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在人口老龄化的大环境之下,高龄者的研究生教育需求逐渐增加,完善高龄者研究生教育体系具有重要的社会意义。基于老年教育学的视角,以日本高龄者研究生教育的三个案例,分析高龄者研究生群体的教育需求与偏好,以及阻碍高龄者终身学习的因素,并从经济学供需关系的角度分析高龄者研究生教育的市场潜在需求,及基于伦理关怀的角度提出老龄者仍需要进行终身学习的理论依据。  相似文献   


The current study reports outcomes of a professional development model intended to strengthen faculty members’ cultural competence and skills for teaching about diversity and inclusion. Creating Inclusive Communities (CIC) was developed collaboratively by faculty from across social science disciplines based on a theoretical framework emphasizing learning principles, critical consciousness, and White racial identity development. This study examined the outcomes of the model on student cultural competence based on pre-post survey analysis. Findings indicate that students perceived a benefit from course activities related to race pedagogy and showed statistically significant results in two of three courses. These findings indicate that the infusion of an inclusive model, including in courses not directly related to diversity topics, has potential benefits to students. Additionally, the impact is strengthened through a more integrated approach over the course of the semester.  相似文献   

随着研究生规模的扩大,如何有效地开展研究生教育和管理工作成为一项重要课题。研究生社团是一个日益庞大的研究生学生组织,它在研究生教育管理中发挥的作用越来越突出。针对研究生社团存在的问题,找到研究生社团发挥载体作用的途径,有利于高校研究生教育和管理工作顺利开展。  相似文献   

感受英国高校学生事务管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校学生工作队伍是大学生日常思想政治教育工作的组织者和具体实施者,是加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的重要力量.  相似文献   


To support the success of community college students, the role of student affairs professionals is critical. Therefore, adequate preparation of student affairs professionals who work in community college settings is paramount. However, literature focused on the intersection between the community college, student affairs, and graduate preparation is sparse, suggesting that too little is known about the preparation of student affairs professionals exiting graduate education and entering a community college setting. We frame this dearth of literature as an issue of social justice. The lack of focus on community colleges within student affairs preparation programs further reinforces a systemic cycle of oppression related to the perception that community colleges are not an integral part of the higher education landscape. We point to potential entry points for the exploration of this topic through systematic inquiry. The goals of this work are to bring awareness to the paucity of literature on this topic, ask scholars to join us in adding to what is known about this topic, and encourage readers to think critically about this topic.  相似文献   

高素质的教师是实现高质量教育的前提.全纳教育日益发展的当前,我国教师教育体制面临新生挑战.融合特殊和普通教师教育制度,加强教师专业发展,实属当务之急.本文以美国某大学全纳教师教育专业为案例,探讨其专业构建框架与课程设置,以为我国构建全纳教师教育体系之参考.  相似文献   

在强调学生学习的背景下,美国高等教育领域的研究者和管理者大力倡导加强学生事务与学术事务的合作。本文首先回顾了加强学生事务与学术事务合作的背景,其次从理论基础和具体实践两个层面论述了美国学生事务与学术事务的合作,最后提出了要正视合作的障碍、创造合作的环境和在更宽广的背景中理解合作伙伴关系的价值及内容等几点思考。  相似文献   

ICT rollouts are no longer discretionary: they have become a mandatory function of effective educational institutions. This study examines the rollout of tablet technology at a public, four-year university with particular attention to variations within the student population and the student voice. The research questions included: Do expectations about new technologies vary among students according to socioeconomic factors? If expectations vary, then how do variations within the student population affect student response to ICT rollouts in higher education? Can attention to the student voice, including any variations within the student population, help higher educational institutions field more successful technology rollouts? The study found significant variation among students in the factors affecting technology adoption, which in turn affected the way the rollout was received by students. The study points to ways attention to the student voice can positively inform future technology rollouts.  相似文献   

高校内部质量保证工作:研究生评教   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
外国高等学校通常根据本校的使命和愿景以及由此得出的教育质量目标,提出研究生导师的教学质量准则和对研究生的学习质量要求。在教学过程中定期由研究生对导师进行评教,又由导师对研究生进行评学,以确保教与学都能保持应有的水准和质量,并不断提高。  相似文献   

国家助学贷款与大学生诚信教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
详细分析了国家助学贷款大学生诚信缺失的原因,主要是社会、学校、家庭和自身四个方面。提出加强大学生贷款诚信教育的方法和途径:健全法律保障、诚信教育、信用保障三种体系。  相似文献   

