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加拿大卑斯省社会经济的发展,为高等职业技术教育创造了良好的社会条件。政府的投入和有效的管理机制,保证了高等职业技术教育与社会经济发展变化相适应及其自身的可持续发展,形成了卑斯省高等职业技术教育的综合性、就业型和高档化的显著特色和学校教育为主、校企联办、社会参与的立体型办学模式,使职业技术教育在卑斯省的社会和经济发展中扮演起重要角色。卑斯省的模式是加拿大大部分省份的普遍模式,对于办好我们的高等职业技术教育有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This study explores the use of a corpus of classroom discourse data (Singapore Corpus of Research in Education or SCoRE) to facilitate the professional development of English language (EL) teachers in Singapore. A survey was first conducted to probe the knowledge base and belief system of EL teachers in three key domains: epistemology, pedagogy, and discourse. This was followed by a discourse analysis of the SCoRE corpus to mine resources that could address the specific professional needs of teachers identified through the survey. Survey findings suggest that EL teachers in Singapore are less secure in epistemology than pedagogy or discourse-related issues. The efficacy of using corpus-based materials to help teachers reflect on and develop their professional competencies was tested through a workshop. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications of using authentic and situated corpus resources to facilitate teachers’ reflective practice and professional development.  相似文献   

One of the key factors that contribute to effective management of schools is the professional development of principals. The role of the principal has become more complex with the dynamic and constant reforms in the educational environment. The present study focuses on the professional development of principals in New Zealand and Singapore. The identified categories for comparison include similarities in knowledge on leadership, models and skills that are important for aspiring principals. Differences include the selection process, programme design, modes of learning, futuristic projects and visits to other institutions. The study contributes to our understanding of key dynamics in the professional development of aspiring principals by identifying categories for comparison and discussing their relevance for analysing similarities and differences between these. The study also points to relevant interactions between professional development and the local environment.  相似文献   

我国高等教育在50年代就形成了文理工分立办学的格局,加之受中小学应试教育的影响,导致形成我国理工科大学生人文素质贫乏的尴尬局面,本文提出以艺术教育为切入点以解决理工科院校实施人文教育在时间和内容上存在的各种矛盾,并从心理学、生理学的角度论证了这一方法的可行性。  相似文献   

This paper explores the concept of globalisation and educational policy making in the context of a recently developed ‘strong state’, Singapore. It suggests both the need to clarify the concept of globalisation from such concepts as dependency and centre-periphery and to avoid overly deterministic accounts of the influence of global trends on education policy making. An analysis is provided of policy initiatives in Singapore between 1979 and 1991 located within state-based imperatives to respond to both global and state-centric challenges.  相似文献   

Professional learning communities (PLCs) have been recognised as having the potential to raise the quality of teachers, teaching and student learning through structured teacher collaboration, and have been featured prominently in Singapore and Shanghai – both considered top-performing Asian societies in the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA). Although embedded in education systems that are considered centralised, there are still significant differences. Drawing out key implications from the experiences of Singapore and Shanghai, this paper highlights the potential challenges in implementing PLCs. These challenges include heavy teacher workload, ambiguities in the understanding and implementation of PLCs, and hierarchical work structures. The discussions emanating from the comparison between Singapore and Shanghai PLCs seek to contribute towards the international literature on fostering teacher collaboration through PLCs, which has been predominantly Western-centric.  相似文献   

通过对新加坡高等职业教育进行探讨发现,其发展过程中所形成的“引领行业发展”的专业建设思路、资源高效利用的“双轨制”教学制度、“学生本位”教学理念、“双师型、学习型”教师队伍建设等特色对我国高等职业教育具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to explore the ways in which lower tracked, normal technical students unpack academic requirements and expectations to achieve academic success. Set in Singapore, the study documents the lived experiences of four individuals from the normal technical course who have succeeded academically. The results show the emergence of three main forms of unpacking academic expectations that these participants employed throughout their lives. It will be argued that these individuals appear to be active and capable of drawing on valued knowledge and resources to participate in the institutionalised academic community. The participants’ experiences also indicate that there may be a mismatch between the participants’ interpretations of what was required of them and the institutionalised academic expectations. Their collective narratives challenge the exclusion of educationally disadvantaged students and confront traditional narratives of these youth as high potential dropouts.  相似文献   

15—18世纪被认为是英国由农本经济向现代工业社会转型的时期,在此期间英国商业获得了迅猛发展,这对商人的业务技能、文史知识和道德品质等提出了新的挑战,使他们普遍意识到掌握商业知识技能、塑造良好信誉的重要性。  相似文献   

通过对新加坡小型华人家族企业的实证调查,研究新加坡华人家族企业组织发展的现状和存在的问题。认为新加坡地区的华人家族企业群体,受中华传统文化的影响,形成独特的创业优势和守业劣势。华人家族企业的领导者继任和管理者任用仍然是困扰企业发展壮大的主要问题。  相似文献   

1980年代中期以来,新加坡开始关注作为知识服务产业的国际教育服务。1990年代后期,新加坡政府将国际教育服务作为教育产业纳入了国民经济发展之中。教育服务市场的发展,奠定了新加坡实现"世界校园"梦想的基础。  相似文献   

新加坡职业教育特色及对我国职业教育的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新加坡作为亚洲地区重要的现代化国家之一,在崛起过程中,职业教育发挥了举足轻重的作用,其在适应与促进本国经济发展过程中形成的特色,有力推动了新加坡的现代化建设,文章主要对新加坡高等职业技术教育的特色进行分析,以期对我国高职教育教学的改革有一些启示。  相似文献   

