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体育人文社会学是研究体育运动领域中各种人文现象和社会现象的综合性学科,它是以一个具有庞大的学科群为基础,包含了十几门已经成熟和接近成熟的学科及数门正在发育成长的新兴学科.  相似文献   

The sociology of sport literature is now sufficiently broad to allow a general analysis of research patterns in this field. To facilitate the identification of these vectors of expansion, sources referenced in articles published in Sociology of Sport Journal and Journal of Sport and Social Issues between 2003 and 2011 are examined in terms of sources referenced. Highly cited sources often used together in the same sources can be combined through bibliometric methods in clusters of similar influential publications, which together can be used to map the field. The resulting clusters show that a dominant pattern in these clusters is the preeminent role played by authors like Foucault, Bourdieu, and Connell. To help explain the preeminence of these authors’ work, a hypothesis is proposed, which interprets it with the help of institutional theory as an effort of a field to find legitimacy by developing research from reference academic disciplines that concerns sport or is closely linked to it (e.g., through the concept of corporeality).  相似文献   

周月红  王厉兵 《太原大学学报》2007,8(3):120-121,133
我国学生身体素质近20年来呈持续下滑,它的原因,既与社会环境的宏观因素有关,也有生活方式等微观方面的原因。  相似文献   

This study examines the degree of active learning, participation and engagement of civic, social and political education (CSPE) pupils through an analysis of interview and focus group data, supplemented with key findings from a survey undertaken with CSPE pupils. The study focuses on pupils’ views of the status of CSPE, their experience of active learning, or its absence, and the benefits pupils derived from active/experiential learning. These findings are presented in terms of gender and school-level differences and are analysed within an appropriate participation framework.

The importance of citizenship education is conceptualised through a review of participation theory and the rationale for engaging pupils in active/experiential learning. It is argued that whilst it is important to engage young people in this type of learning, it can only be achieved if teachers believe in it and are willing to give pupils the appropriate autonomy needed to succeed. Examining pupil accounts of CSPE and active learning reveals there is a disparity in perspective between pupils who, in some schools, have benefited greatly from CSPE (through increased confidence and skills development) and those in other schools, where some pupils appear to have subverted active learning and have benefited little.  相似文献   

Responding to a series of articles in sport management literature calling for more diversity in terms of areas of interest or methods, this study warns against the danger of excessively fragmenting this field of research. The works of T. Kuhn (1962) and J. Pfeffer (1993) are taken as the basis of an argument connecting convergence with scientific strength. However, being aware of the large number of counterarguments directed at this line of reasoning, a new model of convergence, which focuses on clusters of research contributions with similar areas of interest, methods, and concepts, is proposed. The existence of these clusters is determined with the help of a bibliometric analysis of publications in three sport management journals. This analysis determines that there are justified reasons to be concerned about the level of convergence in the field, pointing to a reduced ability to create large clusters of contributions in similar areas of interest.  相似文献   


Amidst widespread inequality, advocates of sport and physical activity have proposed ways in which sport might support those on the social, economic, and geographic margins. In this essay, we consider the place and role of sport in responding to various forms of inequality, and reflect upon its place in pursuing social justice. In so doing, we bring a perspective of critical sociology to the question(s) of whether and how sport can play a role in responding to inequality. Our main argument is that sport has had, and continues to have, a place and role in the pursuit of social justice, but only in so far as sport’s advocates are willing and able to differentiate between justice and charity. To build this case, we draw on the differentiation between the dominant and transformative models of sport for development.  相似文献   

通过文献资料、归纳演绎、逻辑分析等方法,对中国体育社会学研究的现状与存在的问题进行了深入研究,并就未来如何发展提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

毛泽东体育思想集中体现在《体育之研究》一文中,此文是我国现代体育事业发展初期具有代表性的文献,也是我国现代体育史上一份不可多得的体育思想文化瑰宝.毛泽东在此文中通过对体育锻炼的目的、体育存在的意义、体育原则、三育并重以及体育哲学等问题的研究,提出了自己独到的理论见解.时至今日,毛泽东体育思想仍具有较强的现实性,对当前广泛开展的全民健身运动和学校阳光体育活动仍具有重要的现实指导意义.  相似文献   

社会学与城市卫生设施建设关系密切。公共卫生设施影响着城市社会生活质量考评指标。考察社会经济发展,应该更加注重对环境、公共卫生等公共服务产品的综合考察。因此,谋求社会和谐发展,必须关注自然、城市基础设施尤其是卫生设施与人的相互关系。  相似文献   

