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张科 《文化交流》2009,(9):38-42
著名学者、杂文家何满子先生是2009年5月8日在上海瑞金医院去世的。他的大女婿王土然在电话里告诉我,何老生前对生死很达观,没有留下什么遗言只留下他所写的50本著作。  相似文献   

当代女性小说中有关"人工流产"的文学叙事,展现了部分女性独特的生命感受及其文化境遇.这类叙事从生命本体出发,揭示出女性在事件中空前孤独的生命焦虑,及由此可能激发的生命自主和性别自觉意识;同时也书写了与其性别身份密切相关的生命关怀精神.流产叙事从一个特定的方面映现出传统性别文化的深层制约机制,张扬了突破既有文化规范、反抗传统性别观念对女性生命力压制的精神.  相似文献   

十九世纪初以来,英语世界对李渔小说的翻译与研究,至今已有一百多年历史.几经沉浮,李渔小说如今在西方汉学领域已确立经典的地位.本文以全面而详实的资料系统回顾了这个曲折而漫长的过程,对重要的译本、翻译家及其成果进行了客观的梳理与分析,总结归纳了李渔小说英译的特征,并指出了英语语境中李渔译介存在的问题.思考海外汉学界对李渔的翻译与接受,无疑有助于理解李渔及其对东西方读者的影响,继续推动李渔作品在海外的翻译与研究,促进中外学者关于中国古典文学研究的合作与交流.  相似文献   

从明清小说看传统家庭生活的阶层性特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统礼法对父子、夫妇、兄弟等家庭中的人伦关系有繁琐的规定,在现实生活中也有一整套的规矩仪节,体现出明显的尊卑高下秩序。但是,通过一些具代表性的明清家庭小说,我们可以清楚地看到,由于当事人的个性、经济能力以及家世背景等众多因素,人们在实际家庭生活中对礼法所持的态度并不一样;同样的家庭伦理规范对具体家庭中每个成员的心理、情感以及生活状况所造成的影响也不一样。也就是说,在相同的历史文化背景下,家庭生活具有明显的阶层性特点。在这些现象的背后,隐含的是礼法与人情之间的复杂关系,二者有重合又有分离,就“分离”一端而言,礼法与人情之间存在二律背反的关系。  相似文献   


This essay reads Rosi Braidotti's philosophical nomadism from a decolonial perspective with the goal of uncovering the irreducible colonial difference which underlies the Eurocentric ontological vision embedded in Braidotti's reading of Gilles Deleuze. In particular, I read Edouard Glissant in tandem with Deleuze through the notion of the ‘middle’, a key concept which grounds the three thinkers' ontology of multiplicity. To this end, I borrow Nelson Maldonado-Torres' Fanonian critique of Eurocentric ontology and show how Braidotti fails to escape from the trap of Eurocentrism due to her inability to capture the abyssal and totalitarian character of coloniality imprinted in the cry of the damné. Against Braidotti's simplistic misreading of Glissant as a future-oriented constructivist, I argue that the enigmatic trope of Relation in Glissant opens up at the middle space of groundlessness constituting the ontological edifice of the colonial subject: revealing the abyssal middle in which the ineffable experience of shared suffering never stops haunting the freeing knowledge of relation.  相似文献   

明末清初以李自成农民起义推翻明朝统治这一巨变为主要叙事内容的小说有<剿闯通俗小说>、<定鼎奇闻>和<铁冠图全传>.这三部小说有众多的版本,各自形成不同的版本系列.考察各版本的差异、版本演变及其流传情况,有助于澄清学者对这三部时事小说的某些误解,更全面、更切合实际地评价这三部时事小说的价值.  相似文献   

所有的历史对于亲历者而言都必然拥有怀旧的可能,怀旧不是缘于自恋,不是缘于矫情,它是针对自我生命体验的一种积极关怀,是超越于自恋之上的有关时代命运感的亲切体认,是对人生价值毫无挑剔的一次慷慨感恩。而自恋则无关乎历史,无关乎时代,因为极端的自我中心主义者始终只是一个空间性的存在,他们从不理会时间,幻觉是其固有的生存方式,真实因此永远难以闯入他们的视域。只有在乐观主义的历史进化论者那里,怀旧才会遭遇到理所当然的质疑。在他们看来,怀旧之于往昔看似伤怀的眷恋,不仅冷落了进步理性所致力抵达的美好未来,也忽略了此刻注定胜出…  相似文献   

Exploring how the 1994 Rwandan genocide is memorialised in the nation's flagship memorial centre, this article pursues a new dialectic between history and trauma. As I shall demonstrate, the current theoretical model of trauma misreads time and consequently erases cultural difference and historical specificity in the formation of transcultural alliances. In rethinking time and difference in trauma, I develop a new trauma framework that situates the formation of transcultural alliances at the site of difference, which promotes new modes of ethical response and political subjectivity in the aftermath of violence.  相似文献   

自才子佳人小说产生之后,由于曹雪芹与鲁迅等第一流文豪的否定性评价,在中国学界就没有获得应有的文学地位,而这与才子佳人小说代表中国文学与文化在国外所受到的崇高评价是非常矛盾的。而且传统的正统文人与反传统的新文化文人,都对才子佳人小说进行了道德价值上的否定,这种基于道德价值上的否定进而又影响了他们对才子佳人小说的审美评价。这种状况直到20世纪80年代之后才有所改观,开始出现了比较公正地研究才子佳人小说的论著;同时,才子佳人小说的资料整理工作也得到了学界的重视。尽管如此,才子佳人小说的研究仍然有待进一步拓展。  相似文献   

