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The ACEI Global Guidelines Assessment (GGA) was developed to provide an international assessment tool that can be used by early childhood educators to develop, assess, and improve program quality worldwide. This pilot study was conducted in four countries to investigate the psychometric properties of the GGA within and across different countries. A total of 168 programs and 336 early care and education professionals participated in this study from communities in the People’s Republic of China, Guatemala, Taiwan, and the United States. The results show strong internal consistency for each subscale and the total GGA as well as moderate interrater consistency for the five subscales. A comparison of item ratings and the qualitative evidence suggests moderately acceptable congruence between the ratings and evidence to support the ratings. Patterns of program practices were identified within and across the participating sties and countries that reflected both unique and common practices. These results suggest that the GGA has potential as a useful and effective tool both for understanding early childhood program quality within and across countries and as a means of helping practitioners to establish and/or improve the quality of their services.  相似文献   

Research Findings: The Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale–Revised (ECERS-R) is widely used to evaluate the quality of early childhood education and its association with child development. However, the psychometric properties of the ECERS-R are not well established. Consequently, in this study we tested 3 different factor solutions of the ECERS-R using models sourced from the existing literature (featuring 1-, 2-, and 3-correlated-factor solutions) and applying confirmatory factor analysis to data from the epidemiological sample of the Embu Pre-school Mental Health Study (n = 1,292 children). Alternative measures of child education quality (such as teacher-to-child ratio) were also analyzed. The confirmatory factor analysis returned good fit indices for both the unidimensional and 3-correlated-factor solution models. Practice or Policy: This study showcases different applications of the ECERS-R, both the full and shortened versions. These findings are particularly important for improving ECERS-R guidelines for researchers, professionals, and policymakers.  相似文献   

This study investigated the psychometric properties of a teacher-reported version of a Swedish school climate instrument called the Pedagogical and Social Climate (PESOC), which consists of 95 items covering cultural, structural and social factors. A sample of 348 teachers from 19 Swedish secondary schools was used. Multilevel confirmatory factor analysis conducted within a structural equation modelling framework indicated that the PESOC had a two-factor structure at the teacher level and a one-factor at the school level. The PESOC’s convergent validity was supported by the school-level correlations between PESOC and another established instrument (i.e., the Team Climate Inventory). Further validation studies of PESOC are needed with larger, more representative samples, and with information on important outcomes such as student achievement and wellbeing.  相似文献   

The Third Edition of the ACEI Global Guidelines Assessment (GGA) was evaluated for its effectiveness as an international assessment tool for use by early childhood educators to develop, assess, and improve program quality worldwide. This expanded study was conducted in nine countries [People’s Republic of China (2 sites), Guatemala, India, Italy, Mexico (2 sites), Peru (2 sites), Taiwan, Thailand, United States] to continue the investigation of the psychometric properties of the GGA. A total of 346 programs and 678 early care and education professionals participated in this study. Results primarily confirmed the findings of the previous study, (Hardin et al. in Early Child Educ J 41(2): 91–101, 2013), indicating that the GGA showed strong to moderate internal consistency and interrater reliability for subscale ratings across this larger number of countries and programs. The congruence of item ratings and written evidence to support ratings was acceptable, although some programs had lower participation in providing evidence. To test concurrent validity of ratings, external raters also evaluated a subset of programs (n = 44 from Peru and United States) on both the GGA and the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale-Revised that showed moderate positive correlations. Patterns of program practices were also identified within and across the participating sites and countries. Results suggest that the GGA can be used as an onsite evaluation method that can help stakeholder participants (teachers and administrators) increase their awareness of program quality standards and serve as an assessment method for their own programs. In particular, the results suggest the GGA is a reliable and useful instrument that can be used effectively by early childhood stakeholders for assessing and improving program quality worldwide (Bergen and Hardin in Child Educ 91(4): 259–264, 2015).  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of the Compassionate Love for Close Others and for Strangers and Humanity Scale (Sprecher & Fehr, 2005 Sprecher , S. , & Fehr , B. ( 2005 ). Compassionate love for close others and humanity . Journal of Social and Personal Relationships , 22 , 629651 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) among older people. The psychometric properties of the two versions of the scale were analyzed by means of factor analysis, internal consistency, and criterion-related validity methods. The exploratory factor analysis supported a one-dimensional structure of the scale. The Compassionate Love for Close Others and for Strangers and Humanity Scale presented good psychometric properties, with satisfactory levels of internal consistency. The criterion-related validity of the scale was established by correlating compassionate love for others and for humanity with forgiveness, gratitude, and religiosity. Those who experience high levels of compassionate love for close others and strangers/humanity were more likely to report unconditional forgiveness, gratitude, and religiosity. The Portuguese version of the Compassionate Love for Close Others and for Strangers and Humanity Scale seems to be reliable and valid. The significance and limitations of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

