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传播媒介深深嵌入乡村社会中,并改变传统乡村的社会结构与生活方式,建构着新的社区文化。文章以媒介研究的实践转向为路径,采用网络民族志研究方法,探讨乡村青年是如何统合新旧媒介进行媒介实践活动,媒介在乡村抗疫过程中扮演何种角色,并在实践中又产生何种主体关系与文化。研究发现新旧媒介彼此交融混搭,甚至传统媒介被重拾,两者共构为一种社会文化"传播力"。青年并未被媒介结构反制,他们发挥创造力与能动性,成为抗疫行动的主体。媒介实践是一个互动过程,它不仅是再现或描述现实,更是对现实世界的形塑与建构。  相似文献   

1998-2002年,澳大利亚国家图书馆以该国历史上的土著儿童强制隔离政策为内容开展了一项名为“带他们回家”的大型口述史项目。该项目具有全民动员、实施先导项目、重视对采访人员的培训及对土著文化的研究四个特点,鼓励被隔离土著人倾诉自己的心声,找回自己的文化身份,同时让澳大利亚社会得以了解土著儿童隔离政策的真实面目。我国图书馆应吸取其中有益经验,以开放的态度对待口述史项目,重视对口述史项目工作方案的测试,尊重受访人的文化身份和文化敏感性,重视访谈资料的文字转录工作。  相似文献   

开放审稿本质上是作者与审稿人身份公开。目前对于开放审稿的确切定义和实施方式学界尚未达成共识。开放审稿最大的优势就是为学术交流提供了一个新的平台,并有助于增强审稿人责任感和维护学术公正。技术仅是开放审稿的一种手段,不应成为其制约因素。开放审稿面临的最大挑战是能否被学术界认可与接受。  相似文献   

One of the key questions addressed by the study of online social media is whether or not they facilitate cross-cleavage communication between users of different nationality, ethnicity, religiosity, and other group affiliations. This study contributes to the literature by addressing communication across religious cleavages, which has scarcely received attention. The study is based on 97 semistructured interviews of a layered sample. Of the respondents, 40 were secular (21 men and 19 women), 28 Modern Orthodox (14 men and 14 women), and 29 ultra-Orthodox (11 men and 18 women). We found that groups differing by their majority/minority status and type of religious observance used the Internet for different purposes. Many secular respondents (members of the majority group in Israel) were motivated to make contact on social media by social needs. On the other hand, ultra-Orthodox respondents (members of the minority group) were exclusively focused on professional objectives as a motivation to use social media. Consequently, their online behaviors were quite different and they more frequently encounter people from groups differing by type of religious observance through social media.  相似文献   

开放科学、开放共享、开放数据三者关系解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义]通过明晰开放科学、开放共享、开放数据三者关系为我国科学数据开放共享实践提供理论指导。[方法/过程]运用规范分析法,在梳理与界定开放科学、开放共享、开放数据的定义与特征的基础上,解析开放科学、开放共享、开放数据之间的两两关系和三者关系。[结果/结论]开放科学、开放共享、开放数据存在三位一体的逻辑关系。开放数据是开放共享和开放科学的物质基础,开放共享是开放数据与开放科学之间的桥梁,开放科学是开放数据和开放共享的最终目标。不同利益相关者需要为开放科学尽力,以便全面促进开放科学的发展。  相似文献   

This article describes an international study informed by a 3‐year‐long qualitative longitudinal project, which sought to discover the scholarly communication attitudes and behaviour of early career researchers (ECRs). Using a combination of small‐scale interviews and a larger‐scale survey, ECRs were questioned on their searching and reading behaviour, publishing practices, open data, and their use of social media. Questionnaire invitations were sent out via publisher lists, social media networks, university research networks, and specialist ECR membership organizations. One‐thousand and six‐hundred responses were received, with many coming from China, Russia, and Poland. Results showed that ECRs are adopting millennial‐facing tools/platforms, with Google, Google Scholar, social media, and smartphones becoming embedded in their scholarly activities. Open data sharing obtains widespread support but somewhat less practice. There are some differences in attitudes and behaviour according to age and subject specialism.  相似文献   

依据信息组织与管理性质设定5个指标,用以观察社会科学和自然科学领域科研人员开放存取现状和意愿。调查资料分析结果表明,社会科学开放存取实践落后于自然科学领域;对知识共享的认同和开放存取意愿两者相近;在开放存取载体和运作模式上则有不同见解;对开放存取作品的著作权、引文的规范性和作品质量都心存疑虑。提出应把由财政资助的科学研究成果作为公共产品,以推进开放存取进程。  相似文献   

