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Authoritarianism has been an influential concept in social science research. Furthermore, researchers have long been concerned about the potential dangers of authoritarianism within the criminal justice system. The current study uses Altemeyer’s RWA Scale to measure and compare levels of authoritarianism between criminal justice majors and non‐criminal justice majors in a sample of undergraduate students. Results indicate that criminal justice majors, males, and lower‐division students have higher mean RWA scores than non‐criminal justice majors, females, and upper‐division students. However, it is male criminal justice majors who demonstrate the highest levels of authoritarianism. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

An exploratory senior and alumni survey was administered to better assess the experiential learning opportunities, including Service-Learning, offered to students in a criminal justice department. This article highlights the academic, personal and professional development of students, based on the perception of criminal justice majors in the department who completed a Service-Learning course. Educators continue to assess the academic outcomes for students and the benefits to the community. What may be less appreciated is how Service-Learning can also benefit students in their professional skills development. This article illustrates these potential benefits, and also discusses why Service-Learning courses are a critical part of development for criminal justice majors.  相似文献   

The current study examines whether students' course of study is related to their desire to carry a concealed handgun on campus. This analysis is motivated by a growing number of studies that have explored differences between criminal justice (CJ) and other majors in the areas of personality, attitudes, values, and career expectations, and also by discussions of the issue of concealed handguns on campuses following recent shootings on college campuses. Using data from over 3,100 students who completed an online survey instrument, results revealed that CJ majors were in fact more interested in carrying a legally concealed handgun on campus, if it were allowed by university policies. These results held even when controlling for other significant predictors of the desire to carry a concealed handgun. Implications for CJ education and the wider debate about concealed weapons on university campuses are discussed.  相似文献   

Criminal justice programs at traditional institutions of higher learning have been moving toward offering courses online and, in some cases, placing entire programs online for the better part of the past decade. In competition with for‐profit institutions, many traditional colleges and universities have expanded their distance education programming to include online courses and programs to attract students. As a result, the number of criminal justice students has increased, as have the profits for home institutions. With this growth in the online education market, the criminal justice faculty member has been thrust, willingly or unwillingly, into the world of online teaching—a method of instruction foreign to many instructors. From the authors’ experience at their current (and in the case of the lead author a second) institution, this paper addresses many issues that must be considered by faculty members before embarking on this type of time‐intensive initiative.  相似文献   

Attempts to define the core body of knowledge in criminal justice have provided diverse and disparate explanations of what could be considered as central to the discipline. Previous efforts have focused on frequently cited authors and works, required learning for students and the personal beliefs of individual scholars. The present work adds to this body by examining the works considered by an elite sample of criminal justice educators as classics in the field. Based on a survey of Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Presidents, Fellows and Bruce Smith Award winners the classic books in criminal justice are identified. Results show that a wide range of works and authors is identified, with relatively little consensus either across the sample or with previously identified works and authors. Comparison of presently identified works with those frequently cited and commonly required for doctoral students shows that only a minority of works identified by others are also considered classics by our elite sample.  相似文献   

This article offers a quantitative analysis of the growth of for-profit provision of teacher education in the United States. Data from all Title-IV-aid-participating institutions from 1996 to 2008 is analyzed to provide a comprehensive overview of the relative changes in enrollments of education majors at public, not-for-profit, and for-profit 4-year-and-above institutions. For-profits enroll a small, but rapidly expanding share of the education majors. Several possible reasons for the large increase in for-profit enrollments are explored and potential implications for teacher preparation are discussed. Concerns about the for-profit provision of teacher education are reviewed in light of this new data.  相似文献   

This is a report of an action-research project undertaken in tandem with the development of a new freshman seminar in criminology and criminal justice. In the freshman seminar the goal is to teach the research, critical thinking and writing skills that are the underpinnings of scholarship and good citizenship. Utilizing a unique approach, this class focuses on resources available through the University library and is taught by a professor, two librarians and a graduate teaching assistant. We hypothesize that freshmen who experience this seminar will show improvement in critical thinking skills, and that this will contribute to greater levels of academic success. This report describes the educational innovation (seminar) in sufficient detail to make replication possible, and presents preliminary findings that indicate the seminar enhances research and writing skills, fosters ability to think critically, and has a positive influence on students’ academic careers.  相似文献   

Due to the increased demands for science and technology (S&T) in criminal justice (CJ) occupational preparation and in response to the growing interest of students in forensics, this study explores the attitudes of CJ majors towards S&T. Despite the acknowledgment that S&T skills are helpful in gaining employment, CJ majors reported less favorable attitudes than S&T majors, reporting: less interest in gaining S&T knowledge, fewer social benefits of S&T, and greater concerns that S&T are dangerous to society than traditional forensic science majors. While these findings raise some fundamental questions about the suitability of increased representation of S&T courses within CJ curriculum, authors argue that CJ curricular goals must continue to evolve to foster innovative students who are academically prepared to meet the twenty-first century challenges of their future careers.  相似文献   

Students majoring in criminal justice present an “embarrassment of riches” for academic programs, so little attention has been given to these students and their perspectives on criminal justice programs. However, the assessment movement in higher education and the ACJS encourage self‐examination and program improvement. Further, student satisfaction has been recognized as an important element in the discussion of school and program quality and effectiveness. The present paper presents data from an outcome survey of graduating seniors from a Midwestern public university, with a focus on the reasons why students chose the major, career plans upon graduation, and program satisfaction. The paper explores possible predictors of these variables and discusses the implications of these results for criminal justice faculty, students, and programs.  相似文献   

