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文章探析托妮·莫里森小说中的黑人女性形象,解读黑人世界的美与丑、善与恶、爱与恨、生与死,关注黑人女性反抗种族、性别、文化的歧视所经历的艰难坎坷,揭示了她们追寻自我及生存意义、追求平等幸福的两难困境及其根源。  相似文献   

克里斯·艾瑞斯为自己谋得了一份报道洛杉矶名人生活的轻松差事——在《伦敦时报》做一名年轻记者,他住的装有空调的寓所,喝的是星巴克咖啡,经常出入私人泳池派对,在好莱坞过着舒适惬意的生活。所以,当他的老板有一天交给他一项任务,让他随美国海军陆战队一起奔赴伊拉克前线时,  相似文献   

This study examined how the values of the Islamic faith may have an impact on news reporting in several Middle Eastern nations. An analysis of 1,773 stories from 10 online Middle Eastern newspapers indicated that Islam as a way of life has an effect on how domestic news was structured in the presentation of news topic, the actors in the news, the positive or negative orientation of the news, and the use of sources. Previous explanations of newsworthiness in Middle Eastern societies that do not consider the impact of Islamic values may be incomplete in their evaluation of the press.  相似文献   


The practice of veiling has made Muslim women subject to dual oppressions—racism and Islamophobia—in society at large and patriarchal oppression and sexism from within their communities. Based on a narrative analysis of the politics of veiling in schools and society, the voices of young Muslim women attending a Canadian Islamic school speak to the contested notion of gender identity in Islam. The narratives situate their various articulations of Islamic womanhood in ways that both affirm and challenge traditional religious notions. At the same time they also are subject to Orientalist 1 1. Orientalism refers to a set of discursive relations and practices that structured colonial relations between Europe and its Muslim colonies. Through Orientalist discourses, “the Orient” comprising the Middle East and Asia was constructed as a barbaric, anachronistic space outside of the progress and civility of European modernity. These colonial narratives served ideologically to rationalize and justify European expansion and exploitation within Muslim lands as part of the “white man's burden” to civilize the savage races. Orientalism still maintains currency within the Western imagination and serves to legitimize more contemporary neo-imperialist practices and to maintain positional superiority of the West in relation to Islam and Muslim societies. representations of veiled and burqa clad women that represent them as oppressed and backward. Focusing on ethnographic accounts of veiling among Muslims girls who attended a gender-segregated Islamic high school in Toronto, this discussion allows a deeper understanding of how gendered religious identities are constructed in the schooling experiences of these Muslim youth.  相似文献   


In this article, we analyze the coverage of Malala in The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal to explore how these influential media sources characterize Islam and Pakistan to tell Malala’s story. Our discourse analysis reveals how these newspapers construct Malala’s status as a global icon as an embodiment of her subject position as a girl. This media discourse mobilizes Malala’s agency in relation to her potential as an individual whereas her vulnerability as a young girl is presented in reference to her Muslim heritage and culture. Malala’s image as a global icon, thus, is produced through approaching her as an agent in a culture where girls are vulnerable victims of patriarchy. Through focusing on this media discourse, this article argues that Malala’s image as a global icon of girls’ education has become a site to reinsert, rather than challenge, the dominant images about Islam and Muslim societies.  相似文献   

This article examines the reasons behind the long‐term appeal of Beatrix Potter's Tales, whilst focusing particularly on the phenomenon of commodification. This term will be used to describe the transition of literary characters from the page to commercial merchandise. The place of such classic texts, both in the primary classroom and in our wider society, is considered in light of Potter's stable popularity, the qualities her texts offer young readers and the ways the texts have lent themselves to careful commodification ‐ a process started by Beatrix Potter herself.  相似文献   

This article seeks to link the dynamics of oil with the spread of English in the Arabian Gulf region. It argues that "oil" sustains certain social, economic, and political conditions that (a) provide a fertile environment for the expansion of English and that (b) disproportionately serve the economic interests of the English-speaking nations of the West. It also contends that the successful expansion of English in this region is to a large degree contingent upon pacifying the political force of "Islam."  相似文献   

Research Findings: This paper reports on children's use of science materials in preschool classrooms during their free choice time. Baseline observations showed that children and teachers rarely spend time in the designated science area. An intervention was designed to “market” the science center by introducing children to 1 science tool, the balance scale. Baseline measures showed that children did not know the scale's name or function. The intervention was expected to increase children's use of the science area and their knowledge about the scale. Children's voluntary presence and exploration in the science area increased after the balance scale intervention compared to in comparison classrooms. Furthermore, children who participated in this intervention demonstrated improved knowledge about the scale's function, whereas students in the comparison group did not. Practice or Policy: Adults can increase children's autonomous exploration of science tools and materials, and their knowledge about them, by offering particular kinds of large-group learning experiences.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to present an overview of communication patterns between students during ordinary lessons in a compulsory school system. The results, based on observations of 70 lessons, reveal that every lesson is filled with internal communication between students. Even if this interaction is mostly out of teachers’ conscious control, it is not random. The results do not provide any evidence to support an assumption that chatter between peers will increase in larger classes. The students’ participation in private interaction may to some extent depend on their position in the classroom. However, some factors of greater importance and highly relevant to peer interaction are the age of students (school level) and the form of work. The study demonstrates both the intensity of students’ private communication during ordinary lessons and also the relationship to some contextual factors. These contextual factors can be seen as educational means which teachers can use or misuse in their pupils’ ‘identity‐seeking process’. When teachers place children at different desks, and when they choose a special form of work, they are creating interactive arenas for their students. These arenas are important elements in the developmental setting which the school offers each individual child.  相似文献   

