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2003年,在公元纪年的历史长河中应当是很平常的年份,因为它既不是千年世纪、百年世纪的结尾或开端,也不是人们习惯划分阶段的5年、10年的年份。2003年对世界来说,尽管有这样或那样的矛盾,问题萦绕,但它很可能是一个平常的年份。然而,2003年对中国来说却是一个非常重要的、非常关键的年份:这一年,是我国人民全面贯彻落实党的十六大精神,开创中国特色社会主义事业新局面的重要一年,是开局年;这一年,我国人民将按照党的十六大提出的全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标,开始建设中华民族可持续发展的小康社会。 党的十六大提出的小康社会奋斗目标,既包含有经济发展水平,也包含有物质文化发展水平,还包含有人的素质、精神生活、社会环境等各方面全面协调发展,全面进步。具体到新闻出版业,概括起来就是要按照党的十六大精神,全面贯彻党的文化发展方针,坚持用先进文化占领思想阵地,不断提高文化产品品位和群众的文化鉴赏水平,正如江泽民同志指出的:“全面建设小康让会,必须大力发展社会主义文化,建设社会主义精神文明。”用更多更好的新闻出版商品丰富和繁荣文化市场,丰  相似文献   

旺堆 《中国广播》2006,(11):20-22
世界上有这样一种职业:战火肆虐的街头,抗洪抢险的一线,刺骨严寒的雪域,酷热难当的沙漠,只要有新闻,他们就会出现。世界上有这样一种职业:没有公路的山村,没有饮水的前线,只要有一个话筒、一支笔、一张纸,他们都会想尽办法让远在千里之外的人们知道正在发生什么。 这种职业就是记者。 敏锐、敬业、责任、辛苦、坚持,当这些词一起链接到一个职业上时,您想到的当然还应该是记者。用心灵之手拂去岁月的尘封,让所有人的生命露出灿烂的微笑,这就是他们——记者的心灵写照。 今年11月8日是中国第七个记者节。为纪念这个节日,我们中国广播杂志编辑部约请广播战线近些年部分“长江韬奋奖”和“全国百佳新闻工作者”得主撰写文章,读者朋友可以通过他们文章的字里行间,感受他们记者生涯中的感动、难忘和责任。  相似文献   

殷陆君 《传媒》2015,(21):25-27
笔者心中一直有一种记者情结,从事工作也一直与之有缘.小时候很想当记者,工作后参与地方新闻宣传管理10年,后来当了12年中央新闻单位记者,现在的工作又是服务全国新闻记者.管新闻、做新闻、服务新闻,相当于把新闻宣传的流程走了一遍.上上下下,左左右右,方方面面,想自己、看别人,更加体验到记者的内外环境之复杂,更多感受到记者的酸甜苦辣之不易,也更深地领悟到记者的情怀情趣之重要.记者是人,但确实有许多与常人不一样的东西.新闻工作没有那么高大上,但是也有其独到的职业特色.一篇消息,传递党的好政策,记者笔下有财产万千,群众更有喜地欢天;一篇通讯,记者笔下有毁誉忠奸,好人好事让人感天动地,坏人恶行让人痛恨连连;一篇评论,记者笔下有是非曲直,弘扬正声正气正能,针砭时弊让人痛让人痒出汗浑身发粘;一篇舆论监督稿件,记者笔下有人命关天,为冤屈者叫屈鸣冤,让苦难者解气申冤.  相似文献   

从80年代中期珠江经济台掀起“珠江旋风”以来,直播、主持、大板块、热线电话、双向交流这一类新的传播方式的运用,给广播注入了新的活力。同时,越来越多的经济台的出现。对综合台多年一贯制的格局,造成了巨大的冲击。在此大背景下,肩负综合台改革重任的新闻台,从诞生之日起,就走上了负重前进的道路。  相似文献   

作为一个产业来说,报纸行业已取得的繁荣与发展,得益于数字化技术的进步,从报纸的编辑出版环节来说,因为激光照排技术的采用才有可能告别铅与火,电脑与网络技术的普及才使告别纸与笔成为现实,笔记本电脑,数码相机,远程传输等新技术的采用,使传统办报所遇到的时空障碍得以颇利突破,正因为自身发展得益于采用新技术,所以报纸行业在国民经济各个行业中,是最舍得为技术进步花钱的行业之一,令报业同仁没有想到的是,我们在主观上对新技术的热情参与,在客观上加速了新兴媒体的出现和发展,可以说是我们自己培育出了一个个要与报业分享蛋糕的竞争者。[编者按]  相似文献   

