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梁启超、张謇对中国近代教育的突出贡献,既体现在他们相似的教育活动上,也体现于他们不同的教育实践中。梁启超对“新民”教育观的打造,彰显出理性的光芒;张謇对近代南通教育体系的创立,凸现出实践的魅力。梁启超启蒙教育的全面开展,为国民性改造打开了一条通途;张謇实业教育的全面实施,为实业人才的培育树立了典范;梁启超转战全国,四处办学,显示出他兴学活动的广博特征;张謇立足南通,辐射东南.体现了他有序发展的办学思路。梁启超于理论上的引导和宣传,使他成为中国近代史上最杰出的教育启蒙家;张謇在实践中的创新和贡献,同样使他成为中国近代史上实绩最显著的教育实践家。  相似文献   

创新:陶行知教育思想的灵魂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伟大的人民教育家陶行知毕生致力于教育事业。创新精神是他教育思想和教育实践的内核 ,主要表现在教育观念、教育方针 ,教育内容和教学方法上。今天重新认识陶先生的创新精神 ,对深化教育体制改革和全面推进素质教育仍具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

’In particular I would urge that the Irish school system of the future should give freedom—freedom to the individual school, freedom to the individual teacher, freedom as far as may be to the individual pupiV. (Padraig H. Pearse [1916] Irish patriot, poet and educationist.)  相似文献   

卢梭自然主义教育观的若干启迪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
早在18世纪,卢梭就提出“教育要适应儿童天性的发展,以培养自然人为目的”的自然主义教育观,这一观点有力地针砭了当时教育界存在的问题,对现代教育具有深远的启示。针对现代教育存在的弊端,理解尊重儿童,因势利导,因材施教,提高儿童的素质,促进儿童的全面发展,是现代儿童教育实施素质教育的出发点和归宿。  相似文献   

习斋体育述论   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
习斋先生是清朝初年名的思想家、教育家,在中国古代体育史上尤其具有独到的建树。在“习行”的哲学基础上,习斋先生较为深刻而全面地认识到了体育对个体身心发展的价值和体育的社会价值,构建了以“礼、乐、射、御”等为主要内容的学校体育教学体系,为近代中国体育的兴起和发展奠定了一定的思想基础。  相似文献   

任鸿隽是近代自然科学家,但他在科学教育上的精辟见解及其实践活动,奠定了千土学教育家的地位。他批判传统化教育,把科学与教育联系起来,尤其重视科学方法与态度养成,并运用于教育。他领导的中国科学社及《科学》杂志在中国近代科学教育思潮演进中是一种不可忽视的力量,对中国近代学制、课程及教材的变革产生了举足轻重的影响。  相似文献   

陈望道是我国早期著名的报刊活动家和新闻教育家,在长期的新闻教育实践中,他不仅积累了丰富的教学经验,而且形成了较为完整的富有创见的新闻教育思想。这些思想是他留给我国新闻教育界的一笔宝贵财富,认真分析和研究这些思想对于进一步改进我国目前的新闻教育具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

大学生群体政治态度如何,直接影响即将步入社会的他们的社会适应性,甚至关系到社会政治的稳定。因此,本文设计了调查问卷,调查分别来自江苏省五所高校理、工、文三大类专业的学生对实施政治教育的主体——学校及其教育实效的看法,从实证的角度肯定了学校在政治教育中的重要地位,并对政治教育目标的调整提出了自己的建议。  相似文献   

The upgrading of higher technical education which began in the 1960s marked the most influential intervention by the Irish government in the third-level sector since the establishment of the independent Irish state. A series of reforming initiatives extended educational opportunity and transformed the status of technical education at higher level. International pressures undoubtedly proved influential in stimulating policy change. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) encouraged far-reaching reforms through its critical evaluation of educational facilities for technical training in Ireland. But educational reform was not imposed by international agencies on a reluctant corps of national politicians and officials. International influences dovetailed with changing attitudes toward technical education within the Irish political and official elite. Leading politicians and public officials showed an increasing awareness that the previous neglect of technical education was untenable in an era of economic development and educational expansion. It was a timely combination of international scrutiny and domestic political re-appraisal, which triggered a radical restructuring and expansion of higher technical education in Ireland.  相似文献   

颜元是明清之际著名的实学教育家。他批判封建传统教育,倡导学以致用,强调躬行实践。由他主持的河北漳南书院注重实用人才培养,在办学宗旨、管理规章、课程设计以及教学方法方面进行了一系列的探索,体现了其教育创新的特色,对清代书院教育的改革产生了一定得影响。  相似文献   

After the revolution in 1918, many reformist teachers were convinced that they could put into practice their dreams of a free and independent school in a democratic republic. Four state schools in Hamburg became anti-authoritarian school communities, in which teachers, parents and students experimented with revolutionary concepts of education. For two schools, the experiment lasted until 1930, when they voluntarily gave up their status as experimental schools. The remaining two schools lost this status in 1933 after the National Socialist seizure of power. The experimental schools in Hamburg attracted the attention of educationalists worldwide, welcoming a large number of visitors during their existence and inspiring academic studies. The German–Swiss educationalist Robert Jakob Schmid presented a critical study on the Hamburg school communities in his doctoral thesis, published in French during his stay in Geneva in 1936. His work fell into oblivion for more than three decades, until it was reprinted in French and later translated into Spanish, German, Portuguese and Italian in the 1970s. The publishers of these editions were not interested in spreading Schmid’s critiques regarding the school communities and distorted his argumentation by different means, such as partial translations, shortening the most critical aspects or adding long introductions. In this way, they tried to use Schmid’s study as a tool to support their own argumentative interests in the educational discourse of the 1970s.  相似文献   

