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Emily M. Slager and D'Arcy J. Oaks describe the coaching philosophy that helped the Student Life departments at The Ohio State University excel at the sometimes daunting process of outcomes‐based assessment.  相似文献   

As part of an overall evaluation of the Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment, (GLOBE) program, we designed a Web-based assessment environment to measure students' environmental awareness and data analysis skill. It was expected that students who were identified as high implementers in the GLOBE program would outperform low implementers in their ability to construct environmental inferences and the degree to which they could analyze environmental data. Seven high and middle school classrooms were identified as either high or low GLOBE implementers depending on the amount of atmospheric data they had collected during the year. Within each classroom students were assigned into smaller learning groups of three students per group. A total of 32 groups participated in this study. Analysis of students' responses to the tasks revealed that the students differed in their performance. Overall, the results showed that students in the high implementing classrooms were more likely to construct higher-level environmental inferences than students in the low implementing classes. Contrary to expectations, middle school students were more likely than high school students to solve the data analysis problem correctly. However, upon further analyses, high school students constructed more data graphs and were more skilled in providing correct evidence to support their decision making than were middle school students in GLOBE. This study confirms the viability of using technology-based assessments for measuring students' environmental awareness and data analysis.  相似文献   

本文运用模糊数学方法对学生宿舍设计方案进行评价。首先对2010年全国大学生数学建模竞赛的D题就四种宿舍设计方案的经济性、舒适性、安全性三个指标使用模糊聚类分析法得到了4种宿舍设计方案关于上述三个指标的排序。继而赋予经济性、舒适性、安全性三个指标以不同的权重,运用模糊综合决策对4种宿舍设计方案进行了综合排序。  相似文献   

PISA评价研究是世界教育发展的新动向,该项研究的参与国家之多,时间跨度之长,是人类教育史上所罕见的。这项庞大的评价研究的系统工程启动后,在世界教育发展中起到了积极的推动作用。该文在介绍PISA概况、该项研究的测验项目和有关结果的基础上,评析其在世界上产生的重要作用。  相似文献   

基于人工神经网络的研究生课程评价模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在研究生网上课程评价系统收集的大量数据基础上,构建了一种基于人工神经网络的多指标课程评价模型,并将网上调查的结果以连接权的方式赋予该评价模型进行训练。通过实际评价数据的验证,该模型能够准确地按照实际评价的过程进行工作。  相似文献   

本文结合具体案例介绍了PISA测评化学学科素养的特点,提出PISA试题在化学出题上,对创设情境的注重、互动性的问答方式以及开放性的评分方式都是鼓励学生应用知识、分析解决实际问题的好借鉴。  相似文献   

"四水平分层"评价:大学生思想道德评价的新方式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"四水平分层"评价是大学生思想道德评价的一种新方式,它主张以认知、情感、行为作为一级评价指标,从动机和实际表现相结合的新视角,对它们的发展水平分为四个层级进行评价.它克服了以往"知"与"不知"、"行"与"不行"两级评价方式以及缺失情感和动机评价的不足,以分层发展性用语代替以等级或得分表达评价结果的方式.这种新探索是对思想道德评价国际难题的积极回应,它有利于全面、准确、深入地把握大学生思想道德状况,提高评价的客观性和现实价值,强化和实现评价的预测和发展功能,有效提升教育的针对性和实效性.  相似文献   

本文从分析一份得分极低的小学生数学试卷入手,引出了分数评价的局限性和不足,认为可以从整个教育过程以及学生整体发展的角度来重新理解学生评价,并在此基础上提出了一种新的评价视角,即通过观察与倾听、描述与理解而进行的描述性学生评价.  相似文献   

We compare three control charts for monitoring data from student evaluations of teaching (SET) with the goal of improving student satisfaction with teaching performance. The two charts that we propose are a modified p chart and a z‐score chart. We show that these charts overcome some of the shortcomings of the more traditional charts for analyzing SET data. A comparison of three charts (an individuals chart, the modified p chart, and the z‐score chart) reveals that the modified p chart is the best approach for analyzing SET data because it utilizes distributions that are appropriate for categorical data, and its interpretation is more straightforward. We conclude that administrators and faculty alike can benefit by using the modified p chart to monitor and improve teaching performance as measured by student evaluations.  相似文献   