当前高校的思想政治教育正面临着严峻的形势和新的挑战。创设高校思想政治教育在育人上的大系统、大环境.以适应社会、市场对高校人才的需求。  相似文献   

Persons with Mental Illness (PMIs) require unique consideration and individualized attention in the criminal justice system. Research has demonstrated the prevalence with which police come into contact with these individuals, the unique considerations made by courtrooms serving PMIs, the overrepresentation of PMIs in correctional settings, and the problems PMIs experience when reentering the community from incarceration. Given the growth of attention to this area, and the increased reality of challenges that criminal justice professionals encounter when working with PMIs, this paper explores the prevalence of courses on mental illness in criminal justice undergraduate programs in the United States. The current review of over 640 curricula in the United States illustrates that courses devoted solely to the topic of mental illness in the criminal justice system are particularly rare. The importance of offering more courses in the interface between mental illness and criminal justice for future professionals in the field is discussed.  相似文献   

复旦大学在高考改革中,多年来致力于以素质教育的理念为指导,努力探索大学招生制度的改革,2006年3月,在全国率先进行了自主招生与选拔录取的试验。此举为全面实施并推进素质教育导向,为高校选拔合格生源提供了全新的思维模式与操作实践。  相似文献   

探讨开展“三讲”对促进高校人事工作的指导意义:以“讲学习”提高高校人事干部的基本素质;以“讲政治”增强高校人事干部的理想信念;以“讲正气”树立全心全意为人民服务的思想意识。  相似文献   

Student philanthropy is a teaching strategy that “provides students with the opportunity to study social problems and nonprofit organizations, and then make decisions about investing funds in them.” This represents the first study of student philanthropy in the criminal justice education literature and the first quasi-experimental study of student philanthropy in the higher-education literature. Specifically, it examines the impact of student philanthropy on students' beliefs, interest, learning, and intended behavior by analyzing pretest and posttest data for students who participated in a philanthropy experience (experimental group), relative to students who did not participate (comparison group). Key findings include: those who participated in the student philanthropy project were significantly more likely to be aware of organizations in their community, and change scores support the differences between the experimental and comparison groups regarding social problem awareness.  相似文献   

Criminal justice programs are seeing an increase in the number of online classes both at the graduate and undergraduate levels. At the graduate level, criminal justice online education requires students to achieve mastery of higher ordered thinking and advanced analytic skills. Some students may believe that online education is simply a matter of reading postings and writing simple responses to queries. In order to counter the view that modern online courses, particularly those at the graduate level, are not academic enough, online graduate faculty must find ways to engage students through useful course design and meaningful assessments that promote deep learning. Such engagement requires faculty and students to show reflection in design as well as the integration and application of course materials in a consistent and significant way. This paper will discuss our attempts to reframe graduate criminal justice online classes in order to enhance student engagement and, ultimately, their deeper learning.  相似文献   

近年来随着全球经济一体化进程的加快,口译英语教育机构犹如雨后春笋般出现,这无疑对高校英语教学的发展带来了一定的冲击力。口译教育机构以其独特的教学方式吸引了众多学生前去报名参加,并反映学习效果良好。为了促进我国大学英语教育的发展,对大学英语专业与口译教育机构的教学进行了比较研究,得出了相关结论,并针对当今高校英语专业教学中存在的一系列问题,提出了相应的改革策略。  相似文献   

将高校研究生专业伦理教育融入课程思政,是落实高校立德树人使命,培育担当民族复兴大任时代新人的客观要求.二者在教学目标、教学内容、教学方法上的有机统一是专业伦理教育融入高校研究生课程思政的内在依据.应将专业伦理教育贯穿于课程思政教学全过程,通过多元主体协同创新,在研究生专业课教学中渗透思想政治教育内容,在专业生产实践中进行特色鲜明的专业伦理教育.探索将高校研究生专业伦理教育融入课程思政,对于实现知识传授与价值引领有机统一、协同育人的关键目标,以及构建各方力量、各种资源、各门课程都能发挥育人功能的思政教育大格局,具有重要的理论价值和实践意义.  相似文献   

我国社会经济的发展和对外交流的不断扩大对外语人才提出了新的标准和要求。为了满足这一要求,作为高等教育重要组成部分的成人高等教育,进行改革势在必行,而成人高等教育英语专业课程改革是成人高等教育改革的重点之一。本文主要分析了目前我国成人院校英语专业课程设置的现状,并探讨了如何改革成人院校英语专业课程。  相似文献   


Feminist criminology is a vital and growing area of scholarship, but it is not making its way into the classroom. This paper assesses the reasons why such material is not used frequently, makes a case for why it should be used, particularly in a liberal arts curriculum, and offers suggestions for how it can be used.  相似文献   

刑法学界对"意见"是否属于司法解释表现形式问题的认识并不统一,主要有肯定与否定两种认识观点。否定性观点认为,"意见"不是司法解释,而是司法解释性文件,不能在裁判文书中直接援引。而肯定性观点则与此相反,认为从规定的内容看,系对审理受贿案件如何应用法律的解释,应属于司法解释的内容。应当说,肯定"意见"属于司法解释的观点更有其合理性与说服力。  相似文献   

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