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We examined the preferred mode of arm coordination in 14 elite male front-crawl swimmers. Each swimmer performed eight successive swim trials in which target velocity increased from the swimmer's usual 3000-m velocity to his maximal velocity. Actual swim velocity, stroke rate, stroke length and the different arm stroke phases were then calculated from video analysis. Arm coordination was quantified by an index of coordination based on the lag time between the propulsive phases of each arm. The index expressed the three coordination modes in the front crawl: opposition, catch-up and superposition. First, in line with the dynamic approach to movement coordination, the index of coordination could be considered as an order parameter that qualitatively captured arm coordination. Second, two coordination modes were observed: a catch-up pattern (index of coordination?=??8.43%) consisting of a lag time between the propulsive phases of each arm, and a relative opposition pattern (index of coordination?=?0.89%) in which the propulsive phase of one arm ended when the propulsive phase of the other arm began. An abrupt change in the coordination pattern occurred at the critical velocity of 1.8?m?·?s?1, which corresponded to the 100-m pace: the swimmers switched from catch-up to relative opposition. This change in coordination resulted in a reorganization of the arm phases: the duration of the entry and catch phase decreased, while the duration of the pull and push phases increased in relation to the whole stroke. Third, these changes were coupled to increased stroke rate and decreased stroke length, indicating that stroke rate, stroke length, the stroke rate/stroke length ratio, as well as velocity, could be considered as control parameters. The control parameters can be manipulated to facilitate the emergence of specific coordination modes, which is highly relevant to training and learning. By adjusting the control and order parameters within the context of a specific race distance, both coach and swimmer will be able to detect the best adapted pattern for a given race pace and follow how arm coordination changes over the course of training.  相似文献   


Athletes’ energy distribution over a race (e.g. pacing behaviour) varies across different sports. Swimming is a head-to-head sport with unique characteristics, such as propulsion through water, a multitude of swimming stroke types and lane-based racing. The aim of this paper was to review the existing literature on pacing behaviour in swimming. According to PRISMA guidelines, 279 articles were extracted using the PubMed and Web of Science databases. After the exclusion process was conducted, 16 studies remained. The findings of these studies indicate that pacing behaviour is influenced by the race distance and stroke type. Pacing behaviours in swimming and time-trial sports share numerous common characteristics. This commonality can most likely be attributed to the lane-based racing set-up. The low efficiency of swimming resulting from propulsion through the water induces a rapid accumulation of blood lactate, prompting a change in swimmers’ biomechanical characteristics, with the goal of minimising changes in velocity throughout the race. Although the literature on youth swimmers is scarce, youth swimmers demonstrate more variable pacing profiles and have more difficulty in selecting the most beneficial energy distribution.  相似文献   

In elite swimming, a broad range of methods are used to assess performance, inform coaching practices and monitor athletic progression. The aim of this paper was to examine the performance analysis practices of swimming coaches and to explore the reasons behind the decisions that coaches take when analysing performance. Survey data were analysed from 298 Level 3 competitive swimming coaches (245 male, 53 female) based in the United States. Results were compiled to provide a generalised picture of practices and perceptions and to examine key emerging themes. It was found that a disparity exists between the importance swim coaches place on biomechanical analysis of swimming performance and the types of analyses that are actually conducted. Video-based methods are most frequently employed, with over 70% of coaches using these methods at least monthly, with analyses being mainly qualitative in nature rather than quantitative. Barriers to the more widespread use of quantitative biomechanical analysis in elite swimming environments were explored. Constraints include time, cost and availability of resources, but other factors such as sources of information on swimming performance and analysis and control over service provision are also discussed, with particular emphasis on video-based methods and emerging sensor-based technologies.  相似文献   

