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英汉颜色词及其文化内涵之比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在不同的文化背景下,不同的民族对颜色的爱好各不相同。英汉颜色词往往不单纯表示颜色,而是蕴含善丰富的文化内涵,它反映了不同民族的不同历史、审美情趣以及民族心理等。  相似文献   

A specially designed questionnaire and a modification of the “Science Classroom Activity Checklist” by L. H. Krockendorfer were used to categorize 299 life science students at the University of Iowa into two groups; those with high school biology backgrounds founded in the BSCS philosophy and those with traditionally oriented backgrounds. These groups were compared with respect to grade achievement in a college life science course, ratings of their background for the college course, and their attitude toward biology as established by their high school experience. With respect to inquiry and student-centered methods, texts were revealed as poor indicators of types of programs offered.  相似文献   

For people with refugee backgrounds, pursuing a meaningful career in their country of resettlement is important for their successful integration. However, for many, achieving this is a challenging process. Career counsellors may have a role to play in facilitating the transition and integration of people with refugee backgrounds, and narrative career counselling has much to offer. This article discusses the impact of prolonged transition under difficult circumstances on people with refugee backgrounds, and the potential contribution of narrative career counselling in assisting them. In particular, it identifies cultural considerations for narrative career counsellors who work with people with refugee backgrounds.  相似文献   

A recent UK Government commissioned study found concerning levels of unemployment among computing students from disadvantaged, black and minority ethnic backgrounds. The study highlighted that work experience was a factor in increased levels of graduate employment. As such, it is vital that students have equal access to such work experience. This study considers the availability of work experience to 140 computing students at two city centre UK universities. Data analysis considered socioeconomic background and ethnicity to determine if these influenced attitudes to work experience. While students’ socioeconomic backgrounds and ethnicity had little influence on their interest in work experience, patterns of success in gaining work experience reflected worrying graduate (un)employment patterns, with those from disadvantaged, black or minority ethnic backgrounds less able to secure work experience. These findings have serious implications for university and government policies promoting work experience and highlight the need for national interventions.  相似文献   

Teachers from mainstream and minority backgrounds teaching in the same school contexts presumably hold different beliefs of learning and teaching about minority students due to their unique prior life and ethnic experiences. Teachers in similar school environments are also assumed to share beliefs of teaching and learning about their students because of the influences of their similar school contexts despite their different prior life and ethnic experiences. This study examines the two contentious assumptions by surveying the beliefs of behavior, learning, and teaching that the mainstream Han and minority Mongolian Chinese teachers in the same school contexts hold about their Mongolian Chinese students. It found that the two groups agreed that teachers’ inadequate planning and management were the major sources of their students’ behavior problems while students’ home backgrounds, abilities, and efforts explained their learning failure or success. Both believed that students’ emotional and social problems were more important than their learning problems for them to attend to, and their expertise in helping students develop self-worth was more important than their expertise in curriculum and pedagogy. Both preferred to vary teaching standards, content, and methods to accommodate students’ differences and offer opportunities for students to discover things themselves.  相似文献   

语义韵和语义偏好是词语搭配研究中一组相关但不相同的概念。目前在国内专门介绍二者及其关系的相关文献还比较少。该文综合国内外研究,简要介绍了二者的理论背景、关系以及对外语教学的启示。  相似文献   

语义韵和语义偏好是词语搭配研究中一组相关但不相同的概念.目前在国内专门介绍二者及其关系的相关文献还比较少.该文综合国内外研究,简要介绍了二者的理论背景、关系以及对外语教学的启示.  相似文献   

尽管伊迪丝.华顿、张爱玲有着不同的国籍与时代,但相似的时代、家庭背景与成长经历背后所形成的类似的创作心境、人生情感,使得这两位著名女作家的作品呈现出了惊人的相似性。  相似文献   

《孔雀东南飞》和《娥并与桑洛》同是优美动人、反封建的爱情悲剧,但悲剧人物的性格却有明显不同。从形象塑造、艺术手法、文化特色3个方面对这两部长诗进行对比解读,它们的审美差异性是植根于不同的民族文化的结果。  相似文献   

The present study was an investigation of Asian Australian and Anglo-Celtic Australian parents' educational expectations of, and aspirations for, their children. It was predicted that parents from Asian backgrounds would have higher academic standards and higher aspirations for their children's education, compared with Anglo-Celtic Australian parents. These hypotheses were largely supported by a survey of 239 Australian parents from Chinese, Vietnamese and Anglo-Celtic cultural backgrounds. There was evidence of a preference for university education among the Chinese and Vietnamese parents, while Anglo-Celtic Australian parents from lower socioeconomic backgrounds were more likely to prefer their children to attend TAFE or complete an apprenticeship. The results are discussed in terms of the role of parental factors in children's academic achievements.  相似文献   