新闻记者是记录时代风云的社会活动家,享有较高的社会地位。但是近些年来新闻界却出现了有偿新闻屡禁不止、虚假报道时有发生、低俗之风滋长蔓延等不良倾向,在人民群众中造成很坏的影响。自去年底新闻界开展“三项学习教育活动”,大众传媒从业人员经过“三个代表”重要思想、马克思主义新闻观和职业精神职业道德的学习教育,政治思想水平和业务能力等方面都得  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(2):153-167
In this paper I explore the process of access as it was gained, and sometimes denied, during an extensive ethnographic research made on a surprisingly overlooked strand in news production—the international production processes of news pictures. Through an interpretive analysis, I demonstrate the various access challenges “second-wave” news ethnographers might face, as well as the additional access skills they may require, to explore fully today's news labour in future news production ethnography.  相似文献   

感受新新阅读时代的到来   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宁艳艳 《河北科技图苑》2006,19(4):74-76,25
介绍了传统阅读时代、新新阅读时代的阅读特点,指出多元化、多载体、多方位感官感受的新新阅读方式不断出现,多种阅读方式并存的个性化新新阅读时代即将来临.  相似文献   

This article contends that not only journalism but also journalism studies can benefit from a stronger commitment to the public. While the bodies of literature on “popular journalism”, “public journalism” and “citizen/participatory journalism” have, in different contexts and from different angles, made a strong case in favour of a public-oriented approach to journalism, it is remarkable how few of the empirical studies on journalism are based on user research. As the control of media institutions over the news process is in decline, we should take the “news audience” more seriously and try to improve our understanding of (changing) news use patterns. Besides this rather obvious theoretical point, there are also societal and methodological arguments for a more user-oriented take on the study of journalism. Starting from a reflection on the key trends in news use in the digital age—participation, cross-mediality and mobility—this article attempts to show the theoretical and societal relevance of a radical user perspective on journalism and journalism research alike. Furthermore, we look at new methodological opportunities for news user research and elaborate on our arguments by way of an empirical study on changing news practices. The study uses Q-sort methodology to expose the impact a medium's affordances can have on the way we experience news in a converged and mobile media environment. The article concludes by discussing what the benefits of a radical user perspective can be both for journalism studies as for journalism.  相似文献   

Journalism that humanizes marginalized communities can advance social justice by appealing to collective solidarity. News reporting, however, often encourages audience empathy instead of solidarity by representing social injustice as individual problems. This paper examines mechanisms of empathy and solidarity in two news outlets that participated in The San Francisco Homeless Project. The San Francisco Homeless Project was a collaborative journalistic effort in June 2016 that called for attention and action to address homelessness. The San Francisco Chronicle’s coverage represents homeless people as beset with individual problems, which encourages empathy, and its accompanying solutions journalism suggests expanded individual services to address these problems. On the other hand, AlterNet emphasizes shared conditions that homeless people endure, which situates homelessness as a social injustice and invites solidarity against systemic factors that produce and maintain homelessness. This distinction is important because strictly evoking empathy for individuals places journalism on a trajectory to suggest individualistic remedies to an issue like homelessness, whereas inviting solidarity charts a course for large-scale social change.  相似文献   

1949年9月27日,中国人民政治协商会议第一次全体会议通过《关于中华人民共和国国歌的决议案》,决定以《义勇军进行曲》为中华人民共和国国歌。自被确定为国歌的那一天起,《义勇军进行曲》就和共和国同呼吸共命运。在五十年的风雨里,她始终不渝地催着国人奋进图...  相似文献   

图书馆行业从来没有像今天这样接近自己的理想,也从来没有像今天这样面临巨大的挑战。1931年阮冈纳赞提出图书馆学五定律,指出“书有其用”“人有其书”“书有其人”“节省时间”,以及“图书馆是一个生长的有机体”。这充满理想主义的五条原则,是博尔赫斯“图书馆是天堂模样”的最好诠释,然而它其实一直是一个梦想,直到信息技术高度发展的今天,才有了实现的可能。  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):377-397

According to the cognitive perspective, the generation of counterarguments is a key obstacle to persuasion. Following the metacognitive view, however, the experience of difficulty that accompanies increased counterarguing may benefit persuasion. These two contrasting predictions were evaluated in two experiments (N1?=?392; N2?=?210) by manipulating the instructions of thought-listing tasks following exposure to a testimonial that advocated for Physician-Assisted Suicide. Results for participants low-in-NfC supported the cognitive prediction, whereby generating many counterarguments (7) led to less favorable attitudes toward PAS, whereas fewer counterarguments (2) engendered more positive attitudes. In contrast, among participants high in NfC, increased counterarguing (7) resulted in more favorable attitudes toward PAS, while fewer counterarguments (2) were translated into greater opposition.  相似文献   

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