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外文电子期刊数据库捆绑纸本订购模式分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着期刊市场纸本与电子共同出版模式的形成,以及期刊出版业的垄断集团化,为了获取高额利润,一些出版商采取纸本与电子版捆绑销售模式来销售电子期刊数据库,其捆绑模式有保留现有纸本订购、规定一个最低订购额以及提供E-only和纸本+电子捆绑三种形式。随着图书馆馆藏数字化,出版商的纸本捆绑销售出现了一些转变,有的出版商允许用户将纸本刊转成电子刊,有的允许用户取消纸本载体转而支付电子内容费,有的取消纸本捆绑启用E-only模式,但这些转变并没有给用户节省多少费用,并没有在真正意义上取消纸本捆绑,只是出版商换了一种销售方式而已。  相似文献   

Few libraries have been immune to the impact of inflation on journal prices, and many have been involved in extensive journal cancellation projects. To aid in the cancellation decision process, Colorado State University Libraries have been compiling internal statistics on journal usage and merging them with statistics from commercial sources. This paper describes the process and outlines how the collected data can be used both to identify journals for cancellation and to provide justification for these decisions to the campus community.As the inflation rate of journals has outstripped many library budgets, cancellation projects have become a routine part of library collection management for universities. These projects are extremely difficult since decisions have serious implications for the collection and library relations with the academic departments. Deciding which journals should be canceled becomes a serious and frustrating task. Statistical information about a library collection can be a valuable tool in both identifying journals for cancellation and justifying cancellation decisions. The Colorado State University Libraries (CSUL) have been collecting a variety of statistics about the periodicals collection for several years. This article will discuss how these statistics were used in a recent cancellation project.  相似文献   

Library‐led publishing is one of the new approaches to journal publishing and open access that has grown tremendously in the last few years. A 2010 IMLS‐funded survey found that 55% of respondents – from US academic libraries of all different types and sizes – were already implementing or developing a publishing program. Library‐led publishing has garnered such momentum because, by offering low‐ or no‐cost publishing to university scholars, it addresses needs that traditional publishing has not been able to meet. This article presents a series of small case studies to illustrate different journals that have benefited from the library‐publishing model: (i) a journal that struggled to find an affordable publisher in its emerging field; (ii) a small society journal that could no longer afford to support itself in print; (iii) society publications that go beyond the traditional journal format; and (iv) a student journal with a revolving editorial board.  相似文献   

In this article, we summarize the cost implications of print and electronic publishing for scientific scholarly journal publishers, libraries, and scientists. In each case, we developed detailed cost models to demonstrate the importance of factors that affect publishing and decisions made by libraries and scientists to determine whether to subscribe to a journal; if so, in print or electronic medium, and, if not, what alternative information sources to use. In all instances, estimates of unit cost are essential for understanding the dynamics of the economic and systemic interdependencies of publishers, libraries, and readers.  相似文献   

Purpose: To begin investigating the impact of electronic journals on research processes such as information seeking, the authors conducted a pilot journal-use study to test the hypothesis that patrons use print and electronic journals differently.Methodology: We placed fifteen high-use print titles also available in electronic format behind the circulation desk; patrons were asked to complete a survey upon requesting a journal. We also conducted a parallel survey of patrons using library computers. Both surveys asked patrons to identify themselves by user category and queried them about their journal use.Results: During the month-long study, patrons completed sixty-nine surveys of electronic and ninety surveys of print journal use. Results analysis indicated that fellows, students, and residents preferred electronic journals, and faculty preferred print journals. Patrons used print journals for reading articles and scanning contents; they employed electronic journals for printing articles and checking references. Users considered electronic journals easier to access and search than print journals; however, they reported that print journals had higher quality text and figures.Discussion/Conclusion: This study is an introductory step in examining how electronic journals affect research processes. Our data revealed that there were distinct preferences in format among categories. In addition to collection management implications for libraries, these data also have implications for publishers and educators; current electronic formats do not facilitate all types of uses and thus may be changing learning patterns as well.  相似文献   

This article describes a half-day preconference that focused on the library as publisher. It examined how the movement from print to online publication has impacted the roles of libraries and their ability to take on new roles as publishers. The session explored the benefits of libraries becoming publishers, and discussed Open Access, what it is and is not and its importance to libraries and scholarly communication. A detailed case study of the publishing operations of the University Library System at the University of Pittsburgh was presented as an example of a successful library publishing program. The session provided an opportunity for participants to discover ways that libraries can be involved in publishing.  相似文献   

Online use statistics can provide libraries with a tool to be used when developing an online collection of resources. Statistics can provide information on overall use of a collection, individual print and electronic journal use, and collection use by specific user populations. They can also be used to determine the number of user licenses to purchase. This paper focuses on the issue of use statistics made available for one collection of online resources.  相似文献   