Motion capture through inertial sensors is becoming popular, but its accuracy to describe kinematics during changes in walking speed is unknown. The aim of this study was to determine the accuracy of trunk speed extracted using an inertial motion system compared to a gold standard optical motion system, during steady walking and stationary periods. Eleven participants walked on pre-established paths marked on the floor. Between each lap, a 1-second stationary transition period at the initial position was included prior to the next lap. Resultant trunk speed during the walking and transition periods were extracted from an inertial (240 Hz sampling rate) and an optical system (120 Hz sampling rate) to calculate the agreement (Pearson’s correlation coefficient) and relative root mean square errors between both systems. The agreement for the resultant trunk speed between the inertial system and the optical system was strong (0.67 < r ≤ 0.9) for both walking and transition periods. Moreover, relative root mean square error during the transition periods was greater in comparison to the walking periods (>40% across all paths). It was concluded that trunk speed extracted from inertial systems have fair accuracy during walking, but the accuracy was reduced in the transition periods.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of dry-land inertial training (IT) on muscle force, muscle power, and swimming performance. Fourteen young, national-level, competitive swimmers were randomly divided into IT and control (C) groups. The experiment lasted four weeks, during which time both groups underwent their regular swimming training. In addition, the IT group underwent IT using the Inertial Training Measurement System (ITMS) three times per week. The muscle groups involved during the upsweep phase of the arm stroke in front crawl and butterfly stroke were trained. Before and after training, muscle force and power were measured under IT conditions. Simultaneously with the biomechanical measurements on the ITMS, the electrical activity of the triceps brachii was registered. After four weeks of training, a 12.8% increase in the muscle force and 14.2% increase in the muscle power (p?<?.05) were noted in the IT group. Moreover, electromyography amplitude of triceps brachii recorded during strength measurements increased by 22.7% in the IT group. Moreover, swimming velocity in the 100?m butterfly and 50?m freestyle improved significantly following the four weeks of dry-land IT (?1.86% and ?0.76%, respectively). Changes in the C group were trivial. Moreover, values of force and power registered during the ITMS test correlated negatively with the 100?m butterfly and 50?m freestyle swimming times (r value ranged from ?.80 to ?.91). These results suggest that IT can be useful in swimming practice.  相似文献   


Inertial sensors may provide the opportunity for broader and more cost effective gait analysis; however some questions remain over their potential use in this capacity. The aim of the study was to determine whether an inertial sensor could discriminate between normal walking, fast walking, and running. A single group crossover design was used to compare acceleration profiles between three gait conditions: normal walking, fast walking, and running. An inertial sensor was placed on the sacrum of 12 participants (6 male, 6 female) who performed 3 trials of each gait condition on both overground and treadmill settings. A significant difference (P < 0.001) in the occurrence of heel strike in the gait cycle was found between running and both walking conditions. No differences were seen between overground and treadmill in any condition or variable. The results indicate that a single sacral mounted inertial sensor can differentiate running from normal walking and fast walking using temporal gait event measures. This study indicates that inertial sensors can differentiate walking from running gait in healthy individuals which may have potential for application in the quantification of physical activity in the health and exercise industry.  相似文献   

Objective assessment of an athlete’s performance is of importance in elite sports to facilitate detailed analysis. The implementation of automated detection and recognition of sport-specific movements overcomes the limitations associated with manual performance analysis methods. The object of this study was to systematically review the literature on machine and deep learning for sport-specific movement recognition using inertial measurement unit (IMU) and, or computer vision data inputs. A search of multiple databases was undertaken. Included studies must have investigated a sport-specific movement and analysed via machine or deep learning methods for model development. A total of 52 studies met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data pre-processing, processing, model development and evaluation methods varied across the studies. Model development for movement recognition were predominantly undertaken using supervised classification approaches. A kernel form of the Support Vector Machine algorithm was used in 53% of IMU and 50% of vision-based studies. Twelve studies used a deep learning method as a form of Convolutional Neural Network algorithm and one study also adopted a Long Short Term Memory architecture in their model. The adaptation of experimental set-up, data pre-processing, and model development methods are best considered in relation to the characteristics of the targeted sports movement(s).  相似文献   

Progress in micro-electromechanical systems has turned inertial sensor units (IUs) into a suitable tool for vertical jumping evaluation. In total, 9 men and 8 women were recruited for this study. Three types of vertical jumping tests were evaluated in order to determine if the data provided by an IU placed at the lumbar spine could reliably assess jumping biomechanics and to examine the validity of the IU compared with force plate platform recordings. Robust correlation levels of the IU-based jumping biomechanical evaluation with respect to the force plate across the entire analysed jumping battery were found. In this sense, significant and extremely large correlations were found when raw data of both IU and force plate-derived normalised force–time curves were compared. Furthermore, significant and mainly moderate correlation levels were also found between both instruments when isolated resultant forces’ peak values of predefined jumping phases of each manoeuvre were analysed. However, Bland and Altman graphical representation demonstrated a systematic error in the distribution of the data points within the mean ±1.96 SD intervals. Using IUs, several biomechanical variables such as the resultant force–time curve patterns of the three different vertical jumps analysed were reliably measured.  相似文献   

