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Intersectionality describes the ways interlocking systems of oppression, evidenced in various identity facets (e.g., race, class, gender, sexuality, religion, ability, and language), frame individuals' social worlds. An awareness of intersectionality can ensure PreK–12 school policies and practices meet the needs of a student population diversifying rapidly along multiple lines. We situate intersectionality within examples of common schooling dilemmas and pose suggestions for educators to employ intersectional thinking in their practice.  相似文献   

以北京和西安两所城市四所中学初一、初二、高一、高二年级1592名中学生为被试,采用学业行为问卷、人格五因素问卷和师生关系问卷,考察中学生学业行为的特点,并探讨人格、师生关系对学业行为的影响。结果发现:(1)中学生学业行为具有显著的性别和年级差异。(2)中学生的师生关系可以划分为亲密型、一般型和冲突型,师生关系不同类型的个体在学业行为各维度差异显著。(3)学业行为与人格五因素、师生关系各维度具有显著的相关。(4)人格五因素和师生关系的亲密性、冲突性能够显著预测学业行为,谨慎性在师生关系的亲密性和学业行为间起完全中介作用。  相似文献   

随着教育改革的深入发展,学习资源的建设越来越引起人们关注。教学改革应提倡“主导—主体”新型教学结构,改变以往教师以教材主宰大学课堂教学资源的模式,探索新型师生共建课堂学习资源的结构,以期对传统的教学结构改革能起到促进的作用。  相似文献   


Through an embedded single-case study design and qualitative methods, this article describes the school-wide implementation and preliminary results of a restorative practices (RP) program within a culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) elementary school. Located in an urban area with high rates of crime, violence, and poverty, the three-year multisystemic project brought school psychology knowledge and skills to (a) use multicultural consultation and participatory methods to introduce, adapt, and support RP in a CLD school, (b) present findings related to teachers, parents, students, and school climate, and (c) increase youth, parent, and community engagement and voice. The authors developed a comprehensive, culturally relevant model through an interdisciplinary school-university-community partnership. They used multicultural consultee-centered consultation, including bilingual/bicultural practices and cultural brokers, and participatory culture-specific intervention methods to collaboratively design, implement, and evaluate outcomes for students, parents, teachers, and others.  相似文献   


Restorative justice (RJ) in schools is an increasingly popular approach to responding to discipline issues including bullying and aggressive behaviors. However, RJ research in schools is dramatically lagging behind its practice. Specifically, there is a large void within the school consultation literature that examines the use of RJ and the role of the consulting school psychologist. To help address this gap, this article reviews contextual and definitional issues of RJ, introduces the special issue articles within the RJ literature, and provides recommendations for future research, training, and practice in RJ. Notably, this is the first special issue that brings together RJ scholarship and research in schools under a consultation framework.  相似文献   

This article provides school-based consultants with an overview of the English language learner (ELL) student population and common programs available to ELL students (such as English-only programs, pull-out English as a second language [ESL], content-based ESL, transitional bilingual programs, maintenance bilingual programs, and two-way or dual language bilingual education programs). Past and current research examining bilingual education programs and guidelines and recommendations for the application of bilingual education knowledge to consultative practice with school personnel and culturally and linguistically diverse parents are discussed. Because of the paucity of research regarding school-based consultation related to bilingual education issues, guidelines and recommendations are presented within the larger framework of multicultural and cross-cultural consultation. Recommendations for future research regarding school-based consultation related to bilingual education issues are provided.  相似文献   

教育公平:内涵、标准与实现路径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教育公平指所有社会成员平等地拥有接受某种教育的机会.教育公平已经成为国家教育政策的基本目标,但人们对教育公平的理解还存在许多误区.本文对教育公平的内涵进行科学解读,从起点公平、过程公平和结果公平三个方面提出了教育公平度的评价指标体系,并据此提出增进我国教育公平的思路与对策.  相似文献   

This paper is derived from a study of excluded students' perceptions of their educational experience. It is based on the accounts of 33 young people, all permanently excluded from school. Through in-depth, semi-structured interviews a number of salient features of the school experience were raised. One of these features is the students' relationships with teachers. This paper considers excluded students' perceptions of teacher qualities that either foster or hinder the development of positive relations, disciplinary practice as a particularly significant set of interactions that affect relationships, and the hierarchical social structure in which these relationships are formed and operate. The result is an ideal model of the teacher-student relationship based on the excluded students' accounts. This model reconsiders power relations in order to create a set of interactions that recognises the students' non-child status while, at the same time, highlighting teacher-specific responsibilities such as duty of care.  相似文献   

