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王明露  颜庆 《林区教学》2021,(1):102-106
教师流动与农村教育事业改革发展相辅相成,农村教师流动是必然的,农村教师队伍的稳定是相对的.教师流动就是对教师资源重新配置的一种方式,引导教师合理有序双向流动是农村教育事业改革发展的题中之义.在把握江西省S县教育发展整体状况及其农村教师流动概况的基础上,发现农村教师流动存在自主、向上、无序流动、中青年教师和主科骨干教师流...  相似文献   


Given that education quality has long lagged behind in China’s rural schools, one-way “partner assistance” no longer conforms to the new situation of integrated urban-rural governance and the equalization of public services. Only two-way “exchange and rotation” with full participation can truly support schools and teachers in disadvantaged areas. All teachers should participate in exchange and rotation to ensure a balanced allocation of resources and achieve equity in education. Achieving the goal of two-way exchange and rotation for both urban and rural areas requires scientific decision-making and step-by-step promotion. Moreover, prejudice and discrimination must be eliminated. Various supporting measures should also be included, such as guaranteeing the equitable and rational primary allocation of education resources, and addressing the issues of teacher transportation, housing, and children’s education. Other supporting measures include encouraging more diverse teachers to participate in exchange and rotation, and shifting the management center of gravity downward.  相似文献   


The quality of rural teachers is a key factor affecting the quality of rural education. A better understanding of rural teachers is the basis for strengthening their development. It is possible to obtain a more holistic understanding of rural teachers’ work and life through their identity. Based on a wealth of case-based information, rural teacher identities are conceptualized as rootless transients, hometown educators, and rural knowledge workers. Rural teacher identity is influenced by a number of social, school-based, and individual factors. A holistic identity for rural teachers requires the integration and balance of traditional rural culture and urban culture.  相似文献   

提高农村教师队伍的素质和水平是一个世界性课题。美国根据自身农村的结构性和动态性等特点,对如何促进农村教师的专业发展采取了有针对性的策略。美国教育部加大了对农村教育的专项经费资助,用于改善农村办学条件、提高农村教师工资和促进农村教师专业发展。美国高等学校专门设置针对农村教师的培养方案,并利用学校现有资源开展多种形式的农村教师专业发展项目。  相似文献   


This article explains several reasons why multicultural preservice teacher education is important and suggests some ways it can be better accomplished. The authors make a strong case for teacher education programs to be more deliberate about preparing European Americans to teach ethnically diverse students of color. They argue that this explicit professional preparation is needed because of the increasing racial, cultural, and linguistic divide between teachers (predominately European American) and K–12 students (increasingly from ethnic groups of color). Two other factors underscore the need for more multicultural teacher education: the fear of diversity and the resistance to dealing with race and racism frequently expressed by students enrolled in teacher education programs. To overcome these problems and better prepare preservice teachers to work effectively with ethnically diverse students the authors suggest a two‐part program of professional development.  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to explore how pedagogical visions inform our work as former classroom teachers and current teacher educators in rural and urban regions of the United States. Specifically, we explore the instructional decisions we make as we work to meet these visions in higher education. Teacher educators are charged with the task of fostering visionary teachers in today’s highly challenging educational landscape. We pose the question: How can teacher educators foster visionary beginning teachers without an examination of their visions for their practice? Using a self-study design, we examine the intersections of our pedagogical visions for teaching and the instructional actions we take to work toward our visions in higher education. Findings highlight specific instructional practices and strategies used to enact visions while providing a critical discussion of the lens of visioning within self-study research.  相似文献   

对西北民族地区6个县级行政区605名义务教育教师进行调查后发现:教师的多元文化素养整体上处于中等水平,还有较大提升空间;教师的多元文化态度水平较高,但多元文化知识和能力有所不足;教师的多元文化素养在城乡、职称、是否担任班主任、所学专业、民族背景等方面均存在一定差异。据分析,民族之间的交往交流交融和教师的教育经历与学习状况是导致上述差异的重要原因。基于此,可采取以下措施提升民族地区教师的多元文化素养:创造民族之间实质性接触机会,促进跨文化互动与交往;在教师教育中体现多元文化素养的培养;深化对不同民族学生学习特点和教学的研究;鼓励教师进行民族文化教育资源和校本课程的开发与利用。  相似文献   

