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鲍勃和他的父亲乘火车去看望外祖母。在车上,父亲为了鲍勃的安全和他开了一个小小的玩笑,最终却造成了一个无法挽回的结局。你想知道发生了什么事吗?请认真读一读下文吧!  相似文献   

怎样把“一个孩子如果有自己的房子就好了。”译成英语呢?A.It's nice if a child can have an own room.B.It's nice if a child can have his own room.A 句为错句,own 只能在所有格词语的后边使用。例:(1)She likes to have her own way.她喜欢按自己的主意行事。例:(2)She married him of her own choice against her parents’will.  相似文献   

In this paper, we deploy M.M. Bakhtin’s notions about how language works to understand aspiring teachers’ struggles about the intersecting roles race, class, gender, language background, and sexual orientation play in students’ school lives and learning. Through life-history interviews and document analysis, we investigated the authoritative and internally persuasive discourses one aspiring teacher brought with her and took from a 15-week long course on a predominantly White Midwestern public university campus. Ideas she encountered in the course and its required tutoring component challenged her thinking about how various facets of people’s lives (such as those we list above) and the contexts in which they live, work and are schooled, affect how they are perceived, what they know, and can do.  相似文献   

Democracy in an inclusive discourse in education relates to all children’s rights to comment upon and influence matters concerning their interest in education. The article’s empirical data are based on a girl categorised with intellectual disability who through her surroundings is granted the right to influence her physical placement in school, which results in her often choosing to segregate herself from the fellowship with peers. This creates a dilemma for the school, which is faced with the question of overruling her decision in favour of other aspects of inclusion such as fellowship and participation or to continue supporting her decision to segregate. Based on theoretical contributions by Ian Hacking and Lev Vygotskij, this article discusses how schools and teachers approach children that are categorised as intellectually disabled and how the category influences the construction of their identity. Further, constructions of identity govern how the child views themselves and their surroundings. How they understand themselves in relation to the context and situations they are part of will ultimately affect what needs, wishes and compensation strategies the child develops. Studying the structures at play might contribute to further understanding about what causes a child to decide in a manner that conflicts with dimensions of inclusion.  相似文献   

Research has shown that teacher consultation groups increase teachers’ behaviour management skills through discussion and collaborative problem-solving. Unlike the United Kingdom, at the time of this research consultation groups were not widely used in Irish schools. This research introduced Farouk’s process consultation approach in three Irish mainstream primary schools and evaluated the consultation groups over one academic year. The schools were selected based on their level of referrals to the educational psychologist (EP) for pupils presenting with behavioural difficulties. The study utilised a mixed methods design comprising mainly qualitative and some quantitative analysis. The data were obtained from participant and researcher reflections, interviews and questionnaires. Thematic analysis was used to derive themes from the data. The results suggest that the groups provided the teachers with an organised time for discussion, information-sharing and learning, which enhanced their behaviour management skills through the sharing of strategies and their implementation through teamwork. However, due to the poor return of teacher questionnaires it is not possible to derive any definite conclusions.  相似文献   

Drawing on role theory and socio‐constructivist ideas about learning, this study explores how peer‐tutoring can support tutors’ learning. The sample comprised ten 16–17‐year‐old biology tutors, working with twenty‐one 14–15‐year‐old students from a science class over eight weeks. Data were collected through an online wiki, tutor interviews, paired tutor discussions and video recordings. Tutors’ perceptions of their role motivated them to learn the material, and their learning was supported by discussion and explanation, revisiting fundamentals, making links between conceptual areas, testing and clarifying their understanding, and reorganising and building ideas, rehearsing them, and working through them repeatedly, to secure their understanding. When tutors employed long answer questions, there was evidence of reflection on their learning and links made between conceptual areas. When preparing to tutor, tutors could focus on key points and engage with basic ideas from alternative perspectives. Mental rehearsal of peer‐tutoring episodes helped them appreciate weaknesses in their own subject knowledge.  相似文献   

语言现象是纷繁复杂的,在表达上,哪怕是一点儿细微的差别,实际含义都会大不相同。例如英语中就有许多较为固定的词组在形式上既可以带上又可以省去形容词性的物主代词(如:take place与take one’s place),它们在意义上却大相径庭,差别迥异。如果不弄清楚它们之间的区别,对我们理解和翻译都会带来困扰。笔者就平时常用的一些词组列举几例,同学们应在平时学习时多加注意。  相似文献   

Deep in the jungles of Congo—half a day’s hike through knee-high tangles of roots seemingly designed to send humans tumbling to the rotting earth—park  相似文献   

Children progress through a number of life transitions and each is a pivotal point of development and growth for them, their parents and family members. Through a review of the literature, the Bioecological Model will be used to frame childhood transitions as highly social, contextualised and political. This paper will assert that governments, schools and educators have an increased role in supporting parents with their changing roles, responsibilities and relationships as their child transitions to school and that schools need to provide space for parents to share their own transition to school narratives in order to better understand the effect these stories may have on the transition process for them and their children. Finally, schools and systems will be challenged to engage in a strengths-based approach to support parents at this pivotal time in their own and their child’s growth and development and call for increased research to identify ways in which this can occur within respectful, collaborative and agentic relationships.  相似文献   


This introductory article sets the stage for the following special issue of the International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education on current considerations, contestations, and research regarding transgender studies in higher education. Specifically, in this introduction, I question what it means to be in a ‘transgender moment’ in higher education, and how such a moment may provide both promises and limitations for future research and praxis.  相似文献   

