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史里芬计划是建立在对战争发展的错误估计之上的.史里芬指导战争的理念,是想依靠以贵族为中心的精英集团来赢得一场现代化的总体战争,观念落后于现实.兴登堡和鲁登道夫对德国的经济和社会进行了重组,以适应总体战争的需要,取得了显著成功,对战争和社会都产生了重大的影响.但德国最终还是失败了.隐藏在这背后的更深刻的原因,是德国缺乏必要的物质手段来完成它过分野心勃勃的战争目标.  相似文献   


The outbreak of the First World War had a powerful impact on German schools. Undoubtedly, schools were institutions of socialisation that did offer support to the war. Indeed, research has shown that a specific “war pedagogy” made an aggressive propaganda possible in the classroom. This research usually emphasises the enthusiasm for war that swept up teachers and students in schools, as in the rest of the population, in the first few months of the war. However, this emphasis on the war frenzy obscures the fact that schools were not easily transformed into war institutions. Even if schools made a great effort to align themselves with the war effort, they remained independent associations, and soon after 1914, a quotidianisation (akin to routinisation) arose within the schools. To date, source materials that show this lack of influence of wartime propaganda on schools have only been analysed in terms of what they reveal about the deprivations and hardships of schools during the war. However, records from the schools also shed light on the everyday routines that continued during the war, and such evidence calls on scholars to reconsider the conditions in schools in the First World War. This article analyses selected records including school chronicles and exam protocols from the war years and shows that school life was often distinct from war enthusiasm. A more complex view is therefore advocated of the relationship between the First World War and the German school.  相似文献   

革命先驱李大钊眼中的第一次世界大战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
第一次世界大战是20世纪世界历史上的大事之一,它对世界影响极大,对中国的思想界也产生了重大的影响,当时的思想界对之认识不一,而中国早期马克思主义者李大钊就因其独特的思想个性、理论素养和社会经历,对这次大战有着独特的见解。  相似文献   

第一次世界大战中的英国战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
第一次世界大战期间的英国战略,服务于英国的国家利益。但在采取什么样的战略路线、什么时候和在什么地点、使用何种及多少力量才能最有利于维护国家利益等具体一些的问题上,军队与行政之间、军队内部,存在着不同的意见和主张。本文对第一次世界大战期间英国所执行的战略路线、军事战略传统以及主要争论等问题,进行具体的历史分析和考察,以期获得对战时英国战略的一个比较全面而又合乎逻辑的认识。  相似文献   


This paper focuses on the reading and educational practices of common soldiers during the First World War. It argues that the question of how war libraries were imagined and constructed by civilians needs to be framed in the larger context of pre-war Edwardian debates surrounding the “value of books” in society. Indeed, it was within this debate that “humanities activists” first sought to play a role in times of crisis, confident that the war library operation had the blessing of prominent authors. The paper analyses the experience of British self-improvers at the front, their enduring connections with adult education institutions at home and the opportunities that the war opened up to new Australasian common readers fighting as part of the colonial expeditionary forces.  相似文献   

中国参加第一次世界大战,是中立政策破产后作出的必然选择,也是符合时宜的选择.这一举动给中国带来了三个方面的好处:取消了德奥在华的特权;停付或缓付了庚子赔款;参加了巴黎和会并获得某些利益.  相似文献   

二战初期,法西斯德国用“闪电战”突袭其他国家,屡屡获胜,本文从四个方面阐述其暂时取胜的原因。  相似文献   

第二次世界大战对波兰是一场空前浩劫,约600万人在战争中死亡。对这一时期的波兰人口状况,学者多侧重于法西斯德国对波兰犹太人的种族屠杀进行研究,而较少全面分析。本文拟从德国占领时期波兰人口的状况、苏占波兰地区的人口状况和战后边界变化对波兰人口的影响这三方面,试对二战期间波兰人口的锐减和大规模迁移进行简要分析,以揭示战争对波兰人口所造成的巨大影响。  相似文献   

中国抗日战争是半个世纪前世界反法西斯战争的重要组成部分。可直至今天.某些人对中国抗战在世界反法西斯战争中的地位和作用仍没有给予应有的重视和客观的评价。因此.重温这段血与火的历史.用铁的事实论证中国抗日战争为赢得世界反法西斯战争胜利所作出的巨大贡献.无疑是具有重要意义的。  相似文献   

涉及二战中日本传播政策的法西斯化的主要方面是押19世纪末日本媒体主动、积极地鼓动侵略战争;明治——大正时期的新闻政策为媒体法西斯化提供了法制条件;九.一八事变是日本媒体转向法西斯化的质变开端;日本政府和军部采取的一系列媒体法西斯化措施和“国权论”是日本媒体转向法西斯的思想基础。  相似文献   

"库尔斯克会战"是苏德战争军事上的根本转折。这次会战是在巩固东线的战略主动权和配合盟军在意大利的西西里岛登陆这样的背景下进行的。"库尔斯克会战"与"堡垒"战役发生在同一时间、同一地点,但是,不能用否定"堡垒"战役的眼光和方法来剖析"库尔斯克会战"。这两个战役无论形式和内涵都有重大区别,不属于同一概念。"堡垒"战役是一个缺乏想象力,在计划阶段就蕴含着失败因素的战役。"库尔斯克会战"的战略定位高度是"粉碎库尔斯克突出部地域的敌人后,解放顿巴斯和整个第聂伯河东岸乌克兰地区",而战役的实施使希特勒从苏军手中夺取战略主动权的企图彻底失败,从此,直到战争结束,德军只能进行防御作战。  相似文献   

