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The objectives were to describe the stated motives of participants who enrolled in a program at the Open University for the Elderly (UnATI, in Portuguese), identify correlations between the stated motives and sociodemographic data, and find a set of predictors related to the listed motives. A total of 306 middle-aged and elderly adults aged 50 or older were surveyed through a sociodemographic questionnaire and a five-item scale to check their motives to enroll in the program. The following motivational factors were identified, in order of importance: enhancing general knowledge, investing in personal development, increasing social interaction, learning more in order to help others, and employing one's free time profitably. Age and years of schooling combined were strong predictors of participants seeking new knowledge. Being single and not retired was correlated with the motive Investing in Personal Development. Having attended elementary school only and being married was closely correlated to the motive Increasing Social Interaction. Employing One's Free Time Profitably was associated with single or widowed individuals with family income between 3.1 and 4.0 times the minimum wage. As for Learning More in Order to Help Others, no predictors were found for this motive. It was found that participants seek to satisfy a desire to learn/ know more, to be up-to-date, to exercise their rights as citizens, and to play an active role in society. Our data suggest that these are the assumptions that drive middle-aged and elderly adults to look for various types of educational programs.  相似文献   

Aging and its effects on a person's quality of life are a growing health concern and burden for many Americans. Recently, studies have shown that adopting certain healthy behaviors may help maintain and or prevent age-related health issues such as cognitive decline. However, many people are unaware of these newfound facts. Furthermore, there is insufficient research evidence to understand how older adults view brain health and the differences between diverse groups of older adults. This study examines brain health knowledge and behaviors among Caucasian and African-American community-dwelling older adults in North Carolina. Findings were significant for level of education and total brain health knowledge scores, though there were no significant differences between races. In addition, there was a significant association between total number of health conditions and total brain health knowledge scores that warrants further study.  相似文献   

This study examined the associations of educational level with functioning and life satisfaction among community-dwelling older adults in South Korea (n = 4,152). The sample was drawn from Wave I of the Korean Longitudinal Study on Aging. To examine educational disparities, separate analyses were run to note predictors in less educated (below the 6th grade) and better educated (above the 6th grade) respondents. Educational disparities were found in major predictors of health and well-being. Older age and lower cognition were strong predictors of functional limitations, while being married, receiving public assistance, and better psychological functioning were associated with greater life satisfaction. The health and well-being of less educated respondents were influenced by demographic factors, while social engagement and psychological functioning were more prominent predictors for better educated respondents. These findings highlight the importance of enhancing cognitive functioning and function among older adults in Korea to promote their health and well-being.  相似文献   

This study examined the self-reported likelihood of working with older adults in a future career among 237 college undergraduates at a midsized Midwestern university. Although aging anxiety was not significantly related to likelihood of working with older adults, those students who had a greater level of death anxiety were less likely than other students to report a future likelihood of working with older adults. In addition, quality relationships with unrelated older adults were positively correlated with likelihood of working with older adults. Recommendations for future research and ideas for attracting college students to gerontology as a career are discussed.  相似文献   

This article examines the contribution of older adults as co-researchers to the evaluation of a gerontological social work course. The evaluation was conducted at an Israeli college as part of a collaborative project with a United Kingdom university. Here, we follow the older adults who are service users through their transition to the role of co-researchers and reflect on their experiences in the process. Insights gained by the different stakeholders from the co-researching experience are discussed, and the growing interest in service-user contributions to social work education in various fields such as aging and disabilities is recognized.  相似文献   

Despite being one of the fastest growing segments of the HIV/AIDS caseload, persons age 50 and older have been largely neglected in terms of HIV/AIDS education. This study describes a project involving HIV-related health education for persons ≥50 in an urban area of Ohio. Data from 50 persons age ≥50 were collected. Pre-and postsurveys were used in the completion of repeated measures ANOVA, and focus groups provided qualitative data. Despite a paucity of available educational materials addressing HIV/AIDS, older adults are willing to participate in sessions about HIV/AIDS. Findings suggest the need for alternative approaches to providing HIV/AIDS education.  相似文献   