明末清初时事小说兴盛,有其独特的文学背景。本文梳理了明末清初戏曲、说唱、词赋、诗歌等各种体裁的作品中讲述时事的情况,勾勒出时事小说兴盛的文学背景,有助于进一步理解明末清初社会巨变中文学叙述重心的转移、文风的重大变化及新题材作品兴起的内在原因。  相似文献   

This essay invites readers to re‐examine the cultural meaning of movie piracy in the context of Hollywood's global domination of world cinema. It focuses on VCD piracy in Asia. This popular low‐end technology interrogates and deconstructs the technological fetishism that dominates contemporary Hollywood productions. This essay asks whether and how movie piracy can be theorised to yield a more productive understanding of technology as people's corporeal experience of the material world in a socially constructed political economy.  相似文献   

《诗经》与《圣经》中的诗歌之间具有许多契合点 ,王夫之的诗学观念与基督教圣经学的诗歌理念比较接近 ,因此其间存在着可比性。王夫之重视诗歌的情感侧面 ,对所谓“艳诗”持明确的肯定态度并且加以提倡 ,重视《诗经》中涉及性爱的内容并肯定其价值。王夫之的诗经学说凸现了儒家经典《诗经》歌颂生命主体意识 ,高扬人性 ,肯定性爱 ,赞美爱情的本质。王夫之的诗经学研究成就丰硕 ,这得益于他的整个哲学体系  相似文献   

明清小说中存在大量的同性恋现象。从关系性质来说,这些故事大致可分为“色”恋、“情”恋、“色”“情”兼备之恋三种。纯粹的色恋主要发生在渔色的男性与职业小官之间;纯粹的情恋主要发生在妻妾之间;“色”“情”兼备的男男之恋较为普遍,当事人之间不仅有肌肤之亲、精神之恋,有的甚至结为“婚姻”组成“家庭”,可视为同性恋故事的典型模式。妻妾之间的情恋故事中,丈夫或隐或显,始终“在场”;“色”、“情”兼备的男男之恋故事中,扮演男性角色的一方拥有传统文化所规定的男性应该拥有的一切,扮演女性角色的一方则往往需要像“贞女烈妇”一样无私地不断奉献,因此,从性别意识的角度来看,在以这两类故事为典型代表的明清同性恋小说中,“情”的外壳之下包裹的是地道的、根深蒂固的男性中心意识。  相似文献   

Since its creation in 2009, the electronic currency Bitcoin has generated volumes of online debate in the business press. While there have been plenty of economic arguments situating it as a financial bubble about to collapse including from Nobel Prize winning economists, its price value has proven to be more durable than many have predicted. To explain this durability, Karpik’s conception of market singularities is used to understand the Bitcoin phenomenon by outlining the beliefs that maintain Bitcoin’s status as a volatile financial asset. Market singularities are markets for particular kinds of goods and services that are of uncertain and incommensurable value. Singularities markets have communities of followers and a distinctive belief system that ascribes value to a particular product, service, or asset. Developing Karpik’s conception, the paper explores the libertarian political belief system that surrounds Bitcoin’s status as a financial asset. I also outline some political tensions within the electronic currency community concerning governance and centralisation.  相似文献   

从晚明到嘉道,文人社会中流行着关于"才女"和"名妓"的种种书写.事实上,现实生活中的薄命才女和名妓,不见得有如此之高的比例,"才女"和"名妓",更多只是文人社会中的流行书写,而这种流行书写的缔造及文人对这种流行书写的投射,更多折射出来的是文人内心深处的寄寓.  相似文献   


The establishment of the European Union, reunification of Germany, and Germany's extension of dual citizenship to immigrant minorities provided challenges to the country's understanding of itself as a nation. In negotiating these changes, debates on citizenship frequently centered on definitions of German culture. Using the concept of Leitkultur (guiding culture), conservatives argued that Germany should reject multiculturalism and stem immigration. This essay analyzes discourses on cultural policy in Germany through a contextual and textual analysis of the film Mostly Martha. In its alignment with aesthetic conventions of the art house food film, Mostly Martha participates in the debate on cultural citizenship and embodies changes in the German film industry that have moved German cinema toward increased commercialism. The film's main character, Martha, is transformed through an intercultural relationship and a trip to Italy. We argue that the film's citation of this well-known tradition of traveling south to redeem oneself and its treatment of ethnic “Otherness” engages in the Leitkultur debate and participates in the transition from national German to transnational cinema. Through the utopian treatment of Italian food, the film fetishizes cultural difference and reaffirms fixed constructs of nation and gender, thereby avoiding an explicitly politicized engagement with intercultural citizenship and identity.  相似文献   


Using sources from popular media, and ethnographic data collected from a university‐based urban design studio, I challenge Paul Virilio’s assertion that the modern human condition is dominated by a process of emotional synchronisation based on fear (the result, according to Virilio, of a collusion of technology and speed), and offer the analogous idea that contemporary consumer capitalism works toward a synchronisation of desire, operating, at least in part, through the ideologies and machinations of the idea of design. To do this, I analyse designerly approaches to problem‐solving as potential disciplining forces, or technologies of governmentality, which help to create order by manufacturing certain subjectivities like consumer, community member, or sense‐of‐place – subjectivities that are amenable to neo‐liberal notions of civil society in consumer‐capitalism. Ultimately, I argue that Virilio’s ‘art criticism of technology’, but also common critiques thereof, both depoliticise aesthetic judgement and work together toward the obfuscation of power within the symbolic economy of neo‐liberal consumer capitalism.  相似文献   

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