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Across 20 years, pathways from math intrinsic motivation and achievement (ages 9–17) to high school math course accomplishments and educational attainment (age 29) were analyzed. Academic intrinsic motivation was the theoretical foundation. To determine how initial status and change in motivation and achievement related to course accomplishments and educational attainment, a latent curve model was fit to data from the Fullerton Longitudinal Study. Levels of motivation and achievement at 9 had positive, direct, and mutually indirect paths to course accomplishments. Dual declines in motivation and achievement related to course accomplishments, directly for achievement, and indirectly for motivation via achievement. Greater decline corresponded to fewer course accomplishments which in turn predicted, and served as a mediator to educational attainment. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

College students commonly have considerable course choice, and they can differ substantially in the proportion of their coursework taken at an advanced level. While advanced coursework is generally viewed as a desirable component of a student's education, research has rarely explored differences in student course‐taking patterns as a measure of academic success in college. We examined the relationship between the SAT, high school grade point average (HSGPA), and the amount of advanced coursework taken in a sample of 62 colleges and 188,985 students. We found that both the SAT and HSGPA predict enrollment in advanced courses, even after controlling for advanced placement (AP) credits and demographic variables. The SAT subtests of Critical Reading, Writing, and Math displayed differential relationships with advanced course‐taking dependent on student major. Gender and race/ethnicity were also related to advanced course‐taking, with women taking more advanced courses in all major categories except for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) where they took fewer, even after controlling for other variables. Socioeconomic status had a negligible relationship with advanced course‐taking. This research broadens our understanding of academic achievement in college and the goals of admissions in higher education.  相似文献   


Prior research estimating the effect of Catholic schooling has focused on high school, where evidence suggests a positive effect of Catholic versus public schooling. In this article, we estimate the effect of attending a Catholic elementary school rather than a public school on the math and reading skills of children in kindergarten through fifth grade. We use nationally representative data and a set of matching estimators to estimate the average effect of Catholic schooling and the extent to which the effect varies across educational markets. When we use public school students nationwide or within the same county to provide a counterfactual estimate of how Catholic school students would have performed in public schools, we find strong evidence indicating that Catholic elementary schools are less successful at teaching math skills than public schools (Catholic school students are 3–4 months behind public school students by third and fifth grade), but no more or less successful at teaching reading skills. Moreover, unlike prior research, we find no consistent evidence that the effects of Catholic schooling vary substantially by race or urbanicity, though our power to detect such differences is weak.  相似文献   

邓峰  岳昌君 《教育研究》2021,42(2):112-122
利用北京大学教育经济研究所历年全国高等学校毕业生就业状况调查数据和多值倾向评分匹配的方法,构建了一个动态化、定量化、具备可比性的大学生就业市场景气测量体系。测量结果表明,大学生就业景气指数呈现上下波动的变化趋势,2003年和2009年是指数的波谷年份,2005年和2015年则是指数的波峰年份;大学生就业景气指数的跨年变动幅度平稳,且指数波动受供需两侧因素的共同影响。在分析往年大学生就业景气指数的变动趋势和影响机制后发现,近年来大学生就业景气又进入了新的下降通道,2020年全球经济萎靡、国内经济下行压力和新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情叠加影响使得高等学校毕业生就业形势更加严峻,但在政府政策干预、新经济兴起以及求职方式转变的影响下,大学生就业景气程度短期受负面影响严重,但就业率并未出现断崖式下降。  相似文献   

基于专业需要的高职数学改革与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章主要研究我校高等数学的定位、开设现状、就教学内容与方法、重点与难点、评价体系等方面提出了针对性建议。  相似文献   


The effect of part-time work intensity on high school course work completed in mathematics and science and its indirect effect on 12th-grade achievement was explored. Longitudinal data from a nationally representative sample were used to test the models through path analysis. Socioeconomic status and previous achievement were included as exogenous variables for control purposes, and part-time work intensity was hypothesized to negatively affect course work completed in the 2 subjects, as well as 12th-grade achievement through course work during high school. Results suggest that, controlling for the background variables, there was a significant negative effect of part-time work intensity on course work and that its indirect effect on 12th-grade achievement through course work was larger than its direct effect.  相似文献   

论述了综采专业课程体系改革的依据、具有高职特色的课程开发以及课程特色要求,在此基础上提出了高职综采专业模决组合式课程体系,并从师资队伍、实训基地、教材建设等方面提出了保证该课程体系顺利实施的基本条件。  相似文献   

围绕《高等代数选讲》的课程内容与课程体系、教学方法与手段、教学评价与考试等课程建设,介绍基于主体教学模式与研究性学习的《高等代数选讲》课程建设的实践尝试。它一方面丰富了数学类专业的课程建设,另一方面也有益于培养学生研究性学习的习惯与创新能力。  相似文献   

This study examines factors associated with community college transfer rates. Regression models are developed using community college data at the institution level. The analyses employ two different definitions of the transfer rate and two different time spans over which to observe transfer behavior. Holding constant other factors expected to influence differences in transfer rates, the results reveal disparities in transfer rates according to the racial/ethnic composition of the student body. Community colleges with higher percentages of either Latino or African American students have lower 6-year transfer rates. The findings also confirm the results of other studies: community colleges with higher transfer rates tend to have younger student populations, students with higher socioeconomic status and better academic preparation, and a greater focus on academic programs. The important policy implications of these findings for states where the percentages of students of color are increasing are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigated whether student reading comprehension could be improved with help of a teacher Professional Development (PD) program targeting goals, data use, and instruction. The effect of this PD program on 2nd- and 3rd-grade student achievement was examined using a pretest-posttest control group design. Applying propensity score matching, 35 groups in the experimental condition were matched to 35 control groups. Students in the experimental condition (n = 420) scored significantly higher on a standardized assessment than the control condition (n = 399), the effect size being d = .37. No differential effects of the PD program were found in relation to initial reading performance or grade. Different model specifications yielded similar albeit smaller effect sizes (d = .29 and d = .30). At the end of the program, students in the experimental condition were more than half a year ahead of students in the control condition.  相似文献   

