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The purpose of this study was to investigate the validity of a smartphone app to measure biomechanical barbell parameters during the snatch. Ten collegiate NCAA division I athletes performed two repetitions each at 40, 50, 60, 70, and 80% of their 1-repetition maximum snatch. Barbell motions were simultaneously recorded with a motion capture system and the smartphone app. The motion capture system recorded the 3-D position of a reflective marker attached to the end of the barbell while the smartphone app was used to record sagittal plane video and track the shape of the weight plate from which the barbell center was derived. Peak forward (PFD) and backward (PBD) displacements and peak vertical displacement (PVD) and velocity (PVV) were calculated from both sets of data. Significant, strong to very strong Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficients between both systems were noted for all parameters (r = 0.729–0.902, all p < 0.001). Small significant biases between systems were observed for PVD (ES = 0.284, p < 0.001) and PFD (ES=0.340, p < 0.01), while trivial to small, non-significant biases were observed for PBD (ES = 0.143) and PVV (ES = –0.100). Collectively, the results suggest that the app can provide biomechanical data of barbell motions similar to a 3-D motion capture system.  相似文献   

Improving motor skills represents one of the major issues in motor control and motor learning literature. The aim of this study was to investigate which of two strategies, method of amplification of error (MAE) or direct instruction (DI), would be more beneficial for error correction of the snatch technique. Thirty well-trained male weightlifters were randomly assigned to one of three training conditions (MAE, DI and Control). The experiment took place in only one practice session in which each lifter performed 3 pretraining trials, 8 training intervention trials, and 3 post-training trials, and a retention test session after 1 week. An optoelectronic motion capture system was used to measure the kinematic parameters of the weightlifting performance. After the training intervention, data showed that the MAE group revealed a greater improvement in several kinematic parameters when compared to the DI and Control groups, and the benefits derived from its application were still present 1 week later in the retention test. Nevertheless, the findings of the present study should be interpreted with caution due to the relatively small sample size; further research will also be necessary to evaluate the effects of MAE with different ability levels and other sport skills. The present findings could have practical implications for sport psychology and physical education because while practice is obviously necessary for improving learning, the efficacy of the learning process is essential in enhancing learners’ motivation and sport enjoyment.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was twofold: (1) to determine the barbell load that maximised the system power as well as the ankle, knee, and hip joint powers during the squat jump, and (2) to compare the system powers computed from two different methods: the centre of mass (COM) method and the barbell method. Seven male throwers were recruited in this study. The system power (COM method) and the ankle, knee, and hip joint powers were determined with the load incrementally set at 0%, 10%, 30%, 50%, 70%, and 90% of one repetition maximum. The largest system power was observed at the load of 30% (p < 0.008) while the largest ankle and knee powers were observed at 70% and 0% (p < 0.05). The barbell method overestimated the system power (p < 0.001) when compared to the COM method. It was concluded that the barbell method could influence load optimisation in squat jump. The optimal barbell load which maximised the system power did not maximise the ankle, knee, or hip power simultaneously.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the contribution of lower extremity (hip, knee and ankle) net joint torques (NJT) to whole body power (WBP) output during the power snatch (PS). Ten experienced weightlifters (five males and five females) performed five trials of the PS with 60% of one repetition maximum. Lower extremity NJT and WBP were extracted through a three-dimensional motion analyses and used for data analyses. Pearson correlation coefficients were obtained to observe the relationship between lower extremity NJT and WBP. Multiple-regression (stepwise) analyses was also conducted to evaluate the contribution of lower extremity NJT to WBP during the PS with the hip, knee and ankle NJT being the independent variables. Hip NJT was characterised as a significant positive correlation with WBP (r = 0.47, p < 0.01), while knee NJT showed a significant negative correlation with WBP (r = ?0.34, p < 0.05). A significant inter-correlation was also observed between hip NJT and knee NJT (r = ?0.66, p < 0.01). Hip NJT was identified as a significant contributor to WBP during the PS. Practically, this study suggested that training skills allowing weightlifters to utilise hip extensor muscle action would help to improve WBP during the PS.  相似文献   