Using Rasch analysis, the psychometric properties of a newly developed 35‐item parent‐proxy instrument, the Caregiver Assessment of Movement Participation (CAMP), designed to measure movement participation problems in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder, were examined. The CAMP was administered to 465 school children aged 5–10 years. Thirty of the 35 items were retained as they had acceptable infit and outfit statistics. Item separation (7.48) and child separation (3.16) were good; moreover, the CAMP had excellent reliability (Reliability Index for item = 0.98; Person = 0.91). Principal components analysis of item residuals confirmed the unidimensionality of the instrument. Based on category probability statistics, the original five‐point scale was collapsed into a four‐point scale. The item threshold calibration of the CAMP with the Movement Assessment Battery for Children Test was computed. The results indicated that a CAMP total score of 75 is the optimal cut‐off point for identifying children at risk of movement problems.  相似文献   

Teacher burnout is a growing phenomenon that may dramatically reduce the quality of life of both teachers and students. Many studies have conceptualized teaching as a high-contact profession and, focusing on the emotional exhaustion dimension of burnout, they have highlighted the relation with students as a key dimension of teachers’ stress. This paper presents an original instrument (TSS-Sr) to measure teachers’ stress related to the interaction with their pupils. It provides the psychometric characteristic of this scale. Results support a model of measurement of teacher social stress based on four dimensions: verbal aggression, dislike students, awkward reactions, demanding requests. Implications about the use and the applications of this instrument are discussed.  相似文献   

Because of increased stress conditions in college students, updated psychometrics of the Perceived Stress Scale, 10‐item version (PSS‐10; S. Cohen & G. Williamson, 1988) are necessary. Participants were 281 undergraduates at 3 public universities. An exploratory factor analysis revealed a 2‐factor structure measuring Perceived Helplessness and Perceived Self‐Efficacy. Normative results, internal consistencies, and construct validity were supported. The current findings reveal that the PSS‐10 is a reliable and valid instrument for assessment of perceived stress in college students.  相似文献   

Using graduate social work students' data (n = 481) in the Hartford Partnership Program for Aging Education (HPPAE) in the United States, the study examined psychometric properties of the Knowledge of Aging for Social Work Quiz (KASW), a revision of the Facts on Aging Quiz, to evaluate biopsychosocial knowledge relevant to social work. We examined the intercorrelations of the KASW with the academic and practice experience in aging and score differences by the specialization and school year, and estimated the internal consistencies as reliability. Results showed the convergent validity of the KASW, indicating the items measured theoretically related areas of content with students' skills and experiences in aging. The internal consistencies, nevertheless, remained relatively low, representing the items that failed to measure the expected constructs of biopsychosocial domains. The KASW will be further refined to more sensitively identify students' knowledge deficiencies by selecting an optimal panel of items in biopsychosocial content areas and by providing information relevant to the pedagogical agenda and guidance in field education.  相似文献   