Since the 1990s, Cuba has offered scholarships to students from low-resource countries to attend the Escuela Internacional de Educación Física y Deporte (EIEFD) for a six-year degree in sport, physical education, and coaching. Drawing on the experiences of EIEFD graduates from four Southern African countries (Zambia, South Africa, Mozambique, and Lesotho) the authors discuss the meanings that this South–South cooperation through education holds for international students and for the self-sufficiency of sport and physical-education systems within partner countries. The authors also show that upon returning home, many EIEFD graduates are left to negotiate insular job markets and inconsistent domestic commitments to public sport and physical education. The implications for South–South development through international education, and the place of sport and physical education therein, are discussed.  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料法,对现阶段国外体育社会学研究现状进行了调研,分析和论述了体育与社会政治、经济、新闻媒体、生态环境的关系及体育全球化、体育组织等国外体育社会学研究的热点和重点。提出今后国外体育社会学研究的发展趋势,即瞄准社会变革前沿、重视实证研究和加强方法学的研究。  相似文献   

教育社会学在苏联之前的俄罗斯已经出现了萌芽,真正形成和发展是在20世纪60~70年代的苏联时期。教育社会学在当时具有明显的政治倾向性。由于受到苏联意识形态的影响,20世纪70年代后期社会学被禁止研究,教育社会学也从此失去了十年发展机遇。苏联解体后,教育社会学在俄罗斯得到恢复和发展。目前,俄罗斯正在加速国家现代化建设,随着教育的大发展,教育社会学的作用将会越来越突出。  相似文献   

教育社会学的研究与发展需要适切的学科自觉和学科意识。基于当下的生存困境,教育社会学必须重审自身的学科形象,明确自身的学术味道。  相似文献   

关于学生文化的研究一直是教育工作者探索的论题。学生文化研究的方法引申出的界定多如牛栋,但在现时的实践过程中具有指导意义的还应首推教育社会学对学生文化的研究,因为教育社会学视角下的学校文化、课程文化、家庭文化、同辈群体文化同学生文化互为关联,密不可分并相互影响,因此在研究过程中区分其积极因素和消极因素对学生文化的发展乃至对教育的发展具有比较现实的作用。  相似文献   

比较教育和社会学的关系史及其分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文基于西方比较教育发展的社会科学化史观,首先考察了社会学视野中的比较教育与社会学的历史关系,然后提出比较教育在问题域的形成、措辞方式、理论框架的构建、方法论的建立等方面都借用了社会学的话语、理论和方法.最后指出比较教育应创造出供其他学科消费的知识产品,以改变单向度借用的状态,最终促进自身的不断发展.  相似文献   

Sociology of education in Norway has traditionally been preoccupied with the classic problems related to education and the reproduction of social inequality. As the general social scientific and political focus on inequality decreased, the sociology of education also became less visible. At the same time, the sociology of youth evolved, and brought with it a shift from theories of reproduction towards theories of individualization and cultural detachment. New challenges for sociology of education are also discussed. These are related to the educational system's position as the main socialization arena for young people, as well as new developments within educational policy, and thus within school. What kind of identities are “produced” within the educational system?  相似文献   

反思性是社会学的一个重要特质。我国社会学本科教学目前存在诸多问题,社会学教育工作者要充分发挥批判性反思精神,做好大学新生的启蒙教育工作,编写出更多新颖生动的本土化教材,对有无学术志向的两类学生因材施教,多给学生创造社会实践机会,提高社会学本科人才培养的质量。  相似文献   

质的教育社会学研究的演化发展大致经历了边缘化时期、转折时期和繁荣时期。质的研究不仅为教育社会学的领域增加了情景化、过程性的知识,也为传统的理解引进了新的声音、视角和主题。教育社会学领域引进质的研究方法有其必然性。质的研究与教育社会学的研究具有一定程度的适切性。  相似文献   

数学教育社会学在学理上具有跨学科和交叉学科的性质。它受到知识社会学和数学社会学的交互作用和影响。科学知识社会学和数学知识社会学关于科学与数学的认识对数学教育的社会学研究都有很好的启迪。在借鉴上述两种知识社会学理论成果的基础上,作为21世纪以来全球范围内数学教育研究的一个热点和重点,探讨了数学教育社会学的内涵、层次和基本范畴以及对于中国数学教育实践的现实意义。  相似文献   

近代中国教育社会学学科要素之探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自1922年《社会与教育》一书问世以来,教育社会学即在中国确立了独立的学科地位。我国学者对其有关研究对象、学科性质、研究方法等学科要素基本问题的探讨及论争也相继展开,并取得了相应的历史成就。认真总结近代中国学者关于教育社会学学科要素之探讨,对今天这门学科的建设不无裨益。  相似文献   

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