在开放存取蓬勃发展和高校图书馆馆藏电子化的大趋势下,高校图书馆的文献保障工作如何适应新的趋势,需要深入研究。本文以武汉大学2013年被SCIE、SSCI和A&HCI所收录文章的期刊类参考文献为研究样本,采用一种针对期刊类参考文献的以年为单位的引文检查方法,匹配世界主要开放存取期刊目录以及武汉大学图书馆馆藏电子和印本期刊目录,研究当前这三类期刊对样本参考文献及来源期刊的收藏和缺藏情况。以此探讨三类期刊在高校图书馆文献资源保障中的特征与趋势,以及开放存取期刊对馆藏资源建设的影响,为高校图书馆进一步优化期刊馆藏体系和提高文献保障率提供科学依据。  相似文献   

韩小亚  徐变云 《出版科学》2016,24(5):97-102
介绍4种国外数字学术出版模式,分别是虚拟图书馆模式、数字仓库模式、学术文集模式、学术社区模式,并分析各种模式的优点和弊端。指出数字学术出版模式处于发展变迁状态,其发展经验与前景为:数字学术出版市场主要集中于院校机构,而非个体消费者;数字学术出版物的发行并不会分流纸版书的销量;数字内容版权的不确定性、不透明性严重影响该领域的发展进程;学术期刊出版和学术专著出版有重叠领域,值得开发;出版商的生存和发展取决于所出版图书的价值和数字化系统开发。  相似文献   

As libraries offer more multi-dimensional study areas and online resources, it is important to understand how print books are being used. The reported decline in print book circulation has largely been based on books checked out of the library without recording in-house use (books used in the library but not checked out). Including in-house use gives a more accurate representation of book circulation, helping to demonstrate the value of the physical library and print collections, and informing collection development. To better understand how our print collections are being used, we analyze holdings, checkout data, and in-house use data by subject, as well as circulation in regard to patron group, library gate count and student enrollment. Our findings show declining use of all print collections with the steepest decline in reference books. The majority of books used in house were not checked out, affirming the need to include in-house use data to provide an accurate picture of print book use and inform collection development. We use our findings to inform the redesign of our reference collection and suggest ways to integrate print and digital formats and promote the value of books and reading.  相似文献   

While law students and faculty are content to research solely online, the librarians at Stetson University College of Law's Dolly & Homer Hand Law Library are actively involving every library department to analyze and develop both the print and digital collection. This case study will analyze the print to digital shift in academic law libraries and its effect on collection development. It will then describe the process of collection management at the Hand Law Library and how the entire library team is used to determine what is required of the collection to best serve our students, faculty, and the public.  相似文献   

The community of scholars and the scholarship industry coexist in a symbiosis. It is sometimes claimed that computers could take over the role of libraries as information migrates from print to electronic transmission, but computing should properly be seen as a new element in the publishing industry while libraries are the property of the community of scholars. There is a wide range of intellectual material, from data through information to works of understanding and imagination, and no single medium is best for every purpose. Computers have much to offer at the data end of the range, but print remains the choice of users for works requiring extended exposition, as well as current awareness publishing.  相似文献   

Librarians are often fond of proclaiming that they are developing digital libraries. The clear evidence however is that the better strategy is to design services to “deliver digitally.” A brief overview of current, past, and future publishing trends will reveal data key to any understanding of evolving policies for preservation of a nation's intellectual output. These data highlight that academic libraries, at least, are presenting homogeneous collections of digital serials. Together with the budget pressures to maintain serial collections, the result is a lack of collecting diversity of the intellectual publishing of interest to academe. Presently, academic libraries in Australia are committing between 30% and 40% of their acquisitions budgets to digital resources. Yet, this cannot buy more than 10% of the published serials output. The availability of serial information will become more and more constrained in the very near future as the range of print serial titles shrinks in accordance with institutional buying power.CAVAL Collaborative Solutions is a consortium of Victorian university libraries and the State Library of Victoria. Established 25 years ago, it enables libraries to pursue projects together. CAVAL created the CARM Centre in 1997 to house one million volumes in state-of-the-art environmental conditions and fire suppression. The CARM Centre is unique in that it is a true collaborative collection of little used research materials. Ownership of materials is relegated to the CARM Centre. Simultaneously, each member takes on ownership of the CARM Centre's total collection. This results in a collection with no duplication, a no-discard policy, and an expectation for 250 or more years or functional service. Moreover, it provides individual libraries with a means of rationalizing collections and the ability to avoid capital expenditures. There are many implications for the member libraries as well as to the library system in Victoria and beyond.  相似文献   