通过问卷调查并结合多年室内游泳课的教学经验,力求探索一套完整、实用、快捷的爬泳教学方法,以便对从事启蒙教学的教师、教练有一定的帮助和借鉴作用。  相似文献   


This study used both an instantaneous net drag force profile and a symmetry timing to evaluate the effect of the breathing action on stroke coordination. Twenty elite swimmers completed a total of six randomised front-crawl towing trials: (i) three breathing trials and (ii) three non-breathing trials. The net drag force was measured using an assisted towing device mounted upon a Kistler force platform, and this equipment towed the swimmer at a constant speed. The net drag force profile was used to create a stroke symmetry index for each swimming trial. Analysis using the symmetry indices identified that the majority of participants demonstrated an asymmetrical instantaneous net drag force stroke profile in both the breathing and non-breathing conditions, despite no significant differences in the time from finger-tip entry to finger-tip exit. Within the breathing condition, the faster swimmers compared to the slower swimmers demonstrated a lesser percentage of overlap between stroke phases on their breathing stroke side. During the non-breathing condition, the faster participants compared to the slower swimmers recorded a reduction in the percentage of overlap between stroke phases and less duration in the underwater stroke on their breathing stroke side. This study identified that the majority of participants demonstrated an asymmetrical net drag force profile within both conditions; however, asymmetry was less prevalent when examining with only the timing symmetry index.  相似文献   

Lunges are a common, compound lower limb resistance exercise. If completed with aberrant technique, the increased stress on the joints used may increase risk of injury. This study sought to first investigate the ability of inertial measurement units (IMUs), when used in isolation and combination, to (a) classify acceptable and aberrant lunge technique (b) classify exact deviations in lunge technique. We then sought to investigate the most important features and establish the minimum number of top-ranked features and decision trees that are needed to maintain maximal system classification efficacy. Eighty volunteers performed the lunge with acceptable form and 11 deviations. Five IMUs positioned on the lumbar spine, thighs, and shanks recorded these movements. Time and frequency domain features were extracted from the IMU data and used to train and test a variety of classifiers. A single-IMU system achieved 83% accuracy, 62% sensitivity, and 90% specificity in binary classification and a five-IMU system achieved 90% accuracy, 80% sensitivity, and 92% specificity. A five-IMU set-up can also detect specific deviations with 70% accuracy. System efficiency was improved and classification quality was maintained when using only 20% of the top-ranked features for training and testing classifiers.  相似文献   

This study aimed to analyse the kinematic, kinetic and electromyographic characteristics of four front crawl flip turn technique variants. The variants distinguished from each other by differences in body position (i.e. dorsal, lateral, ventral) during rolling, wall support, pushing and gliding phases. Seventeen highly trained swimmers (17.9 ± 3.2 years old) participated in interventional sessions and performed three trials of each variant, being monitored with a 3-D video system, a force platform and an electromyography (EMG) system. Studied variables: rolling time and distance, wall support time, push-off time, peak force and horizontal impulse at wall support and push-off, centre of mass horizontal velocity at the end of the push-off, gliding time, centre of mass depth, distance, average and final velocity during gliding, total turn time and electrical activity of Gastrocnemius Medialis, Tibialis Anterior, Biceps Femoris and Vastus Lateralis muscles. Depending on the variant, total turn time ranged from 2.37 ± 0.32 to 2.43 ± 0.33 s, push-off force from 1.86 ± 0.33 to 1.92 ± 0.26 BW and centre of mass velocity during gliding from 1.78 ± 0.21 to 1.94 ± 0.22 m · s?1. The variants were not distinguishable in terms of kinematical, kinetic and EMG parameters during the rolling, wall support, pushing and gliding phases.  相似文献   

Excessive foot pronation is a risk factor of running injuries and motion control footwear is designed to control foot pronation. With the movement transfer between foot pronation and tibial rotation, motion control footwear may not only be confined to controlling foot pronation. In view of the controversies in the literature on effectiveness of motion control footwear, this paper reviewed the efficacy of motion control footwear functions as reported in the literature. Eligible studies were identified from seven electronic databases. Two independent authors extracted the data and assessed the methodological qualities using the Jadad Scale. A total of 14 quasi randomised controlled trials were included. Even though the included studies were rated as "low quality" according to the Jadad Scale, the data were pooled and analysed. Results revealed that motion control footwear was effective in reducing the amount of foot pronation and the peak vertical impact during landing. There is no evidence that suggests motion control footwear for controlling kinematics of the proximal segments.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the influence of level of skill and swimming speed on inter-limb coordination of freestyle swimming movements. Five elite (2 males, 3 females; age 18.9?±?1.0 years, height 1.71?±?0.04?m, body mass 62.1?±?7.0?kg) and seven novice (age 22.0?±?2.0 years, height 1.77?±?0.04?m, body mass 74.8?±?9.0?kg) swimmers swam a sprint and a self-paced 25?m freestyle trial. The swimming trials were recorded by four digital cameras operating at 50 Hz. The digitized frames underwent a three-dimensional direct linear transformation to yield the three-dimensional endpoint kinematic trajectories. The spatio-temporal relationship between the upper limbs was quantified by means of the peak amplitude and time lag of the cross-correlation function between the right and left arm's endpoint trajectories. A strong anti-phase coupling between the two arms, as confirmed by peak amplitudes greater than 0.8, was noted for both groups and swimming speeds. Significantly higher (P <?0.05) peak amplitudes were observed for the sprint compared with self-paced swimming. No significant differences in the strength of inter-limb coupling were noted between the elite and novice swimmers (P >?0.05). Time lags were very close to 0?ms and did not differ between groups or swimming speeds. We conclude that in freestyle swimming, the intrinsic anti-phase (180° phase difference) inter-limb relationship is strongly preserved despite the physically powerful environmental influence of the water and this “preferred” pattern is not affected by level of skill. In contrast, increasing movement speed results in stronger inter-limb coupling that is closer to the anti-phase inter-limb relationship.  相似文献   