成仿吾是我国无产阶级教育事业的奠基人之一,新中国高等教育家。他的高校思想政治教育理论与实践的主要特点是:(一)思想政治教育是教育工作的生命线。(二)以马克思主义理论教育为基础的思想政治教育内容和与时俱进的多种教学形式。(三)思想政治教育队伍是无产阶级的理论战士。理论联系实际是成老的工作特色。重温他的高校思想政治教育理论与实践,对于促进当前的社会主义高校思想政治教育有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

杨献珍是著名的革命家、党校教育家和哲学家,长期从事党的干部教育事业。建国初期他关于党校教育的思想与实践集中体现在党校教育内容和方法、党校教学方针、党校师资培养等几个方面。建国初期,杨献珍在探讨执政条件下党的干部教育时所提出的许多思想观点,至今仍具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This paper examines a Steiner Waldorf Perspective to School Readiness and applies that international ideology to educational practice and curriculum policy in modern Ireland. The case for a later school start is championed with strong arguments underpinning the reasons why a later start is better in the long run for children's formal learning capacity and enthusiasm. Current primary school curriculums for the early years are also analysed and catalogued against Steiner philosophical best practice in early learning to promote a child-centred early learning curriculum within the Irish primary educational system.  相似文献   

教育开发西北:李蒸的理论与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李蒸是中国现代名教育家,任北平师范大学校长达14年之久。在任内,恰逢抗日战争爆发,他率领师生迁往大西北,开始了他艰难的陕西、甘肃的历程。李蒸在西北长校8年,对西北的政治经济、地理环境、风俗民情、化教育等,有比较深入的了解,提出了以化教育开发大西北的主张,并以师大师生为基干队伍付诸实践,取得了比较显的成绩。他的实践对于当今党中央制定的西部大开发战略的实施具有一定的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

This paper is a response to David Limond's exposition, “[An] historical culture … rapidly, universally, and thoroughly restored”? British influence on Irish education since 1922', which appeared in Comparative Education, Vol. 46, No. 4, November 2010, pp. 449–462. Limond's overall thesis is that ‘a post-colonial overhang affects Irish policy-makers and bureaucrats in their educational policies and practices’. This paper contests three main aspects of Limond's exposition. First, in his analysis of the period 1831–1922, he fails to place sufficient emphasis on the extent to which the educational system was favoured by the Catholic Church, which operated in a manner which served not only its own interests, but also those of the middle classes of Irish Catholic farmers, merchants and business people. Secondly, he does not sufficiently indicate the extent to which the structure of Irish education from the early years of independence until the mid-1960s, and associated curriculum changes, were very different from the situation in Britain at the time. Thirdly, while he is correct in stating that, since the 1960s, Ireland has imported certain ideas on educational policy and practice from Britain, he neglects to demonstrate that there were also other sources, and that they were probably more dominant than the British ones. Hopefully, as a rejoinder, the paper will be read in a positive light by indicating how the historical study of Irish education within a comparative context is a neglected area of scholarship, and thus stimulate researchers to address the situation.  相似文献   

张栻是南宋著名的理学家、教育家。他在主教岳麓书院期间以“传道济民”为教育目的,提倡“学贵力行”以及教学与学术研究相结合。他的教育思想及其实践,对于深化当前我国高等教育改革仍具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

In order to generate higher levels of interest in politics and participation in political processes, political or citizenship, education in schools must be at the heart of the curriculum and be characterised by active, learner-centred approaches. This paper hypothesises that, when compared with Germany, a more limited form of political education in Irish post-primary schools may be impacting negatively on the extent to which it is achieving such aims. In order to begin to explore this hypothesis, the results for seven items relating to interest in politics and participation in political processes from the most recent (2010) round of the European Social Survey are compared for the Irish and German populations. In addition, the nature and status of political education in the German and the Irish school systems are compared. Conclusions are drawn and the implications for future research in this field and for political education in both countries considered.  相似文献   

蔡元培先生是我国著名的民主主义革命家、教育家,是现代中国知识界的卓越先驱,他一生重视教育,尤其重视大学教育,为发展中国教育文化事业做出了卓越的贡献。毛泽东同志曾高度评价蔡元培先生是“学界泰斗,人世楷模”。他在北京大学的改革是具有里程碑意义的事件。在振兴教育、改革教育的今天,进一步考察蔡元培先生的教育思想和实践,对我国创办世界一流大学将会有重要的启示。  相似文献   

陈宝泉是中国近代名的教育家,曾长期担任北京高等师范学校校长,陈宝泉其长期的师范教育实践中探索出的独特师范教育进行办法,其中不乏独特见解。其富有个性的师范教育思想,对中国近代师范教育有深远的影响和借鉴价值。  相似文献   

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