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There is general agreement that spatial data adds particular difficulties to digital preservation due to, for example, the complexity of data models and semantics specific to individual thematic areas. However, there is a lack of literature providing an overview of the challenges and analyzing in particular the effort required to surmount these in combination with the potential added value gained through digital preservation.

The Delphi method was used to evaluate obstacles to archiving geographic vector and raster data serving as a basis for topographic base map creation, seen through the lens of data producers, providers and guardians. Two international Delphi groups were questioned on developments regarding geodata, and their influences on access and preservation.

The mentioned handicaps to preservation were of financial, managerial, legal, and technological in nature. The latter have a higher probability to be surmounted within at least 10 years than non-technological. The study shows that the lack of standardization and the use of proprietary formats is still a central problem. Furthermore, the consciousness about the value of geographic assets is considered most likely to rise early. As a good starting point for improving archiving of spatial data, we also suggest the controlled disposal of superfluous data as a measure to reduce cost.  相似文献   

人文社会科学繁荣发展的软性基础设施建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从国家战略的角度出发,重点论述人文社会科学发展的两大软性基础设施--科研信息和成果的共享应用平台、文献资源保障体系的建设需求、现存问题及其宏观战略规划,旨在为开展人文社科学科服务和学科资源建设的文献信息机构及相关学者、科研管理部门提供建议与参考。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]学术成果评价是推进哲学社会科学健康发展的重要因素,长期以来,传统同行评议和科学计量学方法在哲学社会科学学术成果评价中暴露出的问题越来越多,挑战固有方法的统治地位、开发有针对性的评价策略已刻不容缓。文章试图探索大数据环境下哲社学术成果评价的变革及其实现,特别是提出了大数据思维下的哲社学术成果的评价指标体系。[方法/过程]基于比较分析和综合分析,对传统哲学社会科学评价方法的弊端进行分析,然后对大数据给哲学社会科学评价带来的改变进行分析,最后提出基于大数据环境的哲学社会科学评价策略和指标体系。[结果/结论]提出大数据时代哲学社会科学学术成果评价的策略:由引文著录分析转向多维度的引用内容与行为分析,由面向成果的阶段性静态评价转向以"学术活动"为中心的全过程动态评价,由学术影响力评价转向学术价值和社会效益评价。在此基础上,构建由两个一级指标、5个二级指标和34个三级指标组成的大数据背景下哲学社会科学学术成果评价指标体系。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]近年来,我国虽已出台政策对科学数据的管理、共享与利用给出了明确的引导与规范,但现有主流的数据管理平台架构侧重在对数据的科学管理,数据的共享利用效率不高,本研究在系统拓展现有平台的数据管理功能基础上,聚焦解决科学数据的共享利用难题。[方法/过程]在广泛调研与文献梳理的基础上,首先厘清人文社科研究数据管理平台建设的必要性和困境,其次系统设计与阐释了全生命周期视域下人文社科研究数据管理平台建设的核心功能与特点,进而结合平台实例,详细描绘了核心功能的关键技术实现。[结果/结论]以开放互联为基础、以开发利用为核心、以自助分析为特色,最终建立起面向全生命周期的研究数据管理平台基础框架,并据此设计实现了一个全生命周期的人文社科研究数据管理平台,可为相关实践与研究提供特色案例与参考。  相似文献   


This article examines the current state of Open Access for the humanities and social sciences in the Czech Republic. Since the Velvet Revolution in 1989, and following the peaceful dissolution of Czechoslovakia in January of 1993, the Open Access movement in the Czech context remains understudied. This article focuses on the current state of affairs of Open Access in the Czech Republic within the European Union framework for Open Access.  相似文献   