本研究通过设计模拟的网络化学习实验,探讨网络化学习过程中认知负荷的评估方法.结果显示,心理努力、任务主观难度、注视时间、注视次数、主任务反应时、主任务正确率等评估指标对认知负荷变化敏感;采用多维综合评估模型对认知负荷进行测量总体上比采用单一评估指标的测量更为有效.研究表明,BP网络和自组织神经网络两种神经网络模型对认知负荷的测量结果优于传统的因素分析方法.  相似文献   

哥德尔的一阶逻辑完全性定理(1929)是数理逻辑的基石.当代的逻辑学学生学习数理逻辑时大都直接接触Henkin(1949)的改良证法,该法简明扼要,并将原证法的"关于可数语言的限制"扩展至"任意基数的语言".本文用改进的当代逻辑学术语简要重述了哥德尔的一阶逻辑完全性定理的原始证明,这一证明在很大程度上已经为人所遗忘.作者并择要指出原证明中未声明地使用了K(o)nig引理(1926).  相似文献   

运用数学题的综合难度模型对中国PEP (A)版和澳大利亚IBID版数学教材中向量一章的例题难度进行比较.发现:(1) IBID版教材数学例题综合难度大于PEP (A)版;(2)在探究、背景、知识含量3个因素上PEP (A)版教材数学例题的难度高于IBID版,而在运算和推理方面IBID版数学例题的难度要高于PEP (A)版;(3)探究因素方面,在识记水平和理解水平上IBID版高于PEP (A)版,但在应用水平和探究水平上PEP (A)版比IBID版高;(4)背景因素方面,两套教材的例题编排都以无背景题为主,有背景题所占比例极小;(5)在运算因素方面,PEP (A)版教材中无运算、数值运算、简单符号运算例题所占比例都高于IBID版,而在运算难度最高的复杂符号运算的题量却比IBID版的要少很多.  相似文献   

本文对九年义务教育初中化学教学大纲修订的新大纲与原大纲进行比较 ,并对新大纲的教学内容特点和相关问题做了综述分析。  相似文献   

人口老龄化进程中老年人精神赡养问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对人口老龄化进程加剧背景下精神赡养缺失的现状及原因分析,探讨精神赡养的心理学内涵,认为艾里克森心理社会发展阶段理论及马斯洛需要层次理论是精神赡养理论的依据,精神赡养应有孝文化基础。精神自养、充分发挥家庭与社区的功能、推进社区居家养老模式、强化政府在政策、资金及引导上的作用,是解决我国现阶段老年人精神赡养缺失问题的相关对策。  相似文献   

少子老龄化已经成为我国人口结构的基本态势。在少子老龄化背景下,无论是社会经济发展、社区治理还是家庭建设等方面均面临着新的问题。为应对挑战,社区老年教育需实现时代性的转型:指导思想由赋权转向为增能,教育目标由学有乐擢升到学有为,教育实践由休闲娱乐转型为提升发展。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to examine the psychometric quality of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) Early Childhood/Generalist assessment system. Rating data from the 1997–1998 assessment were analyzed using the FACETS (Linacre, 1998) computer program. The assessment system's 10 exercises work together to define a unidimensional accomplished teaching variable. There is little evidence of multidimensionality in the data, and none of the exercises appear to function in a redundant manner. The exercise set succeeds in defining several statistically distinct levels of accomplished teaching among the candidates. Overall, most candidate rating profiles show consistent performance across the exercises. While assessors differed somewhat in severity, most used the 12-point rating scale consistently. Although the range in assessor variability tends to be moderate, assessor severity does influence the number of candidates that can bank individual exercises. (If a candidate's total scaled score does not meet or exceed the NBPTS performance standard of 275, the candidate can bank scores on exercises in which the candidate received a final score of 2.75 or greater. If the candidate reapplies for certification in the next three years, the candidate does not have to retake banked exercises.)  相似文献   

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