As foundational work in preparation for a sustainable, multi-center network devoted to child abuse medical research, we recently used a combination of survey and modified Delphi methodologies to determine research priorities for future multi-center studies. Avoiding missed diagnoses, and improving selected/indicated prevention were the topics rated most highly in terms of research priority. Several constructive commentaries in this issue identify the key challenges which must be overcome to ensure a successful network. Indeed, as with the clinical work of child abuse pediatrics, a scientific network will also require constant collaboration within and outside the community of child abuse pediatricians, the wider medical community, and even non-medical professions.  相似文献   

Whilst within universities, research on rather than with children/pupils is a well-established methodology, this paper reports on teachers’ responses to a schools and university-based partnership project, ‘Pupils as Research Partners in Primary (PARPP), which works to co-create pupil-led research opportunities for pupils in research projects informed by pupils’ experiences in primary schools. A previous paper, French and Hobbs, [(2017). “‘So How Well Did It Really Go’? Working with Primary School Pupils as Project Evaluators: A Case Study.” TEAN Journal 9 (1): 56–65] reported on how one PARPP project had a beneficial effect on pupils and their school environment. For this paper the project team interviewed a number of teachers whose pupils in the partner schools were involved in the pilot study phase of the project. Specifically, the teachers were interviewed to ascertain if the involvement of pupils, as lead researchers in projects exploring various aspects of the school environment, had impacted on their perceptions of pupil-led research. Findings suggest that the experiences of teachers in schools where PARPP projects had taken place had led them to re-evaluate the practicality and desirability of encouraging pupils to actively to research their school environments.  相似文献   

Aboywaswalkingalongthestreet.Suddenlyhestoppedandlookedupintothesky.Ayoungmanpassedbyhim.Whenhesawtheboy,hefeltcuriousandlookedup,too.Justthenagirlcameupandsawthem.“Istheresomethinginterestinginthesky?”shethoughtandlookedup,too.Suddenlytheboyasked,“Hey,whatareallofyoulookingupat?”“Thatswhatweregoingtoaskyou,”saidtheyoungman.“Youwanttoaskme?ButIwasntlookingatanything,”saidtheboy,“Iraisedmyheadupwardbecausemynosebled.”What’s in the Sky?@程炜…  相似文献   

Interprofessional education (IPE) is perceived to be one strategy to reduce professional compartmentalisation and improve collaborative practices. The unequal power relations existing between the various professions who need to collaborate for IPE remains largely unexamined and it is only in recent years that sociological theories have been employed within the interprofessional field. This paper uses selected findings from an exploratory case study into IPE conducted at the University of Malta and then examines these findings from a Bourdieusian perspective. The first part of this paper introduces the breath of theoretical perspectives employed for IPE and then goes on to provide an overview of Bourdieu’s theories of social practices. The second part outlines the context of this case study and presents selected findings. The third section discusses how these findings were examined using Bourdieu’s concepts helping us demystify the various ways in which health care professions worked and interacted, and how this all made sense within a wider societal context. It also highlights the relevance of taking into account Bourdieu’s concepts during the development of IPE.  相似文献   

This article provides a close reading of Meg Rosoff’s award-winning novel How I Live Now. It argues that an understanding of the text can be extended through an application of ideas found in contemporary spatial discourse concerning place. Reading the novel within this context allows a discussion of ways in which it draws on established traditions within children’s literature, but also of ways in which it challenges a view of place-based identities, and the social relations inherent within those, as being nostalgic and fixed. Whilst not unique in this respect, How I Live Now offers a particularly strong challenge to conceptions of place as being rooted in stability, a challenge which is pertinent to young readers negotiating postmodern contexts, and which offers them an optimistic and progressive consideration of place. The novel draws on some literary traditions which could be viewed as nostalgic—the imagined rural idyll, the country house and garden, the escape from the city—but Rosoff offers a subtle subversion of these traditions through her progressive consideration of place-based identities.  相似文献   

This article considers the oeuvre of Xenophon (c.430–354 bc) as providing an insight into the concept of ‘care of the self’ in Greek education. In many of his works the leading characters are men who take care of themselves through education. Addressing the theme of ‘fathers and sons’, Xenophon aimed to show that ‘care of the self’ is a particular way of upbringing in the family and in the polis, where the older instruct the younger in fulfilling their duties according to their age, following model examples of thought and conduct during work and leisure. Thus, with the help of specific situations involving parents and children, mentors and their pupils, Xenophon established a general framework for understanding the ancient citizens and family men, to whom education and self-education were a special means of finding their own identity in their culture.  相似文献   

在译林版初中英语教材中,on one’s way(to)这一短语出现了多次,现将其用法归纳如下,供同学们学习时参考。 一、在句子中,应将该短语中的one’s换成与句子主语相一致的物主代词。例如:  相似文献   

This article offers insight into teacher training that needs to be occurring in the preparation of teachers. The focus is on the preparation practices and one Canadian institution is used to forward concerns. The institution is left anonymous as the intent is not to critique this particular institution but to bring attention to a more general issue in the preparation of teachers within the university setting. A personal view of specific issues is offered in the hope that it will contribute to the dialogue about future practices and research on teacher preparation.  相似文献   

Supporting young people with global crises mitigation strategies is essential, yet loaded with ethical dilemmas for the educator. This study explores whether young people will make ethical decisions regarding the sustainability of food choice in schools, and based on the processes identified, what educators’ needs are in supporting transformative learning. This study is the first of its kind, where young people under the age of 14 have been tasting edible insects and discussing their role in a more sustainable diet. The article draws on mixed-method research with over 180 young people and their teachers in three schools in Wales and examines responses to a possible introduction of edible insects into school canteens. Highlighted is the complexity of sustainable food choices—likely to be identifiable with other young people and educators in western countries. The article considers how educators and policy makers may need to frame routes to positive sustainable action and the associated impacts these may have on personal, social, political and environmental spheres.  相似文献   

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