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Online learning has become a reality for many students in higher education. Unfortunately, something that has also become a reality is a sense of isolation in online courses, and Moore (1980) has warned that students' sense of distance can threaten their ability to learn. The community of inquiry framework (Garrison, Anderson, & Archer, 2000) has provided insight into ways that online interactions can improve students' and instructors' social presence and learning. Emerging video technologies may be able to improve these interactions and thus more easily support the development of communities of inquiry. In this study we interviewed students in three distinct courses using different video-based instructional strategies. A large majority of students indicated feeling that the video-based communication made their instructors seem more real, present, and familiar, and that these relationships were similar to face-to-face instruction. Video communication impacted students' social presence in similar ways, although to a lesser degree than they believed it impacted instructor social presence. We conclude with discussion for future research and practice.  相似文献   

It is now possible to create flexible learning environments without time and distance barriers on the internet. However, research has shown that learners typically experience isolation and alienation in online learning environments. These negative experiences can be reduced by enhancing social presence. In order to better facilitate the perceived social presence in online classrooms, this study presents a framework developed from the social cognitive theory for investigating social presence and its relationships with relevant factors. An instrument with sufficient reliability and validity was developed to measure these factors. A formal questionnaire-based survey was carried out among learners with previous learning experiences in online learning environments. A total of 522 valid samples were collected from three schools and analyzed using structural equation modeling to examine the proposed framework and hypotheses. The results show that user interface and social cues have significant effects on social presence. User interface also has significant effects on social cues. Moreover, this study evidenced that social presence has significant effects on learning interaction which in turn has significant effects on learning performance. Finally, implications of the findings were discussed for further research directions and practical applications.  相似文献   

Online learning has minimized many barriers and constraints that are common in traditional learning environments. However, due to the absence of face-to-face contacts, students and instructors are usually faced with the lack of active social presence and meaningful interactions in online learning. This article explores a review of the literature on social presence and various types of interactions in online learning environments in the context of a class project. The findings suggest need for online instructors to explore effective ways to design and facilitate active social presence and meaningful interactions in online learning.  相似文献   

言语交际是加强精神文明建设的基础和保证 ,是建立人际关系的通途与桥梁 ,在社会生活中起着重要作用。要建立祥和、真诚的人际关系 ,要推动社会主义精神文明建设的深入发展 ,我们每个公民就应该都讲究言语艺术 ,讲究言语之美。  相似文献   

建立社会组织与基层政府之间的协同关系是市场经济条件下我国社会管理创新的必然要求,它既利于政府又利于社会组织。政府与社会组织之间既存在分离关系又存在互补关系,而互补性是二者建立协同关系的基础,协同是高度科层化的政府机构和扁平化的社会组织之间的功能性互动。协同管理通过承认机制的运行发挥作用,这一过程包括信任关系的建立、政府授权行为、制度化的互惠规范和社会组织网络良性运行能力。对于社会组织而言,加强自身建设能力,积极主动地同政府沟通,采取社区策划模式、社区发展模式帮助地方基层政府做好社区服务和管理是积极主动地建立和发展制度化的互惠规范、形成良性互动、促进协同关系可持续发展的有效途径。  相似文献   

This article investigates the relationships between social presence, cognitive absorption, interest, and student satisfaction in online learning. A hypothesized structural equation model was developed to study these critical variables that may influence interaction in online learning environments. Contrary to expectations, the study determined that social presence does not impact satisfaction directly. However, the study concludes that while social presence is related to student satisfaction, its impact is not direct but rather mediated by cognitive absorption. In addition, the study clarified the impact of students’ interest on social presence, cognitive absorption, and satisfaction. The results of this study indicate that interest affects social presence and satisfaction directly. Additionally, interest appears to influence satisfaction indirectly through social presence and cognitive absorption. Contrary to expectations, this study did not reveal any significant relationship between interest and cognitive absorption.  相似文献   