程序公平理论主张对权利的保障和对自由的尊重,旨在保障人们参与某种活动的权利和自由,以此探讨学习机会公平问题,有利于教师维护学生获得公平学习机会的底线。据此,建议教师认清学习机会不公平问题的诱因,关照学习权利和自由的相对性,重视对学生享有学习权利和自由进行指导,以实现程序公平视角下的学习机会公平。  相似文献   

企业进行长期股权投资时 ,其收益确认有两种方法 ,即成本法与权益法。两种方法因其收益确认观点不同 ,因而在使用范围、会计处理等方面有很大区别。本文通过对其基本理论及具体会计任务的比较 ,分析出了两种方法的具体区别及其在一定条件下的相互转化。我们只有理解其联系 ,把握其区别 ,才能在实际工作中运用自如  相似文献   

和谐的师生关系是一切教育教学活动顺利开展的前提。通过定义什么是和谐的师生关系,并分析高职院校师生关系的状况,指出了构建和谐师生关系的重要性。并通过分析和谐师生关系和高职英语教学的关联性,提出了在高职英语教学中构建和谐师生关系的策略。  相似文献   

教育是民族振兴的基石,教育公平是社会公平的重要基础。而我国高等教育至今仍存在一些不公平现象,因此,远程开放教育是实现教育公平的重要途径,其面向全社会各类成员提供学习的条件和机会,提供优质教育,从而缩小数字鸿沟,促进教育公平的实现。  相似文献   

随着美国创客运动的推进,美国的创客教育从高等教育逐渐向基础教育延伸,2016年由1400多所K-12学校联合签署的《创客承诺》便是其显著标志。文章从《创客承诺》的背景、签署、框架和实现条件等方面对《创客承诺》进行了解读,并探讨了《创客承诺》对发展我国中小学创客教育的启示。希望文章的研究有助于了解美国K-12学校的创客教育,并为我国中小学创客教育的开展提供思路。  相似文献   

英国公平入学政策探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英国教育市场化改革,冲击教育公平,尤其影响学生平等入学,于是政府对教育政策进行适当调整:制定法律,保证入学公平;设定准则,确保遴选公正;形成机制,构建公正系统;提起申诉,实现公平入学.这些政策举措值得赞赏,也值得我们思考.  相似文献   

随着教育理念的升级,惩罚教育愈来愈被鼓励教育、赏识教育替代,渐渐淡出了教育市场.这应该是可喜的进步,但是我们做事经常表现出非此即彼、非左即右的两极化倾向.几年来,教育领域由于几乎放弃了惩罚教育,谈"罚"色变、战战兢兢,于是种种问题层出不穷,导致教育出现各种尴尬局面,于是提醒我们要重新认识惩罚教育、审视惩罚教育的价值.把...  相似文献   

当前,农村小学教学硬件建设已经有了很大的改善和进步,但是因学校教学管理不够精细,以至于教学质量提高缓慢。对此,农村小学需要推进精细化管理,提高管理的科学性与实效性,提升教育教学质量和办学水平。  相似文献   

Like most developing countries in the world, there is a huge gap in opportunities to access quality science education between students from the high- and low-socioeconomic strata of Philippine society. In establishing its own science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) high school, despite limited public funding in 1964, the government embarked on a hopeful project for continuously building up its scientific and technological work force to support modern economic development. The initial focus on elite talent development, however, eventually had to give way to legislative reforms that address issues of social equity. Greater accessibility for scholarships by underprivileged students in the provinces was accomplished, first, through the regionalization of its admission system and then, later, through its transformation into a network of science high schools across the nation. In my home country, sustaining equitable access to STEM education also means enhancing school participation through partnerships with community constituents and the private sector.  相似文献   

教育部发布《中小学教师实施教育惩戒规则(征求意见稿)》,公开征求意见,引起社会的广泛关注,一些教育者提出了反对教育惩戒的意见。其实,诸如生物学、哲学、政治学、教育学、心理学、德育学等学科都有相关理论可以作为实施教育惩戒的理论依据。  相似文献   

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