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Since the earliest scholarly journals began, journal literature answered a need to communicate scholarly and scientific findings and preserve a validated scholarly record of accomplishments and areas for further research. Scholars are profoundly interested in the transformation of scholarship and the implications for their disciplines. Librarian expertise within the digital serials realm and partnering with faculty to prioritize learning in the library will imaginatively create opportunities for learning with library resources. Discussing scholarly communication changes and traditions provides excellent common ground for serials librarians to begin conversations with disciplinary faculty.  相似文献   

  • The Society for Scholarly Publishing's (SSP) Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) Committee began as a grassroots initiative in 2016.
  • Over a a period of 4 years, the committee evolved from a six-member task force to a large standing team consisting of more than 25 individuals.
  • The task force developed a strategic plan consisting of three major objectives that formed the basis of the group's strategic initiatives. The committee implemented several DEIA nitiatives that provided education and resources to SSP members about DEIA within their workplaces and promoted DEIA practices in the work that SSP committees were doing on behalf of the organization.

The library’s place in scholarly communication can be emphasized in many different ways. At the Thomas G. Carpenter Library at the University of North Florida (UNF), librarians have been able to preserve, organize, and promote community and academic resources very creatively. The UNF Digital Commons is used as a way to showcase faculty, staff, and university special collections and make them accessible to all users. Library space is also changing to invite faculty collaboration in areas previously devoted to print periodicals.  相似文献   


In the early 2000s, Clifford Lynch and Raym Crow had two different visions for the future of institutional respositories. Using their works as a starting point, T. Scott Plutchak discussed the initial aims of institutional respositories and addressed the dialectic between the view of institutional repositories as providing a method of preserving and nurturing new forms of scholarly communication and that of the institutional repository as a mechanism to transition to Open Access models for scholarly publications. Plutchak concludes that institutional repository librarians should focus efforts on collecting and preserving material outside of the formal publishing program in order to advance the work of our institutions, and to advance what libraries can do.  相似文献   

Important content is increasingly published on the Web, and not all of it is being preserved by large projects such as the Internet Archive's “Wayback Machine.” As new technologies transform the publishing industry, libraries will need to identify new forums for scholarly communication as they develop, and take steps to ensure that relevant materials do not slip through the cracks. Local content, government documents, and database-backed websites are three areas in which libraries may find that existing Web archives do not contain the content that users are likely to need.  相似文献   


Scholarly communication today is in the midst of a healthy and long running crisis that has been good for libraries, good for scholars and good for publishers. It is a reflection of a hypercompetitive academic environment and a ruthless academic winnowing and reward system. Large commercial publishers have successfully manipulated this system with the complicity of library consortia, which has led in turn to the birth of the expensive and at times counter-productive open access movement that later reached its nadir with the problematic SCOAP (Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics) episode. In our obsession with navel gazing we have forgotten the decisive role that China will play in future developments in scholarly communication.

This article originally published in Journal of Library Administration, Vol. 51, Issues 5–6, pages 415–431, 2011. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01930826.2011.589335.  相似文献   

论文分析了网络环境下学术信息媒介的演变引发的学术传播的一系列变化:学者查找信息行为的变化、出现新的学术传播方式、学者之间合作的加强、无形学院的扩大、出现新的学术出版联合体等。  相似文献   

在开放数字网络环境下,学术交流的内涵发生了极大的扩展和变化。以开放存取理念和Web2.0技术应用为主导的新型学术信息交流模式和环境已经极大地改变了传统意义上的学术交流生态。学术交流系统得到重构,非正式学术交流渠道开始复兴,支撑数字科研的学术交流体系正在形成。  相似文献   


This column discusses information literacy instruction through the lens of open access (OA) to better serve researchers who have limited access to scholarship due to cost. After providing a definition of OA, the benefit of OA is exemplified through both researchers who lose access to information, like students, and those who have little access to begin with, like researchers in disenfranchised locations. Information literacy instruction librarians who teach the use of OA resources increase awareness for global researchers, ensure alumni access to scholarship after loss of institutional affiliation, and increase scholarship published in OA mediums, supporting those without traditional access.  相似文献   

This article reports on a study of academic librarians' views of their work and possibilities regarding support for researchers' publishing. Institutional repositories and Open Access are areas being dealt with in particular. Methods used are highly qualitative; data was gathered at two Swedish university libraries over a six month period through focus group interview sessions and personal logs by informants. Findings indicate that attitudes are often in collision with practicalities in the daily work in libraries. Even though they have a high degree of knowledge and awareness of scholarly publication patterns, librarians often feel insecure in the approach of researchers. There is a felt redirection in the focus of academic librarianship, from pedagogical information seeking tasks towards a more active publication support, a change which also includes a regained prominence for new forms of bibliographical work. Although there are some challenges, proactive attitudes among librarians are felt as being important in developing further support for researchers' publishing.  相似文献   

