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International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling - This grounded theory investigated acceptance from the experiences of 28 Filipino parents whose children are self-identified trans women....  相似文献   

远程英语学习焦虑与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
焦虑作为影响外语学习的主要情感因素之一,三十年来一直是研究的热点。然而,相关研究基本上是以常规外语学习者作为对象,而对远程外语学习焦虑的研究则凤毛麟角。本文是远程英语学习的情感因素的部分研究成果。本研究采用问卷调查和访谈相结合的方法,旨在了解电大英语专业学生的学习焦虑,包括影响学习动力的因素、学生的自我效能感、学习焦虑的具体表现以及学生应对焦虑的做法,并讨论了研究结果对进一步提高电大远程英语教学质量的启示。研究发现,有近一半的学生在电大学习期间由于课程学习任务重、考试难度大、不适应远程学习教材的编写形式和教师方面的原因而学习动力下降,学习效能感普遍较低,尤其是在元认知技能方面。他们的主要焦虑表现集中在与词汇、语法和文体/体裁方面相关的产出性技能上。学生能通过多种途径应对学习焦虑,但是他们似乎更加偏爱自我求助,不喜欢求助他人。本文还从办学机构、教师和学生的角度探讨了如何有效控制或消除学生的学习焦虑的初步设想。  相似文献   


As online learning continues to evolve many have proposed that we think differently about our pedagogical approaches, to move beyond the replication of the face-to-face experience. Here we explore the student and faculty visions of the future using a Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation (ZMET) method that uses images to metaphorically represent how individuals feel or relate to particular concepts. Focus group interviews with a small sample of faculty and students suggest a desire for a more personalized learning experience, but one that is still highly social within learning communities.  相似文献   

While nursing care has been investigated in the context of patient satisfaction, health care delivery, nursing skill, and patient centered care, elderly patients’ nursing care preferences have not been fully explored nor identified from the lens of utility analysis. This study is a purposive sample of 300 Filipino geriatric patients from the regions of Calabarzon and National Capital Region (NCR) participated and were asked to rank cards from 1 to 12 relative to the following five attributes: waiting response time, nursing uniform, empathetic capacity through time spent and eye contact, and nursing skill based on their preferences. Results of conjoint analysis via Sawtooth Software 18 indicated that nurse attire was the most important attribute (57.26%) while empathetic capacity through eye contact was least important to Filipino elderly (2.27%). Significant differences were found in the respondents’ profile. Among the given attributes, nursing uniform had the most impact in determining an elderly choice of services. Conversely, eye contact had minimal importance. In the health care setting, utilization of this study would allow nursing care to refocus nursing care delivery to maximize satisfaction and hospital loyalty. Future research may explore the cultural and regional differences in terms of preferences among the elderly.  相似文献   

Across the literature, the interest in the phenomenon of intolerance of uncertainty (IU) and worry has increased exponentially. However, limited empirical studies exist about the factors that affect IU and worry among older people. The purpose of the study was to examine the impact of spirituality, self-efficacy, and knowledge about aging on IU and worry. A total of 219 Filipino elderly were recruited from institutionalized and hospital care settings. A multiaspect questionnaire was utilized to measure spirituality, self-efficacy, knowledge, intolerance uncertainty, and worry. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was used to explore the dimensions of IU and worry. Moreover, structural equation modelling was used to test the hypothesized model. Results of EFA identified four factor dimensions of uncertainty, namely: perfection-driven uncertainty, apprehension-driven uncertainty, avoidance-driven uncertainty, negativism-driven uncertainty. Further, three factor dimensions of worry were also distinguished: constant worriers, obsessive-compulsive worriers, and happy-go-lucky worriers. Moreover, results of structural equation modeling (SEM) showed interaction among the variables presented. Additionally, spirituality showed a positive effect on self-efficacy. However, self-efficacy does not have an effect on IU and worry. Nevertheless, an emerging path between knowledge and IU supported the claim of Nuevo, Wetherell, Montorio, Ruiz, and Cabrera (2009). The study was able to determine the positive effect of spirituality to self-efficacy and its existing correlation with knowledge about aging in relation to elderly's IU and worry. The emerging model can serve as a reference for nurses to address the sociopsychological needs of the geriatric clients employing spirituality and psychiatric nursing.  相似文献   

新入园幼儿由于面对陌生的环境和人群会产生不安的心理,或是失去家长的依靠而产生不安的心理,亦或是对于在幼儿园中开展的活动内容不熟悉所产生不安的心理,这些即为"幼儿分离性焦虑"。若不采取有效的措施来改变这种现象,不仅会影响幼儿适应环境的时间长短,还会影响幼儿的生理发育及心理机能,阻碍教师正常的教学工作。因此,本文以儿童发展心理学中依恋理论为依据,分析了新入园幼儿产生分离性焦虑的成因,并提出了使幼儿能尽快适应入园生活的一些对策。  相似文献   

The authors explored emotion regulation (ER) among 25 counseling professionals (master's-level counselors-in-training and counseling supervisors) using grounded theory and established 5 themes: (a) emotional experiences, (b) emotion processing, (c) metacognition, (d) emotional self-protection, and (e) emotional support. The emerging theory provides a foundation for teaching and practicing ER.  相似文献   

