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目的了解大、中学生对无偿献血的认识,为大力开展全民无偿献血提供资料.方法采用问卷调查形式进行调查并对数据进行统计学处理.结果多数学生对无偿献血的一般知识、献血与健康有一定的了解,且医学类大学生好于非医学类大学生,好于高中学生,差异具有显著性(均P<0.05).但所有学生对安全用血知识了解较少.结论对无偿献血的认识随教育程度及专业知识掌握程度而提高,献血人数也相应增加.大力开展无偿献血的社会宣传并在中、高等院校开展以健康教育为中心的无偿献血知识讲座是保证无偿献血顺利进行的有效手段.  相似文献   

While recent research examines homophobia among social work majors, there is limited research devoted to social work students enrolled in a historically Black college and university (HBCU). Social workers are not immune to possessing homophobic attitudes; therefore, diversity training is important. This research explored whether there were any differences in the attitudes of undergraduate social work students enrolled in a HBCU in the South toward gay and lesbian adoption in relation to the students’ gender, age, religious affiliation, and religious participation. This quantitative study used a nonrandom convenience sample of 94 students using the Attitudes Toward Lesbians and Gay Men Scale and the Attitudes Toward Homosexuality Scale. The data were analyzed utilizing one-way and two-way chi-square procedures.  相似文献   

为了了解大学生婚前性行为现状及其态度与发展趋势、了解大学生对生殖健康的认识情况,为开展性健康教育和研究提供基础材料,并为失恋大学生思想政治教育对策提供前期资料准备。课题组采用网络无记名方式向大连在校大学生发放调查问卷,并统计近三年甘井子靠近大学周边地区三甲医院各年龄段人流情况。调查结果发现,男生较女生更赞成婚前性行为,大学生生理卫生知识多是在中学通过非正规网络影像中学习得到,对正确生殖健康知识比较缺乏,而家长及辅导员在生殖健康方面与大学生缺乏交流。因此,应加强高校性健康教育,同时父母及社会应对大学生予以正确的指引,减少婚前性行为的伤害。  相似文献   

目的:了解大学生的社会责任心现状。方法:本研究在西南地区7所二本院校随机抽取大学生作为研究被试,采用赵兴奎编制的《大学生社会责任心问卷》进行施测。结果:(1)大学生社会责任心的总均分为3.49;(2)在社会责任心各维度上的得分差异极其显著(p<0.001);(3)大学生社会责任心在性别、年级上的得分差异极其显著(p﹤0.001),在专业类别上的得分差异显著(p﹤0.05)。结论:(1)当代大学生的社会责任心总体上较好;(2)大学生社会责任心各维度差异显著,由强到弱依次是群体责任心、物质责任心、文化责任心;(3)大学生的社会责任心在性别、年级以及专业上都存在显著差异。  相似文献   

In order to determine primary health care providers' (PCPs) knowledge gaps on Parkinson's disease, data were collected before and after a one-hour continuing medical education (CME) lecture on early Parkinson's disease recognition and treatment from a sample of 104 PCPs participating at an annual meeting. The main outcome measure was the proportion of questions answered correctly by each PCP before the lecture. We measured the change in proportion of correct answers before and after the lecture (delta). Ninety-nine percent of the PCPs who attended the lecture returned the questionnaire. The level of knowledge on Parkinson's disease before the lecture was relatively low, particularly in management (61.4%) and diagnosis (34.4%). PCPs' perceived knowledge was not associated with the number of correct responses on management at baseline. Test scores significantly improved after the CME lecture. Our results show that PCPs' baseline knowledge of diagnosis and management of Parkinson's disease and self-perceived knowledge on this topic are relatively limited. Appropriately, United States reaccreditation programs do not only rely on self-perception. Longitudinal studies are needed to determine the impact of CME in knowledge retention and patient care in Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

The Knowledge of Memory Aging Questionnaire (KMAQ) measures laypersons' knowledge of normal memory changes and pathological memory deficits in adulthood. In Experiment 1, undergraduate and graduate social work students and social work practitioners completed the KMAQ. Social workers and graduate students were more accurate on the pathological than normal memory aging items, but undergraduate students' knowledge did not differ by question type. Experiment 2 was a conceptual replication where the same pattern of outcomes was obtained using a more heterogeneous sample to increase the ecological validity of the findings. Results confirmed that nonmedical and medical staff at an assisted living facility and health care professionals were more accurate on the pathological than normal memory aging items. Community college and university students' accuracy was similar across question type. Implications for research and the design of education programs to increase awareness of normal and pathological memory deficits in late life are considered.  相似文献   

以凯里学院在校大学生为调研对象,对高校校园安全状况、安全教育和个人安全意识、学生对校园安全的满意度及期望等情况,深入剖析原因,提出相应的建议.  相似文献   

新时期少数民族大学生心理健康教育初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为新时期高校的一个特殊群体,少数民族大学生不仅是未来国家社会主义建设的栋梁,还是未来推动少数民族地区经济、文化发展的骨干力量。少数民族大学生同其他大学生一样,生理、心理处在一个迅速变化期,特别容易受到各种外界因素的影响而产生心理不适。这种心理不适应不仅表现在外显的语言交际、生活习俗上,还表现在其内在的宗教信仰、行为准则、思维方式因为冲突带来一系列的心理体验上。我们必须正确引导民族学生对新的社会环境和文化氛围进行心理调适,制订行之有效的措施,帮助民族学生尽快适应大学生活,促进校园和谐与民族和谐。  相似文献   

