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通过对人才资本的属性认识,表明人才资本在新经济时代的价值。说明社会发展需要重视人才资本,更需要优先重视高校人才资本的建立。  相似文献   

持续发展,需要更新人才理念。确立现代人才理念和人才经营思想,攸关一个国家和城市建设的大计。人才资本是知识经济时代经济增长的核心要素,积极导入现代人才经营理念,以全球眼光审视人才,以创新精神培育人才,以高尚才德对待人才,以科学态度选用人才,以激励方式凝聚人才,大力推进人才创新,是造就宏大的高素质人才队伍、加快城市发展的必由之路、明智之举。  相似文献   


As an imprint of Confucian culture, China’s education intersects state governance in making and governing educational subjects as ‘talent’, an official translation of the Chinese term ‘rencai’ (literally, human-talent). Whereas the English word ‘talent’ itself denotes ‘[people with] natural aptitude or skill’, ‘talent’ is currently mobilized in China not only as a globalized discourse that speaks to the most aspired educational subjects for the 21st century but also as a re-invoked cultural notion that relates to Confucian wisdom. Drawing upon Foucault’s biopower hypothesis and Confucian thought, this paper leverages upon China’s unique manipulation of ‘talent’ as certain skills and human subjects, both cultivable through education, to problematize China’s talent making and governing in two dimensions. First, it unpacks the various technologies of power entangled in China’s talent making and governing within its ‘state governance’ paradigm. Second, it unpacks Confucian thought as an archaeological prototype for China’s present talent appeal, meanwhile explicating their divergences in defining ‘human’, ‘talent’, and the human-talent interpellation. In so doing, this paper makes two arguments. First, the linguistic notion of ‘talent’ functions as a Foucauldian apparatus of biopower, making (up) new kinds of people and normalizing a certain population as the objective/object of China’s state governance. Second, CPC’s re-invocation of Confucian talent discourses is more of a rhetorical strategy than an authentic cultural renaissance gesture.  相似文献   

随着互联网技术的迅猛发展,无形即网上人才市场已成为有形人才市场的重要补充。本文通过对人才市场发展现状的分析、有形人才市场与无形人才市场的比较,指出无形人才市场具有不受地域时空限制、成本低、信息量大、使用方便快捷、个性化服务强等不可比拟的优势。无形人才市场的地位将从有形人才市场的有益补充发展为有形人才市场的战略伙伴,最终取代有形人才市场,占据主体位置。因此,要加强资本运作创新、管理机制创新和业务创新,充分发挥无形人才市场在人才资源配置中的作用。  相似文献   

Talent and the development of talent have become increasingly dominant topics in the public sphere. Topics of talent also figure as important objectives for the education policies in Denmark, where various initiatives, including science centres for talents, annual talent camps and competitions, and not least resources and funding, are provided as part of this ‘new’ priority in education. This article examines, through an ethnographic approach of a talent class in a Danish secondary school, how the purpose of current educational policies focusing on talent are perceived and experienced. In addition to this analysis, the phenomena of establishing such classes as an integrated activity of ordinary schooling and of the labelling attached to being talented is discussed. The conclusion is that the use of the talent classes is a form of socially constructed differentiation with the cohort mainly constituted to those with cultural capital.  相似文献   

This qualitative study addressed this primary question: How does talent develop among four Nebraska youth? Four highly talented Nebraska youth in the domains of baton twirling, swimming, rodeo, and both softball and music were interviewed along with their parents and coaches. Results revealed unique talent stories and commonalities among those stories. The stories described a twirling talent trilogy that involved coordinated efforts among student, parent, and coach; a swimmer with all hands on deck that involved supportive family, strong coaching, and center of excellence; a one-horse talent hotbed with a talent-equipped ranch and rodeo coaching parents; and a father-influenced music and softball double play where a father led the way to dual talents. The commonalities among stories included hard work, focus on fundamentals, prior family links to the talent domain, extraordinary parent involvement, and a parent-engineered environment for talent development. The limited roles schools play in fostering talent and parenting implications were also addressed.  相似文献   

PurposeThe study examines the dynamic interrelationships among the school enrolment rates and the rate of employment (via unemployment rates) in Nigeria.Design/methodology/approachThe study employed Autoregressive estimates and an unrestricted VAR approach to analyze these relationships.FindingsThe study lends credence to the new-growth theory (i.e. endogenous models) that more investments in human capital, through education especially at higher levels, will allow human capital to evolve dynamically to increase long-run growth positively in Nigeria. This tendency engenders multiplier effects in stimulating sustainable human capital development given that education-driven growth facilitates employment in the short-run. However, to sufficiently sustain human capital development to generate employment in the long-run, it appears there is need to combine education with other cooperant factors such as social safety nets, good governance, private sector development and efficient utilization of human and physical resources.Originality/valueThe growth literature has been definitive on the role of human capital in achieving long-run economic growth. Therefore, investments in education have been identified as a vital channel for building human capital and achieving long run development objectives. Thus, in the nascent quest for sustainable development, this study takes the new growth theory a step higher by examining the modulating effects of education-driven growth (i.e. via school enrolments rates) in setting the pace for employment patterns in Nigeria.  相似文献   

