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学校作为青少年性教育的主要阵地,其作用的发挥程度关乎青少年的健康成长。瑞典是世界上推行学校性教育最早和最成功的国家之一,在发展过程中积累了许多值得他国借鉴的经验。文章概述了瑞典学校性教育的发展历史,分析了瑞典学校性教育的特点,并在此基础上总结出对我国开展学校性教育的启示:转变落后封闭的性教育观念;建立和健全我国学校性教育实施的法律法规体系;全面系统地开展学校性教育;建立全方位的学校性教育支持体系;加强学校性教育的师资队伍建设。  相似文献   

中学生正在走向成熟,处于人生观形成的时期。面对成长过程中的许多性困惑,青少年需要科学的性教育。性教育不只是为了减少、防范青少年性过失或性变态,更重要的是让他们学会保护自己,爱护自己,调节自己,发展自己,建立起正确的性道德观念。这样,他们就会挣脱不良性心理的羁绊,把精力放在学习上,顺利完成中学阶段的学习任务,为形成正确的人生观铺平道路。所以,中学生通过科学的性教育正确认识性是十分重要的。邬迪同学的这篇小论文就从多个角度对中学生性教育的问题进行了阐述,对同学们进一步认识性和性教育的问题大有裨益。  相似文献   

本文主要从"三生教育"理念出发,阐述了幼儿园性教育的必要性、存在的问题以及可行性建议。首先从实际层面和理论层面论证幼儿园性教育的必要性,然后针对社会性观念陈旧和幼儿园性教育经验匮乏两方面的问题提出了幼儿园性教育的解决办法:树立正确的性教育观念、设置合理的性教育内容、探索性教育的多种途径。  相似文献   

16~25岁这个年龄段的青少年,最需要性知识。我国每年有近2000万青少年进入青春期,因此,性教育任务十分艰巨。这些青少年在遇到发育过程中身体形态、生理、心理等变化时,往往不知所措,而早期性教育的好坏将决定青少年此后一生的性观念。在这个关键时期,与其让学生偷偷摸摸得到错误的知识,形成错误的观念,不如大大方方地传授给他们正确的性知识,帮他们树立正确的性道德和性观念。  相似文献   

青春期是由儿童发育到成年的过渡时期,是个体发育突飞猛进的阶段,是性成熟的阶段,是决定一生的体格、体质、心理和智力发育的关键时刻。由于缺乏正确的性教育,很多父母和教师没有及时采取适当的方式和方法,或多或少地都给青少年身心健康、学习成长、工作提高、事业发展和社会进步带来了一系列的矛盾和困难。因此,作为专门从事基础教育工作的中小学教师来讲,就应该了解青少年青春期的特点,特别是青少年性发育方面的特点,正确认识青少年性教育的重要性,并掌握正确的教育方法,才能保证在家庭、社会等方面的配合下使青少年得到健康、和谐、全面的发展。一、性教育的概念对于“性教育”,人们有着不同的认识,比如,有人认为性教育就是生理卫生教育,或者具体点儿说,就是有关人的生殖系统知识的教育,有人认为性教育无非就是讲人类怎样繁殖后代,讲男女的性生活,也许还有人一听到“性教育”,就想到了“性”,进而又想到“淫秽”“黄色”甚至“青少年犯罪”,把“性教育”与“性教唆”等同起来……  相似文献   

近年来 ,随着教育观念的更新和教育理论的拓展 ,科学的性教育在青少年成长过程中的重要性逐渐引起社会各界的重视 ,针对青少年特点开展的性教育研究逐渐增加 ,但是盲聋儿童的性教育仍然处于空白阶段。本文试图从心理、生理等基础研究着手 ,探讨加强盲聋儿童性教育的思路、方法和手段。  相似文献   

通过对一个青春期性教育心理个案的分析辅导,结合家庭教育、学校教育和社会环境在青少年性教育上的问题,指出开展青少年性教育的重要性,并进一步提出家庭、学校和社会对青春期性教育的途径。  相似文献   

