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The development of energy literacy (knowledge, attitudes, and intended behaviour) and agency of New Zealand children (age 9–10) were investigated through thematic and exploratory statistical analyses of interviews (October 2011–April 2012) with 26 children, their parents and teachers, focus groups and photo elicitation. The children knew that electricity costs money and saw it as a finite resource. Half could name an energy source but few knew of any associated environmental issues. Most of the children had a positive attitude towards saving electricity, but did not intend to save energy to a further extent (low intended behaviour) and were not influencing their families to conserve energy (low agency). The children were learning about energy informally from a variety of sources, and acquired their attitudes mostly from talking to their parents. The results highlight the need for energy education for citizenship at school and conversations about energy both there and at home.  相似文献   

高职院校大学生信息素质调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对高职院校大学生进行信忠观念、信息意识、信息能力的问卷调查,认为大学生的信忠素质亟待加强。培养与提高大学生的信息素质,可通过新生入院教育、开展知识讲座、开设信忠课堂、加强宣传等途径进行。  相似文献   

技术的本质对高职培养人才的规格和课程体系具有决定作用。本文从高职生技术素养培养的必要性着手,对现有高职课程体系存在的问题进行了分析,并提出了创新高职课程体系的相关举措。  相似文献   

本文在分析财贸高职学生的人文素养现状和人文素养教育重要性的基础上,结合所在学校近年来在人文素养教育方面的理论研究和实践探索,梳理、总结出财贸高职学生人文素养教育的培养模式。  相似文献   

可持续发展教育强调学生的可持续发展能力。在可持续发展理念指导下,关注高校学生非技术素质的建构,不断探究高校学生非技术素质培养的策略与途径,培养具有创新意识、创新能力、创新人格的高素质技术人才,使当代大学生更快地适应新世纪社会发展的需要。  相似文献   

高职院校设计专业的大部分学生在入校之前缺乏相关的艺术培训,在学习造型设计、色彩搭配等专业性较强的基础课程时较难适应。因此培养、提高高职设计类学生的艺术素养是职业院校教学工作中不可或缺的一部分,教师在教学条件、教学模式和教学设置等方面深入探索,进而全面有效地提高学生的艺术设计素养。  相似文献   

Prior studies indicate that vocational students’ literacy practices are more demanding than is generally recognised. Employing a view of literacy acquisition as socialisation, we investigated the literacy practices of trades training in Carpentry and Automotive Technology, by interviewing tutors and examined course books and student writing. A register of spoken language was identified, which differed from everyday language in being highly technical, reflecting specialist knowledge and indexing an identity as a member of a trade. Students were found to read a wide variety of texts, including complex professional texts such as Building Standards, Specifications, Codes and manufacturer’s instructions, as well as tutor-produced course books. Writing was less prominent and included assignment questions, and tests and some preparation for professional writing. Further research into the oral practices of vocational study, based on observation of pedagogical practice, is suggested. Implications for vocational pedagogy include a focus on support for reading.  相似文献   

This paper arises from research into inclusive literacy for pupils with severe learning difficulties who do not learn to read and write conventionally. The ultimate aim of the study was to seek out examples of good practice in teaching and learning literacy that includes students with severe learning difficulties and disseminate them as widely as possible. Thirty-five schools were visited and observations made in 122 lessons. Sixty-one teachers were interviewed and their paperwork examined. Ten focus groups and five 'expert witnesses' were consulted, alongside desk-based research designed to locate 'good practice'. Teachers used a mixture of conventional (e.g., texts) and non-conventional (e.g., pictures, film and oral) media, although more observations were made of conventional literacy teaching (e.g., phonic work) than of non-conventional (e.g., filmmaking). Results from the research suggest that few students with severe learning difficulties are likely to learn to read and write conventionally (i.e., read for pleasure, work and study) and teachers may be relying too much on teaching traditional literacy to them. It may be useful to explore teaching and learning around alternative media such as still and moving images, live theatre and storytelling, digital technology and the arts. Although some teachers are making good use of these media, the potential of these media for providing inclusive literacy experiences could be further developed.  相似文献   

怎样培养职业学校学生的法律素养,让学生有着良好的法律综合素质,这对职业学校的人才培养而言,有着非常关键的作用。为此,本文阐述了职业学校学生存在的违法现象,以及职业学校学生法律素养的培养策略。  相似文献   

The article presents the literacy achievement of Norwegian minority students, their reading habits, and their enjoyment of reading based on the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2000 study. Aspects of their family background and attitudes towards school are related to literacy achievement results. A comparison between Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Germany shows that the achievement gap between majority and minority students is larger in Denmark and Germany than in Norway and Sweden. A more detailed presentation of the Norwegian reading results shows that 35% of the Norwegian minority students perform at a level indicating that they are able to read in a technical sense, but they are unlikely to be able to use reading as an independent tool in acquiring knowledge and skills. The minority students' responses to questions about socio‐economic family background, reading habits, learning strategies and school motivation give a complex picture of their situation in Norwegian schools. The results indicate that there is some potential for equalising differences between minority students and majority students.  相似文献   


