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中国超白金一代国奥队冲击奥运会失败的事实又引起了广大球迷的困惑,中国足球到底缺什么?中国足球缺的是适合本国足球运动发展的文化土壤,中国足球要取得质的飞跃,就必须兼容并畜地吸纳先进的足球文化;强化队员的敬业精神;构筑起夯实的群众基础。  相似文献   

The ‘club versus country’ debate, which refers to an individual’s allegiance to their respective club and national teams, has become an increasingly popular topic for debate in the context of English football. Whilst prior work in this area has focused on the tensions between club officials and national associations, this study investigated the attitudinal and behavioural loyalty of fans towards club and national teams. Data were collected from 647 football fans across 16 English club teams utilizing a survey approach. Findings suggest that those with high levels of loyalty to their club are more likely to be loyal to the national team, questioning whether this is a ‘versus’ debate at all from the fan perspective. In addition, Premier League fans display lower levels of attitudinal loyalty to the national team than lower league fans, which may reflect underlying concerns that club players may sustain injuries in national team matches.  相似文献   

Football fans' views on their role in the home advantage were obtained by placing links to an internet questionnaire on supporters' websites. Altogether, 461 fans from clubs which had been promoted, relegated or unchanged in the past season of the English football leagues rated crowd support as significantly more influential than familiarity, travel, territoriality and referee bias in contributing to the home advantage. Fans felt responsible for inspiring their team to victory, took credit for distracting opponents, and believed that they could influence officials into making decisions in their team's favour. However, they did not accept personal blame for poor results. No effects for gender, age or the team's outcome in the promotion/relegation battle emerged, though season ticket holders were more extreme in their feelings of responsibility overall. Furthermore, it was suggested that mechanisms such as the perception of being superior to rivals can encourage fans to retain their allegiance to their teams, even when outcomes are disappointing. Indeed, affiliation may become so incorporated into self-identity that supporters may not have the option of abandoning their team, but instead perceive a reciprocal relationship in which both they and the team are expected to do their best to achieve success.  相似文献   

中、美女子足球队攻防技战术打法的比较研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
通过对友好运动会等中、美女子足球比赛中进攻防守技战术打法的统计、对比和研究,分析了美国女子足球的优势和特点及中国女子足球存在的差距。在完成的有效进攻配合上,中国女子足球队次数少,且限于左边路地区,美国队则“全面开花”。在中场抢截上,美国女队也较中国女队优势明显  相似文献   

Lyton Ncube 《Sport in Society》2018,21(9):1364-1381
Football is one of the most emotive cultural forms through which people experience and express nationalism. The study demonstrates intersections of Zimbabwean Premier Soccer League (PSL) team – Highlanders FC fandom and Ndebele ethnic nationalism in Zimbabwe. This nationalism challenges state narratives of a ‘united Zimbabwe’ and advocates for secession of Bulawayo and Matabeleland provinces to form an ‘independent Ndebele nation’. Literature on Zimbabwean football has under-theorized its interface with football discourse. The author was an observer as participant in Zimbabwean football stadia for a four-year period observing terrace rituals, especially songs and chants during Highlanders FC matches. In-depth interviews were also conducted with selected fans to get clarity on observed issues. The study concludes that while discussing secession is criminalized and condemned as ‘tribalism’ in Zimbabwe, Highlanders FC fandom is a critical site where some people express feelings and aspirations towards establishment of a separate ‘independent Ndebele nation’.  相似文献   

This essay focuses on the contexts away from the stadium where fans congregate, organise, develop and learn to perform their fandom. I define the concept of performance and show how it applies to fandom. I describe how, in small to medium scale, face-to-face settings, fans are able to form bonds and validate each others’ fandom. For some, fandom is an extension of playing the game as in Holland, where one might play in the amateur ranks of one of the famous professional teams. In Italy, organised fandom follows from a history of neighbourhood social clubs. I describe the Roma Club Testaccio as the epicentre of Roma fandom, and how it serves to educate fans in Roman-ness. Hardcore fan clubs support the team home and away, and I describe one of my own intense experiences travelling on the bus with some of the most notorious hardcore fans in Italy. Italians can also visit the grounds at which their beloved team practices and where they can catch a glimpse of the players up close, and connect with other devotees. As these snapshots demonstrate, the social gatherings of fans away from the football stadium are where fandom takes shape.  相似文献   

目的:通过对上海女足2012年联赛中比赛活动特征的分析,了解上海女足比赛中的跑动特点及体能状况;通过与国内最高水平比赛、国家队及其他世界强队的对比分析,了解与高水平运动队之间的差距,寻找到上海女足训练的突破点,为上海女足在第12届全运会中夺取金牌提供有效的科技支撑.方法:通过已取得专利的自主研发的足球训练负荷监控系统对上海女足2012年联赛上海赛区上海—大连、上海—长春的两场比赛进行跑动负荷的测试.结果:(1) 2012年联赛期间上海赛区的比赛与国外高水平运动队相比,上海女足运动员高速跑和冲刺跑的距离及所比重偏少.(2)上海女足在2012年联赛中不同位置运动员在比赛中整体跑动能力存在差异,边后卫和中场球员总跑动距离最多,而边前卫和边后卫的高强度及以上跑动距离最多,前锋高强度以上跑动距离最少.(3)上海女足在2012年联赛前准备期高强度的有氧间歇训练不足,导致联赛期间体能贮备不足.结论:我国女足联赛水平较低、对抗性不强,上海女足运动员联赛期间的跑动能力与国内最高水平比赛及世界强队相比存在一定的差距,今后的训练必须加强高强度的有氧间歇训练.  相似文献   