The discourse on the internationalization of higher education emphasizes revenue generation while neglecting other diverse rationales pursued by governments and institutions. For countries that are seeking to venture into a knowledge economy or accrue greater competitive advantages under globalization, many policymakers view cross-border higher education as a platform for developing human talent. In this pursuit, education hubs stand out as large-scale initiatives supported by extensive planning and investment. By comparing the developments of Malaysia, Singapore, and Hong Kong as education hubs, three distinct objectives are apparent: to develop local talent, to attract foreign talent, and to repatriate diasporic talent. Despite the attention directed at the recruitment of international students, developing local talent remains a fundamental goal among education hubs. Talent development includes manpower planning as well as more inclusive provisions that support the diverse interests among local students. On the other hand, education hubs do not share the goals of attracting foreign and repatriating diasporic talent. Contextual factors such as distinct political economies and ethnic sensitivities mediate the recruitment of external talent. Comparing the policy rhetoric of talent development against the realities of implementation reveals sharp misalignment in some cases. More importantly, the political inertia in Singapore and Hong Kong exerts a gravitational pull that is increasingly turning sentiments against some foreign talent.  相似文献   

This paper reports from a case study of a ‘talent class’, a special development programme for talented pupils, established in a Danish municipality. It analyses student backgrounds and motives for joining this talent class programme, which is seen in relation to ordinary schooling in Denmark. Drawing on Bourdieu, the paper links social background resources and success in school via the concepts of habitus and capital; it views talent as the product of an investment of time and cultural capital, which is easily accumulated by children of resourceful families. Based on the analysis and its discussion of school talent, the paper proposes a typology of talented students, encompassing the distinguished, the quiet, the versatile and the industrious students. For each type of talent, a student narrative illustrates the link between social backgrounds and student approaches and understandings of their own talents.  相似文献   

李积鹏 《成人教育》2019,39(5):70-74
在地方技能人才引进的大背景下,人力资本积累和效能发挥成为一道难题。终身职业教育可以为解决这一问题提供一定启发。终身职业教育具有连续性、整体性、灵活性、开放性、动态性、实践性等特征,终身职业教育可以增强人力资本的时效性、收益性、累积性和创造性,降低人力资本差异性,解决人力资本效能提升所面临的问题。发挥终身职业教育在人力资本积累和效能提升中的作用,需要加强顶层设计,贯彻落实相关文件要求;创新体制机制,构建现代职业教育体系;培育工匠之师,打造一流职教师资队伍;实施精准引才,优化人力资本基本结构;完善服务保障,促进人力资本效能发挥;推进校企合作,加快实践技能人才培养。  相似文献   


The industry S&T missioners, industry-university-institute innovation alliances, industry-university-institute regional model bases, and other provincial-level industry-university-institute cooperation mechanisms that Guangdong Province has formed through its practical efforts play an important role in training a large batch of practical talent in universities, forging the teacher corps combining theoretical and practical skills, perfecting the teacher evaluation system, raising standards for discipline building, enhancing the ability of universities to serve society, improving school administration, and other areas. Practice has proven that the beneficial interaction of the dynamic triple helix formed by universities, industry, and governments can promote innovation in administrative mechanisms and talent training models at universities.  相似文献   

经济全球化要求人才的多样化和层次化,而人才的能力是人力资源开发中的一个重要指数。明确人力资源的开发,是实现强国目标的有效途径,有利于更深刻地探讨人力资源开发中质与量的问题。  相似文献   

论经济全球化条件下人才资源的开发管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国入世使我国经济全面融入世界经济主流之中,在经济全球化条件下,人力资源作为现代生产要素中最活跃、最具创造力、最有价值的因素,已经成为世界经济持续增长的核心资源。随着人才资源国际流动与竞争的加剧,我国要以全球视野为背景,确立人才资源开发的国际战略,创新人力资本的开发和管理。  相似文献   

开发人才资源是当今中国一项具有战略意义的工作。但现存的人才埋没现象严重阻碍了人才资源的开发。为实现现有人才资源的更优组合,充分发挥现有人才资源的潜能,就必须分析人才埋没的基本理论,阐释人才埋没产生的主客观因素,继而提出相应策略。  相似文献   

