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Canadians have been involved in every edition of the Pan-American Games since they were inaugurated in Buenos Aires in 1951. That participation has provided thousands of Canadian athletes, coaches, and officials memorable international experiences. But the focus of Canadian involvement with the Pan-Ams has been the staging of games as a strategy for city building, city branding, and infrastructural investment. This paper examines the Pan-American Games of Winnipeg in 1967 and 1999 and Toronto 2015 as exemplars of that strategy. It argues that with the successes of those games, major games hosting has become virtually an article of faith of Canadian sport policy.  相似文献   


The making of the 2007 Pan-American Games, held in the city of Rio de Janeiro, marked the beginning of the long transformation that this city would undergo in connection to sports mega-events. This paper revisits how the 2007 Pan-American Games were largely produced under the promise that its legacies, particularly the infrastructural ones, could be effectively mobilized in order to strengthen the chances of bringing the Olympics to Brazil for the first time. Whereas this rhetoric has proven somewhat successful in helping the city to secure the right to host the 2016 Olympics, the alleged connection between both events has shown to be much more limited than its proponents had initially advertized. In reality, most of the venues constructed for the Pan-American Games had to be thoroughly renovated for the Olympics, while some of them presented structural problems and/or failed to meet the standards imposed by international sports federations.  相似文献   


The VI Pan-American Games in Cali, Colombia were planned as a harbinger of a modern Colombia. The games featured many impressive athletic performances but failed to create the lasting impact organizers had imagined. Timing was bad. Colombia had seen a decade of economic growth after a generation of civil war. However, much of that progress was compromised beginning in the mid-1970s with the escalation of new internal wars fuelled in part by the quick growth of the cocaine sector, controlled in part by a Cali-based cartel. At the same time, games organizers did not grasp that Cali’s modernization problems were in large measure the product of growing urban social inequalities as a function of severe race and class divisions. The inability to recognize that linkage was explored in a low-budget documentary, Oiga, Vea (Listen, Look), released during the games. The film anticipated the impossible distance between grinding urban poverty and games-related projects to modernize the city. In keeping with the film’s criticism of games planners’ narratives on modernization, the manner in which the games were iconified for Colombians reflected that same distance. This is evident in projections of race and identity in games imagery and architecture.  相似文献   

Hailed as the flagship of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) strategy regarding young people, the organising of the Youth Olympic Games (YOG) was approved by the IOC in 2007 and Singapore was subsequently selected as the first host city for the summer YOG. Although the YOG is going to be the first new event the IOC has staged since the 1924 winter Olympic Games, its novelty may not be as radical as first impressions may suggest. This paper charts the chronological development of the YOG through a broad overview of little-known Youth Olympic Festivals, which the YOG is reported to be modelled after, and traces the political/economical/ideological contexts for the conception of the YOG. Despite being the latest addition to the Olympics family, the YOG is not spared from conflicts and tensions which inundated the Olympic Games. This paper aims to exemplify the range of debates presented by the launch of the YOG and contribute to the literature examining the opportunities and challenges presented by the launch of the YOG.  相似文献   

采用数理统计、文献资料和录像分析等方法,对第29届奥运会中国男篮与前3名球队的攻防技术进行比较分析。结果表明:中国队的进攻效率低是制约其得分能力的重要原因之一;中国队进攻体系内外实力不均衡,外线队员的突破能力较差,集体进攻能力较低,失误较多;防守体系整体配合能力不高,攻击性和压迫性较差,犯规目的性不强,质量不高。  相似文献   

从奥运会看我国田径运动存在的问题及发展对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
运用文献资料、数理统计、比较分析法,对中国田径运动员在6届奥运会的比赛成绩进行分析,找出中国田径运动中存在的主要问题,并针对问题提出了对策:保持传统优势项目的可持续发展;重点发展女子项目的同时,逐渐挖掘男子潜力;加大后备人才的培养力度;提高教练员的水平和能力,加强其综合素质的培养。  相似文献   

现代奥运会艺术比赛的由来和历史沿革   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对现代奥运会艺术比赛的发展历程进行分析,借以说明它的重要意义和积极作用.奥运会是集文化艺术、商业活动和竞技比赛的盛大集会,现代奥运会与古代奥运会别无二致.虽然从十九世纪中叶开始,奥运会就设置了艺术比赛的项目,但由于艺术门类多样、评价标准不一等原因,是否应该设项比赛的问题始终困扰着国际奥委会和承办国,最后不得不将艺术比赛改为艺术展览.艺术与体育的审美效果具有合则双赢,离则两伤的特点.古代希腊人创立的这种模式具有非凡的文化意义和积极的社会作用,它被今天的人类继承、发扬和改良,相信它还将被永远地传承下去.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法,揭示了青奥会对城市体育诸多方面的影响,旨在为南京城市体育及青少年体育的良好发展提供参考。  相似文献   

This article compares East Germany's Cold War-era approach to doping to that of the USA's in terms of their respective impacts on medical risk. Although deserving of criticism on many levels, the GDR doping programme featured a number of safeguards designed to minimise medical dangers. Unlike their East German counterparts, American governmental units were not directly involved in the administration of performance-enhancing substances. The US approach to doping was not ideal in terms of medical risk, however. As a result of the country's regulatory approach to doping, the country's athletes frequently turned to black market sources for doping agents. It was also relatively common for American athletes to use performance-enhancing drugs without the benefit of medical supervision. The US approach to doping was in these ways inferior to that of East Germany's on the subject of medical risk.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法等,探寻我国体育特色发展之路,提出南京青奥会对体育强国建设有着重要的推动作用。南京青奥会是在我国本土真正意义上的文化教育活动,其在竞技体育、青少年健康、"弱势"群体健康意识培养、体育文化内涵和传播媒体重心转移等方面,能够为体育强国建设提供积极效能和正面影响。  相似文献   