Building interpersonal connections in asynchronous online learning is important, but it is harder to achieve compared to face-to-face learning experiences due to its mostly text-based nature. Facebook is a popular social media platform and has been used as an outside-class communication space in formal learning contexts to supplement cognitive and affective aspects of learning. In this study, we used Facebook groups as supplemental social spaces in two asynchronous online master’s-level courses to understand if it impacted students’ perceptions of social presence (i.e., copresence, immediacy, and intimacy), learning interaction with faculty and peers, as well as sociability of the online learning environment. The results indicated that students felt more positively about social presence and learning interactions with other classmates and their instructor and perceived the course as having more sociability after they joined the class Facebook group. Findings have implications for supporting social impression formation in online learning.  相似文献   

Nowadays, online learning has become a popular option for students because of its flexibility and more online programs are customized to students’ needs. Among all the factors that affect students’ online learning experience, social presence is worth much study considering the asynchronous nature of online learning and communication issues between online instructors and students. This paper reviews the origin, major definitions of social presence and research studies throughout history. Authors also document arguments of the optimal amount of social presence and provide instructional design suggestions for the development of online social presence. Further trends for social presence studies are also proposed at the end of the article.  相似文献   

In recent years, evidence has accumulated indicating that peer relations constitute an essential component of child development. Although investigators have explored a number of factors that affect peer relations, few have considered the impact of temperament. The present study investigated whether temperament is related to a child's initial reactions to peers in a preschool setting and to changes in social behavior over time. The central hypotheses were confirmed: temperament was related to initial and later social behavior with peers. The theoretical and practical implications of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

文章基于“空间的生产”理论,阐述了教育空间与社会空间之间的辩证关系:1.在社会维上,教育空间由政治、经济、文化等社会要素经“再空间化”而塑造,即教育空间的社会塑造;2.业经“再空间化”而形成的,作为社会空间核心要素之一的教育空间,对社会空间的再生产具有重要影响,即教育空间的社会空间生产。具有要素和地域层级关系的教育空间在实体层面上形成“教育综合体”,“教育综合体”与社会要素的关系在“行动者网络理论”中可以表现为事物之间的“无缝之网”关系,即聚焦于教育活动的“消除教育”与社会二元界限的“教育—社会”关系。  相似文献   

The relationship between social behavior, as measured by the School Social Behavior Scales (SSBS), and self-concept, as measured by the Self-Perception Profile for Children (SPPC), was studied. Subjects included 41 public school students in Grades 5 and 6. These subjects were rated on the SSBS by their classroom teachers and also completed the SPPC as a self-report measure. A number of significant positive relationships were found between the Social Competence scores of the SSBS and the SPPC self-concept scores. Relationships between the Problem Behavior scores of the SSBS and the SPPC scores were extremely weak, and none of the obtained coefficients was statistically significant. The pattern of associations identified through this investigation provides support for the criterion-related validity of both the SSBS and SPPC, and raises some interesting questions regarding the relationship between social behavior and self-concept in children.  相似文献   

Understanding the relationship between social interaction patterns and cognitive engagement levels has critical implications on collaborative learning theory, pedagogy, and technology. This study used a multi-method approach to examine the relationship between students' social participatory roles and cognitive engagement levels within asynchronous online discussions. Results showed that students' social participatory role was a critical indicator of cognitive engagement level. Socially active students made more cognitive contributions to knowledge inquiry and knowledge construction. But there were exceptions: after taking leadership roles (i.e., discussion designers and facilitators), some students moved from peripheral participation to active participation. Second, there was a progressive development process: individual students' deep-level knowledge inquiry could trigger peer interaction, which could further advance group knowledge construction. Third, students had a tendency to keeping social-cognitive engagement patterns throughout discussions. Based on the result, this study proposed implications for collaborative learning theory, pedagogy support, and tool development.  相似文献   