CHRISTINE FOX 《Compare》2003,33(3):401-412
Citizenship education in a national curriculum such as that provided in the Lao People's Democratic Republic is contradictory and problematic. The issue for the majority of Lao people is that the subject virtually excludes the rights or practice of ethnic minority cultures or languages, and assumes an equality for males and females without recognising the prevailing unequal and inequitable situation for girls. This paper discusses the implications for girls and minority groups' participation in the wider society, and asks some more general questions about the broader implications for gender and ethnicity education policy in education.  相似文献   


This paper examines how the religious education of Turkish children in the “old letters” became an area of everyday contestation between the state and families and communities in the late 1920s and 1930s. Since children were seen as the nation’s future, state authorities were adamant about teaching the new generation the new alphabet and were equally interested in preventing them from learning the old alphabet. While schools began using the new Turkish alphabet in the 1928–1929 academic year, the informal neighbourhood Qur’an courses held in mosques and private homes became a fiercely contested site between a state determined to socialise children into secular nationhood (partly) by preventing them from learning the Arabic letters, and families and imams who were committed to giving children religious education (necessitating the study of the Arabic alphabet so the Qur’an could be read in its original Arabic). Combining primary sources from previously untapped Ministry of the Interior documents concerning the monitoring in Anatolian towns of these informal courses with insights from the subaltern school on everyday forms of resistance, this article sheds light on a dimension of the 1928 alphabet reform that ties together questions of alphabet change, national and religious identities, education, and childhood.  相似文献   

This article explores a classroom project in which we used photovoice as a pedagogical tool to enhance personal and professional self-awareness among female, Muslim, social work students in an intercultural classroom setting located in the Arabian Gulf. We begin with an overview and discussion of arts-based approaches to education and then provide examples from the literature on the use of photovoice in the classroom. Next, we discuss the necessity for self-awareness and self-reflection of personal and professional values in the social work classroom. We then provide details of our photovoice classroom project, which can be replicated by social work educators. Finally, we present examples of the class project, with a discussion and reflection on the process. We end the article with implications for social work pedagogy and a brief discussion of the use of photovoice for other applications.  相似文献   

以表示场所的に和で为对象,结合实例,指出二者的主要区别。  相似文献   

This paper problematises clean distinctions between secular and religious by tracing the history of modern higher education of Muslims in British colonial India. Grounded in the interpretive research tradition and with an empirical focus on the formative mid-nineteenth century, the article argues that relational notions between singular secularism and multiple secularisms best capture this historical trajectory. The institutional imaginary of colonialism constituted a significant milieu that, on the one hand, resulted in British policies in India that were at a tangent to similar developments in England at the time and, on the other, informed Muslim agency in its own institutionalisation of higher education. Muslim educational philosophy, politics and even theology were shaped in a concrete, historical, power-laden context. One of the consequences of this was a peculiar construction of ‘secularism’ in relation to Islam – again, related but at a tangent to the same notion in Europe. With a view on contemporary Pakistan, it is argued that such relational histories must be accounted for if policy and academic discourse is to move beyond largely stale and unhelpful binaries of Islam vs. Western modernity in religious education.  相似文献   

Transformational leadership is well documented in organizational and business literature. Classroom and faith-based applications are more recent phenomena. The authors of this mixed-methods study explored professor behaviors and characteristics perceived as transformational in students' faith and focused on transformational leadership in the classroom at a faith-based institution. Thirty-four undergraduate students completed surveys containing open-ended and forced-choice questions; the findings highlighted the importance of compassion, optimism, encouragement, and openness as behaviors that facilitated faith transformation.  相似文献   

课堂互动与二语学习的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
课堂互动为二语学习者提供了类似母语的教学环境,增加了学习者的可理解输入,有利于二语学习。对课堂互动中教师话语、纠错方式,国外有不少实证研究。课堂互动的实施方式以任务型教学、小班授课和小组活动为主。课堂互动是二语学习的方式之一,但不是惟一的方式。同时这种方式并不适合各种层次的学习者。了解这一点对我们英语教师十分必要。  相似文献   

课堂互动理论与ESL学习关系浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文探讨了课堂互动与英语作为二语(ESL)学习的关系,介绍了国外对课堂互动研究的成果以及实施课堂互动的任务型教学的成效,指出了课堂互动教学实施的条件极其局限、以及具体实施的困难。  相似文献   

This article draws on research which sought to determine why boys came to dominate, and ultimately claim as their own, a mixed-gender chess club established within an Australian government primary school, located in a white, upper middle-class, eastern suburb of Melbourne. A qualitative methodological approach was used, utilising semi-structured and informal individual and group discussions, in conjunction with observations of the chess club 'in action'. The 18 girls who participated in the study ranged in age from 7 to 12 years. The study was interpreted from a feminist perspective, which maintains a concern regarding the ways that schooling, in this arguably enlightened age of gender awareness, continues to transmit and reinforce inequalities between the sexes, albeit in more subtle and less overt forms than in the past.  相似文献   

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