足球作为世界第一大运动,在全世界有着最多的球迷,他们创造出了各种球迷文化,球迷文化是作为主体的的球迷与作为客体的足球运动长期相互作用而形成的在实体层面、行为制度层面以及精神层面的特殊文化。这些球迷文化或积极或消极,并且总能给球队的成绩带来一些影响。本文通过文献资料法、逻辑分析法对足球球迷文化与球队成绩是否存在关系进行分析,旨在为引导中国球迷文化健康发展提供一些建议,为中国的足球俱乐部和国家队提供良好的球迷文化,促进其水平的提高以及在赛场上的成绩,争取早日实现男足再入世界杯的梦想。  相似文献   

为探析中国男子国家足球队在第17届亚洲杯足球比赛中的表现,以其在本届亚洲杯上的全部5场比赛为研究对象,通过文献资料调研、视频观察和数理统计等方法对中国队比赛中的技战术、心理和体能等方面表现进行分析。结果:1)技术能力方面,中国队在向前越过对手和防线的渗透性传球、接球转身、第1次触球、射门以及攻击性防守等关键技术应用方面与韩国、伊朗等强队存在明显差距。2)战术能力方面,中国队战术素养和中路进攻能力以及在攻防转换能力方面亟待提高。3)心理与身体能力方面,中国队在国际大赛中缺乏稳定的心理表现,注意力转换和抗应激能力亟需加强;与强队相比中国队在足球专项速度、预判和决策速度以及高速奔跑中身体对抗方面处于劣势。  相似文献   

A lot of the fun in contemporary sports talk relies on shared understandings about the culture of competitive sporting teams. The purpose of this paper is to explore how often humorous discourses are negotiated by sport fans as they narrate a sense of their own history and identity as followers of professional sports teams. This analysis draws on research conducted with followers of the Australian Football League (AFL), which included 21 life story interviews. As an oral historian, I was interested in how individuals negotiated popular ideas about Australian football in the ‘composition’ of their memories. This attention to the dynamic between the public and personal is described as a ‘popular memory approach’ to oral history. In this paper I explore the place of class in popular understandings about AFL club cultures. I argue that the role class plays in popular discourse around sporting club cultures is revealed more fully when we examine the ways in which individuals – in this case followers of AFL teams – make sense of it.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on football fan rivalry in an African context using the case of Highlanders and Dynamos Football Clubs in Zimbabwe. It explores the intertwined historical, political and ethno-regional causes of this rivalry reflecting on how football reproduces underlying fractures that exist in society. Fan rivalries are an integral part of football across the world. Clashes between rival football teams are often highly charged encounters, resulting in cases of violence. As such the worst instances of football hooliganism are usually experienced during matches between rival football teams. Through the use of indepth interviews, internet research, key informant interviews and observation, we highlight the various dimensions and explanations of this rivalry. Often football becomes an outlay of wider societal conflicts. The stadium offers space for the playing out of these rivalries. Football rivalries thus offer a mirror into the socio-political tensions in society. Football in Africa is fraught with ethnic, racial, class and gender identities which often form the basis of rivalries.  相似文献   

我国职业足球联赛赛场秩序存在的问题与规范措施   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
采用文献资料、问卷调查等研究方法,对我国职业足球联赛赛场秩序存在的问题,如职业足球运动员殴打、谩骂裁判员、球迷以及对方球员,职业联赛中的球迷暴力冲突事件,部分教练员违反联赛秩序等进行分析。认为:加强对职业足球裁判员、教练员和运动员的职业道德教育、规范球迷的观球行为、中国足协应加强“执法”力度,是规范我国职业足球联赛赛场秩序的应对措施。  相似文献   

通过对第5届女足世界杯前四名德、巴、美、挪和中国队进行技战术统计数据对比和分析,揭示中国队和其他4支球队的差距。认为中国女足已经落后于世界女足发展,队员缺乏大赛经验,身体对抗较差,缺乏有效的得分方法;队员拼抢积极性、抢截技术以及体能上存在不足,守门员防守能力不足。  相似文献   