Given the research that suggests the social use of language is the latest developing aspect of language, it was hypothesized that children with speech/language impairment (SLI) are particularly susceptible to social interaction difficulties, resulting in diminished social competence. This hypothesis was explored with SLI and non‐language‐impaired (NLI) 4‐ and 5‐year‐old children by gathering measures of social problem solving ability (as rated by teachers, parents, and peers), emotion knowledge, and language development. Results provided partial support for the hypothesis above. Speech/language‐impaired children were rated significantly lower on parent ratings of self‐control and higher in internalizing behaviors, and lower on teacher ratings of assertiveness, than the NLI controls. There were no differences noted on peer sociometric ratings or mutual friendships. However, SLI children scored lower on a stereotypical test of emotional knowledge, while scoring similarly to NLI controls on a nonstereotypical test. A test of language development (TELD‐2) differentiated the SLI and NLI groups, both expressively and receptively. In addition, the TELD‐2 indicated a significant difference in semantic processing errors, but not syntax errors, between the two groups. The differential effects of speech/language impairment on the development of social competence were explored. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 41: 313–321, 2004.  相似文献   

通过对宁夏大学学生进行家庭亲密度与社交焦虑关系的分析发现:大学生家庭亲密度在性别维度上有显著差异。实际亲密度在城乡维度上有显著差异。大学生家庭亲密度与社交焦虑有显著的负相关。  相似文献   

本研究采用《社会支持评定量表》和《心理承受力自测问卷》对156名大学生进行问卷调查探讨当代大学生的社会支持与心理承受力的关系。结果表明:(1)大学生的社会支持水平与心理承受力存在极其显著性正相关;其中客观社会支持与心理承受力呈显著性正相关,主观社会支持和社会支持的利用度均与心理承受力呈极其显著性正相关;(2)大学生主观社会支持的不同水平、社会支持利用度的不同水平在心理承受力上均存在显著性差异;(3)大学生的社会支持对其心理承受力有一定的预测作用,主观社会支持和对支持的利用度能联合预测心理承受力的17.7%。说明培养大学生主动建立良好的社会支持系统和利用社会支持的能力,能够提高其心理承受力。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,环境污染问题越来越严重,目前许多国家运用法律手段保护环境以实现社会经济的发展。社会法领域中的环境保护与经济发展有着密不可分的关系,理清它们之间的关系对解决环境污染同时实现经济的持续发展有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

浅析高等教育与社会分层之间的互动关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等教育与社会分层之间具有非常明显的互动关系。这种互动关系主要体现在社会分层对高等教育的影响以及高等教育对社会分层的影响两个层面。近年来,对于这种互动关系的研究多侧重于社会分层对高等教育入学机会以及专业选择等方面的影响,而就社会分层对高校毕业生职业的选择、就业机会是否均等、就业率等方面的影响的研究则显得较为薄弱,仍需进一步研究。  相似文献   

This study is an examination of the relationship of perceived social support and adolescents' adjustment behaviors over time. The sample (n = 82) included students from two at‐risk urban middle schools. Utilizing two measures, the Child and Adolescent Social Support Scale (CASSS; C. K. Malecki, M. K. Demaray, & S. N. Elliott, 2000) and the Behavior Assessment System for Children, Self Report of Personality (BASC; C. R. Reynolds & R. W. Kamphaus, 1998), data were collected at three time points. Results point to a relationship between social support and student adjustment behaviors over time. Specifically, support from parents was related to clinical maladjustment and emotional symptoms one year later. In fact, parent support was still related to clinical maladjustment one year later even after students' earlier levels of clinical maladjustment were taken into account. Parent support was also related to personal adjustment in the short term (6 months). Classmate support was related to students' emotional symptoms one year later. Finally, school support was related to school maladjustment one year later even after students' earlier school maladjustment was taken into account. Implications for school psychologists are discussed. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 42: 691–706, 2005.  相似文献   

社会距离的亲疏是影响请求策略选择的重要因素之一。交际双方的社会距离愈近,就愈倾向于选择直接请求策略。二者之间是一种相互影响、相互映射的互动循环变化关系。  相似文献   

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