The development and validation of the 29‐item Understanding Mental Health Scale (UMHS) is described. This new questionnaire measures college students' understanding of mental health issues. The authors also identified significant demographic differences in students' understanding of mental health issues. A principal factor analysis revealed a 2‐factor solution. The dimensions were labeled Risk‐Factor Awareness and External Support Awareness. Findings suggest the UMHS demonstrates adequate reliability and validity. Implications for college counseling are discussed.  相似文献   

为了加强对高等师范院校数学专业学生科研能力的培养,指导学生写好毕业论文,从 1991 年起,广州大学数学系就为大四学生开设了选修课《高师数学论文选读》.其选定文章的要求是:尽量使所选数学文章具有新颖性、针对性、实用性、启迪性、可读性和趣味性等特点.实践中,采用“ 精讲—自学—交流—讲评” 的教学方式和平时练习与期末开卷考试相结合的成绩评定方法.开设好这一课程的条件有:一个称职的教师,一本合适的教材和以学生自学为主的教学方法.  相似文献   

课程目标是对课程学习成果的预期,是评估学生课程学习效果的基础.基于OBE理念,剖析了课程目标与毕业要求、课程目标与课程学习成果评估的关系,论述了课程目标的特点及撰写方法.以过程流体机械课程为例,构建了课堂教学目标与课程目标,为落实课堂教学改革与考核奠定了基础.  相似文献   

Previous research has established that SAT scores and high school grade point average (HSGPA) differ in their predictive power and in the size of mean differences across racial/ethnic groups. However, the SAT is scaled nationally across all test takers while HSGPA is scaled locally within a school. In this study, the researchers propose that this difference in how SAT scores and HSGPA are scaled partially explains differences in validity and subgroup differences. Using a large data set consisting of 170,390 students each of whom matriculated at one of 114 separate colleges, the researchers find that awarding SAT scores by ranking SAT within a high school generally results in substantial reduction in the size of subgroup mean differences for this predictor. However, validity for predicting first‐year GPA is also reduced by a small amount. Conversely, placing HSGPA onto a nationally normed metric through the use of multiple regression procedures results in a moderate increase in the size of subgroup mean differences, while also producing a small increase in validity. Taken together, these findings suggest that differences in predictor scaling can partially explain differences in the size of subgroup mean differences between HSGPA and SAT scores and have implications for predictive power.  相似文献   

本文简要介绍作者在深圳大学为大学本科生和深圳市中学数学教师开设《数学欣赏》课程的背景、内容、特色、效果与思考.该课程从1998年开始开设,听过本课的中学老师与大学生有两千余人.本课程为使学生正确认识数学本质与价值、激发数学学习兴趣、提高数学修养而开设.课程共分8章:第一章数学之魂,通过分析数学的对象、内容、特点、思考方式等,揭示数学与自然和社会的密切关系,领悟数学知识、方法、思想的深刻性、普适性与可靠性,  相似文献   

在当今信息化时代,线上线下教育深度融合将成为必然。该文对标JF日语教育标准的评价体系中学生“接受”(理解)、“产出”(表达)、“相互行为”三种学习活动,探索基于SPOC的师生双主体TPD教学模式,并通过大学“高级日语”课程的线上线下教学实践和学生问卷调查结果,探讨了该教学模式的实施方法、内容、效果及存在的问题。  相似文献   

This research examines the effect of two testing strategies on academic achievement and summative evaluations in an introductory statistics course. In 2001, 63 students underwent an hourly midterm format; and in 2002, 68 students underwent a bi-weekly exam format. Other than the exam format, the class lectures and labs were identical in terms of content, structure, pace, and the cumulative final exam. Findings from the regression analyses show that students in the bi-weekly format performed better than the students in the hourly midterm format. On average, students who took the bi-weekly exams performed about 10 percentage points higher (one letter grade) on the exams during the semester and about 15 percentage points higher on the cumulative final exam compared to their peers who took hourly midterms. The benefits of the bi-weekly format were significantly greater among female students than male students. Finally, students in the bi-weekly format were less likely to drop the class and evaluated the class far more favorably. Carrie B. Myers is an Assistant Professor of Adult and Higher Education at Montana State University. She received her Ph.D. in Higher Education Administration from Washington State University. Her research focuses on student and faculty development and assessment and evaluation. Scott M. Myers is an Associate Professor of Sociology at Montana State University. His areas of research are family demography and education. He received a Ph.D. in Sociology and a Ph.D. in Demography from the Pennsylvania State University.  相似文献   

大学英语四六级网考不仅对普通高校大学生具有明显的反拔作用,更对技校生源大学生产生了巨大冲击.因此,高校要针对技校生源大学生的英语教学实际,在教学内容、方法、观念以及人文素质培养方面做出调整,以更好发挥网考的正面反拨效应,提高学生的语言综合应用能力.  相似文献   

高职公共英语课程教学具有一般教学的共性,但更具有自身的特性,尤其是各种教学要素中的不良特性即“要素障碍”,不容小视,正视并跨越这些障碍必将提高高职公共英语课程教学的质量.基于这一前提,教师在教学实践中需要重点分析高职公共英语课程教学的种种要素障碍并有针对性地研讨相应的跨越策略.  相似文献   

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