Popular media often reports on the carbon footprint of certain activities, items or people. We were curious to explore how people make sense of these news pieces, and specifically, whether and how carbon literacy (CL) and quantitative literacy (QL) influences their reasoning. We interviewed and surveyed students of various backgrounds using simulated news pieces of three carbon footprints: that of Facebook, that of the US dairy industry, and that of the US chocolate industry. We found that being highly carbon or quantitatively literate influenced participants’ reaction – but only while they were gathering information about the prompts. The effect of literacies disappeared when they were asked to decide whether the carbon footprint was worrisome or which they would tackle first as a policy-maker. We describe and categorize the strategies students used to make sense of carbon footprints, and link the frequency of using particular strategies to their carbon and quantitative literacy. Implications for future research and environmental education are discussed.  相似文献   

21世纪是一个信息的时代,教育信息化对我国教育的发展将带来非常深远的影响。培养一支信息化的英语教师队伍,有助于高职教育信息化的发展。本文通过对多所高职院校进行调查,分析了当前高职英语教师信息素养的状况及存在问题,并提出针对高职英语教师信息素养的培养策略。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,科学的进步,多媒体与互联网技术相继在生活中的应用越来越多,更加强化了人们的视觉意识。通过视觉感知消息已经日益成为一种重要的手段,对图像的直接思考已经是一种能力。在信息技术与媒介的发展下,高院校数字媒体专业学生的视觉素养亟需提高,如何提升和培养学生的视觉素养是教育工作者的重要课题。  相似文献   

随着科技的进步和信息传播形态的多样,人们接受信息的方式也呈现多样化趋势,在这个视觉传播发达的社会,高校学生不仅需要具备文字读写能力,还应该具备读图用图的能力,对教育技术学专业的学生来说更是如此,视觉素养是他们必须具备的素质之一。本文以教育技术学专业为依据,首先总结了教育技术专业学生视觉素养培养的必要性,概括了视觉素养的理论基础,最后提出了培养教育技术学专业学生视觉素养的措施。  相似文献   

The new national core curriculum has been put into operation in Finland. Teaching and learning is intended to focus on historical literacy. In this paper, we study how it can be assessed with a pen-and-paper test, and what that reveals in regards to the mastering of historical literacy among elementary pupils. To study this, we designed a test where pupils analysed sources, answered open-ended questions, and filled out weighted multiple-choice questions. Furthermore, we implemented the test with the think-aloud method. The results from this indicate the way 12-year-olds read historical documents and formulate their own interpretations. The results demonstrate that most of the pupils succeeded in acquiring historical information from different sources, as well as understanding the interpretative nature of historical knowledge. The test also revealed that pupils can identify some intentions of the sources’ producers, as well as reasoning through their own interpretations using a single source. Some pupils, however, could not process the cognitive noise inherent to the test (i.e. conflicting sources). Some of them also considered an authoritative source to be principally more reliable than other sources. Our study sheds light on which kind of task can be used at the elementary level to assess historical literacy.  相似文献   

高校教育信息化对现代大学生的信息技术素养提出了更高的要求。但当今大学生信息技术素养培养存在许多问题,尤其是民族院校学生因生源上的差异,存在信息技术基础薄弱、层次不齐,缺乏主动养成信息技术素养的习惯,严重影响着学生个人综合能力的提高和大学教育教学。  相似文献   

文章在分析中职教师应具备信息素养必要性的基础上,对河南省部分地区中职教师信息素养的状况进行了调查,并针对中职教师信息知识匮乏、教育技术理论知晓不多、信息技术能力比较薄弱、信息技术应用效果欠佳的现状提出了提高中职教师信息素养的策略。  相似文献   

影视媒介素养教育是媒介素养教育的重要组成部分,通过影视多媒体实验教学对大学生进行媒介素养教育是一项新的举措。在影视多媒体实验教学中,指导教师把影视原理,影视设备的使用,影视作品的构思、拍摄、制作方法和技巧传授给学生的同时,也把影视媒介素养教育的内容传授给学生。通过这一途径提高了学生对影视作品的选择能力、理解能力、评鉴能力和创造能力。  相似文献   

高职英语教师的信息素养及其培养路径研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高职教师具备良好的信息素养,是教育信息化的需要,是培养高素质、高技能、应用型人才的需要,是教师专业化发展的需要。文章探讨了高职英语教师信息素养的构成和信息素养培养过程中存在的问题,提出了高职英语教师信息素养培养的有效途径。  相似文献   

媒介素养教育与英语专业学生创新能力培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
外语既有工具性又具有人文性。英语专业学生要熟练掌握英语的基本技能,但更要注重创新思维,培养创新能力。本文探讨了媒介素养教育与英语专业学生的创新能力培养,并以"英语报刊文章阅读"课为例,指出以媒介素养教育视角开展教学是培养学生创新能力有重要价值的途径。  相似文献   

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