自信人格研究是我国心理学领域中新近发展的研究主题和重要研究领域之一。基于当前自信研究的现状,我们系统地探讨了大学生自信人格与心理健康之间的关系,研究揭示了自信人格诸层面与心理健康存在极其显著的相关;整体自信对大学生的心理健康水平具有明显预测力和显著影响力;不同自信得分组的大学生在心理健康诸因子上存在极其显著差异,均为"高自信组"大学生的心理健康优于"低自信组"大学生,增强个体自信有利于提高其心理健康水平。在此基础上对结果进行了讨论,并据此提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

This study examined whether attitudes toward interprofessional collaboration (Physician-Nurse, Physician-Social Worker, Nurse-Social Worker) held by medical, social work, and nursing students changed after completing an interprofessional curriculum consisting of (a) Interprofessional Education Development Session and (b) the Senior Aging and Geriatrics Educator mentoring program. The 15-item original and two modified versions of the Jefferson School of Attitudes Toward Physician-Nurse Collaboration (JSAPNC) were administered as pretest/posttest. Of the 186 participants who completed the pretest, 156 (84%) completed the posttest. Results showed that the medical students (n = 52) reported the most positive change in attitude toward all three pairs of interprofessional collaboration. Social work students (n = 55) reported the least positive attitudes toward Physician-Social Worker collaboration and nursing students (n = 49) reported the least positive attitudes toward Physician-Nurse collaboration. It is recommended to evaluate the interprofessional curriculum and other factors, such as the possible influence of the facilitator in group discussions, and that future studies include a rigorous design that monitors content of each educational session to ensure integrity across groups. Postgraduate follow-up measures could be used to enhance positive attitudes toward interprofessional collaboration.  相似文献   

为了解当今大学生的心理健康状况,运用症状自评量表(SCL-90)对浙江省内四个地区13所高校2010名在校大学生开展问卷调查,回收有效问卷1432份。通过数据的汇总与统计、比较,得出大学生的总体心理健康水平数据,为进一步了解大学生心理健康状况与更好的开展大学生心理健康辅导、教育提供依据。  相似文献   

This study was based on the nature of the processes of science and the cognitive‐affective variables that often seem to influence the validity of scientific explanations. The perceptual behaviours of individual observers were chosen among the variables of affect, and using attentive responses as its construct, four modes of observing behaviours were theoretically identified. The purpose of the study was to estimate the proportions of science students using each of the identified modes and subsequently examine their performances on four cognitive variables. Thirty‐two freshmen and sophomore science education students of Hiroshima University were individually requested to observe a system, comprising a burning candle in a limited supply of air, over water, and write explanations for their observations. Each student had three observation sessions of the same system. Results indicate that 43.75% of the students used the fastest mode of Short Stimulation Time/Short Response Time (SST/SRT), but had the lowest mean score of 1‐64 on the cognitive variables 1 to 4. There was also a significant difference between the mean scores of all subjects using Long Response Time (LRT) and those using Short Response Time (SRT), t(30)>2#lb042, p<#lb05. With these results, an integrative approach to the teaching of science was suggested to encourage students in the use of reflective thinking behaviours.  相似文献   

目前非教学专业大学生对大学数学的文化价值的认知不够全面,普遍没有数学美的概念.绝大多数学生在学习大学数学时,不能用数学美学方法来鉴赏数学对象和帮助理解数学知识.通过非数学专业大学生数学美认知情况调查,分析调查结果,从中得到两点启示.  相似文献   

学生心理"亚健康"现状调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文试图通过心理"亚健康"之自我测试问卷,对聊城职业技术学院学生的心理"亚健康"状态进行调查,探讨导致大学生心理"亚健康"状态的因素,并根据导致大学生心理"亚健康"状态的因素提出一点建议.  相似文献   

普通本科应用型人才培养模式改革初探   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文分析了本科应用型人才培养模式改革的社会背景;通过与学理型本科教育、高职高专教育的比较,明确了应用型人才培养的基本定位;提出了改革的基本思路:树立面向社会、面向市场开放办学的教育理念;制定加强实践活动突出应用能力的教学计划;建立应用性理论向应用能力转化的教学计划;加强实习实训基地建设;加强“双师型”教师队伍建设。  相似文献   

当代大学生社会责任心发展特点研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用自编大学生社会责任心问卷,调查1798名在校大学生社会责任心状况。结果表明:当代大学生社会责任心发展水平较高,但各维度、因子间发展不均衡;大学生社会责任心与学校性质、年级、是否独生、是否单亲等存在显著差异;普通大学高于重点大学,大一高于大三,非独生高于独生,非单亲高于单亲;大学生社会责任心与性别、家庭来源和父母职业等不存在显著差异。  相似文献   

石家庄市大学生心理健康水平现状调查研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以SCL-90为调查工具,对石家庄高校553名大学生的心理健康状况进行了调查.在调查的基础上,对不同大学生群体(按性别、院校、年级、出生次序、生源地等进行分类)的心理健康水平进行了分析,并对高校的教育工作提出了建议。  相似文献   

本文通过对中小学生近视率的调查,分析了中小学生的近视率有明显的增高趋势之原因,进行了讨论并提出一些“防近”措施。  相似文献   

One of the main aims of the school subject physical education (PE) is to promote a lifelong healthy lifestyle. The expectancy-value theory represents an essential theoretical perspective to examine and understand adolescents’ learning and motivation in PE. Based on this theory, the Expectancy-Value Questionnaire (EVQ) measures students’ expectancy-related beliefs and perceived task values related to a subject like PE. The aim of the present study was to examine the dimensionality, reliability, and construct validity of the Norwegian version of the EVQ among adolescents in PE. In total, 338 students from six schools completed the EVQ in their PE classes during the spring of 2016. Explorative and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted, suggesting the four-dimensional construct of the EVQ to be superior the two-factor-model. The EVQ measurement model of adolescents’ expectancy-related believes and subjective task values in PE demonstrated satisfying reliability and construct validity.  相似文献   

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