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Successful aging and lifelong learning are value-laden concepts that are culturally determined. To this effect, people with different value systems and cultural backgrounds may perceive and understand these two concepts differently, resulting in different definitions and conceptualizations by people in diverse cultural contexts. There have been studies of successful aging and lifelong learning that considered what role culture plays in these two constructs separately. However, there is a lack of research studying successful aging and lifelong learning alongside each other, using the same culturally relevant approach to examine the impact of culture on how these two constructs are understood and conceptualized. The aim of this paper is, therefore, two-fold. First, it will examine the concepts of successful aging and lifelong learning and consider the role that culture plays in the understanding of these two constructs. Second, it will present a culturally relevant theoretical framework to theorize and explain older people's own value systems and the predominant cultural values that have influenced their understandings and conceptualizations of what successful aging and lifelong learning mean to them in old age. Considering and examining the theoretical framework from the perspectives of elders themselves is necessary if we are to understand the ways in which culture shapes the experiences of aging and learning in later life.  相似文献   


This paper offers the viewpoint that franchised Further Education-based degree courses should be continued and expanded, since these colleges are less likely to intimidate adult (potential) students. A modified American '2 + 2' learning scenario (2 years in FE college followed by 2 years concluding the degree in a university) is discussed.  相似文献   

This qualitative study examined the perceptions of 18 senior adults about successful aging and the role of learning in the process of adapting to age-related changes. Findings indicated that successful aging involves engaging with others; coping with changes; and maintaining physical, mental, and financial health. Within these themes, learning emerged as an important factor in the successful aging process. Specifically, participants described learning in terms of a variety of purposes—such as a social experience, a coping strategy, and a way to have fun. Implications for the design and delivery of programs for senior adults are discussed.  相似文献   

中国已进入老龄化社会,但现有老年教育资源无法满足庞大的老年化教育需求,"互联网+"迅速发展使在线课程成为满足老年化教育的重要途径,随着终身老年化教育与积极老龄化的理论成为老年化教育的主导理论,在线课程能否诠释终身老年化教育与积极老龄化的理论直接影响老年教育的健康发展。因此,我们对我国四大在线课程平台中"老年"相关课程进行了数据整合和课程分析,发现我国在线课程在实践终身老年化教育理论同时具有中国特色,但在践行积极老龄化理论中存在不足,需要进一步推进技能培训课程的开展,进行个性化适老性的授课方式,积极推进老年人成为新的再生资源。  相似文献   

终身教育视野下的日本老年教育   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在人口老龄化日趋严峻的形势下,日本老年教育事业也有了长足发展,成为终身教育的重要组成部分。老年教育的施行是终身教育"教育机会均等"宗旨的有力体现,有利于终身教育终极目标——人的全面发展的实现,有利于终身教育实施范围的扩展。但仍应在老年期的第一阶段适当加大职业教育的投入,同时调动农村老年人和老年妇女的受教育积极性。  相似文献   

终身教育是现代经济社会发展的必然趋势,而公共图书馆作为学校教育的有力补充,已成为公民终身教育的社会化平台。因此,从科教兴国战略的高度,提出图书馆为公民终身教育提供的有效途径,以及变革其服务模式的有效思路。  相似文献   

With the growing size of the population of aging Black individuals, it is important to understand successful aging in this group. This study, therefore, piloted the Successful Aging Inventory (SAI) with a convenience sample of Black older adults. Participants completed a demographic form, the SAI, Purpose in Life Test, Life Satisfaction Inventory-A, Mastery Scale, and Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale. Internal reliability and convergent and discriminant validity were acceptable. The SAI appears suitable for examining successful aging in Black older adults.  相似文献   

The author's basic thesis is that all properly conceived education is in fact continuing or lifelong education. It is democratic and liberating because it responds to the real needs of real people in society. Higher education today throughout the world is beset by crises and contradictions. While universities have so often served the interests of selfish self‐perpetuating élites, their implied or explicit educational message is all‐encompassing and democratic. Nothing better furthers the democratic aims of university education than open‐access continuing education that enriches culture and production while interlinking the two in a creative relationship. In fact, properly conceived and functioning continuing education encompasses all other forms of education, including initial training which has so often been viewed as a finality in itself and as a means for ensuring educational selection in the interests of the dominant class. If applied at the international level, continuing education properly conceived will lead to a far greater democratization of the relations among universities of different countries, one which will end the dominant/dominated syndrome; it will likewise permit a positive rather than a negative assimilation by the university of educational technology.