究竟该由谁来对青少年实施性教育?从目前来看,实施性教育的机构主要是家庭、学校、医务界和大众传播媒介。但从青少年成长的环境看,家庭是他们成长的主要环境,而父母则是他们的第一任老师,因而实施性教育的主体还是家庭。如何给成长中的孩子一个健康的性心理,如何使孩子树立正确的性道德观,这是每个父母都应该认真对待的问题。  相似文献   

随着科学发展的不断深入和青少年性发育的不断成熟,青少年的性观念、性心理发生了重大的变化。许多研究表明,我国青少年普遍存在性科学知识缺乏与不准确的情况,导致青少年心理上的困惑和苦恼。因此,青春期性教育已经成为一项紧迫的社会工程。了解中职生性教育的现状,以便为制定和实施有针对性的青春期性教育计划提供依据,笔者于2009年4月对漳州卫生职业学院云霄教学点的中职生进行了问卷调查。  相似文献   

青少年性教育是现代学校教育的重要内容,而我国青少年性教育现状却不容乐观。当前青少年性教育存在的诸多问题归根结底在于没有对青少年的性观念做好价值引导。要解决好性观念的价值引导问题,就必须采取相应对策加强青少年性教育。  相似文献   

Teaching a course on sexual offenders presents instructors with a variety of challenges, including teaching students who may be sexual assault victims. Faculty must work to overcome preconceived, often erroneous, student beliefs about sex offenders, which have been influenced by the media’s reporting on the subject. This paper is the result of teaching undergraduate and graduate class on sexual offending for thirteen semesters. This article serves as an instructional tool to create a balanced class structure that prepares the instructor on how to remain unbiased and objective in the face of emotional, political, and religious opposition from the students. Specific subject topics, course material, assignments, and in-class activities are examined as a learning platform to disseminate information on sex offending and the sex offender registry.  相似文献   

Lessons of love: Psychoanalysis and teacher-student love   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
What is the relation of love and pedagogy? Two recent phenomena have called into question whether love has any place within pedagogy at all: teacher‐student sexual scandal and the standardization movement. As love walks the thin line between inspiration and sex, and as standardization has assumed love to be synonymous with bias, it has become more important than ever to provide a clear account of love and its relation to teaching. For this account, I turn to Lacanian psychoanalysis and, in particular, to Lacan's contentious claim that “There is no such thing as a sexual relationship.” Through an explication of Lacan's position on love, I conclude that love not only has a place within pedagogy but is necessary for it.  相似文献   

实验教学是高中生命科学教学中的重要环节,合理运用显微数码互动系统能在一定程度上克服传统生物实验教学的局限性。研究表明,运用该系统在提高课堂效率,增加师生沟通、实现资源共享,推动高中生命科学基础型、拓展型、研究型三类课程发展等方面发挥了积极的作用,提升了高中生命科学实验教学的质量,并带来实验教学观念上的更新。  相似文献   

This article reports on a study in which a new conceptual framework for fostering a positive attitude towards teaching in higher education (PATTHE) was developed. The PATTHE framework builds on a holistic four-dimensional theoretical concept and is not limited by the specificity of teaching within a particular discipline or national higher education context. The four dimensions of PATTHE pertain to (a) emotional dimension, (b) professional development, (c) constructivist approaches to teaching, and (d) the teaching and research nexus; all of which are relevant for empowering quality teaching at personal, institutional and/or national higher education policy levels. The purpose of our study was to test and analyse this conceptual framework. Creative qualitative research methods were used including identification of keywords, evoking participant opinions through visual materials, reactions to vignettes, and by documenting discussions regarding the proposed PATTHE conceptual framework. A purposive and critically informed approach was used for the selection of twelve higher education experts as research participants. Responses from the selected education developers were collected through an online protocol system. Research results revealed that participant reflections on a positive attitude towards teaching showed a high level of agreement with the proposed conceptual framework; the proposed theoretical concept is thereby deemed well-constructed and acceptable with minimal extensions.  相似文献   


