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School psychologists have the potential to contribute to the development and delivery of health and mental health services through school‐based health centers (SBHCs). Possible roles for school psychologists within SBHCs are described. Factors that influence school psychologists' efforts within SBHCs are discussed, including factors such as system reforms, school system governance, importance of SBHC to stakeholders, and availability of funding. Knowledge of collaborative problem solving, effective prevention and intervention strategies, and recognition of limitations of traditional mental health programs were also identified as facilitators of the school psychologist's role in a SBHC. Factors that may impede the development of SBHCs are reviewed. These factors include definitional confusion, deemphasis on prevention, community stigma, limited resources, lack of integration and coordination of services, and an emphasis on a narrow role of providing only medical services. Additional factors discussed include the narrow role of school psychologists, space limitations, the challenge of collaboration, role strain, and lack of research on interventions within a SBHC. Strategies for overcoming barriers are suggested. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 40: 253–264, 2003.  相似文献   

Rates of childhood overweight 1
  • 1 The term childhood overweight as opposed to childhood obesity is used in this article. This term is consistent with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (2007a) nomenclature for describing children's weight status. For children, weight status is determined by a BMI percentile using age‐ and gender‐specific normative data. Underweight is defined as a child being below the 5th percentile based on the age‐ and gender‐specific norms, Normal Weight is defined as being between the 5th and the 84th percentile, At Risk for Overweight is defined as being between the 85th and the 94th percentile, and Overweightis defined as at or above the 95th percentile. For more information, go to www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpa/bmi/childrens_BMI/about_childrens_BMI.htm .
  • have reached epidemic proportions (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2001), and schools have been called on to play a role in the prevention of this medical condition. This article describes a multiyear health promotion effort—the Athletes in Service fruit and vegetable (F&V) promotion program—which is based on social learning theory for urban, elementary school children in kindergarten through third grade. Children participate in the program for a period of 3 years. The goals of the program are to increase opportunities for children to be more physically active during the school day and to help students increase their F&V consumption. This article describes the F&V promotion components of the program that were implemented in year 1, including implementation integrity and treatment acceptability data. Year 1 evaluation data demonstrated that the program is acceptable from the perspective of school staff and was implemented by school staff with high levels of integrity. Hallmarks of the program's successful implementation and high acceptability include (a) having a school‐based program champion; (b) designing the program to include low‐cost, attractive, interactive materials; (c) including many school staff members to facilitate a culture of healthy eating in the school; and (d) spreading out implementation responsibilities among the multiple staff members so that each individual's involvement is time efficient. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

    Abused children experience high rates of behavior, emotional, and learning problems but infrequently receive treatment. Most services provided to abused children and their families are not based on any clear evidence that they work. A number of evidence‐based treatments (EBTs), demonstrated to be safe and effective in treating a range of difficulties that present in children exposed to family violence, are appropriate for schools. We briefly review forms of abuse, describe EBTs appropriate for schools, and present a decision tree for deciding who to treat and how. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

    Experimentation with substances is typical for many young people, but unfortunately some will go on to develop substance abuse problems that substantially affect their lives. Successfully intervening with students who use or abuse substances is a challenge for school mental health professionals across the nation. There is a need for evidence‐based practices that school professionals can use when working with students who have substance abuse problems. This article provides school professionals in secondary settings with current information on student substance use rates, evidence‐based individual and group interventions, and discussion of the 42 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 2 (42 CFR). © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

    The importance of school‐based health centers (SBHCs) in overall prevention and health promotion programming is growing as they become increasingly common in schools. SBHCs can improve access to comprehensive physical and mental health services for children and families, and make a significant contribution to universal prevention efforts in schools. Partnering with school‐based health centers in the overall prevention and health promotion programming provides an opportunity for school psychologists to broaden their impact on the entire school population. This article describes the role and primary functions of SBHCs and how these centers can provide important prevention and health promotion services for children and adolescents. Research regarding SBHCs' primary prevention outcomes is also reviewed with the goal of providing school psychologists the necessary background to work collaboratively with SBHCs. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

    Schools are an important context for both basic and applied scientific research. Unlike the laboratory, however, the physical and social conditions of schools are not under the exclusive control of scientists. In this article, we liken collecting data in schools to putting on a theatrical production. We begin by describing the large cast of characters whose collaborative efforts make school‐based research possible. Next, we address the critics, including the university Institutional Review Board (IRB) and school administrators, whose feedback often improves the final study design. We then turn our attention to set building, stage directions, and rehearsals—key steps in the iterative process of refining study procedures. We end with a discussion of the day of data collection itself and activities that take place after the curtain drops. Throughout, we make recommendations based on our recent experience collecting data at several high schools.  相似文献   

    Reading relies on a left‐lateralized network of brain areas that include the pre‐lexical processing regions of the ventral stream. Specifically, a region in the left lateral occipitotemporal sulcus (OTS) is consistently more activated for visual presentations of words than for other categories of stimuli. This region undergoes dramatic changes at the functional and structural levels when children learn to read, but little is known about the effects of early cerebral constraints on reading skills. Using anatomical magnetic resonance imaging, we investigated whether the sulcal pattern of the lateral OTS—a stable brain feature—was associated with oral reading skills. The sulcal pattern of the left but not the right lateral OTS was associated with the number of words correctly read in 3 min. This study is the first to evidence that reading is affected by early cerebral constraints, such as the sulcal morphology of the left lateral OTS.  相似文献   

    Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) students experience harassment, alienation, and violence in schools. Several school‐based interventions have been suggested to provide a safe and effective learning environment for these students, but few have been evaluated or investigated experimentally. This review utilizes A.K. Ellis' (2001) model to review the research on school‐based interventions for GLBT youth at the levels of theory, applied investigation, and widespread implementation. Results suggest that, although the research base for psychological needs of GLBT youth is well established, applied investigation of small‐ and large‐scale implementation is in the early stages. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 44: 839–848, 2007.  相似文献   

