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公园是近代城市社会发展的产物,也是封建帝国向民族国家转型过程中政府调试与民众关系,为民众提供公共活动空间的产物。它一方面成为政府进行社会教育和意识渗透的工具;另一方面又是民众生存、生活乃至进行民主活动的场所。在这一舞台上,政府和公众双方相互演绎着合作与冲突,共同推进了近代中国城市的近代化。  相似文献   

刘海永 《寻根》2010,(4):72-75
一 在七朝古都开封,除了满眼大宋的遗迹外,还有一处辉煌的中西合璧的经典建筑——天主教河南总修院。虽然历经岁月的铅华,斑驳的廊柱依稀可见的色彩,仍然显示出它曾经的尊贵与辉煌。  相似文献   

Preface ?Concerned with the escalation of territorial disputes in East Asia since July, we proposed setting up the Minjian East Asia Forum (the Forum hereafter) on October 6, 2012, serving as a platform for East Asian people to face regional disputes and exchange opinions together. Minjian is a Chinese term that has counterparts in Japanese, as minkan, and in Korean as mingan, based on the same Chinese characters. Although used differently with different meanings in each context, minjian, as used here, refers to the non-governmental, popular voices and organizations, initiated by the people. Although the Forum was started to respond to and engage in the recent territorial disputes, it was not created out of thin air, but on the foundation of East Asian solidarities built by many predecessors over the last 30 years.1 “In the last two decades, we have participated in the minjian, read here as people-based and hence non-governmental, solidarity movement of various kinds—including Asia Regional Network for Alternatives (ARENA, 1980s), the Inter-Asia Cultural Studies: Movements (2000–), the East Asia Critical Journals Conference (2006–), and West Heavens: India China Summit on Social Thought (2010–). We also established the Inter-Asia School (2011–) and organized the first Asian Circle of Thought in Shanghai (2012) as well as the Modern Asian Thought project (2012–). In doing this work, we follow the footsteps of Ashis Nandy, Muto Ichiyo, Chen Yingzhen, Paik Nak-Chung, and the late Mizoguchi Yuzo. In moving around Asia, we created a linkage between circles of critical intellectuals and movement, and by talking to friends in the circle of thought, we came to realize that within the entire expanse of Asia, East Asia is the region that experiences the greatest difficulty in stepping outside of the Cold War division and in reimagining the region as a collectivity. Especially when China and India are fast developing their economies, we must be more aware of the social contradictions and inequalities that are deepening in the region, as well as the role each state plays in the global inter-state system. In this complex and volatile context, we must try to find a better road to development—for public good, justice, equality, and world peace. Unfortunately, the party politics in each state has blocked the proactive interaction within the region for its own interest. Even when East Asian states are imagining an East Asian community, a common platform for civil societies to communicate and address issues that are of regional significance is achingly absent. In this sense, our imagination of ‘minjian East Asia’ is a people-based, non-governmental platform for regional dialogue that attempts to check and balance the exchange of interest based on party politics, and monitor the governments, preventing them from making arbitrary decisions that will escalate tension and threaten peace in the region” (Chen et al. 2013 Chen, Kuan-Hsing, Chih-Ming Wang and Qingya Hu. 2013. Minjian East Asia Forum: feelings and imaginations. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, 14(2) ,, this issue[Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]). We expect the Forum (with the secretariat to be based in Seoul) to become a people-to-people network that will continue to extend beyond borders and express people's voices, fostering the steady development of peace in Asia and the world through communication, conversation, and collaboration.  相似文献   

王振忠 《寻根》2007,(1):114-122
一 明清以还,大批的徽州人前往各地务工经商。尽管他们中的许多人长期生活在长江中下游的各大商埠,但不少人仍与祖籍地缘保持着或多或少的联系。其中的一个重要表现,就是定期或不定期地回乡扫墓——这是大批徽州展墓日记出现的主要背景。[第一段]  相似文献   

王倩倩 《寻根》2021,(2):41-43
一 岑巩县位于贵州省东部,地处黔中山区与湘西丘陵之间的斜坡地带.岑巩县有仡佬族、土家族、苗族、侗族等,当地旅游资源比较丰富,思州傩戏等民俗活动独具特色,有多个重点民族文化旅游村寨,风景名胜众多.  相似文献   

张鸣 《寻根》2002,(1):42-46
来到贵州腹地一个叫安顺的小城,时常会看到一些身着对襟长袍的老年男女,女子尤多,梳着古怪的发式,拦着一道帕巾,腰系黑带,长袍上虽有绣花与否的差别,但一律右衽。开始,我以为是哪个不知名的少数民族,一打听才知道,原来是当地所谓的“屯堡人”。如果问这些老人自己,他们会很自豪地说,他们是大汉族;如果再问他们是哪里人,他们会告诉你,他们是南京人、安徽人或湖南人等,很少有人会承认自己是安顺人,可是他们的口音却离他们遥远的“故乡”差得很远,更像是变了腔调的安顺话。  相似文献   

袁广阔 《寻根》2002,(2):41-45
自1953年郑州二里岗发现商城外城墙至今已经50年,在这长达半个世纪的时间内,商城的田野考古一直没有停顿,距今3500余年的商城的神秘面纱逐渐被层层揭去。近年来,随着新的考古发现的增加以及考古研究的深入,可以确定郑州商城是一座由宫城、内城和外郭城组成的规模庞大的城址,其总面积应超过16平方公里,是我国目前发现的最大的商城。  相似文献   

The Chinese Association in the Dutch East Indies, known locally as the Tiong Hoa Hwe Koan (THHK) was first established in Batavia in 1900. A key objective of the THHK’s foundation was the creation of modern schools instructing in Mandarin for local Chinese students. At the turn of the 20th century, this odd choice of instructional language led to highly charged debates about languages, pedagogical efficacy, practicality, modernity-tradition and cultural authenticity. Using underutilized source materials in the local Malay-Hokkien vernacular, this article revisits these debates amongst the Chinese in the Dutch colony. This article interrogates the transparency of common ethnicity in analyses of Chinese nationalisms that developed outside of continental China. Drawing on the concept of “literary governance” as well as comparative work by scholars on Indian and continental Chinese nationalisms, it demonstrates the significance of the colonial context which provoked the THHK to adopt the vocabulary of modernity in reworking progressive ideas circulating in displaced Chinese nationalistic circles. Notwithstanding the THHK’s promotion of Mandarin, such reworking was accomplished through vigorous acts of transliteration and translation in the hybridized Malay-Hokkien vernacular. The THHK was hardly on the receiving end of nationalistic influences emanating from the proverbial China core but was an active agent in what has been described as a “global moment of Chinese nationalism.” The case of the THHK demonstrates the need for a finer understanding of multivalent histories of Chinese nationalisms as well as how these histories intersected with those of European colonialism in Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

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