Successful aging (SA) has been conceptualized in a number of ways. Despite increasing research into how laypersons define SA, few studies capturing lay perspectives of SA in younger cohorts and in non-English speaking countries have been undertaken. The current study examines cross-cultural perspectives of SA in young (aged 18–35), lay adults from a variety of continental European countries and Turkey. Participants were recruited via snowball sampling from social network sites and invited to participate in an online survey. Persons between 18–35 years from Belgium, Estonia, Germany, Netherlands, Romania, Switzerland, or Turkey were included. Respondents (total: 390; Belgian: 32; Estonian: 96; German: 76; Romanian: 47; Swiss: 39; Dutch: 30; Turkish: 70), were primarily women (56.4%) and students (66.2%), with an average age of 24.1 years (SD 3.7). Personal resources, social and active engagement all emerged as dominant themes across countries, but were articulated in subtly different ways in the participant countries. Positive perspectives, desirable attributes and satisfaction themes were intertwined within themes of acceptance and engagement. The current study provides a first step in the inclusion of geographic and cultural diversity into the SA literature. These results suggest that layperson conceptualizations of SA have broad-sweeping similarities, but further research is required to articulate the nuance of cultural influences on SA.  相似文献   

在人口老龄化程度加深的大背景下,为了积极应对人口老龄化所带来的挑战,从终身教育,特别是老年教育的视角,对积极老龄化进行研究,以期探索积极老龄化的有效路径。通过对于国内外积极老龄化理论和实践的研究,提出积极老龄化的理念基于人的毕生发展观,其实现路径涉及政策方面的保障、老年教育的进一步发展、提高老年人的社会参与、老龄再就业观念的改变、养老模式的创新等,只有全方位地关注积极老龄化,才能将积极老龄化落到实处。  相似文献   

那时,他还是一个上初中的孩子。即将升初二时,国语老师给他们布置了一道暑假作业:阅读陀思妥耶夫斯基的长篇名著《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》,然后撰写一篇读书报告。这道作业让他犯了难,因为这本书的售价是70  相似文献   

终身学习是一种整体的、发展的学习观,其内涵随着经济社会发展不断演变.通过对CNKI中有关终身学习的北大核心期刊和CSSCI来源期刊文献的发表时间、数量、研究阶段、研究主题及其具体内容进行分析,指出终身学习研究的发展动向:"什么是终身学习"的研究逐步全面、深入、系统;"如何促进终身学习"的研究数量和占比逐步增加,并呈现出阶段性特征;持续关注国际终身学习研究动态,挖掘其借鉴启示意义;重点关注"教师"群体的终身学习发展情况;强调实践视角,出现区域性、群体性的现状和需求调查研究.  相似文献   

This article describes the application of Problem‐Based Learning (PBL) methodology in the context of a student congress, arguing that such new approaches to learning are best‐suited to the goals of the Bologna Process. The Congress in question enabled Spanish graduate students in Psychology, many of them mid‐career professionals, to increase their learning motivation, delve deeper into the learning experience, and further apply their learning and research. By taking an interdisciplinary approach, all the teachers concerned were able to coordinate their involvement. Feedback received from students and professors confirms that the Congress promoted new strategies and skills including self‐directed learning.  相似文献   

翻译本身是个过程这一特点决定了翻译教学应当以过程化为导向。本文提出翻译工作坊结合翻译日志写作的整合过程化教法,这一教法从整体和细节上都反映了翻译过程的特点。  相似文献   

This article draws upon a major qualitative empirical research investigation in Great Britain to explore the relationships between retirement and learning. Though retirement is frequently viewed as an event leading to a life stage, our data show that it can perhaps be best understood as a lengthy process. This process begins well before actual retirement in most cases, and it continues well after any symbolic retirement event. Through this process of change, it is common for persons to be retired by one definition but not by another. The article shows that if we adopt recent understandings of learning as a process of becoming—incorporating informal as well as formal learning—then retirement is a process and learning is an inevitable, integral part of that process. We conclude by suggesting some implications that follow from understanding retirement in this way.  相似文献   

Learning as a Generative Process   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A cognitive model of human learning with understanding is introduced. Empirical research supporting the model, which is called the generative model, is summarized. The model is used to suggest a way to integrate some of the research in cognitive development, human learning, human abilities, information processing, and aptitude-treatment interactions around the notion of transfer of experience and abilities.  相似文献   

当代终身学习理论、政策和实践的一个关键前提是现代社会快速变化,因而社会对个体有一个持续的要求:个体要不停地学习新知识和新技能以便适应变化着的社会,甚至要不断改变"自我".个体"自反性地"(重新)建构自我的需要在终身学习领域日益受到关注.该文对社会学家吉登斯的有关晚期现代社会中自我作为"自反性任务"的概念的前提进行审视,指出其道德维度和主体际性层面缺失的问题,并探讨了这两个缺失对终身学习领域的潜在影响.哲学家泰勒虽然也认为现代人的"自我"类似于一项构建任务,但他强调自我构成中道德维度和主体际性维度的不可或缺性.该文结论认为泰勒的"自我"理论不仅有助于改善吉登斯的自我认同观中存在的问题,同时也指向一种与道德价值维度有关的终身学习.  相似文献   

终身教育体系构架探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
终身教育是贯穿人一生的教育,是社会发展和个人自我完善的必然需要,已成为我国教育改革和发展的重要战略目标.本文结合我国教育现状以及终身教育的理论研究和实践探索,初步提出了符合我国当前教育格局的终身教育体系基本构架,并就构建和完善终身教育体系的关键问题进行了探讨.  相似文献   

2004年2月,国际远程开放教育理事会第21届世界大会在中国香港会展中心隆重召开,来自世界50多个国家及地区的500多名远程教育专家和学者出席了本届大会.中国内地的电大系统、普通高校及网络教育学院、教育研究机构和教育管理部门,以及港、台地区的代表,共计150多人参加了会议.  相似文献   

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