本文从受众研究的实践范式出发,以日常生活实践理论为基础研究托台维吾尔族村民的日常生活电视实践,以此探讨村民如何通过日常电视实践活动创造自己的意义空间。研究主要使用民族志方法进行。  相似文献   

Lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) adolescents are avid users of computer-mediated communication (CMC), but few empirical studies have investigated the function of CMC in the lives of LGB youth. Grounded in the media practice model, the present study explored the relationships among CMC, sexual identity commitment, and well-being by surveying LGB adolescents (N = 570). Results indicated that a positive relationship existed between time spent on social network sites and well-being that was mediated by sexual identity commitment. Time spent instant messaging, sending/receiving e-mail, or in chat rooms was not related to sexual identity commitment or well-being. Social network sites may aid LGB youth in understanding their sexual identities in ways that other CMC modalities cannot.  相似文献   

Age identification plays a significant role in young adults’ mass, interpersonal, intergenerational, and intercultural communication. This research examines cultural and gender influences on young people's age identity by measuring the social age identity of male and female young adult members of five cultures varying in individualism/collectivism (Laos, Thailand, Spain, Australia, and the U.S.A.). We found cultural influences on age identity to be both unexpected in nature and modest in effect. American and Laotian respondents had similar and nominally higher levels of age identity than Australian, Thai, and Spanish respondents, with all having a markedly different age identities than those of Japanese respondents as reported by other researchers. No direct effect for gender on age identity emerged, though American females were more age identified than all other respondents. Across cultures, the social identity scale was found to be a reasonably adequate measure of age identity.  相似文献   

This article explores how documentary film practice and visual storytelling can be used to help portray Qatari women's narratives, even though many are prohibited by cultural norms from appearing in visual media. We investigate which communication and media practices can provide a work-around, ensuring that women's stories and testimonies are documented. We also explore whether Qatar's social and cultural restrictions result in a form of “symbolic annihilation” for Qatari women, as articulated by Gaye Tuchman, and how this impacts Qatari women's position and visibility in local society.  相似文献   

This article examines how journalists defend their boundaries and epistemic authority in the face of the challenges from user-generated content (UGC). It investigates the issue through exploring 51 Chinese journalists’ views of UGC producers and journalism. The interviews reveal that in this case study, Chinese journalists’ commitment to their social identity as ‘people of work units’ (danwei ren), i.e. their identity is defined by the employment relationship between journalists and news organisations, forms the ground of demarcating the boundaries between journalists and UGC producers. As a result, this group of Chinese journalists reinforces their conventional journalistic norms and identity as ‘organisational men/women’ and keeps old-fashioned journalism alive. In the meantime, however, they are aware of changes in the environment within which they practice, and therefore they reflect on their work and (re-)define what journalism is in order to adapt to the changes. This case study shows that the boundary work of Chinese journalists interviewed in the study and their understanding of boundaries are contextually bound. The boundary work of journalism is not only about defence but also about adaptation. It offers a perspective for understanding both continuity and change in the transformation of Chinese journalism as well as the boundaries of journalism in general.  相似文献   

Adopting a communication mediation approach, this study explores the role of overall social networking service (SNS) use in facilitating people’s participation in collective political action through the mediation of online and offline political discussions. The study also underscores the moderating effect on the mediation process of both social identity and geographical origin. Moderated mediation analyses reveal that the positive impact of overall SNS use on participation mediated by offline discussion is stronger for people with higher Hong Kong identity and for people from Hong Kong. This moderated mediation model specifies the socio-psychological mechanism of participation in collective political action in an immigrant society such as Hong Kong.  相似文献   

Recent studies of new communication technologies have shown that broad terms such as “new media” are problematic. This study expands previous research by exploring how first-generation, working class United States Latino participants perceive and use new communication technologies in relation to their cultural values. Discussions generated across seven focus group sessions (N=78) about three common new communication technologies, 1) cell phones, 2) computers, and 3) the internet, showed that United States Latinos positioned the perceived usefulness of each communication technology differently, based upon their cultural values regarding good communication. In particular, participants discussed how cell phones provide an effective way to make interpersonal contact whereas computers and the internet were viewed as damaging to the communication necessary for good social relations. The findings show that this group of United States Latinos did not view new media as a homogeneous category, but instead had very distinct perceptions and ideas about the expected uses of cell phones, computers, and the internet in relation to their cultural values regarding communication.  相似文献   

The Nigerian society has cultural and social differences from those of people in developed countries from which educational programmes and practices have been borrowed. The differences are reflected in the peculiarities in the majority of Nigerian citizens’ need for educational and informational services in libraries. In responding to these peculiar needs of a people whose majority has had no tradition of using books, the librarian who administers their needs may require education and training which must differ in content from the conventional library programmes as currently borrowed from developed countries.

