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以分析当前文化转型和现阶段社会性格特征为背景,阐释了以《百家讲坛》栏目为代表的中国“电视讲坛”类栏目的生存状态和发展走向,指出《百家讲坛》栏目的成功不仅在于其定位的准确性,更在于其注重栏目策划和多样化运作,选择了切合大众需求的传播方式和内容,符合当前中国文化转型时期所特有的社会性格。  相似文献   

我国的电视文化同世界各国一样,其主体属于大众文化的范畴。人们之所以产生电视没文化的印象,主要是因为精英阶层对电视文化的过高要求。同时,电视人自身定位失误和相对栏目而言的素质欠缺也是令人产生电视没文化的原因。  相似文献   

中国电视荧屏上的文化栏目主要有四类 :对外宣传形象、传统文化型、时尚文化型和读书栏目。文化栏目的受众定位比较模糊 ,结构形态各异 ,电视语言比较工整。文化栏目主持人应该是学者型的主持人。目前的文化栏目不一定具有文化品位 ,而且市场经济意识比较薄弱。坚持文化的位置固然难能可贵 ,但如何在市场经济体制下生存是文化栏目不可回避的现实处境  相似文献   

讲坛文化在整个世界范围有着悠久的历史渊源。从社会层面上说,当前的讲坛文化正成为现代国民生活的一种文化现象,已是一种公共文化形态和大众文化中喜闻乐见的形式之一。  相似文献   

本文从青海电视纪录片未来发展入手,从立足本土,突出优势,多样化发掘本土资源、精英文化与大众文化的结合、合作共赢与栏目化播出方式、改善投资运营模式、纪录片的叙事化五个层次论述和分析其发展策略。  相似文献   

《百家讲坛》是家喻户晓的电视讲坛类栏目,通过《百家讲坛》一炮走红的易中天现在更是被大家广泛关注的人物。以“易中天现象”为切入点来分析《百家讲坛》运作的成功以及存在的问题,并试图提出对整个电视学术论坛节目的一些建议。  相似文献   

《百家讲坛》是家喻户晓的电视讲坛栏目,通过《百家讲坛》而一炮走红的易中天现在更是被大家广泛关注的人物。作者运用传播学的相关理论,以“易中天现象”为切入点,来分析《百家讲坛》定位和运作的成功以及存在的问题,而且试图提出对整个电视学术论坛节目的合理化建议。  相似文献   

大众文化与现代媒介如广播、电视、报刊、广告、网络结合起来,既是市场经济飞速发展的产物,也是改革开放以来经济牛活与社会文化生活的特殊的表现方式.大众文化的迅猛发展对社会经济、政治、文化的冲击,不断地刺激着大众的消费心理,使得大众文化具有了快捷性."大众文化不但能把坚硬难嚼的学术苦果变成可口精美的快餐,同时,还能把种种文化泡沫调制成色香味俱伞的‘佳肴'.  相似文献   

从“品三国”到“谈论语”,从电视讲坛到热销书……一种文化现象透视出不同的文明进步观念1月12日,国家语言资源监测与研究中心和北京语言大学等机构发布了“2006年中国报纸、广播、电视十大流行语”。在文化类中,“于丹”、“易中天”赫然在列。教授人气赛过明星,成了2006年  相似文献   

扫荡西方学术界的后现代主义思潮,在当代中国更多表现为一种社会现象、文化氛围和文化语境,并与大众文化对应契合,尤其在电视文化上,体现为一种带有后现代倾向的电视大众文化。其中,观众所喜爱的电视剧也成为这种文化的表征,成为一种文化符号。本文用后现代思想家吉恩—弗朗索瓦.利奥塔(Jean-Francois Lyotard)的思想,分析了韩剧中体现的"微小叙事",进而进一步解析了韩剧在我国热播的原因。  相似文献   

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VALIDITY AND RHETORIC IN PHILOSOPHICAL ARGUMENT: AN OUTLOOK IN TRANSITION. By Henry W. Johnstone, Jr. University Park, Pennsylvania: The Dialogue Press of Man &; World, Publishers, 1978; pp. 155. $4.95.

POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY AND RHETORIC: A STUDY OF THE ORIGINS OF AMERICAN PARTY POLITICS. By John Zvesper. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1977; pp. vii+237. $19.50.

THE EDUCATION OF A PUBLIC MAN: MY LIFE AND POLITICS. By Hubert H. Humphrey. Ed. by Norman Sherman. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday &; Co., 1976; pp. xiii+495. $5.95 (paper).

GOD, CHURCH, AND FLAG: SENATOR JOSEPH R. MCCARTHY AND THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, 1950–57. By Donald F. Crosby. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1978; pp. xv+307. $16.95.

CHAMBER THEATRE. By Robert S. Breen. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice‐Hall, 1978; pp. 124. $5.95 (paper).

PERSPECTIVES ON CROSS‐CULTURAL COMMUNICATION. By Carley H. Dodd. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co., 1977; pp. 109. $4.95 (paper).

INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION. By L. E. Sarbaugh. Rochelle Park, N.J.: Hayden Book Co., 1979; pp. 148. $6.95 (paper).

INTERCULTURAL AND INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION. Edited by Fred L. Casmir. Washington, D.C.: University Press of America, Inc., 1978; pp. xx+814. $21.50.

FOUNDATIONS FOR CONVERSATION: ITS ART AND TECHNIQUES. By George P. Rice. North Quincy, Ma.: Christopher Publishing House, 1979; pp. 161. $6.95.  相似文献   

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The author's conviction that the marketing of family planning must be done in the same manner as any other commodity is outlined. The family planner must 1) motivate, 2) make efficient use of physical location, and 3) educate. Some comments on the importance of nonclinical education of the consumer are presented. The education family planning must acquire an "aura of normality" within the standard educational process such that is image in the public's mind is brought out from behind the ignorance of the past.  相似文献   

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In responding to David Kline's view that the role of mass communications was overemphasized to the neglect of formal and nonformal education, focus is on the position that education is a function of a properly constructed communications program for family planning and that the function is a channel for communication between the program personnel and the audience. The attempt is made to examine the conclusions reached by Kline, consider the conclusions in terms of the historical development of information and education activities in family planning, and to conclude with the presentation of a program framework for communication that identifies education as 1 of 2 channels to audiences. Kline is incorrect in maintaining that public information is overemphasized and in his suggestion that education has been neglected, but he is correct in his view that nonclinic education activities have been neglected. In trying to find more and better ways of communicating, attention must focus on the audience for family planning and how the audience learns. Information and education are the 2 channels for communication with the family planning audience. Information -- a 1-way process -- implies the use of the mass media. Education assumes the capacity for response. Both 1-way and 2-way messages assist in learning and decision-making; audiences learn more and make better decisions when many messages from many sources are provided.  相似文献   

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