美国"全国学生参与度调查"(NSSE)是一项在全国范围内调查四年制本科学生对有效学习活动投入程度的年度研究.该调查通过对"学生投入到有效学习活动中的时间与精力"以及"高校在多大程度上促进学生更好地参与"这两大因素的分析来评价学生的学习效度和高等院校的质量.NSSE调查注重学生真实的学习经验,关注高校的教学能力,是一项真正基于学生学习和高校教学的院校评价方式.  相似文献   

Technical writing instruction often operates in isolation from other components of students' communication education, partly as a consequence of assessment practices that lead to a narrow perspective. We argue for altering this isolation by moving writing instruction into a position of increased programmatic perspective, which may be attained through a means of assessment based on educational outcomes. Two models of technical writing instruction, centralized and diffused, are discussed, and we show how outcomes-based assessment provides for the change in perspective we seek.  相似文献   

多元智能评价观下的高校学生评价改革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多元智能理论的核心观点是重视培养人的解决问题的能力,而不仅仅是解答问题(或笔试)的能力。多元智能评价就是以促进发展的评价观,通过全面、客观地评价学生、开发学生的多元智力潜能,促进学生解决问题能力的发展,实现全体学生综合素质的全面提升,这对目前高校学生评价理念、评价内容与评价方法的改革具有重要的启示作用。  相似文献   


A course on deep ecology was designed with cognitive and experiential aims. Conventional methods were used for the first aim; less conventional class and home-journal exercises were used for the second aim. At semester's end, students evaluated the course and reported high levels of learning and fun. They appreciated not only the concepts but also the experiences of reconnecting to the natural world, namely, greater awareness, deeper attachment, and metaphysical involvement.  相似文献   

自2002年秋季开始,我市在新课程国家省级试验区中率先进行8年级物理新课程实验,作为一名教师,能率先走进物理新课程,参与新一轮课程实验,这对于从教者来说,既是一次机遇,又是一种挑战.尤其在8年级物理新课程实验过程中,如何进行学生评价,是我们普遍地十分关注却又感到特别棘手的问题,因为,它没有现成的经验和模式,要靠我们去探索.一学期来,笔者在自己的教学中,运用成长记录袋这种方法进行学生评价,边实验边从中探明这种评价方法的基本观.下面是我的点滴体会和一些做法,仅供实验区的同仁们商榷.  相似文献   

This article reports the effects of program characteristics and faculty activities on students’ experiences and, ultimately, the development of students’ analytical and group skills. Data come from nationally representative samples of 4,330 seniors, 1,243 faculty members, and 147 engineering program chairs on 40 campuses nationwide. Findings indicate that program characteristics and faculty behaviors and values have significant, if relatively small and largely indirect, effects on student learning by encouraging (or discouraging) certain kinds of student experiences, which, in turn, influence student learning. The results point to a need for more complex designs than are typically adopted in most learning outcomes studies. Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Institutional Research, May 16, 2006, Chicago, IL.  相似文献   

What are the purposes of state-wide student assessment? Why do state testing programs seldom inform state policy? Why is it essential for these programs to be based on state curricula? Who should be accountable for improving the learning outcomes of students?  相似文献   

The conceptual understanding of student engagement entails a necessary relationship between institutions and individuals. Several decades of research have revealed the empirical relationship of student engagement and desirable student outcomes, as well as the myriad intervening factors that influence engagement levels. However, there is a critical gap in the research literature as to the specific programmatic features of college practices that best foster student engagement. In an era of dwindling resources and increasing demand for higher education access and student success, this understanding is critical for utilizing scarce resources and developing programs with the most impact. This essay argues that despite such high impact or promising practices continually studied and shown to have a high impact on student engagement levels, a more systematic investigation of these practices, structurally and collectively instead of topically, is needed to further our conceptual understanding of engagement and how to encourage it at the intersection of the student in the community college context.  相似文献   

基于WEB的学生模型研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
该文在传统ICAI的认知模型的基础上,探讨了基于WEB的学生模型的设计思想,详细阐述了基于WEB的学生模型的逻辑结构、构建方法,并提出了一种实用的基于WEB的学生模型,最后提出了该领域研究中的难点和存在的问题。  相似文献   

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