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美国医学教育中的职业化问题:从证据到责任   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
职业化是维护公众对医学职业信任的核心要素,也是医患关系的本质所在.但有证据表明,公众对医学职业的信任日渐消失,医生也在维护医学职业价值观念时面临着各种挑战.本文在医学教育背景下界定"职业化"的定义和框架,描述了职业化面临的各种挑战,也详细论述了医学院校和教学医院在维护医学职业化过程中的角色和作用.此外,还评述了现行和试行中的评价职业化的工具、方法.最后,作者还提出一些建议供医学院校和教学医院参考.  相似文献   

The historical concept of professionalism is questioned as a model for the future of ACES as an organization. Two major issues are raised. The first issue is the lack of clarity of purpose within ACES and counselor education. Counselor Education in ACES and APGA usually refers to school counseling. Questions are raised about the nature of ACES and the structure of APGA. The second issue speaks to the question of the social responsibility and role of a profession. It is suggested that counselor education has strong social responsibilities, including the possibility of opening new career patterns for the poor.  相似文献   


Historically, community colleges have played a vital role in career and vocational preparation for students. In today’s complex and ever-changing work environment, professionalism issues are at the forefront of employers’ concerns related to millennials and other young students and recent graduates. This issue is aggravated by the rise of social media and other trends that pose challenges related to, for example, professionalism in communication. The community college community is an excellent site for a movement towards structured professionalism training and research that is process-centered and that emphasizes lifelong learning. Drawn upon the literature review and our own experiences in career counseling, we expand on the perspectives of professionalism at the individual and group levels. And we present on how community colleges’ offices, instructors, and administrators can use the Model of Wisdom Development to understand whether and how are students developing professionalism.  相似文献   

Reproduced here is a version of the presidential address delivered at the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES) luncheon, during the American Counseling Association national convention in Atlanta on March 16, 1993. (Appendix A is a reference list the was available at the luncheon for those who found the content of the message interesting and wanted to pursue it further.)  相似文献   

Through in-depth interviews of 26 employees, this study examined how social norms and values influence email usage in a nonprofit organization in a low-income urban community. Although adequate technical infrastructure was in place, a shared norm on getting a feel in social interactions reinforced face-to-face communication as the primary mode of communication among members. This norm, coupled with a lack of computer literacy and of technical support, led to low email usage and slow adaptation to external technological change. These findings revealed the importance of improving members' technical competence to experience a feel in computer-mediated communication before initiating changes in technology use.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the changing role of engineers in industry and society with specific reference to the increasing environmental pressures on industry. Sustainable development, as discussed widely since the Brundtland Report in 1987, provides a broad framework for environmental activities in industry. The intended move—worldwide—towards sustainable development involves engineering in the key role of designing and managing ‘Clean Technology’, i.e. of technological systems which are less harmful, more efficient and socially as well as environmentally acceptable. The paper examines the extent to which professional engineers can work and achieve sustainable development within their professional roles and considers their roles and responsibilities involved in such a move. Special emphasis is given to the role of creativity, ethics and the demand for professionalism in the changing roles of engineers. The examination of the ethical and professional issues identified is used together with the observed changes in industrial systems and engineering roles to determine new educational needs of those engineers driving future developments in industry.  相似文献   

This paper considers George A. Reisch’s account of the role of Cold War political forces in shaping the apolitical stance that came to dominate philosophy of science in the late 1940s and 1950s. It argues that at least as early as the 1930s, Logical Empiricists such as Rudolf Carnap already held that philosophy of science could not properly have political aims, and further suggests that political forces alone cannot explain this view’s rise to dominance during the Cold War, since political forces cannot explain why a philosophy of science with liberal democratic, anti-communist aims did not flourish. The paper then argues that if professionalization is understood in the right way, it might point toward an explanation of the apolitical stance of Cold War philosophy of science.
Scott EdgarEmail:

Scott Edgar   is a doctoral student in philosophy at the University of Pennsylvania.  相似文献   

职业教育不等于职业培训,教育的本质是人的素质提升,职业教育要以塑造职业人格和培养职业精神为宗旨。要视职业为志业,敬业如神、尽职尽责,同时不忘教育本质,要以转识为智、化性为德为鹄的,通过化技为艺、由技进道以达“庖丁解牛”般的出神入化境界,从而使职业教育也能回归“学而时习之,不亦乐乎?”的“快乐教育”的教育哲学。  相似文献   

