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面向语义Web的智能数字图书馆的实现很大程度上依赖于本体的建立,本体与数字图书馆中的数字资源采集、数字馆藏和用户访问网关都密切相关。在本体构建方面,目前存在的绝大多数本体都是手工生成的,该方法效率低、出错率高,更难以维护和更新。这对语义级数字图书馆的实现造成了巨大的障碍。为此提出了一种面向数字图书馆的本体学习方法GOLF,通过对各专业领域中大量的Web文档集和语料库进行挖掘来实现本体学习,并分别讨论了本体学习中本体概念的抽取、概念之间语义关系的抽取和分类体系的自动构建等关键技术。  相似文献   

Ten myths surrounding evaluation of library collections are debunked and the realities explored, especially those that can subvert the success of strategic planning for the collections. To make collections work pay off for a library and its users, librarians need to gain profound knowledge of their collections and know how they are used. Fundamental to success in these endeavors is evaluating the collections on a regular basis and using the results to build better collections for the future. Establishing what “good” is in objective terms and ways of measuring them is discussed. Using the results to gain friends and influence people toward the library is described. Readers are urged to do all they can to turn this potential into reality.  相似文献   

“Broadcasting” is often cast as an outdated term—we are constantly told that we are in the midst of a digital/social media revolution that will make the unidirectional, mass communication model obsolete. In response, we argue that to consider the continued relevance of terms like “broadcasting” in an era of electronic media is to neither hastily disregard the legacy of these terms, nor cling to them too rigidly. In this special issue of the Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media written and edited by graduate students, we begin a new thread in the longstanding conversation about what it means for media to be “old” and “new.” While this distinction is not one we should take for granted, the articles in this issue all show how we can strategically approach the intricate intersections and interconnections of different media, old and new. As such, this issue collectively calls our attention not to the familiar trope of “old against new,” but rather to the tensions that arise around a “coming of age.” Presenting a wide range of international scholarship from graduate students across many different disciplinary backgrounds, topical literatures, methodological approaches, and theoretical frameworks, this special issue represents an emerging approach to what it means to study broadcasting in an era of electronic media.  相似文献   

After a challenge to librarians by a British journal publisher to consider an alternative “pay only for use” model for journal articles, an extended e-mail conversation took place with the head of collections in one American academic library. That discussion explored issues in the current journal publication system and led to adoption of the model on an experimental basis. In practice, the model shed light on issues, strengths, and weaknesses of alternative and pay-per-view distribution of journal content, as part of an overall collection development strategy.  相似文献   

Museums have the fine task of collecting and preserving history for future generations. By presenting the collections to the public, museums not only document different epochs but also try to look at them via new aspects, widening cultural understanding. In the Municipal Museum of Rüsselsheim, German industrial culture in the Rhine‐Main region is described and understood as a “route” that serves as a conceptual key identifying crucial architectural, historical and cultural resources of the region. In this cultural model, past, present and future are directly intertwined, and the invisible door between the world of museums and the “outside” world has vanished.  相似文献   

[目的 /意义]面对数字资源的智能化、可感知、沉浸式和可互动的未来趋势,三维实体、全景视频等新型资源形态成为记载和传播知识的重要形式。以往用户界面模型难以较好地支撑图博档等公共机构的互动情境式数字文化服务,公众需求和交互情境更迭呼唤沉浸体验、自然流畅的新型交互界面。[方法 /过程]通过对数字馆藏资源与服务、多模交互界面与体验的相关问题进行探讨,提出面向馆藏数字资源的多模交互界面模型;多模交互的信息交换过程须以人的信息加工能力为约束,通过给出多模交互的信息加工模型,剖析虚拟现实情境下馆藏资源的用户交互认知过程。立足面向馆藏资源的多模交互模型,基于“界面-认知-情境”递进逻辑,分析影响用户交互体验的关键因素。[结果 /结论 ]面向馆藏数字资源的多模交互界面模型应由交互模态、交互原语、交互任务三个关联递进的层级构成,以人为核心的多模交互可在多模感知、思维决策和交互执行等阶段增强人类的认知能力。沉浸流畅的用户交互体验取决于界面感知交互模态、心智模型匹配程度、交互情境沉浸维度等关键因素,可为多模交互设计、数字文化服务开展等提供参考。  相似文献   