    Schools are more and more encouraged to write a school‐based information and communication technology (ICT) policy plan. In such a plan, a school describes its expectations, goals, content and actions related to the future role of ICT in teaching and learning. Although this is encouraged by researchers and policy makers, the literature on ICT policy plans and ICT policy planning is rather general and underdeveloped. In this study, the content of school‐based ICT policy plans and underlying policy processes is explored. Data were gathered in 31 primary schools in Flanders: the schools' ICT policy plan was submitted to a content analysis, and a semi‐structured interview was administered to the school leader or the ICT coordinator. Using a framework of ICT leadership practices to guide the analysis (setting direction, developing people and making the organization work), we identified three types of ICT policy plans: (1) an ICT policy plan as a vision blueprint, (2) a technical inventory and (3) a comprehensive ICT policy plan. Although the last type takes into account all ICT leadership practices, we found a variety of different approaches in the processes used to create and execute such plans, such as the support of ICT training activities, data‐driven decision‐making processes and monitoring activities.  相似文献   

    This study evaluated the violence prevention effects of The Peacemakers Program, a school‐based intervention for students in grades four through eight. The program includes a primary prevention component delivered by teachers and a remedial component implemented by school psychologists and counselors with referred students. The teacher‐delivered component consists of a psychoeducational curriculum and procedures for infusing program content into the school environment. The study included almost 2,000 students in an urban public school system, with pre‐ and post‐program assessment and comparison to a control group. There were significant, positive program effects on six of the seven variables assessed, including knowledge of psychosocial skills, self‐reported aggression, and teacher‐reported aggression, with a 41% decrease in aggression‐related disciplinary incidents and a 67% reduction in suspensions for violent behavior. On some outcome variables, intervention effects were stronger for boys than girls and for middle school compared to upper elementary school students. © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

    In response to extensive research exposing students' poor understanding of the particle theory of matter, this article argues that the conceptual framework within which the theory is introduced could be a limiting factor. The standard school particle model is characterized as operating within a “solids, liquids, and gases” framework. Drawing on an analysis of scientific ideas on matter and research into students' understanding, issues arising from the framework are identified which could contribute towards students' well known difficulties. The analysis leads to the proposal for a particle model based within the framework of the concept of a substance. Results from two exploratory studies using the substance‐based particle model with children (ages 9–10) in two contrasting elementary schools in England are then reported. After a short teaching intervention with a class in each school, individual interviews were held with a sample of 12 students from each class. Data were collected on students' understanding of substances coexisting in different room temperature states and phenomena involving changes of state and mixing. The results gave useful feedback on the specification of the model and its teaching. Overall the students' engagement with the particle ideas was encouraging and suggests a larger scale testing of the substance‐based model is merited. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 47:130–150, 2010  相似文献   

    Partnerships between informal learning environments and schools have been cited as an innovative, effective way for museums, galleries and schools to work together to enrich classroom curricula, support student success, and facilitate the utilisation of available community museum and cultural resources. This article reports on findings from a multi‐year, exploratory arts outreach programme for 31 elementary and secondary visual art educators from a rural school district in the American South. The outreach programme was conceived in partnership with faculty from the neighbouring university's art department, school of education and university art gallery. Utilising a partnership framework, the travelling exhibit was developed through a collaborative research relationship with the participating visual art educators. Findings from this programme indicate that travelling exhibits can be an effective mode of programme delivery for informal learning environments while also supporting the content needs for classroom arts educators if the programme stresses transformative partnerships across all invested parties.  相似文献   

    Primary school‐aged children with conduct problems are at risk of future antisocial and criminal behaviour, particularly when there are additional family‐level risk factors. However, little is known about how school‐related factors can reduce that risk. This qualitative longitudinal study investigates school‐related influences on changes in the behaviour of at‐risk children in high‐need families over a period of 5 years. Families of 11 children with serious behaviour problems were followed over the transition to secondary school. In‐depth interviews with mothers, and with practitioners who support the child or family, explored school‐related factors which appeared helpful or unhelpful in improving children's behaviour over time. The analysis found that the disjuncture between the nurture experienced at primary school and a lack of nurture later at secondary school was problematic. Children tended to change primary school until they found one prepared to offer them a high level of nurture and supervision. Consistent relationships with supportive adults were important, but were rare after the transfer to secondary school. Literacy problems remained unrecognised or unaddressed for too long, contributing to children's lack of engagement. Inconsistent disciplinary responses to minor behaviour issues tended to escalate problems and most children were eventually excluded from mainstream education. Communication between parents and school staff was often problematic; parents sometimes experienced school contacts as burdensome, ill‐informed and unsupportive. However, good communication could aid development of successful approaches to supporting children with difficult behaviour.  相似文献   

    The author details strategies for teaching a graduate‐level counseling course in school‐based consultation. Specifically addressed are strategies for developing a consultation knowledge base and the importance of skills development for school counselors‐in‐training as well as other school‐based practitioners.  相似文献   

    In this essay Ken McGrew critically examines the school‐to‐prison pipeline metaphor and associated literature. The origins and influence of the metaphor are compared with the origins and influence of the competing prison industrial complex concept. Specific weaknesses in the pipeline literature are examined. These problems are described as resulting, in part, from the influence that the pipeline metaphor has on the thinking of those who follow it. McGrew argues that addressing the weaknesses in the literature, abandoning the metaphor, and adopting a more complex theoretical orientation grounded in critical scholarship, will enable educational scholars to better capture the relational nature of the social phenomena being described while simultaneously making their work more useful to emerging movements for social justice.  相似文献   

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