Founded in 1916, the Portsmouth Ladies FC were one of many women’s football teams active during the First World War. Building upon the work of Jean Williams, Patrick Brennan and Ian Nannestad, this article seeks to broaden our knowledge of the development of women’s wartime football. Its principal sources are images held by National Football Museum, the Pompey History Society, along with newly digitised newspapers. This article explores two aspects of the club’s history. Firstly, it presents an overview detailing the team’s origins, playing record, the types of games they played, including games against male teams, and the role of Councillor Tom Langdon in organising and promoting their activities. Secondly, it will explore the significant photographic coverage afforded to the team, in particular by the Portsmouth Evening News photographer Joseph Stephen Cribb. It will be argued that the club’s history helps develop the chronological development of women’s football in World War On. It will also be argued that visual depictions of the team show both an increasing interest in the women’s game, and also the limits and gendered nature of that interest.  相似文献   

浅谈文化历史对足球风格的潜移默化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2010世界杯已尘埃落定,来自五大洲的32支队伍以其各自迥然不同的风格的打法给人们留下了深刻的印象,试以世界杯上欧洲、拉美球队中的翘楚为例,分析潜在的历史文化因素对他们各自足球风格的影响。  相似文献   

The people of Melbourne are renowned for their ‘football fever’, yet this fever is under-studied. This paper addresses this fever by exploring the loves, suffering, and strange identifications of Australian Football League fans. Building on and complicating Freud's theories of group psychology, I argue that love, or rather two loves, are at the heart of the experience of being a fan. Fans love their club in a manner that incorporates the club into their sense of self, with the club becoming an ideal that is to be served. This love facilitates a particular form of identification where fans experience the club's trials, tribulations and triumphs, as if they too were being subjected to them. Moreover, in identifying with their club through love, the fan also takes on a second love, that of the club's object of desire, the elusive premiership. This is the love of the conquest and pursuit, a love that entails pain and suffering.  相似文献   

Max Mauro 《Soccer & Society》2016,17(6):882-897
Football can play different roles in the lives of immigrant youth. It can be a site for leisure, sport performance and socialization. Even more critically, it can be a place where to negotiate sense of belonging to a local community and to gain access to national sporting cultures. Football can also represent forms of exclusion and discrimination. This article aims to elucidate the meanings that participation in football hold for black immigrant males in a country of recent immigration such as the Republic of Ireland. The article discusses the findings of a long-term ethnographic study with a youth team based in a working-class area of Dublin, the Irish capital. The youth football club plays a special role as a term of identification for the local community. Teenage players of different African backgrounds are presented with the challenge of acquiring different levels of inclusion. They can attempt to appropriate cultural codes that define local working-class men on and off the pitch or they can practice forms of ‘resistance’ that emphasize their own racialized positioning in Irish society. Overall, these dynamics affirm the importance of grassroots football as a venue for young people’s transcultural encounters.  相似文献   

This article examines the Rooney Rule and offers the thoughts of British Asian football coaches working in English football in response to this policy implementation. The Rooney Rule, first piloted by English Football League (EFL) clubs during the 2016–17 season, makes it compulsory for all 72 EFL clubs to interview at least one black, Asian or minority ethnic (BAME) candidate (if an application has been received) for all managerial and first-team coaching roles. And, on 9 January 2018, the Football Association revealed that they had also adopted the Rooney Rule for all coaching jobs relating to the England national team. Because English football harbours so few BAME coaches, calls for the Rooney Rule to be introduced in English football had started to increase in volume, and led to its trial inception. But, is this policy welcomed or opposed among British Asian coaches? What fundamental barriers does this policy overlook? Is English football ready for the Rooney Rule? And, do British Asian coaches, a group believed to benefit from this positive action policy, deem that this rule is the answer to help facilitate positive change? With the aid of empirical research, this article critically examines and assesses the potential impact of the Rooney Rule and recommends additional inclusionary practices.

Abbreviations: BAME: Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic; CBP: The Coach Bursary Programme; EFL: English Football League; EPL: English Premier League; HLCE: Higher Level Coach Education; FA: Football Association; FBL: Football Bowl Subdivision; LMA: League Managers Association; NFL: National Football League; PFA: Professional Footballers' Association; UEFA: Union of European Football Associations.  相似文献   

我国U-15男子足球队现状调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用文献资料、专家访谈、问卷调查、数理统计等方法,对参加中国足协2007年冬季足球训练营的全部54支U-15男子足球队的生存状况进行了调查。针对出现的足球环境恶化,运动员素质差以及教练员待遇低等问题,提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

Spain is one of the largest and most successful powers in international youth football, but this success has not extended to the national team. This lack of continued success seems to indicate a loss of potential. The relative age effect has been detected in football in many countries. Understanding the extent of this bias in the youth teams of Spanish elite clubs may help to improve selection processes and reduce the waste of potential. Comparisons between players from: the Spanish Professional Football League, all age categories of these clubs' youth teams, the Under-17 to Under-21 national teams, the national team, and the Spanish population, show a constant tendency to under-represent players from the later months of the selection year at all age groups of youth and Under-17 to Under-21 national teams. Professional and national team players show a similar but diminished behaviour that weakens with ageing, which suggests that talent identification and selection processes can be improved to help better identify potential talent early on and minimize wasted potential.  相似文献   

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