佛朗哥当政时期的西班牙是第二次世界大战爆发后唯一未正式参战的法西斯国家。佛朗哥法西斯政权在二战中保持中立的原因主要是:一、从历史上看,西班牙法西斯政权缺乏深厚的法西斯主义基础;从现实看,西班牙缺乏对外发动侵略战争的物质基础;二战爆发后,扑朔迷离的国际形势制约着佛朗哥政权的对外政策的走向。  相似文献   

美国退伍军人是一个庞大的特殊群体,残疾退伍军人则是特殊中的特殊。在既享受国家基本退伍福利的同时,二战残疾退伍军人还享受针对身体残疾设计的收入维持性福利、就业优待、医疗福利和残疾辅助装备等福利政策。这些福利政策,既能维持竞争力受到损害后残疾退伍军人的生存,也能保证个人和家庭生活质量的不降低,有利于退伍军人身份的顺利转换,以及美国社会的稳定与发展。  相似文献   

《世界末日之战》是秘鲁作家略萨的一部以巴西历史为题材的小说。小说试图通过对历史的回顾来表现对拉美历史的独特思考。小说中的时间艺术具有独特性,它一方面以明确的具体时间和自然时序来显示历史事件的客观性,另一方面又以模糊的、不确定的时间概念来展示小说特有的主观性,同时在结构安排上又通过时间的跳跃性、多层面性来呈现时间的立体性特色。  相似文献   

1939年3月以后,各种迹象表明德国法西斯的下一步侵略计划是先西击英法,后东攻苏联,因而,同苏联和解成为英法和德国竟相争取的目标。苏联领导人错估德国向英法开战将会旷日持久,所以,在唯一有可能制止战争的三国谈判中没有尽最大努力加以阻止,从而丧失了制止世界大战的最后机会,最终给国家利益造成了严重损失。  相似文献   

美国干涉墨西哥1910年革命,美墨关系交恶,促使德国发出了意欲结盟墨西哥的《齐默尔曼电报》。此举客观上促使美国下决心放弃中立政策,促成了美国早日参加第一次世界大战的形势的成熟。  相似文献   

朝鲜半岛的文化很多方面受中国影响,中国汉字很长时间内是朝鲜唯一的书写文字,朝鲜五科考试《孙子兵法》列入其中,中国兵书传入朝鲜可能早于日本。朝鲜时代的知识分子把孙子思想作为哲学来学习,如今这部世界第一兵书创下韩国出版史的最高纪录,在韩国的普及率非常高,广泛应用于社会文化生活领域,影响一代又一代韩国人。韩国企业家崇拜孙武和毛泽东,用兵法创造"汉江奇迹",掀起了"孙子经营学"的热潮。韩国学者用孙子精髓诠释中韩军事关系,应对朝鲜半岛局势,构建和谐世界。  相似文献   

Education during World War I has been a relatively unexplored field of research, especially in the case of countries with a neutral stance in that war. The Netherlands is one such country. This article argues that even though the Netherlands was politically neutral, it was and considered itself a part of western civilisation and shared in the experience of a cultural or existential crisis that came over Europe as a consequence of the war. This crisis also caused Dutch pedagogues to reflect on the war. Leading Dutch pedagogues wrote in their journals how education had to be changed in order to prevent a future war or to preserve moral values in their country, which was not (yet) part of the warfare. To characterise this effort, we introduce the concept of cultural mobilisation, following recent developments in the historiography of the cultural dimensions of the Great War. Based on an in-depth analysis of Dutch pedagogical journals, ranging from Protestant, Catholic and socialist to humanist and anarchistic world views, we focus on three pedagogical debates that were influenced by the Great War. The first debate focuses on peace education and shows how pedagogues rejected the war pedagogy of their German colleagues in particular and advised teachers to pass on a peace-loving message to their pupils. The second debate focuses on the reception of Montessori education and the third on Foerster’s and Kerschensteiner’s social pedagogy, both in light of the desire of pedagogues to improve moral education in the school.  相似文献   

This article will argue that the current historiography considers the ‘public school experience’ of the First World War too narrowly, and will emphasise that boys from a wide range of establishments experienced the war in a similar fashion to those at elite public schools. It will do this through a case study of the alumni of the Perse Grammar School, Cambridge. By approaching the experience of Perseans in a thematic fashion it will shed new light on how the alumni of schools just below and developing towards full public-school status were affected by the war, an area hitherto not fully explored.  相似文献   

日本近代幕末"尊皇攘夷"的代表人物之一吉田松阴,是日本近代对外扩张的"设计师",而吉田松阴的得意门生、有着"日本陆军鼻祖"之称的山县有朋,继承了吉田松阴的扩张主义思想体系,通过内阁确立了日本近代对外扩张的"大陆政策",并将包括我国台湾在内的东亚地区作为其"利益线"。甲午战争之后中日两国签署的《马关条约》,第一次以政府间条约的形式,将中国的台湾割让给日本,成为中日关系中台湾问题的缘起。可以说,是甲午战争改变了台湾的命运,是甲午战争开启了台湾问题的序幕。  相似文献   

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