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素质教育政策是推进素质教育全面深入持续发展的关键因素之一。为了更好地发挥素质教育政策的巨大作用,应该进一步明确素质教育政策的价值取向,重视素质教育政策的制度创新。新时期素质教育政策的主要价值取向应该是:以人为本、公平、和谐、现代化。制度创新主要体现在政策制定的思路和整体推进上的突破。  相似文献   

新中国高考政策变迁的历程蕴含了一定的价值倾向,总体上是从政治价值取向到经济价值取向,最终回归到以教育的价值和人的价值为中心的全面价值取向。今后高考政策应该坚持以本体价值为核心的全面价值取向,程序更加科学化、民主化,建立高考政策的评价机构和制度,以推进高考政策高效运行。  相似文献   

在探讨教育对社会的作用及其主要表现的基础上,深入分析了我国素质教育的价值取向。提出在我国实施素质教育的过程中,应该坚持“以个体发展为基础,以社会进步为主导”的教育价值取向,这对于全面推进素质教育的实施具有重要意义。  相似文献   

当前教师流动政策有两种价值取向:公平取向和效率取向。公平取向的教师流动政策受到更多省份的推崇,但其本身存在诸如推进困难、容易导致教育质量下降等缺点。因此,应该允许效率取向教师流动政策的存在和继续探索,开展公平取向的教师流动时应该做好各项准备工作。  相似文献   

实施素质教育的目标是促进学生的全面发展,提高学生的综合素质.其核心是培养学生的创新意识和创新能力。而创新教育是以培养人的创新意识、创新能力为基本价值取向的教育,实施创新教育是推进素质教育的有效途径,也是素质教育和时代发展的客观要求。  相似文献   

创新教育是培养创造力的教育。江泽民同志指出:“创新是一个民族进步的灵魂,是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力。”创新教育是以培养学生创新精神和创新能力为基本价值取向的教育。在21世纪的今天,基础教育所面临的最大问题是全面推进素质教育,而在中小学实施创新教育则正是当前推进素质教育的重点。  相似文献   

创新教育是培养创造力的教育。江泽民同志指出:创新是一个民族进步的灵魂,是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力。创新教育是以培养学生创新精神和创新能力为基本价值取向的教育。在21世纪的今天,基础教育所面临的最大问题是全面推进素质教育,而在中小学实施创新教育则正是当前推进素质教育的重点。在  相似文献   

知识经济的特征中,最本质的是智力资源和无形资产的占有、配置及不断创新。创新人才是知识经济的主要特点。创新教育,是在全面实施素质教育中,以培养人的创新精神和创新能力为基本价值取向的教育。实施创新教育,必须努力克服我国传统教育中的弊端,大力推进教学改革。  相似文献   

知识经济的特征中,最本质的是智力资源和无形资产的占有、配置及不断创新.创新人才是知识经济的主要特点.创新教育,是在全面实施素质教育中,以培养人的创新精神和创新能力为基本价值取向的教育.实施创新教育,必须努力克服我国传统教育中的弊端,大力推进教学改革.  相似文献   

大学生素质教育之我见   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
“素质教育”被国家正式认可,并在全国各级各类教育中推进以来,取得了一定成效。但当前素质教育的推动还主要体现在中小学阶段,大学阶段的素质教育该如何推进呢?笔者建议:突出培养创新精神和创新能力;加强人文教育;注重价值取向和自主建构的统一。  相似文献   

节庆活动组织创意与创新之研究——以客家桐花祭为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"一窝蜂"的模仿与复制,活动创意与创新不足,文化论述不够,文化、社会与经济发展重点未能兼顾等,让台湾节庆活动近年来渐呈没落萎缩之势。台湾客家桐花祭在迈入第8个年头之后,也慢慢呈现老化和创新不足。要有效提升客家桐花祭活动创意与创新,必须更加提升活动营销和科技整合的能力;活动的企划及执行过程,应更有效整合小区相关利益人士的意见,重视活动的内涵与质量,强化外地游客吸引力,以消费者和游客为导向,创造小区商机;就政策面而言,主管机关的辅导培育政策应该有较长期性的规划与基础性扶植的思考。如此,客家桐花祭"整体统筹、企业加盟、县市执行、小区发展"的经营模式,才能更加顺畅运作,客家桐花祭的"文化扎根、振兴产业、带动观光、活化客庄"的愿景与目标才能更加深化。  相似文献   

