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Popular film impacts the work of educators and education in a variety of ways. In this article, the authors examine popular films' portrayals of education and K-12 schooling and higher education instructors from a variety of perspectives. The authors also investigate how education provides a platform for the examination of contemporary cultural concerns. The authors and education graduate students offer recommendations for fruitful viewing. In addition, the authors provide some rationales for further study of education in popular film.  相似文献   

城乡教育一体化是缩小城乡义务教育差距、实现教育公平的重要途径。在城乡教育一体化推进过程中,农村小规模学校有着不可替代的作用。针对农村小规模学校运行中可以放大的优势与不可以放大的优势、可以避免的劣势与不可以避免的劣势,我国可以采取以下策略促进城乡教育一体化:合理推进农村小规模学校标准化建设,保证农村小规模学校教师质量的整体提升,改进农村小规模学校教学评价,加强义务教育的网络资源开发与利用。  相似文献   

This article compares student achievement of fourth graders in charter schools and district public schools in Newark, New Jersey. We find that Newark and New Jersey’s charter schools mirror the educational inequalities of the state as a whole, as well as its Abbott Districts. The data indicate that charter schools are similar to district urban public schools, with pockets of excellence and mediocrity. We measure school performance based on two criteria: actual test score performance, and the difference between actual and predicted performance. We find that some charter schools are able to achieve performance above predicted, given their school and student characteristics, while other schools do worse than predicted. Thus charter schools are not simply a magic bullet, but rather they warrant further investigation to see which practices work and which don’t, especially in a challenging urban setting such as Newark.Jason M. Barr is an Assistant Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, Rutgers University-Newark, Newark, NJ, USA. Louisa Visconti is a Research Associate, Department of Urban Education, Rutgers University-Newark, Newark, New Jersey, USA. Address correspondence to Alan R. Sadovnik who is a Professor of Education, Sociology and Public Affairs and Associate Director, Institute on Education Law and Policy, Department of Urban Education, Rutgers University-Newark, 165 Bradley Hall, Newark, NJ 07102, USA; e-mail: sadovnik@andromeda.rutgers.edu  相似文献   

刘林山 《职教通讯》2019,(15):63-67
中国特色社会主义进入新时代,职业教育深化产教融合、校企合作势在必行。新时代,校企深度融合应达成共同育人目标、应采用灵活多样的模式、应建立骨肉相连的合作伙伴关系、应有多种形式的合作内容等。政府政策如何有效落实、第三方如何正确指导和质量监督、职业院校如何提升服务能力、校企如何沟通交流是难点。破解之策在于:地方政府成立机构,出台可操作实施细则;行业协会搭建引领、指导和监督平台;职业院校建设网络学习空间,提升服务能力;校企之间建立良好的情感融通。  相似文献   

特许学校是美国近十年发展起来的一种新型公立学校形式。本文在介绍绩效责任理论含义和特许学校运动发展的基础上,从“立法”和“特许”的角度论述了特许学校新型的绩效责任制度,并结合图表分析了它与传统公立学校绩效责任的差异,最后简单说明了特许学校是如何发展内外部绩效责任的。  相似文献   

重庆市建设国家统筹城乡教育综合改革试验区,着力推进城乡教育一体化,取得了空间形态城乡共融、社会形态城乡同等、物质形态城乡共享、文化形态城乡共进的重大进展,也明显存在着空间形态“盈亏”、物质形态“梯度”、社会形态“失衡”、文化形态“错位”等现象。针对存在问题和新的区域功能定位,提出从规划调整、经费投入、提升信息化水平、以工程项目为抓手、构建地方性法规体系,完善机制等方面多措并举,持续、深入推进城乡教育一体化对策。  相似文献   

科学的教育政策:教育践行科学发展观的支柱   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
智学  王金霞 《教育研究》2004,25(9):55-59
教育事业的发展需要教育政策的支持,树立科学的教育发展观,首要任务是制定科学的教育政策,这是由教育政策的基本属性决定的:一方面,科学的教育政策以科学发展观为价值取向,受教育发展规律的指导,具有教育理论的特征;另一方面,科学的教育政策作为教育践行科学发展观的支柱,促进教育事业的全面、协调和可持续发展,又具有教育实践的特征。科学的教育政策是将教育理论通过复杂、合理的构建,并系统地作用于教育实践的桥梁。教育理论与教育实践发生作用的过程也是科学的教育政策系统运行的过程、完善的过程、发展的过程。  相似文献   


The population of English language learners (ELLs) and the number of charter school students have both increased rapidly over the past two decades, but no existing research has examined the role that charter school authorizers play to ensure that ELLs have equitable access to charter schools and that those schools implement research-based programs for ELLs. To fill this gap, our exploratory qualitative study employed a multiple-case case study approach to examine how 10 diverse authorizers considered ELLs in their authorizing practices. Guided by Honig’s (2006) three Ps framework (people, places, and practices), we examined how authorizing practices were shaped by external factors, the agency of the actors within the authorizing office, and by the local context in which the authorizer was situated. Overall we found that ELL-related authorizing practices varied widely across the sample, as some authorizers integrated ELLs into their practices, while others paid little explicit attention to ELLs. In terms of place, contextual factors at the state, district, and authorizer levels contributed to the variation. Within the people component of the framework, the commitment of authorizing staff members to improve access and quality for ELLs in charter schools was an important factor, as was the authorizer’s access to ELL-related expertise. We conclude by outlining implications for research, practice, and policy.  相似文献   