运用三维运动学的研究方法,对参加2005年全国第十届体育运动会举重比赛的运动员石智勇的抓举技术进行运动学分析。结果表明,提铃过程中人杠重心间距控制合理,杠铃平均加速度超过2 m/s2,体现了优异的爆发力和出色的提铃技术;引膝阶段的技术与常规引膝技术已有了很大的改变,该阶段用时很短,膝关节角度也几乎没产生变化,通过对膝关节的制动充分发挥了腰背部肌肉力量,使抓举时杠铃最高加速度的值出现在引膝阶段而非发力阶段,这是最体现石智勇抓举技术特点的地方;抓举发力阶段,身体用力协调,各关节角度的把握也恰到好处;抓举下蹲支撑阶段技术动作堪称完美,人杠重心间距控制合理,杠铃回落距离仅为13.6 cm,人体重心向下的平均加速度为11.2 m/s2,两项均属于世界顶级选手的技术指标;在起立阶很好地利用了杠铃的弹性势能,与杠铃同步起立,同时人杠重心间距仅为0.002 m,确保了起立的稳定性。  相似文献   

This study aimed to identify the continuous ground reaction force (GRF) features which contribute to higher levels of block phase performance. Twenty-three sprint-trained athletes completed starts from their preferred settings during which GRFs were recorded separately under each block. Continuous features of the magnitude and direction of the resultant GRF signals which explained 90% of the variation between the sprinters were identified. Each sprinter’s coefficient score for these continuous features was then input to a linear regression model to predict block phase performance (normalised external power). Four significant (p < 0.05) predictor features associated with GRF magnitude were identified; there were none associated with GRF direction. A feature associated with greater rear block GRF magnitudes from the onset of the push was the most important predictor (β = 1.185), followed by greater front block GRF magnitudes for the final three-quarters of the push (β = 0.791). Features which included a later rear block exit (β = 0.254) and greater front leg GRF magnitudes during the mid-push phase (β = 0.224) were also significant predictors. Sprint practitioners are encouraged, where possible, to consider the continuous magnitude of the GRFs produced throughout the block phase in addition to selected discrete values.  相似文献   

For simplicity of biomechanical analyses, the weightlifting barbell is typically modelled as a rigid, non-deformable object. Most coaches and weightlifters, however, are aware of the elastic nature of the barbell, and its influence on the successful completion of lifting attempts. Variables such as velocity, work performed, and power output are indicators of the quality of performance during the snatch, clean, and related weightlifting pulling movements. The aim of this study was to establish whether differences exist in determining these biomechanical parameters when the centre of the barbell is analysed compared with each end of the barbell. Nine men performed three maximal-effort repetitions in the clean pull exercise at 85% of their self-reported single repetition maximum (1-RM) clean (90–155 kg) using a barbell instrumented for mechanical analysis. Results indicated that peak barbell speed was 5–30% (P < 0.05) lower for the centre of the barbell than the ends. Although differences (P < 0.05) in kinetic and potential energy were found between the centre and ends of the bar, differences between total work performed were small ( < 6%; P < 0.05) and no differences were observed for average power (P > 0.05). Although approximately the same work and power occur for the centre and ends of the barbell, they manifest as different kinematics as a result of the elastic nature of the equipment. The elastic characteristics should be considered when selecting instrumentation and variables for research involving barbells. Coaches should be aware of the elasticity of barbells, including selecting appropriate viewing angles as well as understanding how deformation may affect the ends of the barbell relative to the centre.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate differences in joint power generation between well-trained adult athletes and young sprinters from block clearance to initial contact of second stance. Eleven under 16 (U16) and 18 under 18 (U18) promising sprinters executed an explosive start action. Fourteen well-trained adult sprinters completed the exact same protocol. All athletes were equipped with 74 spherical reflective markers, while an opto-electronic motion analysis system consisting of 12 infrared cameras (250 Hz, MX3, Vicon, Oxford Metrics, UK) and 2 Kistler force plates (1,000 Hz) was used to collect the three-dimensional marker trajectories and ground reaction forces (Nexus, Vicon). Three-dimensional kinematics, kinetics, and power were calculated (Opensim) and time normalised from the first action after gunshot until initial contact of second stance after block clearance. This study showed that adult athletes rely on higher knee power generation during the first stance to induce longer step length and therefore higher velocity. In younger athletes, power generation of hip was more dominant.  相似文献   