This study uses data from the Programme for International Student Assessment, a large and nationally representative dataset, to examine how learning environments vary across metropolitan, rural and regional schools in Australia. Research has shown that school climate and learning environments are related to student academic performance, but little is known about the degree to which they differ across school communities in Australia. We examined principals’ perceptions of teacher and student behaviour related to school climate and students’ perceptions of teacher support, classroom disciplinary climate, and the relevance of education. The findings show that regardless of where they live, most students believe that schooling is worthwhile, and report positive relationships with their teachers. Perceptions of classroom disciplinary climate vary more across school communities, however, with students reporting less positive disciplinary climate in rural communities than in very large cities. Principals’ perceptions of teacher and student behavior related to school climate varied; with urban schools having much more positive results than schools in towns and rural communities. Finally, our findings show that students’ and principals’ perceptions of their school climate and learning environments are more positive in urban communities than in rural communities, but that the least positive environments are generally found in country towns rather than remote communities. Our findings suggest that attention should be paid to improving learning environments not just in the most rural/remote communities, but also in largish regional towns of up to 50,000 residents.  相似文献   


Teacher salary level and structure are not only important factors affecting the supply of primary and secondary school teachers, but they are also crucial to attracting, training, and retaining high-quality teachers, thereby impacting the overall quality of education and teaching in schools. The reform of China’s basic education management system has ensured the fiscal security and steady increase of rural primary and secondary school teacher salaries and has effectively improved the supply and quality of rural teachers. The objective gap between urban and rural teacher salaries and benefits has, however, led to the one-way mobility of rural teachers, resulting in the loss of quality teachers and giving rise to a structural shortage in rural schools. To improve the supply and quality of teachers in rural areas, it is necessary to effectively and systemically increase rural teachers’ basic salaries and subsidies according to the law. There is the necessity through various channels to raise primary and secondary school teachers’ salaries and benefits, especially subsidy and allowance standards, to eliminate actual variances in teacher salaries.  相似文献   


The increasing racial, cultural, and ethnic diversity among the populations attending urban schools poses a significant challenge to providing quality public education. Similarly, few would dispute that, in order to meet this challenge effectively, teachers must acquire the cultural competency for creating productive and inclusive learning environments, building academic capability among all students, and forging solid relationships with students' families and communities. Though this view has become an “official doctrine” among teacher educators, developing cultural competence in actual contexts consisting of urban schools and classrooms has proven a difficult challenge. This article explains a design for this work called Circles of Co-Practice as a system of practice and inquiry to develop cultural competency in partnership activity. The system design and application to the work of urban school-university-neighborhood collaboratives to improve urban education is illustrated with two case instances.  相似文献   

This study describes efforts in a U.S. teacher education program to raise the teacher candidates' awareness of how place impacts schooling. The preservice teachers and second graders exchanged pen pal letters based on books set in contemporary rural America. The teacher candidates enacted four major discourses in the correspondence: personal, rural, global and traditional. Without connections to the children personally, as fellow rural residents or as participants in a conversation about rural life, the preservice teachers were left only to communicate through traditional and globalized discourses.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the challenge of retaining teachers in hard-to-staff schools by examining how it is addressed in three context specific teacher education programs, which prepare teachers to teach in urban public, urban Catholic, and Jewish Day Schools in U.S.A. The findings of this study suggest that counter to teaching force trends teachers from the three programs that we studied expressed high motivation to serve as teachers or leaders in their particular schools and communities. In particular, we found that teachers' career commitments developed around the religious or civic missions promoted by their respective programs. Finally, teachers' career perceptions seem to correlate, though not entirely match, with those of their program leaders.  相似文献   

美国目前正面临着严重的教师短缺,尤其是缺乏合格的优秀教师。这种现象遍及于幼儿园到高中。产生这种现象的原因是大批教师退休、教师工资的低廉、美国校园内的暴力和联邦政府所规定的考试及规章制度等。这种现象在夏威夷也不例外。教育的质量和公平是师资培训和招生的核心问题。这个问题对于夏威夷偏远地区的少数民族学生则显得更为重要。根据Banks(2003年)及Collnick和Chinn(2002年)所提到的多元文化理论,本文将介绍2006年的一项调查。该调查研究报告以夏威夷教育学院和夏威夷大学系统的511位师生及当地居民为对象,检视教育学院招生及指导职前教师的做法,包括其偏远地区的岛屿——夏威夷岛(Hawaiyi)、可爱岛(Kauayi)、茂依岛(Maui)、摩洛开依岛(Molokayi)及蓝尼岛(Lanayi)等。这项研究显示了在偏远地区为少数民族学生提供高质量师资教育的种种困难,同时也提出了解决这些问题的有效途径和方法,以适应二十一世纪教师及教师教育的发展。  相似文献   