Utah State University is home to a Digital Commons repository and an instance of the Digital Measures activity-reporting tool. The prospect of linking these two systems, such that content is automatically harvested from Digital Measures for upload into the Digital Commons, is alluring. Our initial efforts were abandoned due to lack of faculty permissions and low-quality metadata. However, with the passage of an Institutional Open Access Policy, we resumed investigation. We found that the process of harvesting from Digital Measures and uploading to Digital Commons could be streamlined, if not fully automated. Our initial harvest revealed that human-mediation is desirable.  相似文献   

基于量化研究数据并结合焦点小组和专家咨询研究结果,提出了开放取(OA)知识库建设主体提高科研人员对OA知识库使用意愿的8条策略建议,包括:在功能定位方面,坚持OA知识库信息传播功能的同时适当发挥其学术评价功能;在技术操作方面,加强互操作标准化建设,改善使用界面,简化存储流程;在质量控制方面,采取适当的学术质量控制措施;在版权管理方面,确保论文首发权,并向作者加强版权知识教育工作;在宣传推广方面,针对不同年龄、职称和学科的科研人员开展差异化工作。  相似文献   

Beginning in 2011, the Christopher Center Library Services (CCLS) unit at Valparaiso University (VU) started implementing new scholarly communication services utilizing two different components: (1) the education and training of library staff in scholarly communication trends and issues; and (2) the implementation of ValpoScholar, VU's institutional repository (IR) and its associated services. These components allowed for new skills to be developed, new services to be delivered, and the library's digital collections to grow with minimal impact to existing services. This model may provide a framework for other small institutions interested in adding scholarly communication services to their existing library services.  相似文献   

Objective:Academics are under great pressure to publish their research, the rewards for which are well known (tenure, promotion, grant funding, professional prestige). As open access publishing gains acceptance as a publishing option, researchers may choose a “predatory publisher.” The purpose of this study is to investigate the motivations and rationale of pharmacy and nursing academics in the United States to publish in open access journals that may be considered “predatory.”Methods:A 26-item questionnaire was programmed in Qualtrics and distributed electronically to approximately 4,500 academic pharmacists and nurses, 347 of whom completed questionnaires (~8%). Pairwise correlations were performed followed by a logistic regression to evaluate statistical associations between participant characteristics and whether participants had ever paid an article processing fee (APF).Results:Participants who had published more articles, were more familiar with predatory publishing, and who were more concerned about research metrics and tenure were more likely to have published in open access journals. Moderate to high institutional research intensity has an impact on the likelihood of publishing open access. The majority of participants who acknowledged they had published in a predatory journal took no action after realizing the journal was predatory and reported no negative impact on their career for having done so.ConclusionThe results of this study provide data and insight into publication decisions made by pharmacy and nursing academics. Gaining a better understanding of who publishes in predatory journals and why can help address the problems associated with predatory publishing at the root.  相似文献   


Academic libraries enable a wide range of digital scholarship activities, increasingly as a partner rather than as a service provider. Communicating that shift in role is challenging, not least as digital scholarship is a new field with many players whose activities on campus can be disjointed. The library's actual and potential contributions need to be broadcast to a diverse range of internal and external constituencies, primarily academic staff, university management, library colleagues and related project teams, often with different perspectives. Libraries have significant contributions to offer and a focused communications strategy is needed to embed libraries in digital scholarship and to create new perceptions of their role as enabling partners.  相似文献   

This study examines the scholarly communications community's public response to the global pandemic. A discourse analysis was conducted of press releases, blogs, and website updates across non‐profits, commercial publishers, government agencies, technology companies, and universities to identify (1) the range of support activities immediately undertaken following the proclamation of the pandemic; (2) the language and style of public discourse used, demonstrating how different organizations characterized their responses and roles during the crisis; and (3) specific patterns that emerged among this community related to the process of organizational sensemaking. The findings show that the global community appeared highly adaptive and conceptually aligned in its initial response. Different actors within the community presented distinct identities relative to leadership, advocacy, service, or constituent orientation. More importantly, a majority of organizations demonstrated the use of sensegiving strategies to influence the future state of scholarly publishing, particularly with respect to the expressed desire for greater global collaboration, transparency, quality assurance, and openness. These findings may have implications regarding the future enactment of open and collaborative research publishing, which is especially significant at this stage of the global open science movement's development.  相似文献   

T. Scott Plutchak, director of Digital Data Curation Strategies, gave a talk about managing data, managing expectations, and opportunities to manage your institution in the move to make research data accessible. An historic view of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, the funder’s mandates, and other policy formations set the stage for the discussion of the role of the library in this institutional challenge. In his new role at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, Plutchak operates at The Edge of Chaos, with “data wranglers”— concerned parties from a variety of disciplines who all have an interest in data management and who come together to share ideas and move closer to an innovative solution.  相似文献   

基于最新的西班牙网络计量学实验室推出的世界机构知识库排名数据,利用相关分析原理及SPSS19分析了世界机构知识库排名的评价指标对排名的影响.研究结果显示能见度、学术论文数与世界排名相关性比较强,而网站规模、丰富文件数与世界排名呈现弱相关.依据分析结果,对我国大陆地区的机构知识库建设提出了有益建议.  相似文献   

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