This article re‐examines the economics of publishing scholarly journals and illustrates the dilemma of publisher identity and publication format with a case study of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication's Media Management and Economics division. The study investigates the perceived interest and demand for a society‐published journal for the field of media management and economics and the preferred format for that journal – print or online. Results showed a divided opinion on the support of a society‐published journal and no consideration of the benefits or harms of journal publishing to the society. The print journal, though a desirable format for authors, is deemed uneconomical. The online journal is viewed as a feasible publication outlet, but its status as a prestigious journal is doubtful. Applications of scholarly journal publishing and economic models to the case are discussed.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The research sought to determine the impact of online journals on the use of print journals and interlibrary loan (ILL). SETTING: The Library of the Health Sciences-Peoria is a regional site of the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) Library with a print journal collection of approximately 400 titles. Since 1999, UIC site licenses have given students and faculty affiliated with UIC-Peoria access to more than 4,000 online full-text journal titles through the Internet. METHODOLOGY: The Library of the Health Sciences-Peoria has conducted a journal-use study over an extended period of time. The information collected from this study was used to assess the impact of 104 online journals, added to the collection in January 1999, on the use of print journals. RESULTS: Results of the statistical analysis showed print journal usage decreased significantly since the introduction of online journals (F(1,147) = 12.10, P < 0.001). This decrease occurred regardless of whether a journal was available only in print or both online and in print. Interlibrary loan requests have also significantly decreased since the introduction of online journals (F(2,30) = 4.46, P < 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: The decrease in use of the print collection suggests that many patrons prefer to access journals online. The negative impact the online journals have had on the use of the journal titles available only in print suggests users may be compromising quality for convenience when selecting journal articles. Possible implications for collection development are discussed.  相似文献   

This article provides a perspective on the migration to an electronic-only journal collection in a hospital library and its effect on reference services, information-seeking, and library use patterns. Bellevue Hospital Center in New York, NY is one of the first major teaching hospitals in the United States to begin a fundamental shift to a current, electronic-only journal collection. This article describes the process and develops a model for use by other hospital libraries, with commentary on the impact on reference services to library users. Key findings are that physicians, residents, and nurses have come to expect electronic journal collections and use the Internet in the hospital library to access electronic journals. Similar to many academic health sciences libraries, the reference desk in a hospital library has become more like a technical support desk. Users who contact the library have questions about access to the library's electronic resources or about searching techniques. In the future, medical reference librarians will continue to assist searchers who cannot find what they are looking for and will assist those who repeatedly get results that do not match their information needs.  相似文献   

Objective: This study determines the current awareness journal reading requirements of the users of Stockport National Health Service (NHS) Trust's library. The overlap between requirements and the provision of the NHS Core Content resources, four major electronic journal bundles, and the holdings of North West health libraries is also investigated. Methods: A survey of both hospital and Primary Care Trust staff was conducted, and respondents were required to provide a list of their favourite journal titles. Each requested title was assigned a subject code, and the impact factor was noted. Results: From 135 survey responses, 217 journal titles were identified and 33 category codes were utilized. There was little overlap between the request list and the NHS Core Content titles, but substantial correspondence existed between the request list and the print holdings of North West health libraries. Conclusions: Current awareness journal reading requirements will not be met by the Core Content provision alone. Bundles of titles offer value‐for‐money solutions, but may be at the expense of popular titles. Furthermore, the success of regional document supply schemes may be compromised if large numbers of health‐care libraries replace print holdings with similar electronic journal bundles.  相似文献   

Objective: The research analyzes usage of a major biomedical library''s pre-1993 print journal collection.Methodology: In July 2003, in preparation for a renovation and expansion project, the Biomedical Library at the University of California, San Diego, moved all of its pre-1993 journal volumes off-site, with the exception of twenty-two heavily used titles. Patrons wishing to consult one of these stored volumes could request that it be delivered to the library for their use. In the spring of 2006, an analysis was made of these requests.Results: By July of 2006, 79,827 journal volumes published in 1992 or earlier had been requested from storage. The number of requests received declined with age of publication. The usage distribution exhibited a “long tail”: 50% of the 79,827 requests were for journal volumes published before 1986. The availability of electronic access dramatically reduced the chance that corresponding print journal volumes would be requested.Conclusions: The older biomedical print journal literature appears to be of continued value to the biomedical research community. When electronic access was provided to the older literature, demand for older print volumes declined dramatically.


  • Analysis of requests for stored biomedical journal volumes published prior to 1993 indicates that older biomedical journal literature receives substantial use: during this 3-year study, there were nearly 80,000 requests for journal volumes published in 1992 or earlier, with half the requests for volumes published from 1986–1992 and 40% of the request for volumes published from 1970–1985. These results indicate that retaining older print volumes, or providing easy access to the older literature through electronic journals or other means, will likely be required to meet user information needs.
  • Use of older journal volumes varies by title and by user population, and a small number of journal titles were responsible for most of the use.
  • Requests for older print biomedical journal titles dropped significantly when electronic access became available.


  • Biomedical libraries should carefully consider implications of eliminating on-site access to older journal literature for users and budgets.
  • Removing access to older journal literature may result in higher demand for interlibrary loan and document delivery services.
  • Biomedical libraries can safely substitute reliable electronic access to older literature to meet ongoing needs for this information, thereby creating space for other purposes.

Following a Science and Engineering collection weeding project of over 350,000 print items, our research team conducted interviews with 20 library employees and 19 teaching faculty involved in the project. The purpose of the interviews was to assess the interviewees' perspectives and feelings relating to the time required to complete the project, inter- and intra- library communication, the decision-making processes, and their personal assessment of the costs and benefits of the project. The interviewees also offered their views of the overall project's successes and areas for improvement. Drawing from a qualitative analysis of the interviews, we provide guidance for other academic libraries preparing to undertake their own collection weeding projects including suggestions for what to expect and what to manage throughout the process.  相似文献   

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