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从解剖学、训练学、医学等方面对高尔夫运动中膝关节损伤的发生原因进行研究分析,并运用文献资料法、专家访问法、问卷调查法等对膝关节损伤在高尔夫运动损伤中所占的比率进行比较,从而对膝关节损伤的预防对策及其康复方法提出建议。  相似文献   

高尔夫运动在我国发展迅速,经济发达地区高校已经将其引入体育领域,但在经济欠发达地区却相对滞后。通过对高尔夫运动的文化特征、体育特征和高校高尔夫体育课程进行分析,认为应该在经济欠发达地区高校体育领域广泛开展高尔夫运动以促进高校体育教学内容的改革。  相似文献   

This study examines the issue as to whether U.S. educational institutions need a significant change in their policy to deal with the increasing number of foreign students on U.S. campuses. Projections for the 1980s are made using Box-Jenkins and other forecasting techniques. Factors that led to the rapid growth of foreign students in the past are reviewed. The likelihood of their continuation is examined. In the light of these factors, policy implications of the projections are discussed.  相似文献   

Founded in 1930 and awarding Candidate of Science and Doctor of Science degrees, the U.S.S.R. Financial and Economic Institute for Distance Education is one of 14 specialized distance teaching institutions at higher education level in the country. Its structure and contribution to the provision of higher education in the U.S.S.R. are analysed. Distance teaching methods, use of media and proposals for the future of distance education in the U.S.S.R. are presented.  相似文献   

本文通过对太平洋战争爆发前美国对日逐步禁运、对华物资援助的分析,认为:美国受国内外政治经济因素的影响,其态度有从软弱到强硬的发展过程,但并不存在对日妥协、牺牲中国利益的意图。支援中国的抗战是符合美国的战略利益的。  相似文献   

近年来,全球高尔夫旅游快速发展,高尔夫旅游研究已成为国外学术界的研究热点之一。通过分析《Tourism Management》、《Annals of Tourism Research》及其它著名期刊所载的相关文献,可以发现国外高尔夫旅游研究相对较为成熟,在高尔夫旅游者行为特征、高尔夫旅游目的地管理、高尔夫旅游影响、利益相关群体关系等方面取得了丰硕的研究成果。国内高尔夫旅游实践发展和理论研究相对较为落后,今后应结合现实状况,努力借鉴国外的先进经验,以期尽快提高理论研究水平,并推动高尔夫旅游业持续健康发展。  相似文献   

The Dual Perspective Inventory was implemented to measure the diversity awareness of first‐year MSW students at a university in the western U.S. Data were collected at the beginning of the first semester from students who enrolled in a course on diversity, and again at the end of the semester when the students were about to complete the course. The mean scores of both the before and after surveys indicated that the average MSW student had an acceptable level of diversity awareness and that their awareness increased during the semester. Findings also showed that students who were racial minorities, GLBT, disabled, and/or of non‐U.S. origin had a higher level of awareness than students from the dominant culture (white heterosexual nondisabled and U.S. native) in the after survey, as well as a greater increase in awareness level over the course of the semester.  相似文献   

首先讨论以生产函数法为基础的新增长理论,然后从收入与成本的关系出发,建立经济增长模型,并利用新模型对美国200年来的经济增长因素进行分析,以检验新模型的科学性和适用性,最后讨论新模型的几个特点。  相似文献   

我国现代高尔夫球运动起步晚,产业发展速度快。随着高尔夫球运动的兴起,对高素质、高技能实用型人才的需求也随之加大。从我国高尔夫产业发展对人才需求情况来看,当前我国高尔夫教育发展的重点应当是职业教育,建立符合国情的高尔夫职业教育模式,促进我国高尔夫职业教育蓬勃发展。  相似文献   

美国海军的崛起主要是在1880年后和西奥多.罗斯福总统执政时期,美国海军实现了由旧式海军向现代化海军的转变,成为世界上一支强大的海上力量。美国海军崛起迅速的影响因素是复杂的,研究这一时期的美国海军无疑有助于更好的了解美国海军发展的历史过程。  相似文献   

This paper discusses recent developments in U.S. teacher education that are tied to the global neo-liberal project. The focus is on how changes experienced throughout the world have played out in the U.S. Three areas are addressed in particular: the commodification of teacher education, hyperrationality and increased accountability, and attacks on multicultural education. The paper closes with a look at the future for teacher education in the U.S.  相似文献   

以青岛职业技术学院高尔夫专业16名学生作为研究对象,随机将其分为试验组和对照组两组,对试验组进行专项核心力量训练,然后对比两组的高尔夫技术成绩,分析核心力量训练对高尔夫技术的影响程度。结果显示,试验组的击球距离和稳定性明显高于对照组,可见核心力量训练对高尔夫运动练习者运动水平提高具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

本文对美国高校教师的薪酬收入水平进行了细致的研究,运用通货膨胀率对教师收入的实际水平进行了还原,然后对不同级别高校教师收入的变化、不同类型院校间教师收入变化、其他专业人士与教师之间收入变化进行了深入的比较研究,同时分析了高校教师收入水平负增长的原因,特别指出高校教师收入贬值的原因不能归咎于学校的收入下降,而恰恰是不恰当的不均衡分配导致高校教师收入增长不力。文章还对薪酬的重要组成部分美国高校教师福利和兼职教师的收入状况进行了分析。  相似文献   