The impact of the global aging of the population on social, economic, political, and health care institutions is unequaled. Parallel to this, evolving developments in technology promise opportunities for sales and product development to support positive aging. Older adults are excited to utilize technologies that they perceive as practical. However, age, education, technical knowledge, and technological anxiety affect interest in new technologies, creating a technology divide. Providing more accessible and relevant technologies for today's older adults may make the technology more universally accessible. This article reports the results of a survey on technology and education among a sample of 77 adults between the ages of 52 and 92 who attended a week-long lifelong-learning event at Indiana University. Familiarity with technology, age, education, and gender were found to be correlated with familiarity with new technologies as well as operating and shopping for new electronic devices.  相似文献   


The diversity of the older adult population is increasing, and health professionals need to learn new knowledge and skills to improve the adherence of older ethnic clients to their health recommendations. Much of the existing research literature on diversity in gerontology concludes that ethnic older adults are at a health disadvantage. Few if any of these studies, however, offer practical applications for health promoters. This article reports on a paradox: there is a surprising amount of diversity within each group of ethnic elders, but it may be the similarities across these groups that lead to practical applications of use to health-promoters. The article ends with health-promotion questions of relevance to older adults, regardless of ethnicity.  相似文献   

长期以来,我国的成人教育近乎于普通教育和高等教育的翻版,基本丧失了自身的特色。但是,随着终身化学习时代的到来,在成人教学研究领域,回归成人的呼声渐高,这就要求在成人教学过程中要关注成人的需要,结合成人的身心特点,体现成人的学习特点。本文在审视成人教学中存在的不合理问题的基础上,提出相应的教学改革策略。  相似文献   

论成人本科教育的目标定位   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目标定位是办好成人本科教育的一个关键性问题.本文主要列举了涉及成人本科教育目标定位的论述,指出职业技术教育的本科层次是社会经济与技术发展的客观需要和在成人本科教育目标定位上出现误区的原因.  相似文献   

本文归纳了近年来我国成人高等学历教育发展的四个趋向,即普通高校是成人高等学历教育办学的绝对主力,从以专科层次为主向本科层次提升,经常性业余授课形式的比重递增,网络学历教育快速发展。本文进一步分析了成人高等学历教育存在的四个方面的问题,即入学门槛偏低,把关不严;高校教育投入不足,教学实施方式不佳;学生学习困难较大,学习积极性不高;成人高等教育学历的社会认同度低,含金量不足。本文最后从三个方面具体阐述了改进策略,即提升教学质量、体现成教特色;争取得力的政策保障、改善办学条件;改进成人高等学历教育办学机制。  相似文献   

教学计划是实现人才培养目标和基本规格要求的总体设计蓝图与实施方案,以东莞理工学院成人教育2012级本科专业教学计划制定为例,从教学计划制定的目标定位、基本依据、基本原则和基本框架等方面系统回顾了教学计划制定的整个过程,并思考了新教学计划所具有的主要特点。  相似文献   

This study identifies adult education program characteristics associated with learning disability (LD) prevalence through statistical analyses of data from a single U.S. state (Kansas). Data indicate that several variables at the adult education (AE) program level are linked to LD prevalence, including disability incidence, educational background of learners, and learner age. In addition, after participation in AE services, learner outcomes associated with LD prevalence are adult basic and secondary learning gains, GED outcomes, and entering employment. Learner skill level on entering the AE program, learner outcomes of retaining employment, and program characteristics related to staffing and funding did not consistently associate with LD prevalence. These results have implications for AE program staff and policy makers and suggest a need for further research of individual characteristics of adult learners with LD.  相似文献   

This article reports a critical analysis of older adult education in Malta. In educational gerontology, a critical perspective demands the exposure of how relations of power and inequality, in their myriad forms, combinations, and complexities, are manifest in late-life learning initiatives. Fieldwork conducted at the University of the Third Age (UTA) in Malta uncovered the political nature of elder-learning, especially with respect to three intersecting lines of unequality—namely, positive aging, elitism, and gender. A cautionary note is, therefore, warranted at the dominant positive interpretations of UTAs since late-life learning, as any other education activity, is not politically neutral.  相似文献   

The study aimed to develop a meaning-based adult day care program managed by nurses for Filipino older persons. Meaning-based nursing care is intended to serve as a guide in creating meaningful, focused, and structured activities for nurses in adult day care.