数字化技术的广泛应用和数字档案馆工程的开展,使数字档案资源的数量迅猛增长,且数字档案资源呈现出分散、多样、异构的特点,从而形成了诸多“资源孤岛”,给档案管理者的实践工作带来巨大挑战。“关联数据作为语义网的最佳实践,是一种新兴的数据关联与集成技术”[1],其发展为解决该难题提供了新契机。基于此,本文从当前档案管理工作实践出发,分析了把语义网相关技术应用于档案管理实践工作中的必要性和可行性,并探讨如何利用关联数据及相关技术实现语义网环境下数字档案资源关联与共享模式,并提出了基于关联数据的数字档案资源关联与共享框架,推动数字档案资源建设工作向知识化、智能化方向发展。  相似文献   

This article describes the development of a system for changing a university library's collection development strategy from the traditional “just in case” model to a “just in time” approach. The reasons for such a change included a desire to be more responsive to user requirements, a need to be more flexible in acquiring interdisciplinary resources and new formats, and a substantial cut in the library's budget. The Collection Development librarians envisioned the collections as a service, using a simpler and more versatile accounting structure. The Access-Based Collection Development (ABCD) model emphasizes making materials available at the point of need rather than having them on hand in anticipation of use. ABCD has four overarching themes: to be sustainable, to be holistic and inclusive, to be flexible and scalable, and to use evidence for decision-making. The authors provide details of the implementation, outcomes, evaluation, and future of the model.  相似文献   

Abstract Over the last decade, hundreds of planetariums worldwide have adopted digital “fulldome” projection as their primary projection and presentation medium. This trend has far‐reaching potential for science centers. Digital planetarium capabilities extend educational and cultural programming far beyond night‐sky astronomy. These “digital domes” are, in essence, immersive visualization environments capable of supporting art and live performances and reproducing archeological sites, as well as journeying audiences through the local cluster of galaxies. Their real‐time and rapid‐update capabilities set them apart from giant screen cinemas. Studies suggest that well‐designed immersive mediums communicate concepts better, create a greater interest in learning, and are more effective than a movie screen or television at conveying scientific concepts. This article introduces digital domes as a new medium, then discusses ways in which the potential of these environments might be tapped in the future to meet scientific and cultural needs in museums of all types.  相似文献   

Although his works were almost ignored for many years, on William Shakespeare's 400th birthday he is considered to have been the greatest wordsmith using the English language. Although Shakespeare's plays are fun, and are eagerly attended by the general population when presented as “entertainment” and not as “culture,” television, if the frequency of presentation is any guide, has not considered them in the mainstream of popular entertainment. This is a mistake, as the ratings and the popular accpetance of such romps as the 1956 production of “Taming of the Shrew” should prove. The following article reviews some of the major productions of Shakespearean plays over American television. This list includes most of the network presentations although many more productions have been aired over local stations. In addition, many people may have had their interest in Shakespeare aroused by other programs (such as Dr. Frank Baxter's “Shakespeare on TV”) that discussed these works, or by filmic presentations seen on the “Late Show” or its equivalent. One particularly interesting non‐network series was the BBC presentation of “An Age of Kings,” a weaving into chronological order of Shakespearean historical plays that dealt with the story of the English throne during the 14th and 15th centuries. This series of 15 television programs was seen on a number of educational and commercial television stations in the United States, and afforded the extensive audience an opportunity to witness and appreciate both the history of England and the genius of its most famous author.  相似文献   

“Snow Fall” is a Pulitzer Prize winning, digital storytelling project produced by the New York Times. It represents the next step in long-form digital journalism. The web application tells a compelling story about the fate of sixteen skiers and snowboarders during an avalanche. The textual element of the story is wrapped in a slick interface with gently appearing and disappearing images, strategically positioned HTML5 video and image slideshows, maps, and 3-D visualizations. Its title, “Snow Fall,” has become a verb in the digital journalism world. Upon seeing “Snow Fall” and other similar projects, the authors started to make the connection between this form of storytelling and Special Collections. Special Collections are full of interesting, rich, and unique stories. Their digital representation, however, while widespread in systems such as ContentDM, can be lacking in sensory appeal. Because of this, the authors developed a “Snow Fall”-like application for a Special Collections’ exhibit, “Cradle of Coaches,” in the fall of 2013. In addition to this exhibit, they have developed two more using the same template. They feel that this is a new and exciting medium to tell the stories within special collections and archives, as well as general stories about libraries themselves.  相似文献   