儒家与道家自然美文艺思想之比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自然美作为中国美学的一个重要范畴,一直是儒道两家关注的焦点。儒道两家以不同的人生态度与审美方式观照自然美,根据各自的自然审美观对文学创作的要求,表达了他们对于自然美不一样的理解,构建了风格迥异、相互对应的我国古代两大文艺思想体系:一、自为与自在:两种不同的自然审美观;二、有为与无为:两种不同的文学创作理论;三、平和与清真:两种不同的艺术风格;四、得彼与自得:两种不同的价值取向。儒家与道家这种对自然美的不同阐释源自于不同的文化背景,体现了各自深厚的哲学底蕴。  相似文献   

Previous research has documented a substantial decline of standardized test scores of children from low-income backgrounds, relative to more advantaged peers, in later elementary grades, the so-called “fourth-grade slump.” This article examines changes in reading achievement from first to fifth grade for students in a large urban school system with a high proportion of students from economically deprived backgrounds. Students received first-grade reading instruction from Direct Instruction (DI), Open Court, or a mixture of reading curricula. Results indicate that students in schools using DI had significantly greater gains in both reading vocabulary and comprehension than students in the two other settings and that their average levels of achievement in fifth grade were above the national norms, thus countering the fourth-grade slump.  相似文献   

Students desiring specialized skills and knowledge in working with older adults frequently pursue gerontology certificates. This paper reports the results of a study of gerontology certificate graduates which examined their educational backgrounds, their employment status, the predictive factors which led to aging-related jobs, and their recommendations for improvement to the certificate program. Certificate graduates came from varying educational backgrounds. Most were able to use their gerontology training, usually by being employed in aging-related work or else by utilizing their skills in other professional capacities. Implications for job placement and curriculum development are discussed.  相似文献   

汉英语都有丰富的植物词语,由于文化背景和传统习俗等的不同,由同一植物所引起的联想意义往往不一致,因而形成了英汉不同的植物文化。文章对比了汉英同一植物词语的联想意义,探讨汉英植物文化的差异,了解这些有利于跨文化交际。  相似文献   

延安整风与1957年整风之比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
两次历史影响深远的整风运动,初衷都是良好的,为什么结果却截然不同?章试图在对两次整风的历史背景、党的地位、整风的方式方法的对比中,探索、总结两次整风的成败得失,以求对今天的常的建设提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

This study is part of the Social Context Project at the Centre for Mathematics and Science Education in Brisbane, Australia. Classroom observations were conducted in mathematics classes at two all girls' schools with different socioeconomic backgrounds. The aim was to investigate differences in the construction of the content of mathematics and the construction of the learners in both classes. The class in the high socioeconomic school constructed content that was perceived as required for entry into higher education while the low socioeconomic school constructed mathematics needed for everyday life transactions. Likewise, the learners were constructed differently in both schools on the basis of their perceived ability and needs. The study concluded by arguing for diversity of research methodologies and for an increasing emphasis on the experiences of successful females as well as females from different socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds.  相似文献   

语言是文化的载体,不同的民族对颜色词的认识往往有异同之处,故而产生丰富的文化联想,并出现既有共性又有个性的文化隐喻现象。运用对比法探讨英汉两种语言中“蓝色”的异同,分析“蓝色”在不同文化背景中的文化意蕴和象征意义,并提出相应的翻译策略,便于为英汉两种文化搭建理解和沟通的桥梁。  相似文献   

李商隐“无题”诗和莎士比亚“十四行”诗分别在中国与英国抒情诗的历史上占有重要地位。本文拟从诗歌的意象着手,来探讨二者诗歌中意象共同的主要表现形式——潜沉的意象和扩张的意象在诗歌中相同和不同的表达,并简单梳理造成这些差异背后作者所处的不同时代和文化背景。  相似文献   

《孔雀东南飞》和《罗密欧与朱丽叶》都通过男女主人公的爱情悲剧,控诉了封建礼教,赞扬了男女主人公争取个性解放和爱情幸福的人文主义,这两部作品虽出自不同作家之手,文化背景、时代氛围也各不相同,却有惊人的相似之处。文章主要从文化背景、审美意趣、人物塑造三个方面,对两部作品进行对比。  相似文献   

In this article, two teacher educators reflect on their experiences teaching a diversity course for preservice middle-school teachers. The first author is an African American male teacher educator, and the second author is a White female teacher educator. While the authors bring distinct experiences, backgrounds, and epistemologies to this work, both seek to prepare preservice teachers with the skills and dispositions needed to meet the needs of culturally diverse students. Including their narratives in their own words, the authors share their experiences teaching this course and make recommendations for those doing this work in their respective spaces.  相似文献   

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