Athletes use weighted sled towing to improve sprint ability, but little is known about its biomechanics. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of weighted sled towing with two different loads on ground reaction force. Ten physically active men (mean ± SD: age 27.9 ± 1.9 years; stature 1.76 ± 0.06 m; body mass 80.2 ± 9.6 kg) performed 5 m sprints under three conditions; (a) unresisted, (b) towing a sled weighing 10% of body mass (10% condition) and (c) towing a sled weighing 30% of body mass (30% condition). Ground reaction force data during the second ground contact after the start were recorded and compared across the three conditions. No significant differences between the unresisted and 10% conditions were evident, whereas the 30% condition resulted in significantly greater values for the net horizontal and propulsive impulses (P < 0.05) compared with the unresisted condition due to longer contact time and more horizontal direction of force application to the ground. It is concluded that towing a sled weighing 30% of body mass requires more horizontal force application and increases the demand for horizontal impulse production. In contrast, the use of 10% body mass has minimal impact on ground reaction force.  相似文献   


Introduction: In response to fatigue during an exhaustive treadmill run, forefoot runner’s muscles must adapt to maintain their pace. From a neuromuscular control perspective, certain muscles may not be able to sustain the force to meet the run’s demands; thus, there may be alternative muscle coordination in the lower extremity that allows for continued running for an extended period of time. The aim of this study was to quantify the change in muscle coordination during a prolonged run in forefoot runners.

Methods: Thirteen forefoot runners performed exhaustive treadmill runs (mean duration: 15.4?±?2.2?min). The muscle coordination of seven lower extremity muscles was quantified using a high-resolution time–frequency analysis together with a pattern recognition algorithm.

Results: The mean EMG intensity for the lateral and medial gastrocnemius muscles decreased with the run (p?=?0.02; 0.06). The weight factors of the second principal pattern decrease by 128.01% by the end of run (p?=?0.05, Cohen’s d?=?0.42) representing a relatively greater biceps femoris activation in midstance but smaller midstance rectus femoris, vastus medialis, triceps surae, and tibialis anterior activation.

Discussion: These results suggest that forefoot runners cannot sustain plantar flexor activation throughout an exhaustive run and change their muscle coordination strategy as a compensation. Understanding the underlying compensation mechanisms humans use to cope with fatigue will help to inform training modalities to enhance these late stage muscle activation strategies for athletes with the goal of improving performance and reducing injury.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the kinematic patterns that maximized the vertical force produced during the water polo eggbeater kick. Twelve water polo players were tested executing the eggbeater kick with the trunk aligned vertically and with the upper limbs above water while trying to maintain as high a position as possible out of the water for nine eggbeater kick cycles. Lower limb joint angular kinematics, pitch angles and speed of the feet were calculated. The vertical force produced during the eggbeater kick cycle was calculated using inverse dynamics for the independent lower body segments and combined upper body segments, and a participant-specific second-degree regression equation for the weight and buoyancy contributions. Vertical force normalized to body weight was associated with hip flexion (average, r = 0.691; maximum, r = 0.791; range of motion, r = 0.710), hip abduction (maximum, r = 0.654), knee flexion (average, r = 0.716; minimum, r = 0.653) and knee flexion-extension angular velocity (r = 0.758). Effective orientation of the hips resulted in fast horizontal motion of the feet with positive pitch angles. Vertical motion of the feet was negatively associated with vertical force. A multiple regression model comprising the non-collinear variables of maximum hip abduction, hip flexion range of motion and knee flexion angular velocity accounted for 81% of the variance in normalized vertical force. For high performance in the water polo, eggbeater kick players should execute fast horizontal motion with the feet by having large abduction and flexion of the hips, and fast extension and flexion of the knees.  相似文献   