从19世纪末到21世纪初,雅典举办了两届现代奥运会,这是奥林匹克运动跨世纪发展和人类文明急速演进的最好见证。本文通过历史追溯认为,首届现代奥运会是在欧洲工业化时代爆发的文艺复兴、宗教改革和启蒙运动推动近代体育的发展,从而使以人文主义为主旨的奥林匹克运动得以复兴;28届雅典奥运会则是在经济全球化、文化多元化趋势加快得以复兴,人类高扬“和平与发展”主题的大背景下复归的。雅典举办两届现代奥运会对人类的文明与发展具有历史性和开创性贡献。  相似文献   

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) played a major role in the development of contemporary anti-doping policy. Throughout its existence, and especially since the 1970s, UNESCO has viewed sport as an educational tool. Though it acknowledged the unique problems that drug use in sport presented, UNESCO was reticent to take a leading role in creating and enacting global policy regarding the issue. However, UNESCO eventually came to endorse the World Anti-Doping Agency in 2005 when its member nations adopted the International Convention against Doping in Sport. UNESCO's shift in attitude is explained through the application of institutional isomorphism, an organisational theory that explains the tendency of organisations in a given area or industry to become more similar over time.  相似文献   

备战2008年奥运会要充分依靠体育科技的支持和保障作用,进一步整合全国体育科技人才资源,建立责任明确的复合型科技保障体系,加大科技备战的奖励力度,加强2008年奥运会科研攻关课题立项的针对性。  相似文献   

付帮现 《辽宁体育科技》2010,32(6):63-65,71
采用文献资料法及数理统计法,依据冬奥会的奖牌分布及竞技体育比较优势理论,对世界冰雪运动的格局及亚洲的比较优势进行研究,得出结论并为我国冬季项目的发展提出了建议。  相似文献   


The 1936 Olympic Games are considered to be the explicit union of sports and politics. Many studies have analysed the accomplishments of Jesse Owens at Hitler’s Olympics. However, football provides another collision between sports and politics at the same Olympic Games, which also impacts the debate regarding the relationship between sports and politics. That relationship is rarely studied. Football had been out of the Olympic programme of the 1932 Los Angeles Games and returned to the programme for the 1936 Berlin Games. However, on its return there was an incident in the match between Peru and Austria in the second round of the tournament. It all started when a spectator invaded the field and kicked an Austrian athlete. The match was restarted and Peru won the game in overtime. After the game the Austrians formalized a protest and FIFA set up a European committee to review the case. Through historical analysis, from official documents and newspapers of that time, this episode showed two points: that FIFA was a Eurocentric entity; and that sports and politics go together, after all, since in the rescheduled new game, Peru, as a protest and in a demand for dignity, withdrew its entire delegation from the Olympic Games.  相似文献   

对1896~2008年间历届(1~29届)奥运会田径投掷项目前3名运动成绩进行了定量分析.结果显示:田径投掷各单项间速度发展是极不平衡的,各单项发展速度依大小排序为;铁饼>标枪>铅球>链球,且各单项都有其各自的发展空间及轨迹特征.各单项成绩的提高速度与该时期训练方法、手段、技术的创新及规则的更新密不可分,并受当时战争、经济、科学、文化诸多方面的影响.  相似文献   

对第24~27届奥运会田径项目竞技水平发展变化进行了探讨,揭示了近几届奥运会男、女田径各项竞技水平发展变化的总态势,对其发展和衰退和程度进行了排序,旨在为我国田径运动项目的合理布局和制定奥运会田径训练计划提供参考。  相似文献   

运用数理统计等方法,对北京奥运会和伦敦奥运会中国男篮的比赛进行分析,结果表明:中国男篮无论是在进攻还是防守上都呈下降趋势,难以对对手形成有效的威胁;其中三分投篮数、罚球命中率和前场篮板下降最为明显。建议中国男篮在今后要提高身体对抗能力、在防守和进攻端的侵略性,注重核心队员的培养。  相似文献   

国际奥委会作为国际体育管理组织的领军人物,走过了116 个春秋,这家“百年老店”之所以能够不断地发展壮大,并在全世界范围内普及奥林匹 克运动,不断的进行组织机构变革是它成功的法宝之一,从国际奥委会委员的遴选、任职资格的规定、数量的增加、来源的扩大、决策机构和执行机构的建立、到各专门委员会的设立。国际奥委会的组织变革具有机构的设立灵活多变、紧紧围绕组织目标、与环境不断交融等特点。并就国际奥委会目前面临的奥运会规模过大、内部权力监督和制衡机制不完善、兴奋剂泛滥、过度商业化等主要问题,提出国际奥委会今后组织发展中应遵循的原则。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2014,17(2):205-218
The purpose of this paper was to examine the theory and practice of knowledge management processes, using the Olympic Games as the empirical setting and the Olympic Games Organizing Committee and its stakeholders as participants. The case study of the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Winter Games was inductively and deductively content analyzed, resulting in the development of a knowledge management and transfer process model for Olympic Games organizing committees and their stakeholders. Moreover, we found that the information and knowledge concepts should be placed on a continuum from explicit to tacit (with experience); practitioners do not distinguish between knowledge management activities as researchers do; socialization, externalization, combination, and internalization mechanisms can be found when tailoring knowledge for a stakeholder; and knowledge sources, reasons, organizational culture, and especially individuals are important when implementing knowledge management/transfer processes.  相似文献   

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