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本文在总结过去主持人培育经验的基础上,提出主持人培育的三个要点:一、主持理念,即明确主持人是什么人、做什么、怎么做及怎么做到。二、主持状态,即通过外形、气质、言语、动作、修饰等环节构成职业形象。三、主持技能,即恰当地主动的言谈和显示技巧。  相似文献   

丁麟年,清末进士,官至知府,辛亥革命的洪流结束了他的仕途。民国时期,他的命运与山东省图书馆联系在一起,他在山东省图书馆长达八年,是除王献唐外执掌山东省图书馆最长的馆长。他精通小学,长于考订金石,是著名的收藏家。本文就所搜集到的资料,对其家族、其人、执掌山东省图书馆的情况、所存著述进行初步研究与考证。  相似文献   

张怀涛先生坚守在图书馆岗位30多年,始终坚持以读者为本、以馆员为本、以学生为本;他不仅自己惜书如命,更是把爱书精神通过他的一言一行传递给无数读者;他热爱图书馆工作,投身于图书馆事业,爱馆如家;他始终坚持学习、研究、工作三位一体,业绩显著,硕果累累;他具有一双发现美的眼睛,更具有对事业的激情,他创作的几百首诗歌阐释出充满诗意的人生。  相似文献   

张春博  丁堃  王博 《图书情报工作》2013,57(24):132-139
克罗宁(Blaise Cronin)是世界著名的图书情报学家和科学计量学家,他于2013年获普赖斯奖这一科学计量学与信息计量学最高奖项。以Web of Science数据库收录的其128篇期刊论文为数据基础,运用包括词频统计、共现分析和引文分析在内的科学计量方法,辅以信息可视化技术,对B.Cronin 30多年来的学术成就与影响以及学术交流状况进行定量分析。结果显示,B.Cronin是一位高产作者,基于其工作经历可以划分出4个产出阶段;研究内容虽然涉及引文分析、学者研究、科研合作、网络计量和学术致谢等多个主题,但都体现出对学术交流和学术评价的指向。从H指数、区域扩散和引用者视角,说明B.Cronin同样也是一位具有国际学术影响力的学者。  相似文献   

张守卫 《图书情报工作》2009,53(23):133-114
陈振孙,字伯玉,号直斋,是我国南宋末年著名的藏书家、目录学家,也是一位成就突出的版本目录学者,特别是他对于善本的认识,已达到较高的水平,形成超越前人和同时代人的善本观。他重精校本,崇古本、旧本、稀见本,求足本、完本,嗜金石拓本、朱墨本,尊官本,讲究版本形式与工艺的精美。  相似文献   

The current study examines how a politician's “active” or “passive” nonverbal behavior can influence recipients' perception of his/her image in TV talk shows. In addition, the effects of different host and studio audience reaction shots towards the politician were analyzed. To do so, an experiment with a 2 × 3 × 3 factorial design was conducted (n = 356). The stimulus material was produced in a TV studio. The results indicate a clear influence of a politician's nonverbal behavior style and the TV host's nonverbal reactions on the recipients' image-perception.  相似文献   

游苏宁30年编辑思想述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐慧 《编辑学报》2016,28(3):299-303
自1985年从事编辑工作以来,游苏宁历经30年的编辑实践与思考.综合考察其编辑思想,可以分为引介国外先进编辑经验与方法、融汇中外编辑思想和探索构建中国特色编辑思想3个阶段.通过评述可以发现,其编辑思想的转变与我国改革开放以后科技期刊编辑思想的发展道路相契合,即经历了从引介到自主创新的”蜕变”历程.  相似文献   

檀晶 《图书馆杂志》2004,23(1):72-76,47
陆机作为西晋太康时期的代表作家,为后世留下许多天才作品。然而,其作品散佚情况十分严重。自宋代徐民瞻搜集整理了《晋二俊文集》本《陆士衡集》,其文集的流传又经历了一个漫长的过程。然而,自清代至今,还未有人对其著作版本进行梳理。本文则将以时间先后为序作此整理工作,以期对其文集的流传作一深入了解。  相似文献   

In his quest to become the best possible scholar of California farmworkers, Richard Steven Street put academic life on hold and spent 30 years as an agricultural photographer. This memoir recounts how Street developed his method for gathering visual and verbal information for his books. Street argues that when a person strays from the anointed path, one surprise follows another, no formula fits all, and one acquires an appreciation for life's contradictions.  相似文献   

谢国桢文献学活动述略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从专类及专题解题目录辑纂、丛书整理、专题史料汇辑、纂写解题、文献整理利用、善本及史料丛书整理出版以及地方文献整理等7个方面简要介绍谢国桢在文献学领域的主要成就,并通过介绍与其学术成就密切相关的两次访书活动,指出谢国桢取得上述成就的三个原因。  相似文献   