A mixed methods research design was used in the study. This method involved the development of a training module, meaning-based nursing care, training of registered nurses, training evaluation of nurses, and referral for interdisciplinary team meetings and consultations. Meaning-based care was approaches that address the meaning of experiences for older persons in the process of conducting adult day care services.

The study gave evidences to the ability of nurses to manage a program for older persons. Thus, the study recommends the use of the nursing model developed to prescribe guidelines in the conduct of meaning-based adult day care programs and services.  相似文献   

This study aimed to identify the relationships between lifelong learning, quality of life, and self-efficacy of older adults. One thousand and three participants of a lifelong educational program participated; the mean age was 50.6 (SD = 7.8, range: 18–78). Findings revealed that the patterns of study established a positive association with quality of life, but a negative correlation with their psychosomatic complaints. It also found that the more respondents enrolled in courses, the more somatic complaints they suffered. Multiple regression analysis models indicate that the determinants of good quality of life in older adult learners aged 60 and over were good self-efficacy and the continuation of study after graduation.  相似文献   

Malaysia currently has about three million senior citizens. United Nations statistics show that Malaysia is likely to reach aging nation status by the year 2035. It is important to address the issues that may have impact on the needs and concerns of this growing population. This study examined the relationships of life satisfaction, learner autonomy, and selected demographic variables of older adults in the state of Kelantan, Malaysia. A convenience sample of 111 adults, age 50 or older, participated in this survey. Statistical analyses assessed relationships of demographic variables to Learner Autonomy Profile and Life Satisfaction Scores. Findings reveal ethnicity, education level and living area correlate significantly with the learner autonomy scores. Only education level was found to significantly correlate with life satisfaction. Results indicate a significant relationship of learner autonomy scores and life satisfaction scores. Implications for practice and recommendations for further study and public policy emphases are discussed.  相似文献   

群众的满意度是反映一个学院办学水平、服务质量、教学质量的重要因素,群众满意是成人教育学院良好运行的基础。本文从研究成人学习者独特的经历和体验入手,了解他们学习的意识、动机,成人教育培养目标、专业设置、课程设置、教材体系、教育教学的现状,群众对现阶段成人教育方方面面的满意度,找出影响群众满意度的主要因素、成人教育存在问题的症结所在,提出具有可操作性和应用价值的对策、措施和建议,进一步提高群众对成人教育的满意度。  相似文献   

一项能受到社会广泛关注的远程教育研究课题应该切合社会和人们的需要.本文介绍由作者主持的<香港老人的学习活动、年龄和专长、元认知知识的研究>这一课题的过程和经验教训,包括研究课题的选择、文献的收集和综合、研究的设计和方法、研究的过程、论文的撰写和交流、以及经验和教训.根据这一研究的主要成果所撰写的论文,于2002年在印度新德里召开的十五届亚洲开放大学协会年会上荣获了"最佳论文奖".本研究的主要经验是,成功的远程教育研究离不开严谨的研究设计、方法和过程,有效的研究工具也应基于本地的实情专门开发,同时,研究的结果能对远程教育的发展和实践具有指导作用.本研究的教训是,如果照搬西方的某些能力测量量表,不仅浪费研究经费,而且浪费大量的人力.本研究也同时说明,开发适合我国成人和老人的学习能力的测量量表成为急需.最后,本文附录了这项研究采用的问卷表,供同行们参考或修改使用.  相似文献   

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