社会和教育的发展变化对教师提出了专业化发展要求,而目前我国教师专业化发展还存在着职前职后相分离、师范教育学科设置不科学合理、教师发展缺乏创新等问题,因此,必须重建师范教育课程,凸显教育学科课程,重视教师专业实践水平的培养,重视教师教育职前培养与职后培训一体化,建立健全教师资格制度。  相似文献   

人与自然之间关系随着时间的流逝经历了从自然共同体、社会共同体到生态共同体的发展过程。人对待自然的态度和方式也经历一个从无到有,从以人类中心主义到非人类中心主义的过程。同时,人自身也经历一个由“非人”到“人”的不断生成、发展的进化过程,这正是人在自身进化中一个质的飞跃。  相似文献   

Accounts of the so-called 'crisis in professionalism' in teaching and teacher education in recent years have turned on the epistemological undermining of professional knowledge and the problems surrounding the synthesis of theory and practice which underpins teacher performance. It is argued that the concentration on performance in teaching and professional development is to be welcomed, provided that 'performance' is not defined in purely technicist or instrumental terms. In response to the trend towards evidence-informed policy and practice and mechanistic outcome-based educational effectiveness in contemporary educational debate, we conclude - drawing on the 'teaching as artistry' tradition and using arguments drawn from jazz music and insights gained from the jazz metaphor - that teacher professionalism can be enhanced through attention to the intuitive, improvisatory and existentialist spontaneity of teaching as artistic performance.  相似文献   

Educators concerned about gifted learners are moving toward an evidence-based perspective focusing on children with exceptionally advanced learning needs who require flexibly responsive educational attention. This article describes two system-wide implementation experiences, one in a mixed urban/rural public school board and the other in an urban board of affiliated parochial schools, designed to meet the educational needs of diversely competent students. The authors discuss the intersecting roles of consultants, teachers, administrators, and parents, and some creative applications they have implemented that illustrate a respect for (a) teachers' professionalism, (b) individual developmental diversity, and (c) context-specific opportunities and constraints. The authors discuss ways that this flexible collaborative approach to integrating consultative processes into board-wide practices addresses the diverse educational needs of gifted learners, and also encourages high-level outcomes in learners not formally identified as gifted.  相似文献   

现代专业发展理念越来越与社会发展需求紧密结合.教师发展逐渐从自我独立性、自主性的提升让位于群体规范和组织目标的实现.现代教师专业发展理论的演进表达了人文理想与技术规训、内在志趣与外在要求、管理效能与专业权力间的纷争与分化.新自由主义发展理念加剧了教师专业发展的功利化、绩效化、竞争化的取向,重新塑造了教师和教育认同.这种理念侵蚀了教育和教师观念的传统之根,忘却了教师自身的崇高精神志向,危及美好社会的价值观念.重提教师专业的道德性、理论性和本己性,回归教师自身意味着更多的困难.坚守抑或转型,教师专业性需要再审视.  相似文献   

在她横空出世的畅销书《等待梦醒时分》(1992)里,特丽·麦克米兰赞美了女性同盟。小说讲述了二十世纪八十年代四个住在菲尼克斯的黑人女人,  相似文献   

Professions and Professionalism   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

This paper argues the importance of moving beyond the state of affairs that makes victims either of children or of teachers by exploring the conditions of possibility for the idea of a victimless school. The argument is developed drawing data from a study being conducted by the authors into the impact of risk management on teacher work and identity in a number of Australian primary schools (McWilliam, Singh & Sachs, 2002 Managing Risk in Primary Schools: Teachers professional Identity and Work Practices, ARC Discovery Project Funded by the Australian Research Council). The argument put is that risk minimisation as a system of management and surveillance (including self-surveillance) is producing some effects (whether intended or not) that are counterproductive for teachers and, indeed, for children, the very group they are purported to protect. In order to counter the more pernicious effects of this logic, teachers need actively to engage in seeking ways to optimise child protection and staff protection simultaneously.  相似文献   

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