浙江业余游泳训练以竞赛起步,首次布局形成了业余游泳训练的初步规模,布局调整又使工作走上正轨,而一系列富有创造性的训练制度、竞赛制度的建立和实施,才彻底夯实浙江游泳发展的基础.  相似文献   

Background: Flamenco is a highly emotional and demanding dance form. It is important to understand how the dancer’s body works in order to improve fitness levels and reduce injuries. Thus, our investigation reviewed studies on kinesiological aspects of flamenco over recent years. Methods: The review was restricted to experimental studies. Literature searches were conducted using the following databases: PubMed, Scopus, and Ebsco: SPORTDiscus with Full Text, Medline, Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition, Health Source – Consumer Edition. After limiting the search, 180 potential articles remained for analysis. Results: A total of 27 papers on different aspects of flamenco dance were finally selected: biomechanics (14), podiatry (6), injury incidence (3), anthropometry (2), and physiology (2). These studies have applied well-established methods from sports studies. However, we noted a number of potential limitations when applied to flamenco. Conclusions: The evidence from this review shows that flamenco dancing demands high levels of effort. Further research is required to understand how the dancer’s body works in order to improve fitness levels and reduce injuries. Most of the results presented here are consistent among studies. However, there is a great scarcity of research addressing flamenco movement in a more comprehensive perspective.  相似文献   

The undulatory underwater sequence is one of the most important phases in competitive swimming. An understanding of the recurrent vortex dynamics around the human body and their generation could therefore be used to improve swimming techniques. In order to produce a dynamic model, we applied human joint kinematics to three-dimensional (3D) body scans of a female swimmer. The flow around this dynamic model was then calculated using computational fluid dynamics with the aid of moving 3D meshes. Evaluation of the numerical results delivered by the various motion cycles identified characteristic vortex structures for each of the cycles, which exhibited increasing intensity and drag influence. At maximum thrust, drag forces appear to be 12 times higher than those of a passive gliding swimmer. As far as we know, this is the first disclosure of vortex rings merging into vortex tubes in the wake after vortex recapturing. All unsteady structures were visualized using a modified Q-criterion also incorporated into our methods. At the very least, our approach is likely to be suited to further studies examining swimmers engaging in undulatory swimming during training or competition.  相似文献   

本文探讨了“游泳速度模式用表”的制定方法,并对模式用表的运用进行了论述,为运动员的“目标训练”或“检验反馈”提供了定量化数据。  相似文献   

We analysed stroke phases and arm and leg coordination during front crawl swimming with and without a wet suit. Twelve nationally and internationally ranked French male triathletes performed three swim trials in randomized order using the front crawl stroke with and without a wet suit. All triathletes swam at three different swim velocities, corresponding to the paces appropriate for the 800?m (V800), 100?m (V100) and 50?m (V50) events. The different stroke phases and arm and leg coordination were identified by video analysis. Arm coordination was quantified using a new index of coordination, which expresses the three major modalities of opposition, catch-up and superposition in swimming. At all swim velocities, no significant differences in leg movements with or without the wet suit were noted. However, the wearing of the wet suit was associated with a significantly greater stroke length at the paces appropriate for the 100 and 50?m events (+3.46% and +3.10% at V100 and V50, respectively; P?<0.01); a significantly greater stroke index at all three velocities (+5.18%, +5.21% and +5.91% at V800, V100 and V50, respectively; P?<0.01); a significantly shorter pulling phase (?10.97%; P?<0.05) and lower index of coordination (?21.87%; P?<0.01) at the pace appropriate for the 800?m; and a significantly greater entry and catch phase (+9.81%; P?<0.05) at the pace appropriate for the 100?m. We conclude that the wet suit amplified the coordination mode of the triathletes (i.e. catch-up coordination) without modifying stroke rate, recovery phase or leg movements.  相似文献   

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