Over the last two decades, thousands of U.S. military veterans have entered teaching as a second career. This study documents the first year of teaching as experienced by two teachers recently retired from the U.S. military, including the challenges they faced, the professional support they received, their growth and development, and the rewards that came with professional growth. We include recommendations for assisting former service members new to teaching.  相似文献   

本文选取1995~2012年重庆市人均GDP作为经济增长的衡量指标,以重庆市主要污染物排放量作为重庆市环境污染水平的衡量指标,建立经济增长和环境污染的VAR模型。在此基础上,运用广义脉冲响应函数分析和方差分解方法,对经济增长与衡量环境污染水平的各指标动态关系进行了实证分析。得出结论:根据选取的地区、指标类型、数据来源等因素的不同,重庆市经济增长与环境污染间的脉冲响应曲线表现为倒“U”型、“U”型、“N”型、双“U”型以及波浪形;在不同时期对经济增长起主要抑制作用的污染指标不同;根据经济增长与环境污染间的响应曲线拐点,可及时制定有利于经济与环境协调发展的措施。  相似文献   

Flexible, self-organised work groups will become increasingly important in rich countries like the U.S. as employment in the formal economic system continues to decline. Educational models and methods based on the linking of learning with productive work developed in Third World countries can give a valuable stimulus to educational innovation in those industrialized countries hardest hit by the current crisis.Education with production will be important in equipping people for the new situation. The article discusses examples of several types of education with production. Among issues raised are: what skills are needed; what sorts of people the different types of post-school education with production cater for; how to extend the benefits of self-organised work; some important factors in introducing education with production at school level, including demands on the teacher and relevance to pupils' needs. The role of the Foundation for Education with Production is briefly described.  相似文献   

鸠山由纪夫为首的日本新政府内外政策的核心已初露端倪。稳定并振兴国内低迷的经济状况、重组日本经济结构、恢复民众对政府和未来的信心是新政府对内的重要任务。外交方面,如何处理好与中美这两个对日本至关重要的大国间的关系是对新政府外交能力的考验。日美间就日本在印度洋对美供油问题上的若即若离显示了日本既想改变传统的美日同盟关系中"大带小,小服大"的不平等局面,又难以真正脱离美国实现自身目的的尴尬局面;对华关系方面,鸠山政府大力推广的"低碳革命"理念不仅是出于自身经济结构重组的需要,更有借此争取在中日关系上更有利地位的政治动机。而在与中国保持更为紧密经贸关系的同时,如何正确对待和处理历史、领土等一系列影响两国关系的重要因素,鸠山政府同样需要做好功课。无论鸠山政府对美和对华政策有何新意,都体现了一直以来日本追求其"普通国家"地位和政治大国的诉求。  相似文献   

The time doctoral students expect to take to complete their degree is investigated in a model which stresses the effects of economic factors. The model also accounts for the interdependency among such variables as employment hours, study hours, household income, and part-time study. We find that field of study, amount of borrowing, household income, and study hours have direct effects on expected time to degree. Indirect effects also occur from employment hours and the amount of fellowship, scholarship, or grant aid. When the sample is separated into foreign and U.S. students, we find that U.S. students underestimate their time to degree. Also, household incomes are higher for U.S. students and increase the time to degree, while the opposite is true for foreign students. Teaching assistantships increase the time to degree for foreign students while research assistantships reduce it.  相似文献   

在利率不断市场化的背景下,选取2005-2013年季度数据,运用Stata12、Excel软件,通过统计描述分析、多元回归法和虚拟变量回归等方法,从宏观角度研究影响我国商业银行不良贷款率的具体因素。实证结果表明,GDP增长率、资本充足率与商业银行不良贷款率负相关;美元汇率与商业银行不良贷款率正相关,人民币升值有利于银行降低不良贷款率;商业银行在2008年国际金融危机以来明显降低了不良贷款率。我国需要持续推动经济增长,发挥人民币升值的优势,商业银行要保持资本充足率的稳定,优化业务结构,预防信贷风险,拓展海外业务,提高我国商业银行在全球的影响力。  相似文献   

The author, reflecting on her Hindu socialization in India and her work in graduate training in diversity issues in the United States (U.S.), discusses reasons why therapists should develop an understanding of Islam. U.S. therapists' potential biases against Muslims may parallel the sociopolitical relations between the U.S. and the Middle East, as well as their religious and cultural differences; critical factors in these biases are discussed. Relevant recommendations are accompanied by training vignettes to provide suggestions for working with Muslim immigrants in the U.S. The author also discusses political events related to Muslim populations, such as the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the U.S.; the U.S. War Against Terrorism; and the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This discussion is placed within the framework of intractable conflict. Suggestions are given for therapists' resolutions to disaster events, these being framed within existential psychotherapy and an analysis of societal contexts. This information is useful to therapists in any nation that is struggling with increasingly diverse populations and the effects of international relations.  相似文献   

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