Abstract Film archives offer unique opportunities for co‐curation between collections‐based institutions and members of the public. By making available source materials and the tools to manipulate them, institutions can work with the public to develop new interpretations of their collections as well as to tap into the remixing and sharing cultures of social and digital media. Digital co‐curation projects can develop relationships with audiences that many institutions find difficult to engage, developing alternative narratives and reclaimed histories. This paper describes the evolution of an approach to co‐curation and the tools and strategies needed to engage users. It focuses on London Re‐Cut, a project to remix London’s film history, drawing on material from 11 film archives across the city. Projects such as London Recut suggest that audiences have both the enthusiasm and the skills to open up this radical “remix” approach to interpretation.  相似文献   

在万物互联时代,边缘计算的出现弥补云计算的不足,将影响智慧档案馆建设的模式。本文从边缘计算的概念及发展历史出发,阐释边缘计算的特点,在总结智慧档案馆特点的基础上,分析智慧档案馆建设引入边缘计算的优势。在此基础上,提出智慧档案馆建设的“云边模式”,分析数字档案馆模式由“个体模式”向“云模式”再向“云边模式”的演进过程。最后分析智慧档案馆发展边缘计算需要解决的边缘计算部署、信息安全与用户隐私、多源异构平台数据共享等问题,以期建设更加智慧的智慧档案馆。  相似文献   

There is a trend among academic libraries to increase collaboration between interlibrary loan and collection development to improve patron access to materials and build library collections. Instead of borrowing returnable materials, interlibrary loan may initiate purchases that will become part of the library's collection. This can mean anything from an organizational change combining interlibrary loan with the acquisitions unit or creating new workflows to facilitate purchasing. At the University of North Texas Libraries, the Interlibrary Loan office is a unit of the Access Services Department. Buying instead of borrowing for the ILL unit began with a Demand Driven Acquisitions (DDA) program and has expanded with the establishment of the University of North Texas Libraries' access-based collection development policy. Interlibrary Loan provides “Just-In-Time” (JIT) access to materials not available through regular interlibrary loan sources and adds relevant materials to the Libraries' collections.  相似文献   


Key points

  • Testing for accessibility after extensive changes to a website and addressing them as technical debt is unsustainable in the long term.
  • To stay modern and efficient, providers of digital content to academic institutions should build accessibility into development.
  • For JSTOR, working with participating institutions to understand their concerns was essential to reaching WCAG 2.0 AA conformance.
  • With Artstor recently joining ITHAKA, we face the challenge of making a visual archive accessible.

The “Digital Heritage: Spotlight on Europe” column examines technological advances internal and external to cultural institutions. The digital shift changed radically how cultural heritage is made, disseminated, distributed, accessed, consumed, and monetized. One of the most important revolutions is that the user's role changed dramatically, shifting from passive observers to active participants and content producers with many new and exciting opportunities for engagement, creative use, and access. The strength of the column is its broad, international focus, and contributors are encouraged to explore issues and recent advances in digital heritage theories, methodologies, standards relevant to the European region, as well as the larger, global audience. Interested authors are invited to submit proposals and articles to the column editor at annamaria.tammaro@unipr.it. Please include “ILLR submission” in the subject line of the e-mail.  相似文献   

The long-term preservation and long-acting utilization of digital resources are currently a hot topic internationally. In the past several years, library market budgets showed rapid and steady growth in China. The fast growth posed a challenge to the long-term storage of digital resources. Four years ago, the China National Publications Import & Export (Group) Corporation launched a digital resource platform “CNPeReading” to build bridges between upstream content providers and downstream customers, in which an integrated service model including a long-term storage implementation was presented. So far, CNPeReading has made satisfactory progress in providing better user experience, lower latency and higher availability for library customers. Also, many overseas publishers have rapidly adapted to the Chinese institutional markets through the CNPeReading platform.  相似文献   

Column Editor's Notes

The “Digital Heritage: Spotlight on Europe” column examines technological advances internal and external to cultural institutions. The digital shift radically changed how cultural heritage is made, disseminated, distributed, accessed, consumed, and monetized. One of the most important revolutions is that the user.s role changed dramatically, shifting from passive observers to active participants and content producers with many new and exciting opportunities for engagement, creative use, and access. Interested authors are invited to submit proposals and articles to the column editor at annamaria.tammaro@unipr.it. Please include “IILR submission” in the subject line of the email.  相似文献   

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