新时期学校思想政治教育的纵向综合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国社会全方位的整合与结构调整,学校思想政治教育方法呈现明显的综合化发展趋势,综合教育日益表现出巨大的成效性。依据唯物辩证法关于全面的、发展的、联系的观点,对学校思想政治教育纵向综合的理论依据、现状和遵循的原则做了重点阐述。  相似文献   

本文在剖析高职院校法制教育与德育关系的基础上,论述了目前高职院校在对两者整合过程中存在的不利因素,进而提出相应对策以促进高职院校法制教育与德育的有效开展。  相似文献   

教师教育一体化是当今世界教师教育中的一种重要教育理念。我国高等师范院校的教师教育应借鉴国外教师教育的经验 ,开展高师“一般课程”一体化研究 ,合理调整教师职前教育和职后教育中的“一般课程”的门类和学时比例。  相似文献   

所谓个性,即心理学上称“人格”。人的个性的正常形成和健康发展,是现代德育,尤其是高校德育教育的最重要目标和神圣使命。为此,学校必须努力开展有利于学生个性发展的德育工作。  相似文献   

This research explores the history, philosophies and practices of an “A rated” public charter school (serving infants through 8th grade) in Florida. Participants are the professional educators who were involved in the founding of the school in 1999. Findings are based on semi-structured interviews probing the details of the history of the school and the educators’ beliefs and practices. Analysis of the educators’ responses reveal a strong sense of ownership and investment by the teachers and administrator who were part of the founding of the school, a focus on doing what is wise for children, a culture of autonomy, and a profound respect for children. Prevailing customs of the school include meetings, field studies, and service. Implications are related to school reforms, teacher autonomy and wise practices.  相似文献   

This study presents a model of Transformative Professional Development (TPD) for use in sustained, collaborative, professional development of teachers in urban middle school science. TPD focuses on urban science teacher change and is responsive to school climate, teacher needs, and teacher beliefs with the intention of promoting change in practice. In this study, TPD was used to meet the needs of individual teachers and the collective needs of schools in reform efforts. The experiences of the eight teachers engaged in this process of professional growth, including their changes in practices and beliefs, provide the focus of this paper. Findings in this study revealed that through the use of TPD, participants in this study improved science teaching effectiveness and began to transform their negative school climate and create positive classroom learning environments. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not represent views of the U.S. Department of Education.  相似文献   

目前在中国,城乡教育一体化是一个热点研究领域。通过梳理文献,归纳出主要涉及城乡教育一体化的内涵、研究视角、问题表现、障碍、实现路径等内容;同时,发现国内对城乡教育一体化专门评价和指标体系的研究还很不够,借此,希望引起国内学者的进一步关注。  相似文献   

This article examines a grassroots movement among African-Americans to reestablish Howard W. Blake High School, named for a historically black high school closed during the desegregation process in Tampa, Florida. The establishment of Blake High School was contentious, involving negotiations by multiple and conflicting interests—school officials, black leaders, alumni of the historically black high schools that had existed prior to desegregation, the federal judge overseeing the 1971 desegregation order, and civil rights leaders. Analyzing the debates over Blake's status as a magnet, its location, and its attendance zone, this article highlights the paradox of desegregation for African-American communities in Tampa. This case reveals the tension between the desire for community schooling and the consequences of resegregation.  相似文献   

康德尔的《教育的新时代:比较研究》是其对二战后世界范围内教育出现的一些新形势和新变化的把握和分析。"教育新时代"是一个复数的概念,它受政治、经济、科技、社会、文化等多方面的影响,具有面向生存、面向人、面向国际三个新内涵。康德尔对教育新时代下的比较教育研究进行分析并提出比较教育在目的论、方法论、研究模式、研究切入点等方面的新发展。其观点如比较教育研究对国际视野的关注、对历史和文化的背景的重视以及对研究者问题意识的培养等均具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

于君 《成人教育》2019,(2):56-61
农民工是我国改革开放以及现代化进程中出现的新群体,是推动我国经济社会发展的重要力量。在新的历史时期,农民工的代际分化在不断加速以及就业流动性趋势多元化。农民工职业教育的机会不公、供需脱节以及企业主体缺位等无法满足农民工的教育需求。面对农民工全面城镇化、兼业和创业需求、职业技能和就业结构匹配等方面的新诉求,要从制度、机制、平台、课程等方面全面推进城乡职业教育一体化发展,提升职业教育对农民工的吸引力及实效性。  相似文献   

"比较历史分析"作为一种社会科学研究方法论,具有深厚的理论和实践渊源,被广泛运用于社会科学的各个领域之中。从比较教育学科发展出发,"比较历史分析"既是传统历史研究法的重新修正和再造,也是对实证和结构功能主义的质疑,并在定量和定性研究相融合的推进中不断发展。它注重因果分析和历史次序过程、融合多种社会科学理论和方法、致力于系统化和情景化比较,为比较教育学科发展提供新的可能。"比较历史分析"启发比较教育研究者从知识本质观和价值观构筑新的知识观,然而其自身的局限性亦需要全面、辩证、理性、客观地分析,以更好地推动新时代比较教育一流学科建设。  相似文献   

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