新加坡国立大学和南洋理工大学是“后发型”世界一流大学的典型代表,其建设路径清晰可溯:办学理念特色鲜明,主动对接国家战略;积极争取国家经费支持,反哺国家经济发展;不断革新管理理念,发扬民主化治理;强化科学研究,推进技术创业教育;加强战略规划,赶超世界顶尖大学;持续推进国际化办学,关注学生成长成才;打造一流的师资队伍,培养具有国际视野的精英人才。新加坡两所大学对我国“双一流”建设的启示如下:秉承“创业型”大学的发展理念,塑造创新创业文化;制定长远的战略规划,引进一流的师资;深入推进国际化办学,将“引进来”与“走出去”相结合;完善治理体系,提升治理能力。  相似文献   

在众多的国家中,英国的教育管理体制极具代表性,独特性,合理性和可借鉴性,研究英国的教育管理体制,对于我们精简机构,裁减沉员,切实提高管理效率;健全教育法规,增强法制观念,加强依法治教;完善校长负责责,建立科学民主的领导体制都具有十分重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The radical philosophies of difference articulated by Deleuze and Guattari are just beginning to impinge the field of education although less so within science education. One common thread among the numerous concepts and neologisms (especially the rhizome) that have been coined is the necessity for thinking and acting in what they call ‘experimental’ modes, which shifts our focus onto the eternal process of becoming rather than merely (re)producing states of being. I reflect upon these seemingly utopian ideas in the light of recent educational changes in Singapore aimed at preparing competent citizen–workers for the knowledge economy and globalization. In particular, this paper shows how one elementary science teacher adopted guerilla tactics while negotiating these sometimes conflicting transitions in policies. I argue that neither mandated, top-down reforms nor drastic experimentation by individuals alone are most productive but rather working in the ephemeral in-between spaces of the rhizome, which Deleuze and Guattari had all long championed.
Yew-Jin LeeEmail:

Yew-Jin Lee   is a long-time teacher-educator in Singapore. He has interests in qualitative research and brings to science education concepts from discourse/conversation analysis, ethnomethodology, sociology, and philosophy. A recent book written together with Roth, Hwang and Goulart published by Lehmanns Media was entitled “Participation, learning, and identity: Dialectical perspectives” and he is currently editing a book on science education research in Asia to be released by Sense Publishers.  相似文献   

This article examines the promotion of lifelong learning (LLL) in Singapore through a new national initiative known as the SkillsFuture movement. It is argued that the attainment of LLL is confronted with three key challenges, the first being the sociocultural preference for academic rather than vocational education in Singapore. Secondly, there is an absence of a strong local culture that underscores the habits of mind needed for LLL. The final challenge is the dominant ideology of pragmatism that potentially conflicts with the goal of the SkillsFuture movement for individuals to enjoy learning and pursue their passion. The article further recommends a reconceptualisation of the notion of LLL in Singapore by supplementing the skills growth model with the individual development and social learning models. The Singapore example illustrates the difficulties and prospects of advocating LLL due to historical and socialcultural conditions and practices.  相似文献   

This article discusses how the media and schools are used as disciplinary apparatuses to resist and work against globalisation in Singapore. Aihwa Ong calls the deployment of state ideological apparatuses, such as the media and schools, acts of ‘reassemblage’, when technocrats resort to assemble institutions, diverse Government practice and political values to engage in citizenship production. The National Education curriculum package introduced to Singapore schools is one example of ‘reassemblage’, which aims to reinvent subject‐citizens who are perceived as lacking cultural mooring and a national identity. I argue that in the context of globalisation, this cultural experimentation of constructing a national identity and creating a sense of belonging is fraught with ruptures, as ‘youthscapes’ and new communication technologies are potentially the liminal spaces where other sources of identities are up for grabs. These liminal spaces further allow youths to perform ‘elective belonging’ rather than a sense of belonging bound by the ‘national’ and ‘local’.  相似文献   

作为一种全球性的社会现象,腐败被国际社会称为"全球性灰色瘟疫"。如何预防控制职务犯罪,不断健全完善反腐败机制,成为各国共同关注的问题。美国、日本和新加坡是社会清廉程度较高的代表国家,其有效的反腐败机制在预防控制职务犯罪工作中发挥了重要作用。我们在立足我国国情的基础上,从立法、设立机构和完善措施几个方面向它们借鉴经验,取其精华,努力实现"把权力关进制度的笼子里"的目标,形成"不敢腐、不能腐、不易腐"的防腐机制。  相似文献   

1970年,新加坡总理李光耀在香港大学年会上以"双城记"为题做了一场发人深省的演讲,除了讲述新加坡和香港地区所取得的相似成就与优势以外,还进一步做出预测,表示两地在未来将会取得更大的成功.在此基础上,笔者试图从一个更为广泛和更具批判性的视角进行深入分析,首先梳理出二者基本差异,进而再讨论是哪些特定的政治、文化和教育因素最终导致了二者的不同发展路径和成果.国际研究学者围绕同一主题共同创作了一篇具有独到见解的文章,这使得1970年发表的这篇文章在35年后又被重新提起.  相似文献   

二战以后,新加坡经历了新兴民族国家建构和公民身份认同的转向.在此进程中,陈嘉庚被认为是妨碍国家认同建构的因素而遭遇“边缘化”困境.20世纪80年代以降,陈嘉庚“回归”面临“本土化”新命题.淡化陈嘉庚爱(中)国主义意识形态,传承文化意义上的陈嘉庚精神,将陈嘉庚中国情缘作为新中两国人民友谊的桥梁和纽带,成为陈嘉庚精神新加坡当代诠释和传承的显著特点.  相似文献   

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