Recogito 2 is an open source annotation tool currently under development by Pelagios, an international initiative aimed at facilitating better linkages between online resources documenting the past. With Recogito 2, we aim to provide an environment for efficient semantic annotation—i.e., the task of enriching content with references to controlled vocabularies—in order to facilitate links between online data. At the same time, we address a perceived gap in the performance of existing tools, by emphasizing the development of mechanisms for manual intervention and editorial control that support the curation of quality data. While Recogito 2 provides an online workspace for general-purpose document annotation, it is particularly well-suited for geo-annotation, in other words annotating documents with references to gazetteers, and supports the annotation of both texts and images (i.e., digitized maps). Already available for testing at http://recogito.pelagios.org, its formal release to the public occurred in December 2016.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the fact that the proper management of information has to include concern for its preservation and future re-use. This ambition is particularly significant for geospatial data. The primary aim of this article is to define the European and Spanish frameworks for the preservation and reutilization of geographical information, with the ultimate goal of proposing an articulated, lifecycle-based data management model. With this, the intent is to shed some light on a complex, difficult and ever-evolving subject.

The article is divided into two main parts. The first part begins with a conceptual justification for geospatial data management and continues by synthesizing the current normative and technological framework for the preservation and reutilization of geographical information. Within this context, the implementation of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) in Spain is evaluated. The second part begins with a case study from Spain that aims to identify different agents and flows that influence the lifecycle of geographical data, as well as the strengths and weaknesses found in each stage of the process under examination. Finally, the foregoing ideas are used in order to propose a SDI-related system for the management of geographical information.  相似文献   

依据社会科学研究机构网的使命与特点,设定网络支持要素和网络资源要素两大类15项指标,并应用这些指标对全国省级以上社会科学机构网进行网上调查。调查显示:近年来社会科学研究机构网络化建设提速发展,但网络化水平和网络水平仍低于高校与政府部门,存在明显的数字差别;网络支持技术和网络功能尚未得到充分的应用与开发,影响到社会科学研究资源的有效利用与开发;提出建立共享平台和社会科学网络话语权是社会科学界应对Internet挑战的重要举措。  相似文献   

介绍国内外社会科学数据管理服务平台的现状,以构建复旦大学社会科学数据平台为例,重点分析复旦大学社会科学数据的特点,分析平台的定位和功能需求,对四款平台软件DSpace、Fedora Commons、Dataverse、Nesstar和一款在线分析软件SDA进行部署测试,对系统的进阶功能、元数据标准、在线分析功能进行评估和系统选型,提出构建高校科学数据管理平台的一些思考和建议。  相似文献   

数字保存的认知是对数字保存基本问题的看法,对地观测数据保存的认知调查包括保存的重要性、保存原因、保存用途和保存威胁。数字保存的实践是对数字保存领域中相关问题的目前解决方法,对地观测数据的实践调查包括保存数据的内容、采用的元数据标准和保存数据的使用。基于认知调查,提出了加强数字保存经济可持续性研究的思想。基于实践调查,提出了制定数字保存质量保证标准与设计质量认证模型的思路。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 科学数据是科学研究的重要保障资源,对研究机构与研究人员的科研活动具有重要作用。有效管理科学数据能够使其更好地发挥作用,服务于科研工作。分析我国人文社会科学数据管理中存在的问题并提出解决对策,对于人文社会科学数据管理的可持续发展具有重要意义。[方法/过程] 通过分析人文社会科学数据管理相关研究现状,总结我国当前人文社会科学数据管理中存在的主要问题,并提出相应的对策建议。[结果/结论] 我国人文社会科学数据管理在政策制度、管理体制、建设内容、基础设施等方面存在一定的问题,后续应通过完善相关政策制度、建立协同管理体系、加强基础设施建设、注重人才培养等相关措施,以推动我国人文社会科学数据管理的良性发展。  相似文献   

��[Purpose/significance] Scientific data is an important guarantee resource for scientific research and plays an important role in the research activities of research institutions and personnel. Effective management of scientific data can make it play a better role and serve scientific research. It is of great significance for the sustainable development of data management of humanities and social sciences to analyze the existing problems in data management of humanities and social sciences in China and put forward solutions.[Method/process] By analyzing the research status of data management related to humanities and social sciences, this paper summarized the main problems existing in the current management of humanities and social sciences in China, and put forward corresponding countermeasures and suggestions.[Result/conclusion] China's humanities and social science data management has certain problems in terms of policy system, management system, construction content, infrastructure, etc. In the follow-up, we should promote the sound development of humanities and social science data management by improving relevant policies and systems, establishing a collaborative management system, strengthening infrastructure construction, and focusing on personnel training.  相似文献   