While adherence to medication remains a problematic area in the care of chronically ill elderly, an extended model that incorporates the interaction of studied variables remains a blank spot. Anchored on Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behavior, this article details our efforts to develop and test a model of medication adherence among Filipino elderly relative to their medication belief, follow-up visits, consultation satisfaction, memory task, trust with physician, perceived stress, memory strategies, social support, memory load, depression, length of time taking the medication, number of conditions, and self-efficacy with medication adherence. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was employed to study causalities among all parameters. With the participation of 325 older adults located in District IV, Sampaloc, Manila, data needed were gathered through a multiaspect questionnaire consisting of a robotfoto, a memory strategy usage measure, an eight-scale Morisky Medication Adherence Scale, a 15-item Geriatric Depression Scale, a General Self-efficacy Scale, a Consultation Satisfaction Questionnaire, and a Perceived Stress Scale. Data were analyzed using AMOS version 19. Results revealed that depression, trust with physician, and number of conditions affect adherence positively, while event-based memory, consultation satisfaction, memory load, and external memory strategy affect it otherwise. Some suggested variables were found to have no impact at all. As this study reveals, careful consideration should be given to multiple factors, and their interrelationship should be examined well. Because many factors can influence medication adherence behavior of the elderly, and because the reasons for their noncompliance are also varied, multifaceted solutions must be developed.  相似文献   

扎根理论指导下的远程教育教师能力要素研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
国内外对远程教育教师能力的研究在不同时期、从不同视角都有其典型代表.为了进一步探究这些研究中所提出的远程教育教师能力要素所属的范畴以及这些范畴之间的关系,笔者挑选出13篇国内外关于远程教育教师能力研究的典型文献,分析整理出173项能力要素,并尝试使用扎根理论的研究方法,对所选文献样本中的能力要素进行抽取概念、归类范畴和建立概念网络等一系列的分析和编码工作,最终形成七大能力范畴.在此基础上,分别建立了以"技术"为中心、以"交互"为中心和以"评价"为中心的能力范畴结构图,梳理出远程教育教师能力范畴之间的关系,以期为后续的研究提供可以借鉴的思路.  相似文献   

学习倦怠问题在高职学生中普遍存在,既直接影响学生的学习质量和身心健康发展,也影响高职教育质量的提升。运用质性研究中的扎根理论研究方法,通过访谈的方式获取资料,理清高职学生学习倦怠的现状,分析其形成原因,建构高职学生学习倦怠范例模式,提出解决大学生学习倦怠问题的策略。  相似文献   

文章从兴起背景和研究过程等方面入手,对质性研究中传统的扎根理论方法和新兴的势头正劲的解释现象学分析进行比较,尤其考察了二者在抽样、资料收集和资料分析等方面的差异。通过对这两个方法的比较,以凸显两种研究取向的不同特征,从而加深对二者的理解,以便于研究者可以更好地根据自己的研究问题和目的选择合适的质性研究方法。  相似文献   

远程教育合作文化理论:从他律到自律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
远程教育合作文化理论是一个刚刚兴起并正在成长的理论,作为一种集合了"文化""合作""教育"和"远程"等学科元素为一体的新型理论学科,它的构建必然经过一个从"他律"到"自律"的变迁过程,并且在相当长一段时间内,经受"文化律""合作律""教育律"和"远程律"的制约.  相似文献   

本文对一种质的研究方式——扎根理论的概念、特性、基本流程及几点基本思想进行了阐释,最后提出扎根理论对网络教学研究的几点启示,以期引起有关研究者的共鸣,进行质性与量性研究的融合,促进网络教学研究的进一步展开。  相似文献   

通过实例,分析了接地距离保护的接线方式及其意义,在考虑继电保护的基本要求,即选择性,灵敏性和可靠性的基础上,推导了接地距离Ⅱ段保护的整定值计算,既考虑到正序、零序参数之间的配合,又考虑到故障类型之间的配合,即单相接地短路和两相接地短路之间的配合。该推导过程可以帮助学生更加深刻体会到继电保护选择性的重要性,也可以提高学生分析问题、解决问题的能力。  相似文献   

作为一种新兴的思辨性理论,间性理论已成为主体间性、文化间性及媒体间性等理论观点的综合。从间性视角审视现代远程教育可以发现,在网络教育环境下,学生、教师、教学管理人员等多主体之间具有交互协作的主体间性动态关联。通过开发和利用现代远程教学技术中交相融合的媒介间性功能,建构多媒体化、互动更新的文化间性网络教育资源环境,可以推动主客体多元共创的现代远程教育管理体系日臻完善。  相似文献   

分离焦虑研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前以婴幼儿、青少年、父母亲等为主要研究对象的分离焦虑研究主要探讨分离焦虑的影响因素、诊断、治疗、与其他心理行为障碍之间的关系等。总体看来,存在研究对象狭窄、研究广度缺乏深入、研究定位局限于心理障碍水平等方面的不足,未来会在开阔研究视角、丰富研究手段、深化研究层次等方面展现新趋势。把握分离焦虑研究的现状、不足和发展趋势,对依恋、心理治疗乃至发展心理学的研究都有重要意义。  相似文献   

This study analyses the functioning of a school as a social system in an atypical context with the purpose of generating propositions to tackle educational problems confronted by socially and economically disadvantaged groups attending these schools. Adopting the constructivist grounded theory, the analysis suggests that there is a kind of “vicious cycle” in the functioning of this atypical school, which adversely affects the school system. Breaking the vicious cycle involves five basic propositions: (1) making school a better place than students’ homes, (2) overcoming the enduring difficulties of working in an atypical school, (3) multiplying learning opportunities, (4) prompting parents to assume more responsibility, (5) locating leadership that makes a difference. These propositions clarify the significance of informal subsystems, school community and the wider environment along with their enabling and blocking effects on a disadvantaged school system. Parallel to other studies on disadvantaged schools, the study highlights the need to refine the orthodox view of the concept of formal education and school, as well as the role of school principal, teachers and parents affiliated with atypical schools.  相似文献   

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