Traditional ties between “arts” education (that is, discipline-based arts subjects and activities in schools) and an emergent notion of “creativity” in educational discourses and policy documents are loosening, with implications for both. While creativity seems to be on the ascendant, the arts may not be as fortunate; creative skills and capacities are emerging as a central focus of twenty-first century learning, while the arts continue to fight for room in an overcrowded curriculum. In this article, we examine some policy-level shifts in focus towards creativity and its conflation with innovation, and its trickle-down effects in secondary and tertiary learning environments. Central to this analysis is the diffuse and often contentious constructions of discourses of creativity, and its inability to be clearly and consistently defined or measured in the education sector. The need to quantify creativity and its presence in schools is on the rise, and this article tracks its implications for teacher education, policy development and curriculum and pedagogical evolution in the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

社会的发展推动教育的发展,也促进教育的改革。社会对人才的需求和更高的要求使素质教育成为我国教育一个基本方向。加强艺术教育是实施素质教育的重要举措。戏剧有其自身的特征和作用,在艺术教育中戏剧教育在情感教育、兴趣教育、能力教育、创新教育等方面更有其独到的功能。我们应该提倡和推广通识性戏剧教育,为通才成长提供更多的舞台。  相似文献   

This article, which is speculative in outlook and emerges from an extended literature review on this subject, takes as its basic premise the notion that the idea of ‘creativity’– whether in relation to literacy, schooling or the economy, is constructed as a series of rhetorical claims. These rhetorics of creativity emerge from the contexts of research, theory, policy and practice. Initially, we distinguish 10 rhetorics, which are described in relation to the philosophical or political traditions from which they spring. The discussion then focuses on four rhetorics – play, technology, politics/democracy and the creative classroom – which have most relevance for understandings of literacies and the way in which these are nurtured, encouraged and expressed in different social settings. This article aims to summarise the rhetorics and their major concerns, while considering how selected ones might apply to an instance of media literacy. Key questions addressed in this article ask whether creativity is more usefully understood as an internal cognitive function or an external cultural phenomenon; whether it is a ubiquitous human activity or a special faculty; whether it is necessarily ‘pro‐social’ or should be dissident; and what the implications of a culturalist social psychological approach to creativity might be for analyses of the media literacy of children and young people.  相似文献   

Creativity and the way it could be supported in schools is understood differently by policy makers, practitioners and scientists. This article reviews, with a chronological lens, the development of policies that include teaching creativity and teaching for creativity. The epistemic tensions between the intentions of government and the nature of creativity as it emerges in learning or scientific work is introduced and reflected upon. There have been more than nine key educational policies that have been introduced over the last 50 years. Each of these are considered in this article and related to the ways that creativity is understood and expected to be taught, supported or enacted in schools by policy makers. In light of the need to support creativity as a key twenty-first-century skill, to ultimately enable current students (who will become the next generation of scientists) to develop the capabilities to address global concerns, this article highlights issues related to this issue. Epistemic insights are offered that relate to the development of aspects of creativity, including questioning, developing alternate ideas, ‘seeing’ things differently, innovation, curiosity, problem solving and evaluating. The ways that policy related to creativity in science appears not to recognise how creativity can be reified in these ways in schools suggests the need for rapid review, especially in light of the upcoming international creativity tests in 2021.  相似文献   

The article aims to reform Korean textbook policy through analysing national curriculum alignment in authorized school textbooks and assessing their quality management. The research was conducted with 14 different types of approved middle school physical education textbooks that were examined for the creativity embedded in Korea’s current national curriculum. The research outcomes indicate great disparities in the creativity of the examined physical education texts. Also, the textbooks focused only partially on the aim and method of the mandated curriculum. The findings suggest a lack of creativity, which is a guiding principle of nationally authorized textbooks. Thus, Korean textbook policy needs to be changed in two important ways. First, the classification of creativity must be made part of the compilation criteria, and second, creativity must be reinstated as part of the authorized textbook screening process.  相似文献   

教育学在借鉴心理学关于创新能力研究的同时,必须认识到自己独特的学科视域,这样才能更好地培养学生的创新能力.在教育学视域中,创新能力概念中的"新颖性"指的是学生个体意义上的新颖性,创新能力培养的目标应当是多维度的,同时学生的创新能力还应符合道德性的要求.  相似文献   

实施素质教育是提高民族整体水准的奠基工程,是培养学生美术技能和创造力的重要途径。为了适当现代化审美文化和创造力发展的新形势,培养有创造能力的美术人才,美术教育必须适应素质教育的需要,体现其本质与内涵。  相似文献   

解决民生问题的关键在于政府在做出各种政策的时候要充分考虑到差异机会平等。差异机会平等在增加社会物质财富、维护社会公平与正义、激发社会创造活力以及维护社会稳定等方面发挥重要作用,对于民生问题的解决、和谐社会的构建具有重要意义。当前,差异机会平等理念应成为现时代政府解决民生问题的政策价值取向。  相似文献   

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