Previous research has mostly focused on the demographic and academic correlates of library anxiety. This study focused on the “library anxiety” and “emotion perception” of students, with the objective of examining the relationship between these two concepts. In total, 279 self-reporting questionnaires were used for analysis. The results confirmed the existence of the phenomenon of library anxiety, with these students being more anxious regarding the “user education” and “user knowledge” factors. They showed greater skills of emotion perception. A negatively significant relationship appeared between library anxiety and emotion perception. The results suggest that user education and emotion perception training programs should be developed to overcome students' problems.  相似文献   

Research data management (RDM) skills are vital yet often untaught in graduate programs, especially in the social sciences. In this article, the authors present a case study of how a research data librarian and an education librarian partnered to provide targeted RDM instruction for a previously unconsidered student group: education doctoral students. They discuss the design, development, and implementation of this focused RDM support. Assessment data from a workshop and in-class sessions are presented and contextualized. From this information, the authors offer practical suggestions that other social science librarians can use to create similar workshops at their institutions.  相似文献   

高校人文社科外文电子资源的布局与保障研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过分析国外电子资源的出版状况、发展趋势和对国外一流大学电子资源收藏情况的调研以及对国内外大学电子资源建设状况的比较,初步提出一些关  相似文献   

文章分析了我国地方社科院图书馆当前面临的几大发展障碍,有针对性地提出尝试建立合约性的图书馆联盟管理体制、走"特色兴馆"之路、完善服务功能、着力推行人力资源管理新战略等若干地方社科院图书馆在新的信息环境下的发展思路与对策。  相似文献   

作为拥有百万藏品、开展数字化较早的博物馆之一,故宫博物院管理着大量的文物及其产生的数据。目前,因现存数据存在数量庞大、多源异构且较为分散的现象,导致利用这些数据制作的数字内容难以被全面管理、利用率变低。为改善这一现状,故宫引入英国数据策管中心数据策管周期模型,建立数字服务设计与数据策管并行的工作机制,尝试在实践工作中通过搭建一站式数字服务平台,对数字内容的管理及利用效率产生积极作用。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]探究学科领域科研产出在空间上的分布情况,发掘其空间分布是否存在自相关性,分析其形成空间聚集的影响因素。[方法/过程]基于计算机领域核心期刊从1997-2016年间的题录数据,提取机构地理位置信息,以此为观测点,对其分布情况进行可视化呈现,并测算基尼指数和中心性指数,研究其分布集中情况;通过测算全局莫兰指数和局部自相关指标,研究其空间自相关规律;通过测算皮尔森相关系数,研究其与地区高校数量、国民生产总值、研究与试验投入和行业从业人员数量的相关性。[结果/结论]计算机领域核心期刊论文产出呈现出地理位置分布不均衡,有明显集中态势,且存在空间自相关性,同时与地区该学科高水平高校数量、行业从业人员数量和科研人员数量相关性较高。  相似文献   

张磊  夏翠娟 《图书馆杂志》2018,(3):33-38,48
数字人文是数字图书馆建设的趋势,由于图书馆的社会性和图书馆作为知识保存与传播中心的职能,数据开放是图书馆尤其是公共图书馆的使命。有着规范化、标准化结构和语义的数据是图书馆为研究人员提供数字人文服务的基础,也是在互联网上为第三方开发人员提供开放数据服务的基础。本文从内容、平台、服务三个方面入手,调研与借鉴海外成熟案例,提出以平台为基础支撑,内容、服务模式为核心的面向数字人文的图书馆开放数据服务框架,并以上海图书馆的开放数据应用开发竞赛为例,试图为国内图书馆界提供具有实际可行性的实现方案和实施案例。  相似文献   

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