基于记忆的双重编码理论,探讨采用图形隐喻设计,对图书类别进行编码,检验图书信息编码方式对儿童图书信息检索效率和情绪体验的影响。结果显示,图形隐喻编码形式更容易被儿童理解,能显著提升儿童检索效率和正性情绪,在面向识字水平低的儿童图书馆设计中,采用图形隐喻的信息编码方法,有助于培养儿童阅读兴趣,提升阅读体验。  相似文献   

This paper describes a comparative case study of the capture and selection practices used to populate electronic depositories of born-digital state government publications. The three case sites illustrate differences in collection building approaches, technological infrastructures, and statutory contexts. The findings reveal two basic modes of selection practices—active selection and passive selection, and three selection models based on the loci of selection control—library selection, liaison selection, and creator selection. Also, the findings suggest the power of defining and selecting government publications for state depositories is shifting from government agencies to state libraries in the active selection model. The authors argue for the need to attend to Web publications in non-traditional formats (e.g., an interactive HTML document) and to include common publications produced for lay citizens (e.g., brochures, fact sheets, FAQs, etc.) in the permanent collections in order to fully document government activities for the historical record.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Underappreciated data concerning libraries' holdings and circulation over the past century and a half offer insights into the behavior of libraries and their users. Book circulation per public library user indicates an outcome of users' demand for books and libraries' supply of books. From 1856 to 1978, library users borrowed from U.S. public libraries about 15 books per user per year. From 1978 to 2004, about 25% of book circulation shifted to audio‐visual circulation. Over about a century and a half, library book circulation per user shows no strong, long‐run trend either up or down. This outcome suggests that libraries have adapted to maintain the stability of their operation and that library borrowing practices are well‐embedded in popular life.  相似文献   

This paper explores some aspects of the collaborative achievement by Australian university libraries, documents the benefits accrued collectively to the clients of Australian academic libraries and overviews the contributions of some key bodies to the development of Australia's scholarly communication and information infrastructure.  相似文献   

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