均衡发展是我国义务教育的战略性任务,师资均衡配置是实现城乡义务教育均衡发展的关键。通过对城市、县镇、农村义务教育师资配置情况进行比较,发现城乡教师队伍数量、质量、结构、稳定性等方面均存在显著差异。究其原因,既有制度性阻碍,又有非制度性制肘。促进城乡义务教育师资均衡配置,建议应从强化理念引导机制、改革教师人事制度、改进教师培训制度、完善教师工资制度、建立健全城乡教师流动制度和督导评估机制等方面来进行调整。  相似文献   


Professional rank is an important indicator of the professional capacity of compulsory education teachers. A rational professional rank evaluation system plays an important role in mobilizing the enthusiasm of teachers, improving the overall quality of teachers, and promoting the development of education. Based on stratified random sample data from compulsory education teachers in 23 counties and cities in 12 Chinese provinces, this study analyzes the multiple impacts of urban and rural compulsory education teacher professional rank on teacher salaries, development opportunities, and work duties. The authors found the following: (a) Urban-rural differences exist in the opportunity to access compulsory education teacher professional rank; rural school teachers are disadvantaged in accessing professional rank, especially senior rank; (b) Significant salary differences exist among teachers of different ranks, as well as significant urban-rural differences in the total monthly incomes and monthly salary among teachers of the same rank; (c) Teachers of different ranks have different opportunities to participate in training and undertake school duties. Within the same rank, rural teachers have fewer opportunities to participate in high-level training and have a higher proportion of school duties; (d) Significant differences exist among teachers of different ranks in terms of average classroom hours per week and important duties undertaken. There is a significant urban-rural difference in average weekly classroom hours and important duties among teachers of the same rank; weekly classroom hours are higher for rural teachers, while they have more opportunities to undertake important duties.  相似文献   

河北师范大学自2005年开展的师范生实习支教工程实现了高师院校、师范生、农村基础教育与在职教师专业发展的多方共赢。实习支教强化了师范生培养的实践环节,直接服务了农村基础教育,催生了教师教育新模式,是高师院校"有为有位"的现实选择。  相似文献   

在当前我国城市化进程中,乡镇学校教师质量面临突出的问题,为乡镇地区储备、输送并保留优秀师资的工作面临重重困难。本文选取美国两所大学在其城市化进程中各自的职前师资培养计划作为个案研究,并结合我国实际提出建议:师范院校应适当调整培养目标与课程设置,完善财政保障机制,采用定向培养方案,革新教师资格认定标准和培养模式。  相似文献   


Rural communities need rural teachers who can “ground” traditional school subjects in local realities and dilemmas and at the same time fashion instructional approaches consonant with larger intellectual, ethical, and social purposes. Such teachers are assets rather than burdens to their communities. Only such teachers can cultivate an ethic of responsibility for the health and vitality of the communities of which they and their students are critical components.

This essay examines the role of the university in professionalizing rural teachers. It contends that narrowly utilitarian ends prevail in teacher education programs, and that, in the absence of a substantive definition of educations public purpose, this instrumentalism creates teachers who are ill‐prepared to contribute in meaningful ways to the intellectual life of the communities in which they work. Teacher preparation programs should abandon the instrumental focus. Programs that prepare rural teachers, in fact, confront unique challenges and opportunities to include three themes at their centers: Sustainability, Social Justice, and Democracy.  相似文献   


What do teacher educators need to know and do in order to move from espousing to enacting social justice in their own teacher educating practice? This article addresses this question by examining scholarship that focuses on the preparation of preservice teachers for social justice. Using five knowledge domains for teaching (personal, contextual, pedagogical, sociological, social) as an analytic lens, the authors examined teacher education literature published between 2010 and 2016 in three international journals from Australia, the U.K. and the U.S. The study reveals that teacher educators in different contexts seem to highlight personal and contextual knowledge in their preparation of equity-minded preservice teachers and provides insight into how they conceptualise educational equity and social justice. The study illuminates what is likely in place in initial teacher education programmes, and what may be needed or missing if teacher educators are to prepare teachers for today’s diverse classrooms.

Abbreviation ITE: Initial Teacher Education ITE  相似文献   

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