以学生为本:高校学生事务管理新理念   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高校学生事务管理,首要的根本性的问题在于理念的更新。"以学生为本",它是高等教育由传统教育向现代教育、由精英教育向大众教育两大质变的必然结果。在学生事务管理中普遍存在着两种倾向:一是目无学生,学生在涉及自身权益的学生事务管理中只有被动的接受,没有广泛的参与权、选择权;二是一味迁就学生,把学生的一切都包下来,使学生滋长依赖性而削弱自主性,这都有悖于"以学生为本"的理念。高校应该在充分尊重和理解学生的基础上,通过学生的广泛参与,激励和引导学生自我教育、自我管理、自我服务、自力更生、自立自强,最终作为有独立完善人格的主体走向社会。  相似文献   

本文从学科划分、课程设置、培养目标以及毕业要求四个方面比较了香港与内地的教育学专业硕士研究生教育。香港高校在学科和专业设置上拥有较大的自主权,培养目标更具社会亲和力,课程设置以人为本、灵活性高,课程内容与要求上体现出对学生研究能力的关注。香港与内地的教育体系不同,应各取所长,相互借鉴。  相似文献   

In researching the exceptional academic performance of 31 female and 19 male low socioeconomic college students of color, three distinctly female approaches to exceptional achievement arose from the data. These included the inordinate degree of familial resistance faced by the females and their approaches to that resistance, the value and importance of post-college goals and ambition, and the presence of effective cross-gender mentoring relationships. The impact of racial, ethnic, class and gender-based identities in relation to academic performance is also explored. Erik E. Morales  earned his B.S. and Ph.D. from New York University and his M.Ed. From William Paterson University. He is currently an assistant professor at New Jersey City University in the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. His research interests are academic resilience and the retention of college students of color.  相似文献   

This commentary begins by summarizing the five contributions to this special issue and briefly recapping the background to the topic of student learning in higher education. Narrative and systematic reviews are compared, and the relative value of different bibliographic databases in the context of systematic reviews is assessed. The importance of measures of effect size is stressed. The relationship of the five contributions to early research on levels of processing and approaches to learning is discussed, along with the presage–process–product model of student learning and historical discussions that are relevant to the current theoretical discussions. This field has benefited from the development of more robust instrumentation, but researchers must continue to develop new kinds of measure, including online measures of students’ strategy use. Researchers need to consider ways of enhancing the quality of student learning through the use of problem-based curricula and other student-centered approaches. Finally, it is suggested that researchers into student learning need to evaluate whether their concepts, methods, theories, and findings are valid in online environments and to investigate how curricula in higher education can build upon those in secondary education.  相似文献   

In a national survey, members from the American School Counselor Association were asked to rate the importance of graduate‐level training for 24 course content areas. Analysis indicated that there were similarities and significant differences between elementary school counselors and secondary school counselors on their perception of the importance of various course content areas. Implications for school counselor education were discussed.  相似文献   

英国大学生调查是一种以学生为主体的高等教育质量评估新方式,其理论基础来源于学生学习的预知-过程-结果模型,以及学生对学习环境的感知与学生学习方法之间、学生学习方法与学生学习成果之间已被证实的联系。英国大学生调查结果在高等教育质量保障和院校质量改进活动中发挥着重要作用,是社会各界衡量和比较不同高校及专业之间人才培养质量的重要指标。我们有必要借鉴英国大学生调查的经验,将大学生及其学习体验纳入高等教育质量保障的总体框架,明确学生在高等教育质量保障中的权益并在制度上予以保证,系统设计开发基于学生视角的高等教育质量评估工具与方法,全面聆听学生的声音并将其作为高等教育质量改进的重要依据。  相似文献   

在高等教育大众化背景的今天,高职学生工作面临着巨大的机遇和挑战。如何顺应时代发展的要求,对学生教育、管理工作进行改革创新是一项非常重要的课题。从生本理念的视角出发,常州纺织服装职业技术学院外语系构建了"精心引导、精细管理、主动服务、多元评价"的"四位一体"高职学生工作新模式,尤其是精细化管理模式和引导型学生综合素质模块化等级评价体系,对高职德育工作研究与实践具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

新中国以来,我国高等教育质量为"外适性"的,以满足高等教育外部需要、"生产合格产品"为质量标准,高等教育增长主要是一种量的增长而非质的增长.在高等教育强国战略下,高等教育发展应实现从"量"到"质"的转变,并以追求卓越为质量取向,而大学制度的根本性变革是我国高等教育走向卓越的必由之路.  相似文献   

李燕 《教育探索》2011,(4):76-78
高等教育学生事务的国际化已经成为当今世界各国学生事务未来发展的必然趋势.但学生事务的国际化不等于学生事务的一体化、统一化、趋同化,更不等同于西方化,其发展的焦点实质上就是各国高校学生事务在当今多元文化交融下的本土化发展,而中国特色也就成为中国高校学生事务国际化发展的必然选择.  相似文献   

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