Evidence exists about the increasing rate of sexual involvement, decrease in age of first sexual experience and the existence of different forms of sexual aberration such as prostitution, sexual exploitation and rape among Nigerian youth. In spite of these problems sex education has not been included in the framework of the formal education system in Nigeria. The introduction of sex education in our formal school system is now necessary not only to provide adolescents with valuable knowledge about sex, but also as a means of averting risks associated with unplanned coital sex such as teenage pregnancy, illegitimacy and other medical and psychological risks. This paper attempts to answer questions related to such issues as who should teach sex education, whether sex education should be taught as a subject or integrated into some or all school subjects, the content of sex education and how sex education materials should be presented. It is anticipated that the introduction of sex education in the formal school system is likely to lead to some conflicts with cultural and religious norms and with existing sex knowledge which youths have from their peers, magazines, pictures and pornography.  相似文献   

In the face of differences about how sex should be taught to young persons, and consistent with a liberal principle of neutrality, educationalists can adopt one of two strategies. The 'retreat to basics' consists in teaching only a basic agreed code of sexual conduct, or a set of agreed principles of sexual morality. The 'conjunctive–disjunctive' strategy consists in teaching the facts of sexual activity together with the various possible evaluations of these facts. Both strategies are beset with significant and insuperable difficulties. Perhaps one should presume only to teach sex in a way that maximises the foundational liberal ideal of autonomy.  相似文献   

One strategy for implementing learner-centered teaching is through the preparation of teachers and their induction into the profession. This article presents case studies of three secondary science teachers that follow them from their science teacher education program that advocated teaching for conceptual change as one approach to learner-centered teaching into their first years of teaching. The article’s purpose is to describe the teachers’ initial conceptions of teaching science carried over from their teacher preparation program, and how they integrated those conceptions with the environmental influences of their classrooms and schools to produce praxis. Data were collected from the participants in several different ways during the participants’ pre-service year and during their first year or two of teaching: Observation of the participants’ teaching; related interviews with participants; and their action research journals. As they approached the end of their first or second year of teaching, all three teachers demonstrated increased levels of confidence in their teaching competence, both in their classroom performance and their places in their departments and schools. None of them had, however, fully implemented conceptual change teaching approach that was the specific goal of their teacher preparation program.  相似文献   

The paper attempts to start from the cognitive linguistic view and explore teaching methods of English idioms by using the conceptual metaphor theory.It aims to analyze the following three teaching methods:building idiom teaching on the analysis of conceptual metaphor,categorizing the source domain of conceptual metaphor,comparing the similarities and differences between metaphors of Chinese and English.Through the above analysis,the paper arrives at the conclusion that conceptual metaphor knowledge is an important premise for the deep understanding of English idioms and that teachers need help students heighten their sense of conceptual metaphors so as to better understand and memorize English idioms.  相似文献   

近年来,概念图、思维导图、流程图等可视化教学工具在教学中的运用越来越多。高中物理知识抽象复杂,学生理解起来比较困难,因此将概念图引入高中物理教学非常必要。文章以高中物理"曲线运动"一章为例,从课前、课中、课后这三个阶段,对基于概念图的可视化教学进行了探讨,并给出了具体的教学案例。  相似文献   

性健康教育是将性生理、性心理、性道德、性法律、性伦理和人格塑造等融为一体的综合性教育。农村小学开展性健康教育最主要的阻力是:认识上的误区、教材仪器设备等媒体资源匮乏、师资水平参差不齐和教育主体相互推诿职责。克服阻力的对策包括:树立正确的性健康教育观,编写具有适应性的校本教材,加强师资队伍建设,学校、家庭和社会三方密切配合。  相似文献   

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