在备战2009年第11届全运会期间,监测5名优秀女子举重运动员赛前训练进入控降体重期后的生理、生化指标,对运动员的机能状态进行监控。结果表明:在训练前期,体重和去脂体重缓慢下降,体脂下降明显,且与训练前有显著性差异(P〈0.05),在训练后期,体重下降明显(P〈0.05);第8周与第1周比较,Hb、RBC、HCT、T逐步下降,BU、C逐渐增加,且差异显著(P〈0.05)。  相似文献   

我国城市政府赛事运营效益实现的影响因素   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
运用主成分分析等方法对我国城市政府赛事运营效益实现的影响因素进行研究。资源要素因子、政府决策因子、目标定位因子、媒体传播因子及信息沟通因子。是影响我国城市政府赛事运营效益实现的主要因素。  相似文献   

主要特征点数据在抓举技术诊断中的作用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
抓举技术中的“近”、“快”、“低”、“准”技术原则,以及提铃“发力”、“下砸力”等特征是分析评价抓举技术的重要指标,本研究通过对人、杠重心等主要特征点数据的分析,探讨其量化途径,以及简便易行的测量和分析方法,希望能为抓举技术诊断提供参考。  相似文献   

Based on technological and analytical advances, the capability to more accurately and finitely examine biomechanical and skill characteristics of movement has improved. The purpose of this study was to use Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) and Functional Principal Components Analysis (fPCA) to examine the role of movement variability (assessed via angular velocity), on 2 divers (1 international level; 1 national) performing the forward 3½ pike somersault dive. Analysis of angular velocity curves during ive-flight identified 5 fPCs, accounting for 96.5% of movement variability. The national diver’s scatter plots and standard deviation of fPC scores illustrated larger magnitudes of angular velocity variability across dive flight. For fPC1 and fPC3, magnitudes of SD variability were 282.6 and 201.5, respectively. The international diver illustrated more consistent angular velocity profiles, with clustering of fPCs scores (e.g., fPC1 & 3 = SD’s of 75.2 & 68.0). To account for lower variability in the international diver, the ability to better coordinate movement sequences and functionally utilise feedback in response to initiation of the somersault position is highlighted. Overall, findings highlight how both IMUs and fPCA can more holistically and finitely examine the biomechanical and skill characteristics of movement sequences with the capability to inform athlete development.  相似文献   

董伦红 《体育学刊》2006,13(3):125-127
采用主成分分析法对雅典28届奥运会篮球赛12支队伍进攻指标进行分析,结果表明世界男篮强队的进攻战术主要采用2种进攻类型,即内外结合型和内线为主结合转换型。  相似文献   

This study develops a dynamic model of head acceleration, which incorporates physiologically related neck muscle contributions, to further the understanding of the mechanical behaviour of the head-neck system during soccer heading. An inverted pendulum is combined with a linear visco-elastic element to model the head-neck system following a half-sine input force. Model parameter values were varied to obtain agreement with previously published experimental data (Naunheimet al., 2003), and were subsequently compared to literature values. The model predicted the same mechanical angular kinematics as observed experimentally both during and post impact. The greatest acceleration was in the anterior direction at the instant the ball left the head, attributed to the elastic stiffness of the neck musculature. The head-neck stiffness and damping coefficients determined from the model (350 N m rad-1 and 4 N m s rad-1, respectively) were similar to those reported elsewhere when subjects were asked to resist maximally. The model may be subsequently used to investigate differences in technique and ability with respect to the salient model parameters to further our biomechanical understanding of soccer heading.  相似文献   

我国篮球裁判员临场心理稳定性影响因素的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用问卷调查的方法,对影响我国篮球裁判员临场心理稳定性的影响因素,进行了分析。结果显示,影响我国篮球裁判员临场心理稳定性的四个主成分因子分别为:比赛因子、社会因子、环境因子、技术因子。文章还对不同级别、性别、年龄组的裁判员受这四个主成分因子影响的状况进行了对比分析。  相似文献   

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