随着人们对职业教育认识的不断深入,人才培养目标进行了多次调整:从高层次实用技术人才到高技能人才再到高素质技术技能型人才。这种变化反映了我国经济社会不同发展阶段对教育的不同要求,需要根据高职人才培养目标定位中存在的实际问题重新建构。在现代信息社会中,具有巨大发展潜力的现代高素质技术人才,是高职人才培养目标的必然选择。  相似文献   

论企业人力资源的开发与管理   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
在新形势下,企业要高度重视人才资源的开发与管理及其机制的建设,把“以人为本”作为企业文化的核心,通过人才资源政策和具体细致的人才资源工作,有效地发展并释放人才资源的创新能力,才能在激烈的竞争中立于不败之地。  相似文献   

服务外包已成为全球产业转移的主要趋势,承接发达国家服务外包对于提升我国产业结构水平、增加就业机会具有重要的战略意义。承接国的人力资源素质与发包国转移的服务业能否匹配是服务外包的关键所在。笔者阐述了服务外包可能引起的职业转移的特征,分析了我国承接服务外包面临的人才结构性问题,并从信息技术教育、外包人才层次、人才国际化以及人才培养与外包产业互动机制等方面,提出了人才优化配置的对策。  相似文献   

当今中国高等教育市场化日益明显,高校人才流动中各主体之间也存在着各种利益分歧,归根结底是对人力资本的权属争议。唯有依法明确各自的法律地位及其相互关系,并通过法律解释方法适当扩大约定服务期、竞业限制、反不正当竞争等法律制度的适用范围,方能规范目前我国高校人才流动中的失范行为、平衡各方合法权益。  相似文献   

ObjectiveThis study examined the role of maternal human, social, and cultural capital in the relationship between early motherhood and harsh parenting behavior.MethodsThis study used data from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing (FFCW) Study. Harsh parenting behaviors by mothers who were 19 years or younger at birth of the focal child (n = 598) were compared with that of adult mothers 26 years or older (n = 1,363). Measures included: For harsh parenting behavior, three proxies were created from the Parent to Child version of the Conflict Tactics Scales (CTS-PC) and self-reports of maternal spanking. For maternal human capital, education, employment, and depression were used. For maternal social capital, expected-social support, paternal support, and lone caregiver status were included. For maternal cultural capital, religious attendance and attachment to race/ethnic heritage were used.ResultsMultivariate analyses indicated that adolescent motherhood has a significant impact on all three harsh parenting behavior outcomes even after controlling for demographic and maternal capital characteristics. Working since the birth of the focal child, depression scores, paternal support, expected-social support, and attendance at religious services made independent contributions to the prediction of harsh parenting behavior.ConclusionsFindings emphasize the importance of the prevention of adolescent motherhood and suggest intervention strategies for reducing the risk of maternal harsh parenting behavior. Further study is necessary to examine the complicated relationships among maternal capital and parenting. One method may be to focus on the development of measures of maternal capital, notably measures of expectations regarding and perceptions of received capital.Practice implicationsFindings from this study have implications for social work practice, particularly for the prevention of adolescent pregnancy and intervention with adolescent mothers and their children. First, the study calls for more recognition of school social work and intervention programs in school settings as important components of prevention services. Second, the importance of identifying fathers and helping them become involved and connected with their young families are highlighted. Finally, practitioners should become more aware of the role of culture in young families as the effect of cultural capital on parenting behavior becomes better understood.  相似文献   

Purpose: In this paper, we explore the strategic role of Multi-stakeholder processes (MSP) in agricultural innovations and how it has impacted livelihood assets’ (LAs) capital dynamics of stakeholders in platforms in West Africa.

Design/Methodology/Approach: We demonstrate how LA capitals and socio-economic dynamics induced by MSP can enhance cassava production efficiency but also create opportunities and challenges that influence platform dynamics and impacts. We use a multistage sampling procedure and sustainable livelihood model (e.g. stochastic frontier functions and Tobit regression) to analyse LA capital dynamics of the stakeholders.

Findings: We showed that the LA of the MSP participants (0.72) was found to be significantly higher (χ2?=?3.732, p?Practical implications: We recommend the institutionalization of MSP in the Agricultural Research for Development (AR4D) with more extension follow-up services so as to adequately and appropriately unleash the potentials in social capital networks that enable the development, effective dissemination and adoption of agricultural innovations.

Theoretical implications: This study suggests that soft-transfer of technologies seems to dominate at MSP inception. But at maturity, the results of the struggle between researchers and farmers would lead to co-reaction and community-based research. Consequently, the knowledge and power dynamics that take place within the MSP should be considered the centre of co-construction and platform dynamics.

Originality/Values: The study provided a practical experience on how MSP can be institutionalized in the AR4D programmes to support agricultural innovation systems and foster pro-poor growth and livelihoods.  相似文献   

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