本文以拉斯韦尔的研究传统缺乏传承为切入点,重新解读了拉斯韦尔60年前发表的《社会传播的结构与功能》一文。提出目前传播学界以拉斯韦尔模式代替拉斯韦尔的传播观念,忽略了拉斯韦尔传播观念中丰富的内涵,建议要在完整的学术语境中理解它的内容。在讨论拉斯韦尔研究传统缺乏传承的问题时,本文认为其主要原因是过于追求对策研究,忽视了理论研究自身的规律,没有提出真正具有吸力力和理论价值的问题。  相似文献   

In the fall of 1957, with the financial backing of his partner Ivan Obolensky, David McDowell released the first book list of McDowell, Obolensky, Inc. It was a small but auspicious debut: two of the six titles released that season garnered extensive critical and commercial success. Andrew Lytle's The Velvet Horn and James Agee's A Death in the Family were both nominated for the National Book Award, and Agee's novel won the Pulitzer Prize; both were bestsellers. Although McDowell would leave the firm in 1960, during the three years of his collaboration with Obolensky, he published several other notable titles to great critical acclaim. Yet, today McDowell is a nearly forgotten figure in American publishing. In spite of the remarkable success of his tenure as editor-in-chief, his contribution to American letters is commemorated only by a short entry on the firm in the Dictionary of Literary Biography, James Laughlin's comments on him in Remembering Williams Carlos Williams, one interview about his connection to Agee, and the scattered obituaries which appeared at his death in 1985. This article attempts to augment the scant record of McDowell's career, beginning with a biographical sketch of McDowell and then moving into an examination of his correspondence with author Andrew Lytle from his papers on deposit at Vanderbilt University. While McDowell appears to have had troubled relationships with other publishers, what emerges from the lengthy McDowell-Lytle correspondence is the portrait of an exemplary relationship between editor and author—and a record of McDowell's commitment to the written word. Matthew Guinn recently completed his Ph.D. at the University of South Carolina. His dissertation, focusing on southern literature, examines the discontinuities between contemporary fiction and the literature of the Southern Renaissance.  相似文献   

罗鹭编《采山楼藏稀见清人别集丛刊》收录了其个人所藏稀见清人别集20种,每种均撰有解题.较之近若干年出版的一些清人著作,《丛刊》是一部"小书";然基于其全部的藏书活动,衡其藏书实绩、究其藏书思想、察其藏书意义,《丛刊》又实为一部"大书".《丛刊》是当代民间古籍收藏与保护的重要收获,必将在藏书史上写下浓墨重彩的一笔.  相似文献   

张沂 《图书馆杂志》2006,25(8):17-18
近年来,有的研究者提出“复合图书馆”的概念。本文作者就这一概念的提法,在对其进行分析的基础上提出质疑,认为:这一提法在逻辑上是不通的、在内容上没有独立的见解、在效果上会造成误导。作者这种看法对否,以期引起讨论。  相似文献   

范红霞 《图书与情报》2006,(3):108-111,144
柳诒徵是我国著名的历史学家、卓越的图书馆学家,一生致力于教育和图书馆事业,掌理江苏省立国学图书馆达20年之久。在任国学图书馆馆长期间,他既重视对图书馆的管理与革新,使国学图书馆成为江南最著名的图书馆;又注重对人才的培养和学术研究,培养出一大批图书馆专家和文史学者;他主持编撰了《国学图书馆图书总目》,反映了他的图书馆学思想,为学者提供了便利,也为其他图书馆树立了典范。  相似文献   

顾廷龙与合众图书馆   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
顾廷龙毕生精力献身于图书馆事业,投身合众图书馆十四年,是他一生中非常重要的经历。到合众图书馆工作,是时代赐予的机遇,更是他积极选择的结果。他为合众图书馆的发展做出了卓越的贡献,在合众图书馆看似普通的工作,为他以后主编《中国丛书综录》、《中国古藉善本书目》及领导上海图书馆等伟业奠定了最重要的基础。  相似文献   

柳诒徵是我国著名的历史学家、图书馆学家,曾任江苏省立国学图书馆馆长近20年,在图书馆的管理和图书馆学理论方面均卓有建树.本文着重探讨柳诒徵在图书馆藏书建设、读者服务、人才培养上的诸多创新,他的目录学思想与主编<国学图书馆图书总目>的实践,以及他在版本学研究方面所取得的成就.  相似文献   


Charles J. Kappler (1868–1946) is known almost exclusively for his Indian Affairs: Laws and Treaties compilation, yet his life and his career were much fuller. Besides serving as Clerk for the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, he was co-counsel for the Pious Fund of the Californias v. Mexico proceedings before the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague and, in one role or another, played a substantial part in many significant federal Indian law cases before the United States Supreme Court in the years leading up to the establishment of the Indian Claims Commission. A digital Web site has been developed to present lesser known aspects of his personal and professional life.  相似文献   

刘国强  曹缪 《新闻界》2008,(3):136-138
电视栏目剧兴起已有数年,本文对其演变情况进行了分析,也试图在此基础上探究其演变的内在逻辑,并对它今后的可能走向做了预测。  相似文献   

披露了图书馆学家刘国钧先生早年加入少年中国学会的一段鲜为人知的经历,进一步探究了先生由哲学转向图书馆学的原因。  相似文献   

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