Core courses for the training of librarians who are expected to provide information which may not be recorded in print form, have been suggested for preparing these librarians for the kind of service that would sustain the interest and appreciation of their clientele in the use of libraries. The selected courses, based on the culture and structure of the people, will involve the production of literacy resources, information gathering and dissemination for non-literates, book publishing to conform with local demands and public relations activities which would ensure the social relevance of the library school programmes to the needs of the society.  相似文献   

This article examines changes that have been taking place in the museum world over the past several decades—changes that have been transforming the social practice of curatorship in museums. We are seeing the emergence of more holistic, integrated and culturally relative approaches to curatorial work that acknowledge the relationships among objects, people, and society, and explore these relationships in social and cultural contexts. Through cross‐cultural comparison, curating can be seen as a form of social practice linked to specific kinds of relationships between people and objects as well as to wider social structures and contexts. This approach allows us to transcend debates over whether or not museums and curatorial work should be either object‐ or people‐focused. One approach cannot be separated from the other.  相似文献   

The Nigerian society has cultural and social differences from those of people in developed countries from which educational programmes and practices have been borrowed. The differences are reflected in the peculiarities in the majority of Nigerian citizens' need for educational and informational services in libraries. In responding to these peculiar needs of a people whose majority has had no tradition of using books, the librarian who administers their needs may require education and training which must differ in content from the conventional library programmes as currently borrowed from developed countries.Core courses for the training of librarians who are expected to provide information which may not be recorded in print form, have been suggested for preparing these librarians for the kind of service that would sustain the interest and appreciation of their clientele in the use of libraries. The selected courses, based on the culture and structure of the people, will involve the production of literacy resources, information gathering and dissemination for non-literates, book publishing to conform with local demands and public relations activities which would ensure the social relevance of the library school programmes to the needs of the society.  相似文献   

Open access publishing is now an accepted method of scholarly communication. However, the greatest traction for open access publishing thus far has been in the sciences. Penetration of open access publishing has been much slower among the social sciences. This study surveys 309 authors from recent issues of open access journals in education to determine why they choose to publish in open access journals and to gain insight into the ways publishing practices within the discipline itself impact the willingness of authors to engage in open access publishing.  相似文献   

The paper examines the social impact of communication technology applying the insights of sociologists such as Durkheim, Mead and Shils. It argues that the introduction of modern communication technology to Third World societies has resulted in the sudden and rapid increase of ‘social density’ or social relationships by bringing to the consciousness of individuals issues and personalities outside their immediate experience. In some Third World societies this has resulted in the emergence of a heightened individual self‐identity in order to understand and give meaning to new and unfamiliar situations created by the media. The socio‐political consequences of this new self‐identity for the plural societies of Asia is examined using the media‐image of Mahatma Gandhi in pre‐independent India.  相似文献   

This essay deals with the problematics that globalization poses for critical communication scholarship. Globalization challenges our understanding of culture and identity in ways that both open up new directions for communication scholarship and invite a rethinking of current ones. First, we discuss how difference is unsettled and re/staged in the context of globalization. Second, we address how uneven patterns of global processes are enacted through cultural practices produced by the transnational flows of images and capital. This essay explores several areas of contemporary global growth with the overall objective of demonstrating the urgency of rethinking the study of culture in critical communication studies.

One of the most important implications of globalism is simply that there is no longer a space elsewhere. This means that instead of thinking in terms of displacements, a movement elsewhere, it is important for cultural studies to think in terms of dis-location, which is the transformation of place. –Ackbar Abbas (1997, p. 312), “Cultural Studies in Postculture.”

To think globality is to think of the politics of thinking globality. –Gayatri Chakravorti Spivak (1999, p. 364), A critique of postcolonial reason.  相似文献   

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